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Created December 20, 2018 21:33
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expand ebs and xfs filesystem
# ec2 metadata
instance_document=$(curl -s '')
instance_id=$(echo ${instance_document} | jq -r .instanceId)
instance_region=$(echo ${instance_document} | jq -r .region)
AWS_BIN="$(which aws) --region ${instance_region}"
# ec2 attached volume -exclude root
attached_volumes=$(${AWS_BIN} ec2 describe-volumes --filters Name=attachment.instance-id,Values=${instance_id} | jq -r '.Volumes[] | [.Attachments[].VolumeId, .Attachments[].Device, .Size] | @tsv' | grep -v '/dev/sda1')
# volumes defined in tag
# aws_device_path os_device_path os_mount_point
# /dev/sdi /dev/xvdi /data
volume_tags=$(${AWS_BIN} ec2 describe-tags --filters Name=resource-id,Values=${instance_id} | jq -r '.Tags[] | select(.Key == "ebs_volumes")|.Value' | jq -r '.volumes[] | [.mount_letter, .mount_path] | @tsv' | awk '{print "/dev/sd"$1, "/dev/xvd"$1, $2}')
echo "" > ${merged_volume_list}
# merge both lists and print to user
echo "Current EBS mount(s) that can be expanded:"
for volume in ${volume_tags} ; do
v=$(echo "${volume}" | awk '{print $1}')
volume_id=$(echo "${attached_volumes}" | grep "${v}" | awk '{print $1}')
volume_size=$(echo "${attached_volumes}" | grep "${v}" | awk '{print $3}')
echo -e "[${option_count}] ${volume_id} ${volume}" >> ${merged_volume_list}
echo -e "[${option_count}] EBS_SIZE: [$volume_size] EBS_ID: [${volume_id}] EBS_ALIASES: [${volume}]"
unset IFS
echo ""
echo "Enter which volume to expand (enter integer):"
read selection
selected_volume=$(cat ${merged_volume_list} | grep "^\[${selection}]")
if [ -z "$selected_volume" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: selection does not exits"
exit 99
# Check if a number
case $selection in
echo -e "[ERROR] Integer not detected, exiting.."
exit 99
echo ""
echo "Enter new size in GB for volume (enter integer):"
read new_size
# Check if a number
case $new_size in
echo -e "[ERROR] Integer not detected, exiting.."
exit 99
echo ""
ebs_volume_id=$(echo "${selected_volume}" | awk '{print $2}')
device_path=$(echo "${selected_volume}" | awk '{print $4}')
mount_point=$(echo "${selected_volume}" | awk '{print $5}')
echo "[*] Attempting to expand volume with the following properties:"
echo "ebs_id: ${ebs_volume_id}"
echo "device_path: ${device_path}"
echo "mount_point: ${mount_point}"
echo "NEW_SIZE: ${new_size}"
echo ""
echo "[STEP 1 OF 3] Expand EBS volume"
${AWS_BIN} ec2 modify-volume --volume-id ${ebs_volume_id} --size ${new_size}
# wait a bit
sleep 120
echo ""
echo "[STEP 2 OF 3] Expanding partition"
growpart ${device_path} 1
sleep 2
echo ""
echo "[STEP 3 OF 3] Expanding filesystem"
xfs_growfs -d ${mount_point}
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