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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Install SAM from CDN on EC2
subscription-manager register --force --username=$USERNAME --password=$PASSWORD --autosubscribe
yum repolist
yum-config-manager --disable rhui*
yum-config-manager --disable rhel-ha*
yum-config-manager --disable rhel-rs*
yum-config-manager --disable rhel-lb*
yum-config-manager --disable rhel-6-server-cf-tools-1-rpms
yum-config-manager --disable *ose*
yum-config-manager --disable *realtime*
yum-config-manager --disable *rhs*
yum-config-manager --disable *for-rhel*
yum-config-manager --disable *dts*
yum-config-manager --disable *eus*
yum-config-manager --disable *htb*
yum-config-manager --disable *rhds*
yum-config-manager --enable rhel-6-server-sam-rpms
rpm -e java-1.7.0-openjdk-
yum repolist
echo '$PUBLIC_IP $PUBLIC_DNS' >> /etc/hosts
hostname $PUBLIC_DNS
yum install -y katello-headpin-all && katello-configure --deployment=sam --user-pass=$KATELLO_PASSWORD
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