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Created January 31, 2015 12:27
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  • Save olsonpm/e61f0233b518bacd9d37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save olsonpm/e61f0233b518bacd9d37 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sass fresh pull -> install -> test
> node-sass@2.0.0-beta pretest <path to my dir>/node-sass
> jshint bin lib test
> node-sass@2.0.0-beta test <path to my dir>/node-sass
> mocha test
✓ should compile sass to css with file
✓ should compile sass to css with data
✓ should compile sass to css using indented syntax
✓ should throw error status 1 for bad input
✓ should compile with include paths
✓ should compile with image path
✓ should throw error with non-string image path
✓ should render with --precision option
✓ should contain all included files in stats when data is passed
{ file: '/some/other/path.scss',
contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
{ file: '/some/other/path.scss',
contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and fires callback with file and contents
{ file: '/some/other/path.scss',
contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
{ file: '/some/other/path.scss',
contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and fires callback with file and contents
{ file: 'stdinfoo', contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
{ file: 'stdinbar', contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
✓ should override imports with "data" as input and returns file and contents
{ file: '<path to my dir>/node-sass/test/fixtures/include-files/index.scssfoo',
contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
{ file: '<path to my dir>/node-sass/test/fixtures/include-files/index.scssbar',
contents: 'div {color: yellow;}' }
✓ should override imports with "file" as input and returns file and contents
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
npm ERR! not ok code 0
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