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Last active February 3, 2021 01:35
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AI Autodrummer for an Elektron Digitakt + SonicPi

AI Autodrummer for an Elektron Digitakt + SonicPi

This script can be used to control your digitakt automatically via USB+MIDI. This will send generative "beats" to your Digitakt hence the name "autodrummer".

It assumes that your sample pads 1-8 are mapped to MIDI channels 1-8.

This is the instrument to channel mapping and can be re-configured accordingly:

  bd: 1,
  sn: 2,
  lo_tom: 3,
  clap: 4,
  cb: 5,
  hat: 6,
  open_hat: 7,
  cymb: 8,

The USE_MIDI boolean can be set to false to debug using the SonicPi instruments. On first run, I recommend setting USE_MIDI=false in order to ensure the script runs as expected.

use_bpm 75
T = 4.0
# MIDI clock
live_loop :m_clock do
sleep T/4.0
### AI Drummer
M = 4.0
# velocity adjustments
kick_vel_scaling = 1.75
snare_vel_scaling = 1.5
# determines whether hihats ignore level changes
persist_hihats = false
# Toggle Using SonicPI synths or external MIDI instruments
USE_MIDI = true
# DIGITAKT mappings
bd: 1,
sn: 2,
lo_tom: 3,
clap: 4,
cb: 5,
hat: 6,
open_hat: 7,
cymb: 8,
# Initial States
set :ch, 1
# Level Transitions
LV = {
0 => [1,1,1,0],
1 => [0,0,1,1]
hats: 1,
kicks: 1,
snares: 1,
claps: 1
# Update Levels
live_loop :levels do
LEVELS.each {|k,v| LEVELS[k] = LV[v].sample }
sleep M/1
rhythm = range(0,16).ring
durations = (ring, 16)
##| melody = make_melody(48)
set :rh, 0
### Utility Functions
define :tr do |inst, dur = (T/4), vel = 5.0, n = 0|
vel /= 10.0
n_chan = DTAKT[inst] # send to a particular midi channel, assumes pads 1-8 are mapped to channels 1-8
port_a = 'elektron_digitakt_digitakt_out_1' # main port
n = :C2 # assumes middle C is the "default" pitch, but this can be adapted for different tunings
if vel > 0.1 # assumes velocity gt 0.1 is a "hit"
(midi n, vel_f: vel, port: port_a, sustain: dur, channel: n_chan) if n_chan
### STATE TRANSITIONS -- these are tuples of each note's possible frequency of occurence
kick_dur = [
[4, 1],
[8, 2],
[3, 2],
[12, 3],
kicks = [
ringify('1000 0000 1000 0000')
hats = [
[16, 4],
[16, 4],
[16, 4],
[32, 8],
[48, 12],
[12, 3]
snare_dur = [
[4, 1],
[4, 1],
[4, 1],
[4, 1],
[8, 2],
[12, 3],
[24, 3],
[64, 4],
[128, 8],
snares = [
ringify('0000 1000 0000 1000')
live_loop :ht do
h = hats.tick
h[1].times do
if persist_hihats
l = 3.0
l = 3.0 * LEVELS[:hats]
##| (sample :elec_tick, amp: l) if not USE_MIDI
(tr :hat, M/16, l) if USE_MIDI
sleep M/h[0]
live_loop :bt do
r = rhythm.tick
# Kicks
in_thread do
s = kicks[0][r]
if s == 1
d = kick_dur.choose
d[1].times do |n|
l = ((8.0 / ((n*2)+1)) * LEVELS[:kicks]) * kick_vel_scaling
(sample :bd_fat, amp: l) if not USE_MIDI
(tr :bd, M/d[0], l) if USE_MIDI
sleep M/(d[0])
# Snares
in_thread do
s = snares[0][r]
if s == 1
d = snare_dur.choose
d[1].times do |n|
l = (4.0 / ((n*2)+1) * LEVELS[:snares]) * snare_vel_scaling
dur = M/d[0]
(sample :sn_dolf, amp: l) if not USE_MIDI
(tr :sn, dur, l) if USE_MIDI
sleep dur
##| Claps
in_thread do
s = snares[0][r]
if s == 1
l = 4.0 * LEVELS[:claps]
(sample :sn_dolf, amp: l) if not USE_MIDI
(tr :clap, M/16, l) if USE_MIDI
sleep M/16
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