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Last active March 31, 2024 15:27
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Setup Android command line only - Ubuntu

Setup Android cmd-tools for Ubuntu

Install java

sudo apt install -y openjdk-8-jdk

You can switch between java version with sudo update-alternatives --config java

check with: java --version; javac --version

Download commandlinetools-linux

From here

I'm gonna use $HOME/dev/Android. Make an empty dir inside Android called cmdline-tools, unzip and rename the extracted cmdline-tools to tools and move it inside cmdline-tools.

    - cmdline-tools:
      - tools (downloaded and renamed)

Edit .bashrc:

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/dev/Android
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/dev/Android # support some legacy tools

Install the SDK

sdkmanager 'platform-tools' 'platforms;android-30'

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For building Capacitor project

  • npx cap sync

Building Android projects:

  • cd android


  • ./gradlew assembleDebug


  • ./gradlew assembleRelease
  • cd app/build/outputs/apk/release
  • jarsigner -keystore KEYSTORE_PATH -storepass KEYSTORE_PASS app-release-unsigned.apk KEYSTORE_ALIAS
  • zipalign 4 app-release-unsigned.apk app-release.apk Sign your app from command line
assembleRelease vs installRelease vs bundleRelease

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Setting up an emulator

Run sdkmanager --list to list all available images and pick one.

I'm picking system-images;android-32;google_apis_playstore;x86_64

To install it use sdkmanager --install <REPLACE_SYSTEM_NAME>

So run: sdkmanager --install system-images;android-32;google_apis_playstore;x86_64

Creating an avd

Run echo "no" | avdmanager --verbose create avd --force --name "test_1" --package "system-images;android-32;google_apis_playstore;x86_64"

Where test_1 is the name of the avd and --package "" is the name of the image we installed above

Launch the emulator

If you followed the setup process above, then cd to ~/dev/Android/tools

Run ./emulator @test_1
if you want software rendering run ./emulator -gpu guest @test_1

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sudo apt install -y openjdk-17-jdk

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