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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Wyrd Distro Invoice Template
<img src="" height="150" /> <br />
.table-tabular td.nice {
border-bottom: none;
.table-tabular.items {
font-size: 11px;
margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;
<p style="float: right; text-align: right; font-size:11px; margin: 0;">
{{ "now" | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}<br/><br/>
{{ order_name }}<br/>
<p style="float: left; text-align: left; font-size:11px; margin: 0;">
{{ shop.address }}<br/>
{{ }} {{ shop.province_code }} {{ | upcase }}<br/>
{{ }} <br/> <br/>
<table class="table-tabular items">
<tr class="nice">
{% if show_line_item_taxes %}
{% endif %}
{% for line_item in line_items %}
<tr class="nice">
<td class="nice">{{ line_item.quantity }} x</td>
<td class="nice">{{ line_item.title }}</td>
{% if line_item.tax_lines %}
<td class="nice">
{% for tax_line in line_item.tax_lines %}
{{ tax_line.price | money }} {{ tax_line.title }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<td class="nice">{{ line_item.price | money }}</td>
{% endfor %}
<table class="table-tabular items">
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;">Subtotal price:</div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;">{{ subtotal_price | money }}</div></td>
{% for discount in discounts %}
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;">Includes discount "{{ discount.code }}"</div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;">{{ discount.savings | money }}</div></td>
{% endfor %}
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;">Total tax:</div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;">{{ tax_price | money }}</div></td>
{% if shipping_address %}
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;">Shipping:</div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;">{{ shipping_price | money }}</div></td>
{% endif %}
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;"><strong>Total price:</strong></div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;"><strong>{{ total_price | money }}</strong></div></td>
{% if total_paid != total_price %}
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;"><strong>Total paid:</strong></div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;"><strong>{{ total_paid | money }}</strong></div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="text-align:right;"><strong>Outstanding Amount:</strong></div></td>
<td class="nice"><div style="float:right;width:23%;"><strong>{{ total_price | minus: total_paid | money }}</strong></div></td>
{% endif %}
<br />
{% if note %}
<h3 style="margin: 0 0 1em 0;">Note</h3>
<p>{{ note }}</p>
{% endif %}
<hr />
<div style="margin: 0 0 1em 0; font-size:11px;">
<p>{{ shipping_line.title }}</p>
<p><b>{{ }}</b>
{% if %}
:{{ }}
{% endif %}<br />
{{ shipping_address.street }} <br />
{{ }}, {{ shipping_address.province_code }}, {{ | upcase }}<br />
{{ }} <br /></p>
<br />
Thank you for supporting Wyrd Distro: a nonprofit, volunteer-run, curated offering of Canadian art.<br /><br />
<img src="" height="50" /> <br />
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