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Last active May 4, 2021 16:38
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Console word game with Python
import random as r
guesses = 9
def format_word(guessed_letters, word):
This function helps to format our secret word with
the letters that have been guessed correctly. For
example, if the secret word is PYTHON and only 'n',
'o' and 'p' have been guessed correctly, P---ON is
formatted_string = ''
for letter in word:
if letter in guessed_letters:
formatted_string += letter
formatted_string += '-'
return formatted_string
def display_info(guessed_letters, word):
This function takes in the guessed letters and the
secret word and generates the required data i.e. the
number of guesses left, the letters that haven't been
tried yet etc. from the provided data.
available_letters = ' '.join([
letter for letter in letters if letter not in guessed_letters
print(format_word(guessed_letters, word))
print(f'Guesses left: {guesses}.')
print(f'Available letters: {available_letters}.')
def check_guess(guess, word, guessed_letters):
This function takes in the guessed letters, the
secret word and the new guess. It checks if the
guess is valid and prints the appropriate message
if it's not. The [display_info] function is then
global guesses
if guess in letters and len(guess) == 1 and guess not in guessed_letters:
if guess in word:
print('Good guess!')
print('Bad guess!')
guesses -= 1
if len(guess) != 1:
print('You must enter one letter, no more, no less!')
elif guess.upper() not in letters:
print('Your guess has to be a letter!')
elif guess in guessed_letters:
print('This letter has been tried already!')
display_info(guessed_letters, word)
def can_be_formed_from(letters, word):
This function accepts two strings and returns true
if the second string can be formed from the letters
of the first.
for letter in word:
if letter not in letters:
return False
return True
def play_game():
This is the entry point of our game. This is
where the user is prompted for their guess. The
necessary checks are then carried out.
word_list = ['programmer', 'python', 'defenestrate']
secret_word = r.choice(word_list).upper()
word_length = len(secret_word)
guessed = []
print(f'You have chosen a/an {word_length}-letter word.')
while guesses > 0:
guess = input('Enter a letter: ')
guess = guess.upper()
check_guess(guess, secret_word, guessed)
if can_be_formed_from(guessed, secret_word):
return print('YOU WON!')
print('You ran out of guesses.\nYOU LOST!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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