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Created December 15, 2011 12:14
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A small library to generate boundaries for multipart/form-data and so on.
(ns generate-boundary)
(defn- char-range
"Returns a lazy seq of characters between `start` and `end`.
Unlike clojure.core/range, `end` is included in the results.
e.g. (= \9 (last (char-range \0 \9)))"
[start end]
(map char (range (int start) (inc (int end)))))
(def ^:dynamic *characters*
"Seq of characters used for suffix in boundaries."
(concat (char-range \0 \9) (char-range \a \z) (char-range \A \Z) "-_"))
(defn generate-boundary
"Generate a boundary followed by `n` (40 by default) characters in *characters* randomly.
See also:"
(generate-boundary 40))
(apply str "-------" (repeatedly n #(rand-nth *characters*)))))
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