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Created March 18, 2020 21:45
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a very not-merged-pull-request implementation for lru_cache utility from fuctools in Chapel
private use Map only;
private use List only;
private use Crypto only;
record ordered_map {
/* Type of map keys.*/
type keyType;
/* Type of map values*/
type valType;
var dictionary :, valType, parSafe = true);
var keysOrder : List.list(keyType);
proc init(type keyType, type valType) {
this.keyType = keyType;
this.valType = valType;
proc insert(k: keyType, v: valType) {
var success = dictionary.add(k, v);
if success {
} else {
keysOrder.remove(k); // we want this key on the front if we insert it again
keysOrder.insert(1, k); // to have the "LRU" value on the front and least used value at the back
} // "L" in "LRU" stands for last not least for now
return success;
proc available(k: keyType) : bool {
return dictionary.contains(k);
proc remove(k: keyType) : bool {
var success = dictionary.remove(k);
if success {
var h = keysOrder.remove(k);
return success;
proc removeLast() : bool { // when our cache is full
var lastElement = keysOrder.pop();
var success = dictionary.remove(lastElement);
return success;
proc this(k: keyType) {
return dictionary[k];
proc printValues() {
for i in this.keysOrder {
class lru_cache {
var function; // the function whose values are cached
var size: int;
var counter : int;
type outputs;
var dictionary : ordered_map(string, outputs);
var hashingObject = new Crypto.Hash(Crypto.Digest.SHA256); // hashing utility
proc init(f, s, exampleOut) { // f is the function, s is the size of the cache, counter is supposed to track how many items in our cache
function = f;
size = s;
counter = 0;
outputs = exampleOut.type; // to ge the type of the output
proc call(i) where isTuple(i) == true {
var cryptoBuffer = new Crypto.CryptoBuffer(i:string);
var hashed = ((hashingObject.getDigest(cryptoBuffer)).buff):string;
if dictionary.available(hashed) {
dictionary.insert(hashed, dictionary[hashed]); // to make it at the front of list
return dictionary[hashed];
} else {
var newResult = function((...i));
dictionary.insert(hashed, newResult);
counter = counter + 1;
return newResult;
// the variable b is here to demonstrate that lru_cache class can handle functions with multiple arguments
proc fibonacci(n: int, b: int) : int {
if n <= 1 {
return 1;
} else {
return fibonacci(n-1, b) + fibonacci(n-2, b);
var a = fibonacci(43,10); // the second variable "10" is just a dummy variable
var cachingObject = new lru_cache(fibonacci, 100, 5); // the constructor takes the function, and the size of the cache "dummy variable for now", and output of the function to get its type
// let's see the difference in times
use Time;
var startTime1 = getCurrentTime();
var output1 =,10)); // the input MUST be passed as tuple, because we need to have a way to refer to the input as a whole
writeln(getCurrentTime() - startTime1); // and we don't have *args or *kwargs like in python
var startTime2 = getCurrentTime();
var output2 =,10));
writeln(getCurrentTime() - startTime2);
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