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Created May 22, 2017 05:17
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DataCube Write Functions
Useful functions for Datacube users
Not used internally, those should go in ``
import rasterio
import numpy as np
'blockxsize': 256,
'blockysize': 256,
'compress': 'lzw',
'driver': 'GTiff',
'interleave': 'band',
'nodata': 0.0,
'photometric': 'RGBA',
'tiled': True}
def write_geotiff(filename, dataset, time_index=None, profile_override=None):
Write an xarray dataset to a geotiff
:param filename: Output filename
:attr dataset: xarray dataset containing multiple bands to write to file
:attr time_index: time index to write to file
:attr profile_override: option dict, overrides rasterio file creation options.
profile_override = profile_override or {}
dtypes = {val.dtype for val in dataset.data_vars.values()}
assert len(dtypes) == 1 # Check for multiple dtypes
profile = DEFAULT_PROFILE.copy()
'width': dataset.dims[[1]],
'height': dataset.dims[[0]],
'affine': dataset.affine,
'count': len(dataset.data_vars),
'dtype': str(dtypes.pop())
with, 'w', **profile) as dest:
for bandnum, data in enumerate(dataset.data_vars.values(), start=1):
dest.write(data.isel(time=time_index).data, bandnum)
def write_xr_dataset_to_disk(filename, dataset, **profile_override):
Write an xarray dataset to a geotiff.
Expects a single time value, with one or more data variables. Each data variable
will be written to a separate band.
For a multi-time dataset, use ``sel()`` or ``isel()`` to select a single time value.
:param filename: Output filename
:attr dataset: xarray dataset containing multiple bands to write to file
:attr profile_override: option dict, overrides rasterio file creation options.
dtypes = {val.dtype for val in dataset.data_vars.values()}
assert len(dtypes) == 1 # Check for multiple dtypes
profile = {
'width': dataset.dims[[1]],
'height': dataset.dims[[0]],
'transform': dataset.affine,
'count': len(dataset.data_vars),
'dtype': str(dtypes.pop())
with, 'w', **profile) as dest:
for bandnum, data in enumerate(dataset.data_vars.values(), start=1):
dest.write(, bandnum)
import rasterio
def write_multi_time_dataarray(filename, dataarray, **profile_override):
profile = {
'width': len(dataarray[[1]]),
'height': len(dataarray[[0]]),
'transform': dataarray.affine,
'count': len(dataarray.time),
'dtype': str(dataarray.dtype)
with, 'w', **profile) as dest:
for time_idx in range(len(dataarray.time)):
bandnum = time_idx + 1
dest.write(dataarray.isel(time=time_idx).data, bandnum)
write_multi_time_dataarray('/short/v10/dra547/test2.bin',, driver='ENVI')
def ga_pq_fuser(dest, src):
Fuse two Geoscience Australia Pixel Quality ndarrays
Takes a **pessimistic** approach to merging, if either array value shows cloud or cloud shadow, the output
array will also show
To be used as a `fuse_func` when loaded `grouped` data, for example when grouping
by solar day to avoid duplicate data from scene overlaps.
valid_bit = 8
valid_val = (1 << valid_bit)
no_data_dest_mask = ~(dest & valid_val).astype(bool)
np.copyto(dest, src, where=no_data_dest_mask)
both_data_mask = (valid_val & dest & src).astype(bool)
np.copyto(dest, src & dest, where=both_data_mask)
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