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Created December 19, 2011 07:53
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A Brainfuck interpreter written in Clojure
;;; bf.clj --- A Brainfuck interpreter written in Clojure
;; The idea to implement loop instructions without waste of stack
;; is borrowed from a interpreter by Blake Williams, available at
;;; Data Constructors and Manipulators
;; TODO(omasanori): Consider writing a macro to remove duplication of code.
(defn valid-address?
"Returns true if `address` is valid, otherwise false."
(and (integer? address)
(not (neg? address))))
(defn pointer
"Returns a new pointer."
(atom 0 :validator valid-address?))
(defn read-pointer
"Returns the value of `ptr`."
(deref ptr))
(defn inc-pointer
(swap! ptr inc'))
(defn dec-pointer
(swap! ptr dec'))
(defn cell
"Returns a new cell."
(atom 0 :validator integer?))
(defn read-cell
(deref cll))
(defn write-cell
(reset! cll value))
(defn inc-cell
(swap! cll inc'))
(defn dec-cell
(swap! cll dec'))
;;; Cells and Data Pointer
(def ^:dynamic *data-pointer*
"Points a cell witch the program can read/write now."
(def ^:dynamic *cells*
"Holds cells used by the program."
(repeatedly cell))
(defn current-cell
"Returns a cell pointed by *data-pointer*."
(nth *cells* (read-pointer *data-pointer*)))
;;; Instruction Pointer
(def ^:dynamic *inst-pointer*
"Points a instruction running now."
(defn current-inst
"Returns a instruction pointed by *inst-pointer*."
(nth program (read-pointer *inst-pointer*)))
;;; Jump Instructions
;; TODO(omasanori): Consider writing a macro to remove duplication of code.
(defn jump-forward
"Forwards *inst-pointer* to ] which corresponds to current [."
(loop [depth 1]
(when-not (zero? depth)
(inc-pointer *inst-pointer*)
(case (current-inst program)
\[ (recur (inc' depth))
\] (recur (dec' depth))
(recur depth)))))
(defn jump-backward
"Backs *inst-pointer* to [ corresponds to current ]."
(loop [depth 1]
(when-not (zero? depth)
(dec-pointer *inst-pointer*)
(case (current-inst program)
\[ (recur (dec' depth))
\] (recur (inc' depth))
(recur depth)))))
;;; Input/Output Instructions
(defn read-char
"Reads a character from *in* and stores to the current cell."
(write-cell (current-cell) (.read *in*)))
(defn write-char
"Writes the value of the current cell to *out* as a character."
(print (char (read-cell (current-cell)))))
;;; Interpreter Loop
(defn run*
"Executes `program` with current thread's *data-pointer*,
*inst-pointer* and *cells*."
(loop []
(case (current-inst program)
\> (inc-pointer *data-pointer*)
\< (dec-pointer *data-pointer*)
\+ (inc-cell (current-cell))
\- (dec-cell (current-cell))
\, (read-char)
\. (write-char)
\[ (when (zero? (read-cell (current-cell)))
(jump-forward program))
\] (when-not (zero? (read-cell (current-cell)))
(inc-pointer *inst-pointer*)
(when-not (= (read-pointer *inst-pointer*) (count program))
(defn run
"Executes `program` with new *data-pointer*, *inst-pointer* and
(binding [*data-pointer* (pointer)
*inst-pointer* (pointer)
*cells* (repeatedly cell)]
(run* program)))
;;; Other Utilities
(def hello-world
"A 'hello world' Brainfuck program borrowed from ."
(defn silly-loop
"Returns a Brainfuck program with `n`-depth loop. Simple implementations
using recursions for loops will cause stack overflow with enough `n`."
(apply str "+" (concat (repeat n \[) "-" (repeat n \]))))
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