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Created October 7, 2020 05:01
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import boto3
import os
import datetime
This portion will obtain the Environment variables from AWS Lambda.
GROUP_NAME = os.environ['GROUP_NAME']
PREFIX = os.environ['PREFIX']
NDAYS = os.environ['NDAYS']
nDays = int(NDAYS)
This portion will receive the nDays value (the date/day of the log you want
want to export) and calculate the start and end date of logs you want to
export to S3. Today = 0; yesterday = 1; so on and so forth...
Ex: If today is April 13th and NDAYS = 0, April 13th logs will be exported.
Ex: If today is April 13th and NDAYS = 1, April 12th logs will be exported.
Ex: If today is April 13th and NDAYS = 2, April 11th logs will be exported.
currentTime =
StartDate = currentTime - datetime.timedelta(days=nDays)
EndDate = currentTime - datetime.timedelta(days=nDays - 1)
Convert the from & to Dates to milliseconds
fromDate = int(StartDate.timestamp() * 1000)
toDate = int(EndDate.timestamp() * 1000)
The following will create the subfolders' structure based on year, month, day
Ex: BucketNAME/LogGroupName/Year/Month/Day
BUCKET_PREFIX = os.path.join(PREFIX, StartDate.strftime('%Y{0}%m{0}%d').format(os.path.sep))
Based on the AWS boto3 documentation
def lambda_handler(event, context):
client = boto3.client('logs')
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piExpr commented Sep 22, 2022

Thanks for sharing this. I'm curious do we define variables at the beginning? Or, at the end of the file?
Also, where do we get identified variable from?
GROUP_NAME (Is this arn for log group name?)
PREFIX (I assume this is any string?)

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omardulaimi commented Sep 22, 2022

Thanks for sharing this. I'm curious do we define variables at the beginning? Or, at the end of the file? Also, where do we get identified variable from? GROUP_NAME (Is this arn for log group name?) PREFIX (I assume this is any string?)

Hi PiExpr,

So these will be defined in the Environment Variable Section for the Lambda Function. This article will walk you through

Part 1:
Part 2:

Now if you are not using Lambda, then you can define the variables in this section of the code:

GROUP_NAME = "Log_goup1"


PREFIX = "Random String, can be anything"

NDAYS = "30"

The prefix if I recall correctly is the name of the bucket, and the Group Name is the log group name in CloudWatch.

Note: this articles might be a bit outdated due to AWS changing their layout/things from time to time.

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