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Created May 18, 2014 19:35
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fn an_if_test_that_returns_a_None_out_expr_should_run_the_conseq_branch() {
let mut env = Env::new(
Some(vec!(~"x")), Some(vec!(Atom(Integer(42)))),
let in_expr = parse_str(~"(if (set! x 37) (quote conseq) (quote alt))");
let out_expr = {
let env_borrow = &mut env;
eval(in_expr, env_borrow).expect("should return an Expr")
assert_eq!(out_expr, Atom(Symbol(~"conseq")));
assert_eq!(env.find_scope(&~"x").get(&~"x"), &Atom(Integer(37)));
src/schemers/ 605:23 error: cannot borrow `env` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
src/schemers/ assert_eq!(env.find_scope(&~"x").get(&~"x"), &Atom(Integer(37)));
<std macros>:1:1: 14:2 note: in expansion of assert_eq!
src/schemers/ 605:74 note: expansion site
src/schemers/ 601:38 note: previous borrow of `env` occurs here; the mutable borrow prevents subsequent moves, borrows, or modification of `env` until the borrow ends
src/schemers/ let env_borrow = &mut env;
src/schemers/ 606:6 note: previous borrow ends here
src/schemers/ fn an_if_test_that_returns_a_None_out_expr_should_run_the_conseq_branch() {
src/schemers/ }
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