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Last active August 27, 2021 08:49
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Google Spread Sheet を用いた QuizGenerator
Google Form Generator(択一問題)
タイトルを書く, 説明文を書く, 出題数, 出題範囲(groupidをカンマ区切りで)
groupid, 問題文, 問1の正答, 問1の誤答1, 問1の誤答2, 問1の誤答3
groupid, 問題文, 問2の正答, 問2の誤答1, 問2の誤答2, 問2の誤答3
groupid, 問題文, 問3の正答, 問3の誤答1, 問3の誤答2, 問3の誤答3
- シート名はdataにしてください
- 答えはいくつでもOKですが,正答を最初にしてください(出題時にはシャッフルされます)
const utils_ = {
getToday: d => [
d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate(), d.getHours(),d.getMinutes()]
.map(v => v.toString())
.map(v => v.padStart(2, '0')).join(''),
shuffle: ([...array]) => {
const randInt = n => Math.trunc(Math.random() * n)
for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const j = randInt(i + 1)
;[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]
return array
const createForm_ = (title, description) => {
const filename = `${title}.${utils_.getToday(new Date())}`
const form = FormApp.create(filename)
// .canEditResponse(true)
return form
const createQuestions_ = form => (matrix) => {
const createMultipleChoice_ = form => (point, question, ...answers) => {
const item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem()
(v, i) => item.createChoice(v, i === 0)
const point = 100 / matrix.length
for (const cols of matrix) {
createMultipleChoice_(form)(point, ...cols)
const main = () => {
// const fileId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
// const file = SpreadsheetApp.openById(fileId)
const file = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet()
const sheet = file.getSheetByName('data')
const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues()
const [title, description, questionNum, questionRange] = data.shift()
const form = createForm_(title, description)
const questions = utils_.shuffle(data.filter(cols =>
.includes(cols[0].toString())).map(v => v.slice(1)))
.slice(0, questionNum)
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