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Created April 22, 2021 19:14
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SIA Uninstall to support Sitecore 10.0 and 10.1
This is just an update of
to suport Sitecore 10.0 and 10.1 SIA installations.
Special thanks to:
- Scott Gillis for intial scripts
- Serge van den Oever's blog post -
- Kim -
The script provides the minimal required data to uninstall an installation of Sitecore that was done via the Sitecore Install Assistant (SIA)
The script requires the user to proivde four parameters and retrieves the remaining data from the last SIA log file.
If your installation leveraged the defaul setup.exe.config provided by SIA then no edits to this file is required.
The script provides the minimal required data to uninstall an installation of Sitecore that was done via the Sitecore Install Assistant (SIA)
The script requires the user to proivde four parameters and retrieves the remaining data from the last SIA log file.
If your installation leveraged the defaul setup.exe.config provided by SIA then no edits to this file is required.
The DNS name or IP of the SQL Instance that you installed against.
A SQL user with sysadmin privileges
.PARAMETER SqlAdminPassword
The password for SQLAdminUser.
The full path to a specific log file that the uninstall should be based on. If not included will default to the most recent log file at "$env:USERPROFILE\sitecore.installassistant"
You will then be prompted for required parameters.
.\Sitecore-Uninstall-SIA.ps1 -SqlServer localhost -SqlAdminUser sa -SqlAdminPassword sa
.\Sitecore-Uninstall-SIA.ps1 -SqlServer localhost -SqlAdminUser sa -SqlAdminPassword sa -SIALogFile $env:USERPROFILE\sitecore.installassistant\Sitecore-InstallConfiguration_1618854070.txt
# The DNS name or IP of the SQL Instance.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The DNS name or IP of the SQL Instance")]
# A SQL user with sysadmin privileges.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "A SQL user with sysadmin privileges")]
# The password for $SQLAdminUser.
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The password for SQLAdminUser.")]
# The full path to a specific log file for uninstalling
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The full path to a specific log file that the uninstall should be based on.")]
Import-Module SitecoreInstallFramework -RequiredVersion 2.3.0
Import-Module SitecoreFundamentals
if($SIALogFile -eq "" )
# Retrieve the log file from the last run of SIA.
$logfile = Get-ChildItem -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\sitecore.installassistant" -Filter "Sitecore-InstallConfiguration_*.txt" | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$SIALogFile = Join-Path "$env:USERPROFILE\sitecore.installassistant" $logFile.Name
#The root folder with the WDP files and XP0-SingelDeveloper.json
$SCInstallRoot = ""
#The full path to the XP0-SingelDeveloper.json or similar custom configuration JSON.
$SCInstallConfig = ""
#Get Working Directory, SCInstallRoot
$workingDirectoryPath = Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -Pattern "^WorkingDirectory" -list
$whatIfLine = Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -Pattern "^WhatIf" -list
if($workingDirectoryPath.LineNumber -lt ($whatIfLine.LineNumber - 1))
#is a wrapped line.
$secondPart = Get-Content $SIALogFile | Select-Object -Index $workingDirectoryPath.LineNumber
$secondPart = $secondPart.Trim()
$SCInstallRoot = Join-Path ($workingDirectoryPath -split " :")[1].Trim() $secondPart
$SCInstallRoot = "{0} {1}" -f ($workingDirectoryPath -split " :")[1].Trim(),$secondPart
else {
$SCInstallRoot = ($workingDirectoryPath -split " : ")[1].Trim()
#Get Install Configuration JSON
$confiugrationPath = Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -Pattern ".XP0-SingleDeveloper.json$" -list
$whatIfLine = Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -Pattern "^WhatIf" -list
if (-Not $confiugrationPath.Line.StartsWith("Configuration")) {
#is a wrapped line
$i = $confiugrationPath.LineNumber - 2
$firstPath = Get-Content $SIALogFile | Select-Object -Index $i
$SCInstallConfig = Join-Path ($firstPath -split " :")[1].Trim() $confiugrationPath.Line.Trim()
$SCInstallConfig = "{0} {1}" -f ($firstPath -split " :")[1].Trim(),$confiugrationPath.Line.Trim()
else {
$SCInstallConfig = ($confiugrationPath -split " : ")[1].Trim()
# The Identity Server Path
$IdentityServerPath = ((Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -SimpleMatch -Pattern "[IdentityServer_CreatePaths]:[Create]") -split " ")[1]
$Prefix = ($IdentityServerPath -split "\\")[-1].Replace("", "")
# The URL of the Solr Server
$SolrUrl = ((Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -Pattern "\[Requesting\].https.[/solr]{1}?" -list) -split "\[Requesting\]")[1].Trim()
# The name for the XConnect service.
$XConnectSiteName = ((Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -SimpleMatch -Pattern "[XConnectXP0_CreateWebsite]:[Create]") -split " ")[1]
# Failed to completely install Xconnect
$Prefix = ($IdentityServerPath -split "\\")[-1].Replace("", "")
$XConnectSiteName = ($Prefix,"") -join ""
# The Sitecore site instance name.
$SitecoreSiteName = ((Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -SimpleMatch -Pattern "[SitecoreXP0_CreateWebsite]:[Create]") -split " ")[1]
# Failed to install Sitecore site
$SitecoreSiteName = ($Prefix,"") -join ""
# Identity Server site name
$IdentityServerSiteName = ((Select-String -Path $SIALogFile -SimpleMatch -Pattern "[IdentityServer_CreateWebsite]:[Create]") -split " ")[1]
# Failed to intsall Identity site
$IdentityServerSiteName = ($Prefix,"") -join ""
# The Prefix that will be used on SOLR, Website and Database instances.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen "------ Uninstall Parameters ------"
Write-Host " SIA Log File............... $SIALogFile"
Write-Host " Solr URL................... $SolrUrl"
Write-Host " Prefix..................... $Prefix"
Write-Host " Sitecore Site Name......... $SitecoreSiteName"
Write-Host " xConnect Site Name......... $XConnectSiteName"
Write-Host " Identity Server Site Name.. $IdentityServerSiteName"
Write-Host " Install Working Path....... $SCInstallRoot"
Write-Host " Install Configuration Path. $SCInstallConfig"
$question = "Do you want to proceed with uninstalling $SitecoreSiteName?"
$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice(" ", $question, $choices, 1)
if ($decision -eq 0) {
$singleDeveloperParams = @{
Path = $SCInstallConfig
SqlServer = $SqlServer
SqlAdminUser = $SqlAdminUser
SqlAdminPassword = $SqlAdminPassword
SolrUrl = $SolrUrl
Prefix = $Prefix
XConnectCertificateName = $XConnectSiteName
IdentityServerCertificateName = $IdentityServerSiteName
IdentityServerSiteName = $IdentityServerSiteName
XConnectSiteName = $XConnectSiteName
SitecoreSitename = $SitecoreSiteName
Push-Location $SCInstallRoot
Uninstall-SitecoreConfiguration @singleDeveloperParams *>&1 | Tee-Object XP0-SingleDeveloper-Uninstall.log
# remove certificates
$certificateNames = @($IdentityServerSiteName,$SitecoreSiteName,$XConnectSiteName)
foreach ($certificateName in $certificateNames) {
$cert = Get-ChildItem -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My" | Where-Object { $_.subject -like "CN=*$certificateName*" }
if ($cert -and $cert.Thumbprint) {
$certPath = "cert:\LocalMachine\My\" + $cert.Thumbprint
Remove-Item $certPath
Write-Host "Removing certificate $certificateName ($certPath)" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host "Could not find certificate $certificateName under cert:\LocalMachine\My" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Uninstallation has completed for $SitecoreSiteName" -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
else {
Write-Host "Uninstalling of $SitecoreSiteName has been cancelled." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
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