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Last active May 30, 2020 09:29
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omegaml support info collector
def getinfo(om, models=None, datasets=None, scripts=None, jobs=None, outfile=None, tryget=False):
get info relevant to provide support
import omegaml as om
# to get a printed report
print(getinfo(om, ...))
# to get a pickle file to send to support
getinfo(om, ..., outfile='/path/to/info.pkl')
om (Omega): the omega instance
models (str|list): name or list of names of models you want to collect info about
datasets (str|list): name or list of names of datasets you want to collect info about
scripts (str|list): name or list of names of scripts you want to collect info about
jobs (str|list): name or list of names of jobs you want to collect info about
What information is collected?
the resulting dict contains the following keys:
'omega': the omegaml, pymongo, mongoengine package versions
'defaults': the om.defaults settings, only uppercase settings are collected. secrets and passwords are masked
'sys': the contents of sys.path, sys.version, sys.platform
'datasets': metadata about each dataset (as given by datasets=)
'models': metadata about each model (as given by models=)
'jobs': metadata about each job (as given by jobs=)
'scripts': metadata about each script (as given by scripts=)
The metadata collect for each of datasets, models, jobs, scripts is
'attributes': metadata.attributes
'kind_meta': metadata.kind_meta
'gridfile': the id of the gridfile, mongodb, collection, alias name and whether any data can be read
(not the data itself)
from collections import defaultdict
from pprint import pformat
import pickle
import sys
import re
import pymongo
import mongoengine
from omegaml._version import version
def tryor(f):
result = f()
except Exception as e:
result = repr(e)
return result
clean = lambda s: re.sub(r':\/\/(.*?)(\@)', r'://***@', str(s))
mask_K = ['KEY', 'SECRET', 'PASSWORD', 'TOKEN', 'PASSW']
mask_E = ['ROUTING_KEY']
anyin = lambda k, kk: any(k_ in k for k_ in kk)
mask = lambda d: {k: '*****' if (anyin(k, mask_K) and not anyin(k, mask_E)) else clean(v) for k, v in d.items() }
makelist = lambda v: (v if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else [v]) if v is not None else []
models = makelist(models)
datasets = makelist(datasets)
scripts = makelist(scripts)
jobs = makelist(jobs)
info = defaultdict(dict)
if hasattr(om, 'setup'):
om = om.setup()
info['defaults'] = mask({ k: clean(getattr(om.defaults, k)) for k in dir(om.defaults) if k.isupper()})
if isinstance(models, str):
models = [models]
if isinstance(datasets, str):
datasets = [datasets]
stores = ('models', 'datasets', 'scripts', 'jobs')
names = (models, datasets, scripts, jobs)
for s, ns in zip(stores, names):
for n in ns:
store = getattr(om, s)
meta = store.metadata(n)
info[s]['mixins'] = list(str(cls) for cls in store.__class__.mro())
info[s]['mongo_url'] = tryor(lambda : clean(store.mongo_url))
info[s]['store._dbalias'] = str(tryor(lambda : store._dbalias))
info[s]['store._Metadata._meta'] = str(tryor(lambda : store._Metadata._meta))
info[s][n] = {}
info[s][n]['meta'] = repr(meta)
if meta is not None:
info[s][n]['backend'] = tryor(lambda : repr(store.get_backend_bykind(meta.kind)))
info[s][n]['attributes'] = meta.attributes
info[s][n]['kind_meta'] = meta.kind_meta
info[s][n]['metadata._meta'] = meta._meta
info[s][n]['collection_ref'] = str(tryor(lambda : meta.collection))
info[s][n]['collection'] = str(tryor(lambda : store.collection(n)))
info[s][n][''] = str(tryor(lambda : store.collection(n).name))
info[s][n]['gridfile'] = str(tryor(lambda : meta.gridfile))
info[s][n][''] = str(tryor(lambda : 'ok' if is not None else 'None'))
info[s][n][''] = str(tryor(lambda :
info[s][n]['gridfile.fs.collection'] = str(tryor(lambda : meta.gridfile.fs._GridFS__collection))
info[s][n]['gridfile.db_alias'] = str(tryor(lambda : meta.gridfile.db_alias))
if tryget:
info[s][n]['get'] = str(tryor(lambda : 'ok' if store.get(n) is not None else 'None'))
info[s][n]['get_lazy'] = str(tryor(lambda : 'ok' if store.getl(n) is not None else 'None'))
info['sys']['path'] = sys.path
info['sys']['version'] = sys.version
info['sys']['platform'] = sys.platform
info['omega']['version'] = version
info['omega']['pymongo'] = pymongo.version
info['omega']['mongoengine'] = mongoengine.__version__
info['omega']['runtime'] = str(tryor(lambda : clean(om.runtime)))
info['omega']['runtime.celeryapp.conf'] = mask(tryor(lambda : dict(om.runtime.celeryapp.conf)))
info['omega'][''] = str(tryor(lambda : timeout(, seconds=10)))
if not outfile:
result = dict(info)
if isinstance(outfile, str):
fout = open(outfile, 'w')
fout = outfile
result =
return result
def timeout(func, args=(), kwargs={}, seconds=1, default='timed out'):
# adopted from
import signal
timeout_duration = seconds
class TimeoutError(Exception):
def handler(signum, frame):
raise TimeoutError()
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
except TimeoutError as exc:
result = default
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
from pprint import pprint
import omegaml as om
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='omegaml getinfo')
parser.add_argument('--models', type=str, default='', help='model[,...]')
parser.add_argument('--datasets', type=str, default='', help='dataset[,...]')
parser.add_argument('--scripts', type=str, default='', help='scripts[,...]')
parser.add_argument('--jobs', type=str, default='', help='jobs[,...]')
parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='/path/to/file.getinfo')
parser.add_argument('--explain', action='store_true', help='explain what getinfo does')
args = parser.parse_args()
models = args.models.split(',')
datasets = args.datasets.split(',')
scripts = args.scripts.split(',')
jobs =',')
if args.explain:
print("getinfo is collecting information...")
result = getinfo(om, models=models, datasets=datasets, jobs=jobs, scripts=scripts, outfile=args.output)
pip install -U getgist > getinfo.log
getgist -y omegaml >> getinfo.log
python -m omx_getinfo --output getinfo.txt $*
cat getinfo.log >> getinfo.txt
rm getinfo.log
echo "please send the file getinfo.txt to or as indiciated by omega-ml support staff"
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omegaml commented May 30, 2020

On direction of omegaml support,

  1. open a shell to your python environment (e.g. in Jupyter, open a Terminal)
  2. create the file with above contents
  3. run chmod +x
  4. run ./

Then send the file getinfo.txt to omegaml support. The file contains relevant information for your support agent to assist with your problem.

Note that step 4 may need additional options.

  • If you want help with a particular model, add --models <name>
  • If you want help with a particular dataset, add --datasets <name>
  • If you want help with a particular script, add --scripts <name>
  • If you want help with a particular job (notebook), add --jobs <name>

To understand what information getinfo is collecting, run --explain. You may also look at the getinfo.txt file generated by the tool, all information is shown in plain text.

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