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Created July 20, 2023 20:58
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Terraform Test Documentation

Command: test

The terraform test command reads in Terraform testing files and executes the tests detailed within.

The test command, and the test file syntax, are targeted at module authors wishing to validate and test their shared modules. Despite this, it is also possible to use the test command to validate root modules.


Usage: terraform test [options]

This command searches the current directory and the specified testing directory (tests, by default) for any Terraform testing files, and executes the tests as specified. Test files and their syntax are discussed in detail within the Tests language page.

Terraform will then execute a series of Terraform plan or apply commands, according to the specifications within the test files, and validate the relevant plan and state files, again, according to the specifications within the test files.

Warning: The Terraform test command can create real infrastructure than can cost you money. Read the Terraform Test Cleanup section for best practices on ensuring created infrastructure is destroyed.

General Options

The following options apply to the Terraform test command:

  • -json Displays machine-readable JSON output for the testing results.

  • -tests-directory=<relative directory> Override the directory that Terraform will look into for testing files. Note, Terraform always loads testing files within the main configuration directory. The default testing directory is tests.

State Management

Each Terraform test file will maintain the Terraform state within memory as it executes, starting empty. This state is entirely separate from any state that exists for the configuration under test, so you can safely execute Terraform test commands without affecting any live infrastructure.

Terraform Test Cleanup

The Terraform test command creates real infrastructure. Once each test file has fully executed, Terraform will attempt to destroy any remaining infrastructure. If it cannot do this, Terraform will report a list of resources that were created and not removed.

You should monitor the output of the test command closely to ensure any created infrastructure has been successfully removed and perform manual cleanup if not. Where possible, dedicated testing accounts should be created within the target providers that can be routinely and safely purged to ensure accidental costly resources aren't left behind.

Terraform will also provide diagnostics explaining why the cleanup could not be completed automatically. You should resolve these diagnostics to ensure future clean up operations are successful.

Testing Terraform

Terraform provides numerous testing capabilities to validate your infrastructure.

The testing capabilities fit into two categories:

  1. Configuration and infrastructure validation as part of regular Terraform operations.
  2. More traditional unit and integration testing of your configuration.

The first capability is discussed in detail within the Custom Conditions and Checks language documentation.

The second capability is provided by the Terraform test command.

A brief history

  • Terraform v0.13.0 introduced Input Variable Validation.
  • Terraform v0.15.0 introduced an experimental Terraform test command.
  • Terraform v1.2.0 introduced Pre- and Post-conditions.
  • Terraform v1.5.0 introduced Checks.
  • Terraform v1.6.0 deprecated the experimental Terraform test command and released the updated and finalized Terraform test command.

The most important takeaway from this history is the introduction and deprecation of the experimental test command, followed by the introduction of the finalized test command. Read the v1.6.x Upgrade Guide for a full breakdown of the changes between the experimental and finalized command.

The Terraform test command

The Terraform test command:

  • Locates Terraform testing files within your configuration directory.
  • Provisions the infrastructure within your configuration as specified by each testing file.
  • Runs the assertions from the test file against the provisioned infrastructure.
  • Destroys the provisioned infrastructure at the end of the test.

The test command, along with command-line flags and options, is discussed in detail within the Command: test page.

Writing configuration for your tests

Terraform test files have their own configuration syntax. This is discussed in detail within the language Test Files page.

The test file syntax is focused on customizing Terraform executions for the current configuration, and overriding variables and providers to test different behaviours.


Validations allow you to verify aspects of your configuration and infrastructure as it is applied and created. Terraform Cloud also supports automated Continuous Validation.

The Terraform test command will also execute all validations within your configuration as part of tests it executes. For more information on the available validations read the Checks and Custom Condition language pages.

Tests or Validations

You can write many validations as test assertions, but there are specific use cases for both.

Validations are executed during usual Terraform plan and apply operations, and are also checked as part of any executed tests. Therefore, validations should be used to validate aspects of your configuration that should always be true and can impact the valid execution of your infrastructure. Module authors should also note that validations are executed and exposed to module users should they fail, and should be understandable to the user and actionable.

In contrast, tests are only executed when requested and can be used to simulate specific behaviours within the configuration. Therefore, tests should be used to assert the correctness of any logical operations or behaviour within your configuration. For example, any conditional resources created based on an input can be verified as part of a test by setting that particular input to true.

Test Files

Some commands, such as test, init, and validate, will also load Terraform test files for your configuration.

These files contain specifications for Terraform test executions. For more information about the Terraform test command read Command: test. For more information about the syntax and Terraform test file language read Tests - Configuration Language.

File Extension

Terraform test files are discovered based on the file extensions .tftest and .tftest.json.

Test File Locations

Terraform will load all test files within your root configuration directory.

Terraform will also load all test files within the testing directory. The testing directory can be overridden with the -tests-directory flag on all commands that load the configuration. The default testing directory is tests relative to your configuration directory.


-> Note: The current testing framework is available in Terraform v1.6.0 and later.

Terraform tests allow module authors to validate the functionality of their modules during development and prior to release.


Each Terraform test is contained within a test file. Test files are discovered by Terraform due to their file extension: .tftest.

Each test file contains the following root level attributes and blocks:

The run blocks are executed in order, simulating a series of Terraform commands being executed directly within the configuration directory. The order of the variables and provider blocks doesn't matter, all values within these blocks are processed once at the beginning of the test operation. A well laid out test file has the variables and provider blocks defined first, at the beginning of the file.


The following example demonstrates a simple Terraform configuration that creates an AWS S3 bucket, using an input variable to modify the name, combined with a test that verifies the name of the S3 bucket is as expected.

variable "bucket_prefix" {
  type = string

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  name = "${var.bucket_prefix}_bucket"

output "bucket_name" {
  value = "${var.bucket_prefix}_bucket"
# valid_string_concat.tftest
variables {
  bucket_prefix = "test"

run "valid_string_concat" {

  command = apply

  assert {
    condition     = == "test_bucket"
    error_message = "S3 bucket name did not match expected"


The above test file runs a single Terraform apply command which creates the S3 bucket, and then validates the logic for calculating the name is correct by checking the actual name matches the expected name.

Run blocks

Each run block has the following fields and blocks:

  • Zero to one command attribute, which is either apply or plan and defaults to apply.
  • Zero to one plan_options block, which contains:
    • Zero to one mode attribute, which is either normal or refresh-only and defaults to normal.
    • Zero to one boolean refresh attribute, which defaults to true.
    • Zero to one replace attribute, which contains a list of resource addresses referencing resources within the configuration under test.
    • Zero to one target attribute, which contains a list of resource addresses referencing resources within the configuration under test.
  • Zero to one variables block.
  • Zero to one module block.
  • Zero to one providers attribute.
  • Zero to many assert blocks.
  • Zero to one expect_failures attribute.

The command attribute and plan_options block tell Terraform which command and options to execute for each run block. The default operation, if neither the command attribute nor the plan_options block is specified is normal Terraform apply operation.

The command attribute is simple, stating whether the operation should be a plan or an apply operation.

The plan_options block allows test authors to customize the planning mode and planning options that would normally be edited via command-line flags and options. Note that the -var and -var-file options are discussed in the Variables section.


Terraform run block assertions are Custom Conditions, made up of a condition and an error message.

At the conclusion of a Terraform test command execution, Terraform will present any failed assertions as part of a tests passed or failed status.

Assertion References

Assertions within tests can reference any existing named values that would be available to other custom conditions within the main Terraform configuration.

In addition, test assertions can directly reference outputs. From the previous example, this would be a valid condition: condition = output.bucket_name == "test_bucket".


You can provide values for Input Variables within your configuration directly from your test files.

The test file syntax supports variables blocks at both the root level and within run blocks. Variable values provided directly within run blocks will override the values provided by a variables block at the root level.

Continuing our example from above:

# variable_precedence.tftest
variables {
  bucket_prefix = "test"

run "uses_root_level_value" {

  command = plan

  assert {
    condition     = == "test_bucket"
    error_message = "S3 bucket name did not match expected"


run "overrides_root_level_value" {

  command = plan

  variables {
    bucket_prefix = "other"

  assert {
    condition     = == "other_bucket"
    error_message = "S3 bucket name did not match expected"


Note: You still must specify a value for all required variables in your configuration at the root level, even if each run block provides their own values. Terraform destroys any created infrastructure at the end of each test file, and requires all variables set for this operation.

Variables on the Command Line and Definition Files

In addition to values provided via test files, the Terraform test command also supports the alternate input mechanisms supported by other commands.

You can specify values for variables across all tests via the Command Line and via Variable Definition Files.

This is particularly useful when supplying sensitive values, that would otherwise be exposed directly within the testing files, and for configuring providers.

Variable Definition Precedence

The Variable Definition Precedence remains the same within tests, except for values provided by the variables within the test files. These new input methods take the highest precedence, so will override environment variables, variables files, or command-line input.


You can set or override the required providers within the main configuration from your testing files by using provider and providers blocks and attributes.

At the root level of a Terraform testing file, provider blocks can be defined as if they were being created within the main configuration. These provider blocks will then be passed into the configuration as each run block executes.

By default, within each run block all defined providers will be made directly available. It is also possible to customize which providers are made available within a given run block using a providers attribute. The behaviour and syntax for this block matches the behaviour of providers meta-argument.

If no provider configuration is provided within a testing file, Terraform will attempt to initialize any providers within the configuration using their default settings. For example, any environment variables aimed at configuring providers will still be available and will be used by Terraform to create default providers.

Extending the previous example by ensuring our tests run in the correct region:

# customised_provider.tftest
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

run "valid_string_concat" {

  command = apply

  assert {
    condition     = == "test_bucket"
    error_message = "S3 bucket name did not match expected"


We can also create a more complex example, that makes use of multiple providers and aliases:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source = "hashicorp/aws"
      configuration_aliases = [us-east-1, eu-west-1]

variable "bucket_prefix" {
  default = "test"
  type = string

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "us-east-1_bucket" {
  provider =
  name = "${var.bucket_prefix}_us-east-1_bucket"

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "eu-west-1_bucket" {
  provider =
  name = "${var.bucket_prefix}_eu-west-1_bucket"
# customised_providers.tftest
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

provider "aws" {
  alias = "eu-west-1"
  region = "eu-west-1"

run "providers" {
  providers = { = aws =

  assert {
     condition = == "test_eu-west-1_bucket"
     error_message = "invalid value for eu-west-1 S3 bucket"

  assert {
     condition = == "test_us-east-1_bucket"
     error_message = "invalid value for us-east-1 S3 bucket"

You could avoid the providers attribute within the run block by setting the alias value on both providers. This allows Terraform to calculate the link between the required providers and the supplied providers automatically:

# customised_providers.tftest
provider "aws" {
  alias = "us-east-1"
  region = "us-east-1"

provider "aws" {
  alias = "eu-west-1"
  region = "eu-west-1"

run "providers" {
  assert {
     condition = == "test_eu-west-1_bucket"
     error_message = "invalid value for eu-west-1 S3 bucket"

  assert {
     condition = == "test_us-east-1_bucket"
     error_message = "invalid value for us-east-1 S3 bucket"


You can also modify the module that a given run block will execute.

By default, Terraform will execute the given command against the configuration under test for each run block. Each run block also allows the user to override the configuration under test using the module block.

Compared with the traditional module block, the module block within test files only supports the source attribute and the version attribute. The remaining attributes that would normally be supplied via the traditional module block are provided elsewhere within the run block.

Note: Terraform test files only support local and registry modules within the source attribute.

All other blocks and attributes within the run block are supported when executing an alternate module, with assert blocks executing against values from the alternate module. This is discussed more in Modules State.

There are two targeted use cases for the modules block within a Testing file:

  1. A setup module to create necessary infrastructure required by the main configuration under test.
  2. A loading module to load and validate secondary infrastructure (such as data sources) not created directly by the main configuration under test.

The following example demonstrates both of these use cases:

  • We have a module that will create and load several files into an already created S3 bucket.
    • This is the configuration we want to test.
  • We have a setup module that will create the S3 bucket, so it is available to the configuration under test.
  • We have a loading module, that will load the files in the s3 bucket
    • This is a fairly contrived example, as it is definitely possible just to validate the files directly when they are created in the module under test. It is, however, good for demonstrating the use case.
  • Finally, we have the test file itself which configures everything and calls out to the various helper modules we have created.

variable "bucket" {
  type = string

variable "files" {
  type = map(string)

data "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket = var.bucket

resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "object" {
  for_each = var.files

  bucket =
  key = each.key
  source = each.value

  etag = filemd5(each.value)
# testing/
variable "bucket" {
  type = string

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket = var.bucket
# testing/
variable "bucket" {
  type = string

data "aws_s3_bucket_objects" "objects" {
  bucket = var.bucket
# file_count.tftest
variables {
  bucket = "my_test_bucket"
  files = {
    "file_one.txt": "data/files/file_one.txt"
    "file_two.txt": "data/files/file_two.txt"

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

run "setup" {
  # Create the S3 bucket we will use later.

  module {
    source = "./testing/"

run "execute" {
  # This is empty, we just run the configuration under test using all the default settings.

run "verify" {
  # Load and count the objects created in the "execute" run block.

  module {
    source = "./testing/"

  assert {
    condition = length(data.aws_s3_bucket_objects.objects.keys) == 2
    error_message = "created the wrong number of s3 objects"

Modules State

Terraform maintains the state of each testing file within memory, as it sequentially executes the run blocks. This behaviour would break down when attempting to load different configurations into the same state. Therefore, whenever alternate modules are loaded into run blocks a new empty state is loaded and populated.

In other words, any run blocks that execute against the main configuration share and update the same state sequentially while run blocks executing against other modules always execute in an isolated sandbox. This means that alternate modules cannot be used to interact directly with the state and infrastructure from the configuration under test.

The Terraform team is interested in any use cases that would require manual state management, or the ability to execute different configurations against the same state, within the test command. If you have a use case for this please file an issue and share it with us.

Modules Cleanup

Terraform will attempt to clean up every resource created during the execution of a test file. When alternate modules are loaded, the order in which objects are destroyed is important. For example, in our Modules example earlier we cannot destroy the resources created in the "setup" run block before the objects created in the "execute" run block.

Terraform will destroy resources in the following order, and this order is important as it may affect the structure of your testing files:

  1. Destroy the resources held in the main state file first, so you should not create resources in alternate modules that depend on resources from your main configuration.
    • Note that data sources can refer to objects in your main configuration, as Terraform doesn't have to destroy data sources.
  2. Destroy the resources created by alternate modules in run block reverse order.
    • From our example, any resources created in the "verify" run block would be destroyed before resources created in the "setup" run block. Note, that in our example this doesn't particularly matter as our "verify" run block only loads a data source and creates no resources.

If you only use a single setup module as an alternate module, and it executes first, or you use no alternate modules, then the order of destruction will not affect you. Anything more complex may require careful consideration to make sure automated destruction of created resources completes automatically.

Expecting Failures

By default, if any Custom Conditions, including check block assertions, fail during the execution of a Terraform test file then the overall command will report the test as a failure. It is a common testing paradigm, however, to want to test failure cases. Terraform supports the expect_failures attribute for this use case.

In each run block the expect_failures attribute can provide a list of checkable objects (resources, data sources, check blocks, input variables, and outputs) that should fail. The test will then pass overall if these checkable objects report an issue, while the test will fail overall if they do not report an issue.

You can still write assertions alongside an expect_failures block, but you should be mindful that all custom conditions, except check block assertions, halt the execution of Terraform. This still applies during test execution, so your assertions should only consider values that you are sure will be computed before the checkable object is due to fail. This can be managed via references or the depends_on meta-argument.

This also means that, with the exception of check blocks, only a single checkable object can be reliably included. We support a list of checkable objects within the expect_failures attribute purely for check blocks.

A quick example here demonstrates testing the validation block on an input variable.


input "count" {
  type = number

  validation {
    condition = var.count % 2 == 0
    error_message = "must by even number"
# input_validation.tftest

variables {
  count = 0

run "zero" {
  # The variable defined above is even, so we expect the validation to pass.

  command = plan

run "one" {
  # This time we set the variable is odd, so we expect the validation to fail.

  command = plan

  variables {
    count = 1

  expect_failures = [
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