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Last active April 2, 2020 12:57
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omega|ml snowflake datasets plugin
from omegaml.backends.basedata import BaseDataBackend
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd
# version of this plugin
version = '0.1.3'
class SnowflakeDataBackend(BaseDataBackend):
Snowflake plugin for omegaml
copy/paste above into a cell, execute, then run this to register
Alternatively install getgist
!pip install getgist
make sure you have the following packages installed
!pip install -U snowflake-sqlalchemy==1.2.1
# define your snowflake connection
snowflake_constr = f'snowflake://{user}:{password}@{account}/'
# store in any of three ways
# -- just the connection
om.datasets.put(snowflake_constr, 'mysnowflake')
=> the sql connection object
# -- store connection with a predefined sql
om.datasets.put(snowflake_constr, 'mysnowflake', sql='select ....')
=> will return a pandas dataframe. specify chunksize to return an interable of dataframes
# -- copy the result of the snowflake query to omegaml
om.datasets.put(snowflake_constr, 'mysnowflake', sql='select ...', copy=True)
=> will return a pandas dataframe (without executing any additional queries)
=> can also use with om.datasets.getl('mysnowflake') to return a MDataFrame
om.datasets.put() supports the following additional keyword arguments
chunksize=int specify the number of rows to read from snowflake in one chunk.
defaults to 10000
parse_dates=['col', ...] list of column names to parse for date, time or datetime.
see pd.read_sql for details
transform=callable a callable, is passed the DataFrame of each chunk before it
is inserted into the database. use to provide custom transformations.
only works on copy=True
as well as other kwargs supported by pd.read_sql
KIND = 'snowflake.conx'
def supports(self, obj, name, *args, **kwargs):
return isinstance(obj, str) and obj.startswith('snowflake')
def get(self, name, sql=None, chunksize=None, *args, **kwargs):
meta = self.data_store.metadata(name)
connection_str = meta.kind_meta.get('snowflake_connection')
sql = sql or meta.kind_meta.get('sql')
chunksize = chunksize or meta.kind_meta.get('chunksize')
if connection_str:
connection = self.get_connection(connection_str)
raise ValueError('no connection string')
if sql:
return pd.read_sql(sql, connection, chunksize=chunksize)
return connection
def put(self, obj, name, sql=None, copy=False, append=True, chunksize=None,
transform=None, *args, **kwargs):
attributes = kwargs.pop('attributes', None) or {}
kind_meta = {
'snowflake_connection': str(obj),
'sql': sql,
'chunksize': chunksize,
if copy:
if not sql:
raise ValueError('a valid SQL statement is requirement with copy=True')
metadata = self.copy_from_sql(sql, obj, name, chunksize=chunksize,
append=append, transform=transform, **kwargs)
metadata = self.data_store.metadata(name)
if metadata is not None:
metadata = self.data_store.make_metadata(name, self.KIND,
def get_connection(self, connection_str):
connection = None
engine = create_engine(connection_str)
connection = engine.connect()
results = connection.execute('select current_version()').fetchone()
except Exception as e:
if connection is not None:
return connection
def copy_from_sql(self, sql, connstr, name, chunksize=10000,
append=False, transform=None, **kwargs):
connection = self.get_connection(connstr)
chunksize = chunksize or 10000 # avoid None
pditer = pd.read_sql(sql, connection, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs)
import tqdm
meta = self._chunked_insert(pditer, name, append=append,
with tqdm.tqdm(unit='rows') as pbar:
meta = self._chunked_insert(pditer, name, append=append,
transform=transform, pbar=pbar)
return meta
def _chunked_insert(self, pditer, name, append=True, transform=None, pbar=None):
for i, df in enumerate(pditer):
if pbar is not None:
should_append = (i > 0) or append
if transform:
df = transform(df)
meta = self.data_store.put(df, name, append=should_append)
except Exception as e:
rows = df.iloc[0:10].to_dict()
raise ValueError("{e}: {rows}".format(**locals()))
return meta
omegaml patch to fast_insert
version: 0.10.*, 0.11.*
import os
import math
from multiprocessing import Pool
from import dfchunker, repeat, insert_chunk
# single instance multiprocessing pool
pool = None
def fast_insert(df, omstore, name, chunk_size=int(1e4)):
fast insert of dataframe to mongodb
Depending on size use single-process or multiprocessing. Typically
multiprocessing is faster on datasets with > 10'000 data elements
(rows x columns). Note this may max out your CPU and may use
processor count * chunksize of additional memory. The chunksize is
set to 10'000. The processor count is the default used by multiprocessing,
typically the number of CPUs reported by the operating system.
:param df: dataframe
:param omstore: the OmegaStore to use. will be used to get the mongo_url
:param name: the dataset name in OmegaStore to use. will be used to get the
collection name from the omstore
global pool
if len(df) * len(df.columns) > chunk_size:
mongo_url = omstore.mongo_url
collection_name = omstore.collection(name).name
# we crossed upper limits of single threaded processing, use a Pool
# use the cached pool
cores = max(1, math.ceil(os.cpu_count() / 2))
pool = pool or Pool(processes=cores)
jobs = zip(dfchunker(df, size=chunk_size),
repeat(mongo_url), repeat(collection_name)), (job for job in jobs))
# still within bounds for single threaded inserts
# apply the fix
from omegaml import version as omversion
if any(omversion.startswith(v) for v in ('0.10', '0.11')):
print(f"*** applying fast_insert patch to omegaml-{omversion}")
from import base
base.fast_insert = fast_insert
# load sqlalchemy
# source:
from sqlalchemy.dialects import registry
registry.register('snowflake', 'snowflake.sqlalchemy', 'dialect')
print(f"snowflake plugin {version}: to install execute the following line of code")
print("> om.datasets.register_backend(SnowflakeDataBackend.KIND, SnowflakeDataBackend)")
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