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Created December 14, 2009 04:32
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snippet class
abbr class Class(...): ...
class ${1:Name}(${2:object}):
"""${3:class documentation}"""
def __init__(self, ${4}):
"""${5:__init__ documentation}"""
snippet def
abbr def function(...): ...
def ${1:name}(${2}):
"""${3:function documentation}"""
snippet defm
abbr def method(self, ...): ...
def $(1:name}(self, ${2}):
"""${3:method documentation}"""
snippet elif
abbr elif ...: ...
elif ${1:condition}:
snippet else
abbr else: ...
snippet fileidiom
abbr f = None try: f = open(...) finally: ...
${1:f} = None
$1 = open(${2})
if $1:
snippet for
abbr for ... in ...: ...
for ${1:value} in ${2:list}:
snippet if
abbr if ...: ...
if ${1:condition}:
snippet ifmain
abbr if __name__ == '__main__': ...
if __name__ == '__main__':
snippet tryexcept
abbr try: ... except ...: ...
except ${2:ExceptionClass}:
snippet tryfinally
abbr try: ... finally: ...
snippet while
abbr while ...: ...
while ${1:condition}:
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