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Light Introduction to Android Platform Graphics Internals

This introduction describes the key functionalities of platform graphics components. It is only to give an overview. Always read the source code.


The source code of libhardware is located at hardware/libhardware. It mainly provides

int hw_get_module(const char *id, const struct hw_module_t **module);

to dlopen hardware modules. Given id, hw_get_module searches for

  • <id>.<ro.product.board>.so
  • <id>.<ro.board.platform>.so
  • <id>
  • more names

in /{system,vendor}/lib{64,}/hw. For example, to search for gralloc module on angler, it will try


Once loaded, modules cannot be unloaded. The only method provided by hw_module_t is

int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
            struct hw_device_t** device);

open opens a device. id is a module-specific device name. For example, it should be gpu0 for gralloc.


The gralloc module manage graphics buffers. The interface is defined by hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/gralloc.h. It mainly provides

int (*alloc)(struct alloc_device_t* dev,
             int w, int h, int format, int usage,
             buffer_handle_t* handle, int* stride);

int (*free)(struct alloc_device_t* dev,
            buffer_handle_t handle);

int (*lockAsync)(struct gralloc_module_t const* module,
                 buffer_handle_t handle, int usage,
                 int l, int t, int w, int h,
                 void** vaddr, int fenceFd);

int (*unlockAsync)(struct gralloc_module_t const* module,
                   buffer_handle_t handle, int* fenceFd);

alloc allocates a graphics buffer satisfying the given properties. It is worth noting that format includes YCbCr formats and usage includes camera, video encoder/decoder, hwcomposer, etc. free frees the buffer.

lockAsync locks a region of a buffer for CPU access. If fenceFd is not negative, it will be signaled only when it is safe for the module to really lock the buffer (e.g., when GPU is done rendering to the buffer). Likewise, unlockAsync may return a fenceFd that is signaled only when it is safe for other components to access the buffer (e.g., safe for GPU to sample from). There are also synchronous versions of lockAsync and unlockAsync.

The definition of buffer_handle_t is

typedef struct native_handle
    int version;        /* sizeof(native_handle_t) */
    int numFds;         /* number of file-descriptors at &data[0] */
    int numInts;        /* number of ints at &data[numFds] */
    int data[0];        /* numFds + numInts ints */
} native_handle_t;

typedef const native_handle_t* buffer_handle_t;

Since ints and fds can both be serialized, this allows buffer_handle_t to be sent to another process.


The hwcomposer module manages displays and display overlay planes. The interface is defined by hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hwcomposer.h.

An overlay plane can have many states:

  • Z-order, which planes occulde which planes
  • geometry, position and size of a plane on the display
  • visible region, region visible on the display and occuldes other planes
  • transform, rotations and flips
  • source crop, a rectangle of pixel data that will be read and scaled to fill the plane
  • colorspace, how pixel values are interpreted
  • sideband stream, such as TV signal input
  • blend mode, how a plane blends with or occuldes other planes
  • plane alpha
  • solid color
  • composition type, use pixel data, sideband stream, or the solid color

Once all states of all active overlay planes of a display have been programmed, the client is expected to validate them. If the module cannot support some overlay planes, it will tell the client to change the states or to composite them manually. After successfully validated, the client can present the layer contents to the display.

Each overlay plane that sources pixel data has a buffer_handle_t and two fences. An acquire fence that is signaled when it is safe for the mdoule to access the buffer. A release fence that is signaled when it is safe for other components to access/reuse the buffer.

There is also a retire fence associated with each presentation. The fence is signaled when the presentation is replaced by another one.

There can be unlimited number of overlay planes, since the module is allowed to ask a client to composite planes manually. This makes overlay planes virtual. There can also be virtual displays. Virtual displays function as frame producers and can be consumed by applications to record a screen, cast to a remote display, etc.

The asynchronous nature of the module also requires a client to register three callbacks

  • hotplug callback that is invoked when a physical display is connected/disconnected
  • vsync callback that is invoked when a vsync event happens on a display
  • invalidate callback that is invoked to request a new frame be presented

libutils and Smart Pointers

Headers for libutils are located at system/core/include/utils. libutils, among others, provides strong and weak pointers.

sp works similar to std::shared_ptr, except that its implementation is more intrusive. It requires the managed objects to provide two methods: incStrong and decStrong.

Some classes such as ANativeWindow provides incStrong and decStrong directly. Others such as NativeHandle inherit from LightRefBase which provides the two required methods using a std::atomic<int32_t>. These are ad-hoc, however. Most classes simply inherit from RefBase.

RefBase provides the two required methods for sp. Beyond that, it provides required methods for wp. wp works similar to std::weak_ptr, except that its implementation is again more intrusive. It pretty much requires the managed objects to be derived from RefBase. The trick played by RefBase is to new a weakref_type in its constructor and let wp manage the weakref_type. This weakref_type can outlive RefBase.


The source code of libui can be found at frameworks/native/{libs,include}/ui. It provides some useful utility classes:

  • Point for 2D integer coordinates (x, y)
  • Rect for 2D rectangles (left, top, right, bottom)
  • Region is a vector of Rects

All of them are flattenable, meaning they can be serialized to a buffer, sent to another process, and deserialized.

There are also GraphicBufferAllocator and GraphicBufferMapper that are both wrappers to gralloc module. GraphicBufferAllocator wraps gralloc's alloc/free while GraphicBufferMapper wraps gralloc's lockAsync/unlockAsync.

Finally, there is GraphicBuffer. GraphicBuffer makes it much easier to work with gralloc: allocate new graphics buffers, reallocate graphics buffers, import graphics buffers from another process, etc. GraphicBuffer is also flattenable.

Binder and Service Manager

Binder is an IPC mechanism used for for in-process and cross-process RPC. Every remote call is a transaction. The transaction data consists of a plain part that is copied verbatim and an array of flat_binder_object. A flat_binder_object can be one of these

enum {
    BINDER_TYPE_BINDER      = ...,
    BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE      = ...,
    BINDER_TYPE_FD          = ...,

When a process sends its remotable object (that is, a service) in a transaction, it refers to the remotable object as a BINDER_TYPE_BINDER. When another process receives the remotable object, it instead gets a BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE, which is just a uint32_t. Conversely, when a process makes a remote call to a remotable object, it refers to the remotable object as a BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE. The receiving process gets a BINDER_TYPE_BINDER.

When a process only has weak reference to a remotable object, it will use BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_HANDLE. The receiving process will see a BINDER_TYPE_WEAK_BINDER. It is also possible to send a file descriptor to another process using BINDER_TYPE_FD. This is how a graphics buffer is shared with another process.

The source code of service manager is located at frameworks/native/cmds/servicemanager. Service manager is special in that it can always be referred to by any process using BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE with handle value 0. It provides a service that works as a name server. Remotable objects can register themselves to service manager using well-known names such as SurfaceFlinger. Users of such remotable objects can use the well-known names to look up the handles of remotable objects.


The source code of libbinder can be found at frameworks/native/{libs,include}/binder. At the lowest level, it provides BBinder to be inherited by remotable object classes and BpBinder as a wrapper to BINDER_TYPE_HANDLE handle. Both classes inherit from an abstract class IBinder, which provides this method among others

virtual status_t transact(uint32_t code,
                          const Parcel& data,
                          Parcel* reply,
                          uint32_t flags = 0) = 0;

The method is very close to the binder protocol, and it is tedious to flatten each remote call into a Parcel, make a binder transaction, and unflatten the result out of another Parcel. There's got to be a better way.

A remotable object Foo built on top of libbinder is usually expected to define these classes:

// an abstract class that defines the interface of Foo
class IFoo : public IInterface {
    virtual int method1(int val) = 0;

// a class that unflattens call arguments out of a Parcel and flattens
// call results into a Parcel
class BnFoo : public BnInterface<IFoo> {
    virtual status_t transact(uint32_t code,
                              const Parcel& data,
                              Parcel* reply,
                              uint32_t flags = 0);

// a class that implements the interface
class Foo : public BnFoo {
    virtual int method1(int val);
// a class that is the opposite BnFoo: it flattens call arguments into a
// Parcel and unflattens call results out of a Parcel
class BpFoo : public BpInterface<IFoo> {
    virtual int method1(int val);

The local process (that is, the service provider) implements class Foo. When a remote process gets the handle to the remotable object, it wraps the handle in a BpBinder, and then wraps the BpBinder in a BpFoo. This way, the two processes can implement/use Foo without knowing it is remotable/remoted.

One caveat is class Foo must be thread-safe. When a transaction arrives at a local process, and there is no thread ready to serve it, libbinder would spawn a new thread, capped at like 15 threads per process. Methods of Foo are called by those threads.


The source code of libgui can be found at frameworks/native/{libs,include}/gui. libgui mainly defines the interfaces between a surface composer and its clients. The only surface composer implemented is called SurfaceFlinger.

The interesting methods defined by ISurfaceComposer are

virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection() = 0;
virtual void setTransactionState(const Vector<ComposerState>& state,
                                 const Vector<DisplayState>& displays, uint32_t flags) = 0;

Every application generally calls createConnection once to establish a connection to the surface composer. This gives the application an ISurfaceComposerClient to

virtual status_t createSurface(
        const String8& name, uint32_t w, uint32_t h,
        PixelFormat format, uint32_t flags,
        sp<IBinder>* handle,
        sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>* gbp) = 0;

handle is used to identify the surface for state changes: position, size, z-order, crop, etc. The application buffers all state changes into a vector of ComposerState locally and calls setTransactionState to apply all changes in one go. gbp is used to dequeue buffers for rendering and queue buffers back, to be consumed by the surface composer.

Applications do not make calls to the surface composer directly. WindowManager that is a part of the system server makes those calls on their behalf. WindowManager does not make those calls directly either. libgui provides higher-level classes such as SurfaceComposerClient, SurfaceControl, and Surface to wrap the lower-level interfaces. WindowManager works with the higher-level classes. Of them, Surface both wraps IGraphicBufferProducer and inherits from ANativeWindow. It is what gets passed to eglCreateWindowSurface or vkCreateAndroidSurfaceKHR.

A BufferQueue has a producer end and a consumer end. The two ends implements IGraphicBufferProducer and IGraphicBufferConsumer interfaces respectively. When a SurfaceFlinger client creates a surface, a BufferQueue is created by SurfaceFlinger and the producer end is returned back to the client. A client may also create a BufferQueue directly and locally. The scenario is, for example, to put decoded video frames into the producer end and feed them to GLES pipeline on the consumer end through EGLImages.


The source code of libGLESv* can be found at frameworks/native/opengl/libs/GLES2. libGLESv* provides dispatch stubs for all known GL commands

void glFoo(...) {
    gl_hooks_t::gl_t const * const _c = &getGlThreadSpecific()->gl;
    if (_c) _c->glFoo(...);

getGlThreadSpecific returns the thread-local const gl_hooks_t * stored in the TLS slot TLS_SLOT_OPENGL_API. TLS_SLOT_OPENGL_API is like a preallocated pthread_key_t, except it enables less indirections and is more efficient. The returned pointer is set up by libEGL during eglMakeCurrent.

In reality, the stubs are actually written in assembly instead of the slower C shown here.


The source code of libEGL can be found at frameworks/native/opengl/libs/EGL. libEGL manages vendor EGL/GLES driver by looking for

  •, and

in /{vendor,system}/lib{64,}/egl. There was a time that there could be multiple vendor drivers, mainly for hardware-accelerated driver and software-based driver to coexist. But that seems to have changed. libEGL now functions as a thin wrapper to vendor's libEGL, and provides some driver independent error checks and functionalities.

The vendor driver is represented by a global variable gEGLImpl of type egl_connection_t. gEGLImpl has dispatch tables that point to vendor's EGL/GLES entrypoints. At eglMakeCurrent time, TLS slot TLS_SLOT_OPENGL_API is set to the correct (v1 or v2) GLES dispatch table, which is used by the system's libGLESv* to dispatch to the vendor driver.

(libEGL provides 256 dispatch stubs in gExtensionForwarders for eglGetProcAddress to return for unknown extension functions. Since libEGL can support only a vendor driver now, that may not be necessary anymore.

libEGL also installs a dummy gl_hooks_t before eglMakeCurrent. getGlThreadSpecific should never return NULL. I wonder why dispatch stubs in libGLESv* check for NULL. With the ability to support multiple vendor drivers gone, I am not entirely sure about the value of dispatch stubs.

There also appears to be dead code here and there. For example, GL_EXT_debug_marker could be removed since GLTrace is deprecated.)


The source code of SurfaceFlinger can be found at frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger. It uses everything from above to composite windows/surfaces/layers and display the final results.

Command Line Tools

The source code of start and stop is located at system/core/toolbox. They speak with init (pid 1) over system properties and start/stop init services respectively.

There are many useful command line tools whose source can be found at frameworks/{native,base,av}/cmds.

service talks with the special binder service, service manager, to list, check, or even call remote services registered with the service manager.

All libbinder-based services support several methods: dump, shellCommand, etc. dump can be invoked using dumpsys. shellCommand can be invoked using cmd.

screenrecord can record the display to a .mp4 file. It does so by creating a virtual display and feeding all frames into a media codec.

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