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<center><img src="" height="120" style=align="middle";"/></center>
<p>I'm writing to confirm that your order {{ order_name }} with {{ shop_name }} has been fulfilled.<br /><br />
<p>In most cases, this means that your order has been shipped. However, if you selected <em>Put aside</em> or <em>Local Pickup Kitchener-Waterloo</em> it means that we have put your order aside. If you selected <em>Local Pickup Toronto </em> it means that we have packaged it into the next box bound for Toronto. To read about these experimental shipping options, <a href="">click here.</a></p><br />
<center><b><p>If you have any questions, comments or concerns, <a href="">please get in touch.</a></p></b></center><br />
<p><strong>Order Details</strong></p>
<ul style="list-style-type:none"> {% for line in line_items %} <li> {{ line.quantity }} x {{ line.title }} for {{ line.price | money }} (each) </li> {% endfor %}
<br />
<ul style="list-style-type:none">
{% if discounts %} <li>Discounts : {{ discounts_savings | money_with_currency }}</li> {% endif %}
<li>Subtotal : {{ subtotal_price | money_with_currency }}</li>
{% for tax_line in tax_lines %} <li>Tax : {{ tax_line.title }} : {{ tax_line.price | money_with_currency }} </li>
{% endfor %}
{% if requires_shipping %}
<li>Shipping : {{ shipping_price | money_with_currency }}</li>{% endif %}
<li>Total : {{ total_price | money_with_currency }}</li></ul><br />
<p><strong>Shipping Notes?</strong></p> {{ shipping_method.title }}<br /><br />
{% if requires_shipping and shipping_address %}
<p><b>Shipping address</b><br />
{{ }}<br />
{{ shipping_address.street }}<br />
{{ }}, {{ shipping_address.province }}, {{ }}<br />
{{ }}</li></p><br />
{% endif %}
{% if billing_address %}
<p><b>Billing address</b><br />
{{ }}<br />
{{ billing_address.street }}<br />
{{ }}, {{ billing_address.province }}, {{ }}<br />
{{ }}</p>
{% endif %}
<p>Thanks so much!</p><br />
<em>Wyrd Distro Volunteer Team</em><br /><br />
<center><p>Wyrd Distro: a nonprofit, volunteer-run, curated offering of Canadian art.<br /><br />
<img src="" height="20" style=align="middle";"/></center>
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