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Created November 12, 2012 23:59
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Replacement for arcpy.AsShape function as it doesn't work...
Helper class to read and write geojson objects in ArcGIS as a replacement for
the arcpy.asShape(geojson) function. Requires ArcGIS installation...
Creation includes creating a geojson object from an ArcGIS feature class,
feature or geometry.
Reading is more complex. This module includes support for Feature Collections,
Features and Geometry. All geometry types are supported except for
GeometryCollection which is unsupported by ArcGIS. Feature collections must have
the same geometry type.
CRS support is included, but only for EPSG codes at this point (if the epsg code
is in the projection string we search for it with regex "epsg:\d\d\d\d\d?"
Motivation for this module came from the lack of ESRI support for geojson. As it
currently stands geometries created in ArcGIS without a projection are rounded
to three decimal places
@author: om_henners
import arcpy
import os
import json
import tempfile
import copy
import shutil
import logging
from contextlib import contextmanager
logger = logging.getLogger("GIS.%s" % __name__)
def _fc_insert_row(fc, spatial_ref=None):
assert arcpy.Exists(fc), "%s does not Exist!" % fc
logger.debug("Creating insert cursor on %s" % fc)
rows = arcpy.InsertCursor(fc, spatial_ref)
row = rows.newRow()
yield row
logger.debug("Inserting row")
del row
del rows
except Exception, e:
raise e
def _get_point(pnt, sr=None):
Createa an arcpy Point object from a list of x, y, [z], [whatever]. The
GeoJSON spec spports Z values but nothing else (assuming you want to
implement that yourself) so we will do the same.
geom = arcpy.Point()
print pnt
[geom.X, geom.Y,] = pnt[:2] #will return the entire array if there are only two coordinates
if len(pnt) > 2:
##according to the spec, points must be x, y, [z], [whatever else]
##we will support Z values, but no others
geom.Z = pnt[3]
return geom
def _get_array(coords):
Return an arcpy.Array() object based on an input GeoJSON coordinates list.
array_obj = arcpy.Array()
#print type(coords[0])
for pnt in coords:
geom = _get_point(pnt)
return array_obj
def _read_point(geojson_coords, sr):
geom = arcpy.PointGeometry(_get_point(geojson_coords), sr)
return geom, "point"
def _read_multipoint(geojson_coords, sr):
geom = arcpy.Multipoint(_get_array(geojson_coords), sr)
return geom, "multipoint"
def _read_linestring(geojson_coords, sr):
geom = arcpy.Polyline(_get_array(geojson_coords), sr)
return geom, "polyline"
def _read_multilinestring(geojson_coords, sr):
array_obj = arcpy.Array()
for coords in geojson_coords:
geom = arcpy.Polyline(array_obj, sr)
return geom, "polyline"
def _read_polygon(geojson_coords, sr):
#weirdly, holes are separated in polygons as null point values in the
#array - see
#on output only though - apparently in a multipart polygon arcpy does not
#support cooincident polys - probably reasonable
array_obj = arcpy.Array()
for coords in geojson_coords:
geom = arcpy.Polygon(array_obj, sr)
return geom, "polygon"
def _read_multipolygon(geojson_coords, sr):
#AFAIK ArcGIS doesn't actually support the creation of multipart polygons
#from the command line. So instead, return a set of polygons to be
#processed individually.
#Therefore we will return a set of geometries, and
logger.debug("Reading multipolygon")
geom_list = []
for poly in geojson_coords:
poly_obj = arcpy.Array()
for coords in poly:
geom_list.append(arcpy.Polygon(poly_obj, sr))
geom = _dissolve_multipart(geom_list)
return geom, "polygon"
def _dissolve_multipart(geom_list):
folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
shape_list = []
for geom in geom_list:
unique_name = arcpy.CreateUniqueName(os.path.join(folder, "xxx.shp"))
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(geom, unique_name)
merge_file = arcpy.CreateUniqueName(os.path.join(folder, "xxx.shp"))
arcpy.Merge_management(shape_list, merge_file)
dissolve_file = arcpy.CreateUniqueName(os.path.join(folder, "xxx.shp"))
arcpy.Dissolve_management(merge_file, dissolve_file)
out_poly = None
for row in arcpy.SearchCursor(dissolve_file):
out_poly = copy.copy(row.SHAPE)
shutil.rmtree(folder, True)
except Exception, e:
logging.critical("Couldn't delete folder %s" % folder)
return out_poly
def _create_arcpy_sr(geojson_crs):
Creates an arcpy Spatial Reference object from incoming geojson crs string.
##TODO: Support more than EPSG. Thus this will need a re-write at some point
assert "type" in geojson_crs, "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'type' missing from 'crs'"
assert "properties" in geojson_crs, "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'properties' missing from 'crs'"
assert geojson_crs["type"] == "name", "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\tOnly CRS type of name currently supported"
assert "name" in geojson_crs["properties"], "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'name' missing from 'crs/properties'"
epsg = geojson_crs["properties"]["name"].lower()
assert epsg.startswith("epsg:"), "Only EPSG codes are supported for features so far"
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference()
sr.factoryCode = int(epsg.lstrip("epsg:"))
return sr
def read_geometry(geojson_geom, sr=None):
Creates an arcpy geometry object from a GeoJSON geometry object. This
function is the closest mimic of the arcpy.AsShape function.
Return ESRI geometry object.
logger.debug("Getting geometry")
geojson_geom = dict([[k.lower(), v] for (k, v) in geojson_geom.iteritems()])
# print geojson_geom
assert geojson_geom["type"].lower() in ["point", "polygon", "linestring", "multipoint", "multilinestring", "multipolygon"], "GeoJSON geometry type invalid (%s)" % geojson_geom["type"]
geojson_geom["type"] = geojson_geom["type"].lower()
return {"point": _read_point(geojson_geom["coordinates"], sr),
"multipoint": _read_multipoint(geojson_geom["coordinates"], sr),
"linestring": _read_linestring(geojson_geom["coordinates"], sr),
"multilinestring": _read_multilinestring(geojson_geom["coordinates"], sr),
"polygon": _read_polygon(geojson_geom["coordinates"], sr),
"multipolygon": _read_multipolygon(geojson_geom["coordinates"], sr)
}.get(geojson_geom["type"], None)
def read_feature(geojson_feat, target_fc, sr=None):
Takes a complete geojson feature (with optional CRS and attributes) and
inserts the feature into the given feature class.
In addition to the GeoJSON object specification, the assumption made is
that feature attributes are stored within a key/value pair as an object
named 'properties'.
FC names are based on geometry type
geojson_feat = dict([[k.lower(), v] for (k, v) in geojson_feat.iteritems()])
assert "type" in geojson_feat, "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'type' missing"
assert "geometry" in geojson_feat, "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'geometry' missing"
assert geojson_feat["type"].lower() == "feature", "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'type' is not 'feature'"
assert "type" in [k.lower() for k in geojson_feat["geometry"].keys()], "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'type' is not in 'geometry'"
if sr is None and "crs" in geojson_feat:
logger.debug("Looking for feature CRS")
##TODO: probably need some output messages. Just sayin' ;)
sr = _create_arcpy_sr(geojson_feat["crs"])
except Exception, e:
assert isinstance(sr, arcpy.SpatialReference), "sr should be an arcpy Spatial Reference"
with _fc_insert_row(target_fc, sr) as row:
logger.debug("Adding geometry")
row.SHAPE = read_geometry(geojson_feat["geometry"], sr)
logger.debug("Adding attributes")
for k in geojson_feat:
if isinstance(geojson_feat[k], dict):
for attrib, val in geojson_feat[k].iteritems():
row.setValue(attrib, val)
except Exception, e:
row.setValue(k, geojson_feat[k])
except Exception, e:
def read_feature_collection(geojson_feat_collection, target_fc, sr=None):
Takes a GeoJSON feature collection and iterates through it adding to the
target feature class.
geojson_feat_collection = dict([[k.lower(), v] for (k, v) in geojson_feat_collection.iteritems()])
assert "type" in geojson_feat_collection, "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'type' missing"
assert geojson_feat_collection["type"].lower() == "featurecollection", "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'type' is not 'featurecollection'"
assert "features" in geojson_feat_collection, "GeoJSON does not validate.\n\t'features' missing"
if sr is None and "crs" in geojson_feat_collection:
sr = _create_arcpy_sr(geojson_feat_collection["crs"])
except Exception, e:
assert isinstance(sr, arcpy.SpatialReference), "sr should be an arcpy Spatial Reference"
logger.debug("Iterating through fc")
for feat in geojson_feat_collection["features"]:
read_feature(feat, target_fc, sr)
def dump_geometry(geom):
##TODO: Implement this!
Read an arcpy object and return a geojson object
if __name__ == "__main__":
##TODO: Write some test handlers for this class
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This is exactly what I've been looking for!

I can't seem to get it to work in ArcGIS 10.0 though, do you have an example snippt for reading a FeatureCollection?

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