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using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using OscJack;
public class CustomOSCEventReceiverScript : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject playerSpherePrefab; // The prefab to instantiate for each player
private GameObject dotPrefab; // The prefab for the dots
// [SerializeField]
// private ParticleSystem collisionParticles; // Particle system for player collision
public float timeToWaitForMissingPlayers = 0.5f; // Time to wait before deactivating missing players
public float dotSpawnInterval = 5.0f; // Initial interval for dot spawning
private float dotSpawnRangeX = 14.0f; // Range for X axis spawning of dots
private float dotSpawnRangeZ = 10.0f; // Range for Z axis spawning of dots
private float playerCollisionDistance = 1.0f; // Distance threshold for player collision
private float dotCollisionDistance = 1.0f; // Distance threshold for dot collision
private Vector3 playerInitialScale =; // Initial scale of the players
private Vector3 playerScaleIncrement = new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f); // Scale increment when a player eats a dot
private HashSet<int> activePlayerIds = new HashSet<int>();
private ConcurrentQueue<PlayerPositionMessage> playerPositionMessages = new ConcurrentQueue<PlayerPositionMessage>();
private Dictionary<int, PlayerData> players = new Dictionary<int, PlayerData>();
private List<GameObject> dots = new List<GameObject>();
private OscServer server;
private float timeSinceLastDotSpawn;
private float currentDotSpawnInterval;
private void Start()
Debug.Log("Initializing OSC Server...");
server = OscMaster.GetSharedServer(12000);
server.MessageDispatcher.AddCallback(string.Empty, OscReceiver1); // Listen to all messages
Debug.Log("OSC Server initialized and listening on port 12000.");
currentDotSpawnInterval = dotSpawnInterval;
private void Update()
double currentTime = Time.unscaledTimeAsDouble;
// Process player position messages
while (playerPositionMessages.TryDequeue(out PlayerPositionMessage msg))
int playerId = msg.PlayerId;
Vector3 position = msg.Position;
PlayerData playerData = GetOrCreatePlayer(playerId, currentTime);
ReactivatePlayer(playerData, currentTime);
playerData.LastOSCTimeStamp = currentTime;
playerData.Sphere.transform.position = position;
Debug.Log($"Updated position for player {playerId} to {position}");
// Deactivate missing players
// Spawn dots
// Handle collisions
private void CheckForAndDeactivateMissingPlayers(double currentTime)
HashSet<int> activePlayersCopy = new HashSet<int>(activePlayerIds);
foreach (int playerId in activePlayersCopy)
PlayerData playerData = players[playerId];
if (playerData.IsActive && (currentTime - playerData.LastOSCTimeStamp > timeToWaitForMissingPlayers))
playerData.IsActive = false;
Debug.Log($"Deactivated player {playerId} due to inactivity.");
private void ReactivatePlayer(PlayerData playerData, double currentTime)
if (!playerData.IsActive)
playerData.IsActive = true;
Debug.Log($"Reactivated player {playerData.PlayerId}.");
private PlayerData GetOrCreatePlayer(int playerId, double oscTime)
if (players.TryGetValue(playerId, out PlayerData playerData))
return playerData;
// Instantiate a new sphere for the player
playerData = new PlayerData(playerId, Instantiate(playerSpherePrefab));
playerData.Sphere.transform.localScale = playerInitialScale; // Set the initial scale of the player
// Assign a unique color to each player's sphere
playerData.Sphere.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = GetUniqueColor(playerId); = $"Player_{playerId}_Sphere";
players.Add(playerId, playerData);
Debug.Log($"Created new player {playerId} with sphere.");
return playerData;
private void OscReceiver1(string address, OscDataHandle data)
if (address.Contains("/center"))
PlayerPositionMessage msg = new PlayerPositionMessage(address, data, this); // Pass the script instance to access non-static fields
Debug.Log($"Enqueued position message for player {msg.PlayerId} with position {msg.Position}");
private Color GetUniqueColor(int playerId)
// Generate a unique color based on the player ID
return new Color(Random.value, Random.value, Random.value);
private void HandleDotSpawning()
timeSinceLastDotSpawn += Time.deltaTime;
if (timeSinceLastDotSpawn >= currentDotSpawnInterval)
timeSinceLastDotSpawn = 0;
currentDotSpawnInterval = Mathf.Max(1.0f, currentDotSpawnInterval * 0.95f); // Gradually decrease spawn interval
private void SpawnDot()
Vector3 randomPosition = new Vector3(Random.Range(-dotSpawnRangeX, dotSpawnRangeX), 0f, Random.Range(-dotSpawnRangeZ, dotSpawnRangeZ));
GameObject dot = Instantiate(dotPrefab, randomPosition, Quaternion.identity);
Debug.Log($"Spawned new dot at {randomPosition}");
private void CheckForCollisions()
foreach (var player in players.Values)
if (player.IsActive)
// Check for collision with dots
foreach (var dot in dots)
if (dot != null && Vector3.Distance(player.Sphere.transform.position, dot.transform.position) < dotCollisionDistance)
// Check for collision with other players
foreach (var otherPlayer in players.Values)
if (otherPlayer != player && otherPlayer.IsActive && Vector3.Distance(player.Sphere.transform.position, otherPlayer.Sphere.transform.position) < playerCollisionDistance)
TriggerPlayerCollision(player, otherPlayer);
private void IncrementPlayerSize(PlayerData player)
player.Sphere.transform.localScale += playerScaleIncrement;
Debug.Log($"Player {player.PlayerId} ate a dot and grew in size.");
private void TriggerPlayerCollision(PlayerData player1, PlayerData player2)
player1.Sphere.transform.localScale = playerInitialScale;
player2.Sphere.transform.localScale = playerInitialScale;
// if (collisionParticles != null)
// {
// collisionParticles.transform.position = (player1.Sphere.transform.position + player2.Sphere.transform.position) / 2;
// collisionParticles.Play();
// Debug.Log($"Player {player1.PlayerId} and Player {player2.PlayerId} collided and reset to original size.");
// }
// else
// {
// Debug.LogWarning("collisionParticles is not assigned in the inspector.");
// }
private class PlayerPositionMessage
public string Address { get; }
public int PlayerId { get; }
public Vector3 Position { get; }
public PlayerPositionMessage(string address, OscDataHandle data, CustomOSCEventReceiverScript script)
Address = address;
PlayerId = GetPlayerNumber(address);
Position = new Vector3(
MapToRange(data.GetElementAsFloat(0), 0, 1244, -script.dotSpawnRangeX, script.dotSpawnRangeX), // Adjusted range for Unity's X
0f, // Y is the ground plane
MapToRange(data.GetElementAsFloat(1), 0, 1154, -script.dotSpawnRangeZ, script.dotSpawnRangeZ) // Adjusted range for Unity's Z
Debug.Log($"Created PlayerPositionMessage: Address={Address}, PlayerId={PlayerId}, Position={Position}");
private static int GetPlayerNumber(string address)
string[] splitString = address.Split('/');
if (splitString.Length > 4)
int playerId = int.Parse(splitString[4]);
Debug.Log($"Extracted Player ID: {playerId} from address: {address}");
return playerId;
Debug.LogWarning($"Failed to extract Player ID from address: {address}");
return -1;
private static float MapToRange(float numberInRange1, float start1, float end1, float start2, float end2)
float distance = numberInRange1 - start1;
float distanceRatio = distance / (end1 - start1);
float amountInRange2 = distanceRatio * (end2 - start2);
return start2 + amountInRange2;
private class PlayerData
public int PlayerId { get; }
public GameObject Sphere { get; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
public double LastOSCTimeStamp { get; set; }
public PlayerData(int playerId, GameObject sphere)
PlayerId = playerId;
Sphere = sphere;
IsActive = true;
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