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Created July 1, 2024 17:48
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# 1.- Download an unsigned IPA. I got it from
# 2.- Create and download a provisioning profile in App Store Connect
# 3.- Replace the bundle identifier in the Info.plist
plutil -replace CFBundleIdentifier -string
# 4.- Get the entitlements from the original binary and save them to /path/to/entitlement.xml
codesign -d --entitlements :/some/path/entitlement.xml
# 5.- Get the xml representation from the provisioning profile
security cms -D -i "/path/to/provisioning_profile.mobileprovision" > /path/to/provisioning_profile.xml
# Note: It is important that it has the entitlement "get-task-allow" so the debugger can attach to the app
# 6.- Copies the entitlements from the provisioning profile xml
xpath -e '//*[text() = "Entitlements"]/following-sibling::dict' /path/to/provisioning_profile.xml | pbcopy
# 7.- Manually replace the entitlements into the file /path/to/entitlement.xml
# 8.- Validate that the xml is correct
plutil -convert xml1 /tmp/ent.xml
# Now we are ready to re-sign the app with our certificate and custom entitlements.
# 9.- Re-sign the frameworks with your certificate
codesign -f -s "Apple Development: My Name (TEAMID)"*
# 10.- Remove the Plugins directory so we don't need to generate provisioning profiles for them
rm -rf
# 11.- Re-sign the app with the new entitlements and your certificate
codesign --entitlements /path/to/entitlement.xml -f -s "Apple Development: My Name (TEAMID)"
# 12.- Copy the app to your device using Xcode
# 13.- Use Xcode to attach the debugger to the app
# 14.- Run the following LLDB commands. First, I looked at the UI hierarchy:
po [[[[UIWindow keyWindow] rootViewController] view] recursiveDescription]
# Example output:
# ...
# <SlackKit.SKLabel: 0x147ebef20; frame = (0 24; 37.3333 22); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x30094c480>>
# | <UIView: 0x147ebf940; frame = (0 0; 37.3333 22); layer = <CALayer: 0x30089bee0>>
# | | <UILabel: 0x147ebf4c0; frame = (0 0; 37.3333 22); text = 'General'; userInteractionEnabled = NO; backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 0; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x302ce3d80>>
# ...
# 15.- I found out the labels use a custom view named SKLabel, so I used an existing object, in this case 0x147ebef20
# 16.- Using _methodDescription I looked for a method that I could use to inject my custom text
po [0x147ebef20 _methodDescription]
# Example output:
# <SlackKit.SKLabel: 0x147ebef20>:
# in SlackKit.SKLabel:
# Properties:
# @property (nonatomic, readonly) UIView* viewForFirstBaselineLayout;
# @property (nonatomic, readonly) UIView* viewForLastBaselineLayout;
# @property (nonatomic) BOOL userInteractionEnabled;
# Instance Methods:
# - (id) viewForFirstBaselineLayout; (0x103e44224)
# - (BOOL) isUserInteractionEnabled; (0x103e44538)
# - (void) layoutSubviews; (0x103e477e4)
# ...
# 17.- I used the method layoutSubviews as an intercepting point to change the text. Finally, I set the breakpoint to that address, and I run a command to get to the underlying UILabel and modify it.
br set -a 0x103e477e4 -C "po [((NSArray *)[((NSArray *)[$x0 subviews])[0] subviews])[0] setText: @\"Omar\"]" -G1
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