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Last active September 8, 2017 01:30
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"users": [
"id": "797rtr534",
"name": "Supriyono",
"phone": "087364524354",
"token": "kjashdrfkjhaswkeruy9824hhufdskjn"
"restaurants": [
"id": "321xxff123",
"photo": "",
"name": "Bakso Pak Maman",
"address": {
"street": "Jl. Winangun No 32",
"lat": 1111,
"lng": 2222
"rate": 3,
"menu": {
"food": [
"name": "Bakso Raksasa Dor",
"photo": "",
"price": 15000,
"description": "Bakso dading sapi ukuran jumbo berisi kejutan"
"name": "Bakso Semut",
"photo": "",
"price": 13000,
"description": "Bakso dading sapi ukuran kecil dengan jumlah sebanyak pasir putih dilautan"
"name": "Mie ayam",
"photo": "",
"price": 13500,
"description": "Mie ayam asli wonogiri"
"name": "Mie Ayam Goreng",
"photo": "",
"price": 14000,
"description": "Mie ayam dengan sajian goreng tanpa kuah"
"name": "Mie Ayam Bakso",
"photo": "",
"price": 15000,
"description": "Mie ayam dengan sajian istimewa bersama Bakso"
"drink": [
"name": "Es Teh",
"photo": "",
"price": 3000,
"description": "teh melati segar disajikan dengan dingin"
"name": "Es Susu Sirup",
"photo": "",
"price": 7000,
"description": "Campuran susu asli dengan sirup disajikan dingin"
"name": "Es Jeruk nipis",
"photo": "",
"price": 6000,
"description": "Minuman segar berasa asam manis khas jeruk"
"name": "Teh Panas",
"photo": "",
"price": 5000,
"description": "Teh segar disajikan panas, cocok diminum pada cuaca dingin"
"appetizer": [
"name": "Kripik Bakso Goreng",
"photo": "",
"price": 1000,
"description": "Irisan bakso kering yang digoreng seperti keripik"
"name": "Bakso Kemul Crispy",
"photo": "",
"price": 1000,
"description": "Bakso diselimuti crispy"
"id": "321xxdd123",
"photo": "",
"name": "Nasi Goreng Apasih",
"address": {
"street": "Jl. Gatos Tubroto No 21",
"lat": 1111,
"lng": 2222
"rate": 4,
"menu": {
"food": [
"name": "Nasi goreng pedas cabe 5",
"photo": "",
"price": 9000,
"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"
"name": "Nasi goreng telur plus",
"photo": "",
"price": 10000,
"description": "Nullam eget euismod nisl. Quisque felis mauris, mollis vit"
"name": "Nasi goreng jamur",
"photo": "",
"price": 13500,
"description": "Nullam a lacus bibendum quam sollicitudin malesuada"
"name": "Mie Jawa goreng",
"photo": "",
"price": 14000,
"description": "In diam mi, scelerisque id purus at, sollicitudin sagittis mi"
"name": "Mie Jawa Godhog",
"photo": "",
"price": 15000,
"description": "Proin ultricies sem at turpis elementum commodo"
"drink": [
"name": "Es Teh Tarik",
"photo": "",
"price": 3000,
"description": "teh melati campur susu segar disajikan dengan dingin"
"name": "Es Susu Jahe",
"photo": "",
"price": 7000,
"description": "Campuran susu asli dengan jahe disajikan dingin"
"name": "Es Jeruk nipis madu",
"photo": "",
"price": 6000,
"description": "Minuman segar berasa asam manis khas jeruk"
"name": "Teh Panas",
"photo": "",
"price": 5000,
"description": "Teh segar disajikan panas, cocok diminum pada cuaca dingin"
"appetizer": [
"name": "Mendoan goreng",
"photo": "",
"price": 1000,
"description": "Proin ultricies sem at turpis elementum commodo"
"name": "Bakwan goreng",
"photo": "",
"price": 1000,
"description": "Maecenas tempus nunc quis augue varius ultrices"
"histories": [
"name": "Bakso Raksasa Dor",
"photo": "",
"restaurant_id": "321xxff123",
"price": 15000,
"description": "Bakso dading sapi ukuran jumbo berisi kejutan",
"visit_time": 1504763152
"name": "Mie Ayam Goreng",
"photo": "",
"restaurant_id": "321xxff123",
"price": 14000,
"description": "Mie ayam dengan sajian goreng tanpa kuah",
"visit_time": 1504763361
"name": "Nasi goreng pedas cabe 5",
"photo": "",
"restaurant_id": "321xxdd123",
"price": 15000,
"description": "Bakso dading sapi ukura0n jumbo berisi kejutan",
"visit_time": 1504763152
"name": "Mie Ayam Goreng",
"photo": "",
"restaurant_id": "321xxff123",
"price": 14000,
"description": "Mie ayam dengan sajian goreng tanpa kuah",
"visit_time": 1504763361
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