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This is a list of star trek ships
name registry ship_class description
USS Defiant NCC-75633 Defiant Formerly the USS São Paulo. Assigned to space station Deep Space Nine. Participates in the Battle of Cardassia.
SS Vico NAR-18834 Oberth Research vessel that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century. This ship was on loan to a civilian agency, and was given a civilian registry. Vico operated out of Starbase 514. In 2368, the Vico explored an astronomical formation known as a black cluster. Found derelict by Enterprise-D.
USS Raven NAR-32450 Undetermined Science and exploration vessel used by the Hansens for exploration of the Delta Quadrant where Seven of Nine was assimilated by the Borg.
USS YorktownUSS Enterprise (from 2286) NCC 1717 Constitution refit Disabled by whale probe, then possibly salvaged and renamed Enterprise; although no onscreen evidence supports this. Command given to James T. Kirk following his demotion to Captain. Primary setting for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, later decommissioned.
USS Houston NCC 97284 Odyssey The Houston, commanded by Admiral D'Vak, lead the federation in an assault against the Borg Queen's Octahedron in the space around the Unicomplex.
USS Kelvin NCC-0514 Einstein In the timeline at the start of the movie Star Trek, the Kelvin was in service with Starfleet in the early 23rd century. In 2233, the Kelvin was under the command of Captain Richard Robau; his first officer was Lieutenant Commander George Kirk. Kirk's wife, Winona, was also aboard the ship at that time while she was pregnant with their son, James T. Kirk. The Kelvin was destroyed by the Romulan mining ship Narada, which arrived from the distant future through an artificial black hole. Named for director J. J. Abrams' grandfather. Its registry number, NCC-0514, comes from Abrams's birthdate of May 14.
USS Endeavour NCC-06 Columbia Originally the last active NX class starship in the Earth Starfleet. Transferred to Federation Starfleet service and rebuilt into the first Columbia class starship.
USS T'Plana-Hath NCC-1004 Engle Destroyed at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Constellation NCC-1017 Constitution Commanded by Commodore Matthew Decker. All of crew was killed by the Doomsday Machine except for Commodore Decker. Used as a bomb to destroy the planet-killer.
USS Crossfield NCC-1029 Crossfield Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Glenn NCC-1030 Crossfield Sister ship to the Discovery. Scuttled following a failed propulsion experiment.
USS Discovery NCC-1031 Crossfield Titular ship in 2017 television series Star Trek: Discovery. Initially commanded by Captain Gabriel Lorca, and later by Captain Christopher Pike, the Discovery is a science vessel commissioned to investigate potential forms of faster-than-light propulsion such as the spore drive.
USS Hermes NCC-10376 Antares Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Earhart NCC-1052 Engle Fought at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Horatio NCC-10532 Ambassador Commanded by Captain Walker Keel. Destroyed by agents of an alien conspiracy to take over Starfleet.
USS Ajax NCC-11574 Apollo Cortin Zweller's first assignment. Received experimental warp drive technology. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Agamemnon NCC-11638 Apollo Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Part of "Task Force 3" sent to face an anticipated Borg attack.
USS Gage NCC-11672 Apollo Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Clement NCC-12537 Apollo Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D.
USS Kerala NCC-1255 Shepard Destroyed at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Ride NCC-1265 Shepard Fought at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Gagarin NCC-1309 Shepard Ambushed and destroyed by the Klingons.
USS Republic NCC-1371 Constitution Although many reference sources included Republic as a Constitution-class heavy cruiser, its status in canon is, to date, uncertain. Kirk himself stated in the episode "Court Martial" the ship's nomenclature as "United Starship Republic, number 1371".
USS Okinawa NCC-13958 Excelsior Ship commanded by Admiral James Leyton and on which Benjamin Sisko served as first officer.
USS Shran NCC-1413 Magee Destroyed at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Buran NCC-1422 Cardenas The ship was ambushed by Klingons about a month after the beginning of the 2256 Federation-Klingon war and apparently destroyed. Its captain at the time was Gabriel Lorca.At some point Lorca was replaced by his mirror-universe counterpart, who impersonated him and reported that ship was boarded, then set to self destruct by him so that its crew doesn't fall into Klingon hands and face degradation, torture and slow public death.
USS Berlin NCC-14232 Excelsior Patrolled the Romulan Neutral Zone.
USS Yeager NCC-1437 Cardenas Destroyed at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Fearless NCC-14598 Excelsior Assigned to planetary mapping in the Beta Mahoga system. Received new warp technology. Briefly seen in The Next Generation episode "Where No One Has Gone Before"
USS Carolina NCC-160 Daedalus Freighter.
USS Sioux NCC-1621 Malachowski Fought at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Valiant NCC-1623 Constitution For his influential "The Case of Jonathan Doe Starship" article, published in the April 1973 issue 27 of the T-Negative fanzine, future Star Trek model maker Greg Jein accepted the producer's intent and endowed Valiant with the appropriately lower conjectural registry number NCC-1623. But unlike many of his other conjectural Constitution-class registry numbers, the 2006 remastered version of the series afforded no opportunity to bring this ship to canon. The reference book Star Fleet Technical Manual also listed a Constitution-class starship with the name Valiant but assigned with the registry NCC-1709. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1709 also.
USS Intrepid NCC-1631 Constitution All-Vulcan crew destroyed by a massive, spacegoing single-celled life form. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1708.
USS Farragut NCC-1647 Constitution Ship on which James Kirk served as a phaser station operator. Attacked by the dikironium cloud creature, which killed half the crew. The ship never appeared on screen and was never given a class or registry number; both come from The Star Trek Encyclopedia. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1702.
USS Europa NCC-1648 Nimitz Commanded by Admiral Brett Anderson. Destroyed by a cloaked Klingon ship during the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Korolev NCC-1650 Korolev Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Potemkin NCC-1657 Constitution Participates in Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test. See USS Kongo for its ultimate fate. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1711.
USS Clarke NCC-1661 Malachowski Destroyed at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Excalibur NCC-1664 Constitution Severely damaged and crew killed during Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test. In TOS episode "The Ultimate Computer", the death of its entire crew is established, however, the status of the Excalibur itself is unclear. It is not determined whether the ship was destroyed or severely damaged. The Star Trek Chronology (2nd ed., p. 88) stated that the ship was destroyed. The fourth edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia offered two possibilities of the conditions of the Excalibur – the ship was severely damaged in (vol. 1, p. 254) or accidentally destroyed in (vol. 2, p. 329). Even though the episode itself provided no firm confirmation either way. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1705.
USS Exeter NCC-1672 Constitution All crew lost (killed by alien disease) except for Captain Ronald Tracey, who was on the planet's surface when the disease struck his crew. At the end of the series Captain James T. Kirk stated that the Exeter was an abandoned ship, being infected with the virus of Omega IV. Best estimates were that the Exeter was destroyed to keep the infection from spreading throughout the galaxy. See USS Kongo for its ultimate fate. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1706.
USS Edison NCC-1683 Hoover Destroyed at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Dana NCC-1690 Hoover Fought at the Battle at the Binary Stars.
USS Helin NCC-1692 Miranda Patrolled the Romulan Neutral Zone.
USS Constitution NCC-1700 Constitution Lead ship of the class (previously NX-1700).
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Constitution Commanded by Robert April (2245–2250), Christopher Pike (2250–2265), James T. Kirk (2265–2270, 2273–2280, 2285), Willard Decker (2270–2273, ship's commander during refit up to V'Ger incident), and Spock (2280–2285, at which time Enterprise was assigned to Starfleet Academy as a training ship). Vessel's self-destruction carried out while in orbit of the Genesis planet to prevent ship from falling into Klingon hands.
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Excelsior Ship aboard which James T. Kirk is lost and presumed dead. First commanded by Captain Jon Harriman.
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C Ambassador Commanded by Captain Rachel Garrett presumed to be Killed In Action when the ship was destroyed defending the Klingon outpost at Narendra III from Romulan attack. Helmsman Richard Castillo assumed command of the Enterprise-C in 2366 and returned to the year 2344 where the ship was destroyed defending the Klingon outpost.
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D Galaxy Primary setting for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Captained by Jean-Luc Picard. Launched in 2363. Destroyed in 2371. Engineering section destroyed by warp core breach at Veridian III. Saucer section crash landed on Veridian III and rendered unsalvageable.
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Sovereign Primary setting for Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, Star Trek Nemesis and also made an appearance on Bridge Commander. Captained by Jean-Luc Picard.
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F Odyssey Commanded by Captain Va'kel Shon. Participated in the second battle for Deep Space Nine as well as the final battle against the Iconians in Star Trek: Online.
USS Pegasus NCC-1702 Constitution Patrolled the Klingon Neutral Zone.
USS Hood NCC-1703 Constitution Participates in Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test. Destroyed by sabotage in Star Trek Continues episode 7,"Embracing the Winds". In episodes 10–11 "To Boldly Go", we find out this was done by espers. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1707.
USS Ranger (Simulation ship) NCC-1707 Constitution refit Another simulated Enterprise class ship used by Starfleet Academy trainees in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.
USS Lexington NCC-1709 Constitution Participates in Richard Daystrom's M5 computer test. Commanded by Commodore Robert Wesley. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1703.
USS Kongo NCC-1710 Constitution In Star Trek Continues episodes 10–11 "To Boldly Go", the Kongo is hijacked by espers and taken to the galactic barrier. They then head for Earth with murderous intent. With the help of Romulan commander Charvanek and her Hawk's Talon, the Enterprise foils them, but not before they trick the Exeter and Potemkin into destroying each other. In their last act of defiance, the espers destroy the Kongo.
USS Kongo NCC-1710-A Sovereign The war with Starfleet took a heavy toll,The decision to bring out some of its old ship names from mothball, the USS Kongo was Commissioned on stardate:50938.10 in the year 2373 under the command of Captain Donavon until the near future. The Alphabet letter (A) was put on to the NCC-1710 hull number to honor the Kongo from the year 2293. The USS Kongo NCC-1710-A was the 2nd ship to bear the name of the Kongo. The Plaque reads as follows ("Never give up, Never Surrender")
USS Yorktown NCC-1717 Constitution Disabled by alien probe. The 1973 Franz Joseph Blueprints list this ship as NCC-1704.
USS Essex NCC-173 Daedalus Damaged and crashed on Mab-Bu VI.
USS Sentinel NCC-17331 Sovereign Appears in Star Trek: Invasion. Also mentioned in the great transaction for graviton stabilizers.
USS Horizon NCC-176 Daedalus A model of this ship was on display in the school aboard Deep Space 9 in early 2369. (DS9: "The Nagus").
USS Defiant NCC-1764 Constitution The ship is lost in an interdimensional rift in "The Tholian Web". Later, it is revealed she was taken by Mirror Universe Tholians, captured by the crew of the ISS Enterprise (NX-01), and then used in the service of the Terran Empire in "In a Mirror, Darkly". In Star Trek Continues (episode 8,"Still Treads the Shadow"), Defiant is duplicated during its passage through the interdimensional rift into interphasic space with only a duplicate Kirk aboard. Over the next two hundred years, it gains a sentient AI who attempts to bring it back into the prime universe. The attempt has potentially disastrous consequences and is foiled by both Kirks, the duplicate returning to interphasic space. A Defiant is mentioned, but not seen (except for a wireframe graphic) in Star Trek Discovery, Season One.Oddly, though the Defiant appears in TOS, the Star Fleet Technical Manual lists no Defiant in any of the starship classes mentioned though the book was published seven years after the fact. However, there are several classes not listed in the publication. The Defiant is listed as a Bonhomme Richard subclass of the Constitution class. In the Star Fleet Technical Manual, it lists the registry number of "NCC-1764" as belonging to the Galina. Since the Defiant appears in an episode, and the Galina does not, then the Defiant is the sole owner of the NCC-1764. But, one possibility is, the number was attached to the Galina after the disappearance of the Defiant.
USS Vengeance NCC-177358 Dreadnought Developed by Starfleet Admiral Alexander Marcus of Section 31 to combat the Klingon Empire.
USS Pilgrim NCC-178 Daedalus Active in the year 2159 in the vicinity of one of Starfleet's first starbases. Appears in the Star Trek videogame "Legacy".
USS Mesquite NCC-1789 Freedom Training ship, assigned to Starbase 1. Mentioned in Star Trek: Tactical Assault.
USS Paris NCC-1804 Constitution refit Destroyed in The Battle of Caleb IV.
USS Lantree NCC-1837 Miranda Crew died after exposure to genetically engineered humans. Destroyed by the USS Enterprise-D.
USS Tempest (simulation ship) NCC-1852 Miranda Simulated Miranda class vessel used by Academy trainees in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.
USS Reliant NCC-1864 Miranda Ship on which Pavel Chekov serves as first officer. Assigned to Project Genesis and later hijacked by Khan Noonien Singh. Heavily damaged by USS Enterprise (NCC-1701), then destroyed by Genesis Device detonation.
USS Saratoga NCC-1887 Miranda Disabled by the Whale Probe.
USS Archon NCC-189 Daedalus Destroyed by an alien computer in 2167 near Beta III.
USS Sagittarius NCC-1894 Archer Commanded by Clark Terrell prior to taking command of the USS Reliant. Assigned to explore the Taurus Reach. Presumably named for the constellation.
USS Yosemite NCC-19002 Oberth Studied the plasma arc between binary stars.
USS Sitak NCC-1924 Miranda Destroyed at the Battle for Deep Space 9.
USS Tripoli NCC-19386 Hokule‘a Discovered by Data. Later assigned to Qualor II.
USS Soyuz NCC-1939 Soyuz Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Bozeman NCC-1941 Soyuz Spends several decades caught in a temporal causality loop; Commanded by Captain Morgan Bateson (Kelsey Grammer). Named for Bozeman, Montana, launching place of humanity's first warp ship and hometown of Brannon Braga, the writer of the episode the ship appeared in. The registration number was a reference to the 1979 film 1941 due to modelmaker Greg Jein working on both projects.
USS Bozeman NCC-1941-A Sovereign Successor to the first Bozeman. Participated in the Battle of Sector 001.
USS Trial NCC-1948 Miranda Part of a Starfleet task force at Deep Space Nine during the Klingon invasion of the Cardassian Union. Participates in the Battle for Deep Space 9.
USS Constellation NCC-1974 Constellation Participated in the Dominion War.
USS Explorer NCC-1986 Constitution refit Seen investigating the results of the Tabula Rasa Incident in the opening sequence of the video game Star Trek: New Worlds. Commanded by Captain Gibson.
USS Excelsior NCC-2000 Excelsior Pathfinder and transwarp drive testbed. In The Search for Spock, the ship was dubbed "the great experiment" and was days away from its first test run. It was unexpectedly called into service to stop Admiral Kirk and his crew from stealing the soon to be decommissioned Enterprise. Attempting to use the transwarp drive to bring the ship back to spacedock, the Excelsior was sabotaged by Montgomery Scott and was left inoperable. Following the embarrassing failure, the Excelsior underwent repairs in spacedock before its recommission into active duty. Fails in attempt to rescue Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy from Qo'noS. Helps defeat General Chang over Khitomer. Ship aboard which Tuvok serves as science officer. Commanded by Captain Styles in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Captain Hikaru Sulu in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
USS Valiant NCC-20000 Oberth Helps recover Enterprise-D crew at Veridian III.
USS Sydney NCC-2005 Sydney Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Paris (Simulation ship) NCC-2008 Excelsior Simulated Excelsior class vessel used by Academy trainees in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.
USS Jenolan NCC-2010 Sydney Crashed on the surface of a Dyson sphere while transporting Captain Montgomery Scott to a retirement colony. Montgomery Scott stored himself in the transporters of this starship. Destroyed.
USS Nash NCC-20105 Sydney Transports personnel to and from Deep Space Nine.
USS London NCC-2012-C Galaxy Participates in the Battle for Deep Space 9.
USS Dallas NCC-2019 Excelsior Dedication plaque states "Last starship of her class".
USS Samuel B. Roberts NCC-2020 Miranda Part of the Starfleet task force during the final battle of the Dominion war. It was brought out of mothball status just two months before the final battle after having been extensively updated. It was badly damaged in the battle but survived. It was later decommissioned again and then scrapped after being deemed too far damaged to repair and mothball again.
USS Farragut NCC-2021 Excelsior Transported several genetically enhanced humans to Deep Space Nine.
USS Brittain NCC-21166 Miranda Crew went insane due to loss of REM sleep.
USS Tiananmen NCC-21382 Miranda Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Went MIA while patrolling the Cardassian border during the Dominion War. Participates at the First Battle of Chin'toka. Named for the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
USS Repulse NCC-2544 Excelsior Katherine Pulaski's assignment before the USS Enterprise-D. Served in the Dominion War.
USS Roosevelt NCC-2573 Excelsior Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Hathaway NCC-2593 Constellation Decommissioned, participated in exercises against the USS Enterprise-D. Its destruction was faked in a ruse to foil Ferengi attackers. Named for the wife of William Shakespeare.
USS Zhukov NCC-26136 Ambassador Made cultural observation of Alpha Laputa IV. Previous assignment of Lt. Barclay before his transfer to the Enterprise-D Supporting ship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander, commanded by an Andorian Captain Verata, the ship escorts the USS Sovereign to Starbase 12 and participates in several battles.
USS Valdemar NCC-26198 Ambassador Sent to the border of the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.
USS Yamaguchi NCC-26510 Ambassador Destroyed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Excalibur NCC-26517 Ambassador Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Later commanded by Captain Mackenzie Calhoun in Star Trek: New Frontier.
USS Excalibur NCC-26517-A Galaxy Commanded by Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, primary setting for the latter part of Star Trek: New Frontier as successor to the Ambassador class ship of the same name.
USS Exeter NCC-26531 Ambassador Tom Paris's assignment before being dismissed from Starfleet. Participated in the Dominion War. Later commanded by Captain Elizabeth Shelby, followed by Captain Alexandra Garbeck in Star Trek: New Frontier.
USS Gandhi NCC-26632 Ambassador Ship to which Thomas Riker is assigned.
USS Loma Prieta NCC-26848-A Ambassador Flagship of Admiral T’Nae during Sela's assault on Vulcan in 2409.
USS Adelphi NCC-26849 Ambassador Crew made first contact with the Ghorusda.
USS Wellington NCC-28473 Niagara Ship aboard which Ro Laren served, and where she was posted before being court-martialed. Underwent a computer system upgrade by Bynar technicians at Starbase 74.
USS Stargazer NCC-2893 Constellation Jean-Luc Picard's first command. Abandoned following the Battle of Maxia, later recovered by Starfleet.
USS Raman NCC-29487 Oberth Lost while investigating Marijne VII.
USS Magellan NCC-3069 Constellation Referred to by Captain Sisko as one of the ships to protect the USS Defiant's flank.
USS Majestic NCC-31060 Miranda Destroyed at the Battle for Deep Space 9.
USS Trident NCC-31347 Galaxy Commanded by Captain Elizabeth Shelby and later by Captain Kat Mueller in Star Trek: New Frontier.
USS Bonestell NCC-31600 Oberth Destroyed in the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS ShirKahr NCC-31905 Miranda Destroyed in the First Battle of Chin'toka.
USS Nautilus NCC-31910 Miranda Participates in the First Battle of Chin'toka.
USS Saratoga NCC-31911 Miranda Ship aboard which Benjamin Sisko served as first officer. Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Saratoga NCC-31911-A Miranda Replaced previous Saratoga; little else known.
USS Zapata NCC-33184 Surak Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D. Fought in the Dominion War.
USS Havana NCC-34043 Istanbul Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D in 2369.
USS Constantinople NCC-34852 Istanbul Suffered a hull breach transporting colonists to Gravesworld.
USS Merced NCC-37120 Merced Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Trieste NCC-37124 Merced Fell through a wormhole during Data's tour of duty. Stationed near Starbase 74 when the Enterprise-D is hijacked by the Bynars.
USS Sarajevo NCC-38529 Istanbul Lost in the Gamma Quadrant in 2371. Later recovered and served in the Dominion War.
USS Gettysburg NCC-3890 Constellation Under Captain Mark Jameson, rescued hostages from Mordan IV. Served in the Dominion War.
USS Intrepid NCC-38907 Excelsior Captained by Drew Dieghan. Responded to a Klingon distress call from the Khitomer outpost following a Romulan attack.
USS Crockett NCC-38955 Excelsior Transported Admiral Mitsuya to Deep Space Nine.
USS Malinche NCC-38997 Excelsior Commanded by Captain George Sanders. Patrolled the Cardassian border before the Dominion War. Severely damaged by the Maquis led by Michael Eddington. Destroyed in 2381 during the Borg Invasion.
USS Billings NCC-3907 Constellation Kathryn Janeway's first command.
USS Gorkon NCC-40512 Excelsior Sent to face a possible Borg invasion.
USS Renaissance NCC-40521 Renaissance Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Centaur NCC-42043 Centaur Centaur class: kitbash of the Excelsior and Miranda models.
USS Fredrickson NCC-42111 Excelsior Briefly at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Serves in the Dominion War.
USS Cairo NCC-42136 Excelsior Transfers Captain Edward Jellico to the Enterprise-D.
USS Curry NCC-42254. Undetermined Pathfinder ship for the Curry class, another "kitbash" model.
USS Charleston NCC-42285 Excelsior Transported three previously cryogenically frozen people to Earth. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Hood NCC-42296 Excelsior William Riker's assignment before his transfer to the USS Enterprise-D. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Participates in the Battle for Deep Space 9 and First Battle of Chin'toka. Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar.
USS Righteous NCC-42451 Excelsior Believed to have been vaporized by the Borg in 2366, in reality the ship was brought ten years into the future by Q in order to save it from destruction during the Battle of Wolf 359. Under the command of Captain Nikolai Andropov in Star Trek: Borg.
USS Lakota NCC-42768 Excelsior Commanded by Captain Erika Benteen. Attempts to stop USS Defiant from reaching Earth under the orders of the rogue Admiral James Leyton.
USS Grissom NCC-42857 Excelsior Assists the Enterprise-D during a contamination problem on Beta Agni II. Name pays tribute to astronaut Gus Grissom, commander of Apollo 1. Destroyed at the Battle of Ricktor Prime.
USS Al-Batani NCC-42995 Excelsior Although it never appeared on screen, the Al-Batani is mentioned in dialogue as the first ship aboard which Kathryn Janeway served, which at the time was captained by Tom Paris' father Owen Paris. Never defined on screen, the class and registry number come from the non-canon Star Trek Encyclopedia.
USS Valley Forge NCC-43305 Excelsior Damaged by an orbital defense platform at the Battle of Chin'toka.
USS Wyoming NCC-43730 Mediterranean Ship on which Tuvok served.
USS Lalo NCC-43837 Mediterranean Reports a "hiccup" in time that resulted from Dr. Paul Manheim's experiments. Destroyed by the Borg.
USS Archer NCC-44278 Archer Presumable namesake ship for the class. Presumably named for Jonathan Archer.
USS Maryland NCC-45109 Renaissance Missing in the Gamma Quadrant.
USS Aries NCC-45167 Renaissance Ship offered to William Riker to command. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Hornet NCC-45231 Renaissance Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Named for the World War II aircraft carrier. Participates in the Dominion War.
USS Lovell NCC-470 Daedalus Dedicated vessel of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Appears in the novel series Star Trek: Vanguard.Likely named after Capt. James Lovell, USN, Gemini and Apollo astronaut.
USS Antares aka SS Antares NCC-501 Antares Rescued and is later destroyed by Charlie Evans.
USS Biko NCC-50331 Oberth Rendezvoused with the USS Enterprise-D at Deinonychus VII.
USS Crazy Horse NCC-50446 Excelsior Part of Task Force 3 sent to face an anticipated Borg invasion. Set to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D to transfer Rear Admiral Erik Pressman.
USS Appalachia NCC-52136 Steamrunner Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.
SS Santa Maria NCC-529 Erewhon Personnel Transport about 4 times the size of the Runabout. Cannibalised for parts and for use as a shelter by human settlers in a colony that rejects technology.
USS Springfield NCC-53500 Springfield Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Pegasus NCC-53847 Oberth Equipped with an illegal prototype cloaking device that malfunctions, causing the ship to become embedded inside an asteroid.
SS Tsiolkovsky NCC-53911 Oberth Crew infected by the Psi 2000 virus. Destroyed in asteroid collision.
USS Olympic NCC-54905 Olympic Presumable namesake ship for the class. The namesake for this vessel is most likely the ocean liner RMS Olympic.
USS Nobel NCC-55012 Olympic Visited Deep Space Three to search for the missing USS Hera. Served in the Dominion War.
USS Rutledge NCC-57295 New Orleans Ship aboard which Miles O'Brien and Benjamin Maxwell served during the Cardassian War. Participated in the counterattack against the Klingons in the Archanis sector.
USS Chekov NCC-57302 Springfield Destroyed in the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Portland NCC-57418 Chimera Searches the Algira sector for Odo and Elim Garak when their runabout goes missing.
USS Armstrong NCC-57537 Challenger Ambushed by a Klingon battle group. Name honors astronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of Apollo 11.
USS Kearsarge NCC-57566 Challenger Rendezvoused with the Enterprise-D.
USS Buran NCC-57580 Challenger Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359 commanded by Captain Lorca.
USS Pasteur NCC-58925 Olympic Ship commanded by Beverly Picard in an alternate timeline. Destroyed by warp core breach in the Devron system. Featured in the episode "All Good Things...".
USS Cochrane NCC-59318 Oberth Ferries Admiral Norah Satie to the Enterprise-D. and Julian Bashir and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax to Deep Space Nine.
USS Goddard NCC-59621 Korolev Delayed rendezvous with the Enterprise-D after the Acamarian Truce's signing. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Princeton NCC-59804 Niagara Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Oberth NCC-602 Oberth First ship of the class. Assigned to deep space exploration in 2293, when "Operation Retrieve" was proposed.
USS Honshū NCC-60205 Nebula Destroyed while transporting Gul Dukat to stand trial.
USS Farragut NCC-60597 Nebula Helps recover Enterprise-D crew at Veridian III. Destroyed in the Lembatta Cluster by Klingons.
USS Nightingale NCC-60805 Nebula Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Used as a search-and-rescue vessel. Fate uncertain.
USS LaGrange NCC-617 Oberth Transports negotiators in the game Star Trek: Starfleet Academy. This ship is destroyed by the simulator.
USS Monitor NCC-61826 Nebula Sent to the Romulan Neutral Zone in anticipation of a possible Romulan attack.
USS Merrimack NCC-61827 Nebula Transported Sarek from Legara IV to Vulcan.
USS Lexington NCC-61832 Nebula Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.
USS Yeager NCC-61947 Saber Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.
USS Proxima NCC-61952 Nebula Missing in the Gamma Quadrant.
USS Rigel NCC-62000 Rigel Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Hera NCC-62006 Nebula Disappeared while under the command of Captain Silva La Forge with a mostly Vulcan crew of 300.
USS LaSalle NCC-6203 Deneva Reports unusual radiation anomalies in the Gamma Arigulon system.
USS Melbourne NCC-62043 Nebula Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359. Remains of ship visible in aftermath of the battle in Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Best of Both Worlds, Part 2". Registry and name same as Excelsior class ship seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine pilot episode "Emissary".
USS Melbourne NCC-62043 Excelsior Offered to William Riker to command. Starfleet flagship at the Battle of Wolf 359, where it is destroyed.
USS Bellerephon NCC-62048 Nebula Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Tolstoy NCC-62095 Rigel Destroyed in the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS T'Kumbra NCC-62100 Nebula All-Vulcan crew challenges the Deep Space Nine crew to a game of baseball. Participated in the Dominion War.
USS Akagi NCC-62158 Rigel Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Served in the Dominion War. Named for HIJMS Akagi.
USS Arcos NCC-6237 Deneva Destroyed by a warp core breach near Turkana IV in 2367. Crew evacuates to the planet's surface and is rescued by the Enterprise-D.
USS Renegade NCC-63102 New Orleans Rendezvoused with the Enterprise-D over Dytallix B, where Captain Tryla Scott met with Jean-Luc Picard to discuss an alien conspiracy to take over Starfleet.
USS Rabin NCC-63293 Akira Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.
USS Summit NCC-63546 Akira Attempts to rescue the Enterprise-E on Gemworld. Destroyed by a dimensional rift immediately after dropping out of warp. Lost with all hands.
USS Thunderchild NCC-63549 Akira Participates in the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373.
USS Grissom NCC-638 Oberth Transports David Marcus and Lieutenant Saavik to the Genesis planet. Destroyed by Klingons. Named for NASA astronaut Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom who died during preparations and testing for the Apollo One mission. Commanded by Captain J. T. Esteban.
USS Dakota NCC-63892 Akira Participates in the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373. Lost patrolling the border of the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.
USS Banting (simulation ship) NCC-639 Oberth Simulated Oberth class vessel used by Academy trainees in Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.
USS Copernicus NCC-640 Oberth Berthed at spacedock.
USS Delestrez NCC-64013 Akira Commanded by Captain Juliette; Supporting ship in Celestia Universe.
USS Devore NCC-64088 Akira Commanded by Captain Joshua Martin; Supporting ship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander.
USS Berkeley NCC-64720 Nebula Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Originally sent to study the Vesuvi Dust Cloud but failed due to the intense radiation of the dust cloud. Attacked by a Kessok probe but survived. Fate uncertain.
USS Budapest NCC-64923 Norway Participates in the Battle of Sector 001.
USS Phoenix NCC-65420 Nebula Carries out unauthorized attacks on Cardassian ships while under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Not specified whether she is named for the mythological bird, the American city, or humanity's first FTL-capable spacecraft.
USS Kyushu NCC-65491 New Orleans Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Thomas Paine NCC-65530 New Orleans Rendezvoused with the Enterprise-D over Dytallix B, where Captain Rixx met with Jean-Luc Picard to discuss an alien conspiracy to take over Starfleet. Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Gryphon NCC-65550 Akira Commanded by Captain Elaine Mello. Assigned to defend Deep Space Nine for a short period of time after the Dominion War in the Deep Space Nine relaunch.
USS Surak NCC-65601 Surak Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Khitomer NCC-66613 Nebula Minor starship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Lead a failed assault on Alioth 6. Fate uncertain.
USS Ulysses NCC-66808 Nebula Studied protoplanetary masses in the Helaspont Nebula.
USS Concorde NCC-68711 Freedom Assigned near the Romulan Neutral Zone in an alternate timeline.
USS Firebrand NCC-68723 Freedom Destroyed at the Battle of Wolf 359.
USS Prokofiev NCC-68814 Andromeda Dispatched to the border of the Federation–Cardassian Demilitarized Zone.
USS Geronimo NCC-69302 Akira Commanded by Captain Gregory McCray; Major supporting ship in Star Trek: Bridge Commander.
USS San Francisco NCC-69480 Galaxy Minor supporting vessel in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Fate uncertain.
USS Sequoia NCC-70070 Sequoia Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Yellowstone NCC-70073 Sequoia Transports Ensign Melora Pazlar to Deep Space Nine in 2370.
USS Endurance NCC-70114 Saber Mentioned as replacement ship for Captain Christine McDonald in the book Star Trek: Preserver.
USS Leeds NCC-70352 Nebula Participates in the Battle for Deep Space 9.
USS Galaxy NCC-70637 Galaxy Pathfinder. Participates in the Battle for Deep Space 9, First Battle of Chin'toka, and Battle of Cardassia. Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar.
USS Bonchune NCC-70915 Nebula Sent to recover the USS Prometheus.
USS Drake NCC-70956 Andromeda Ambushed by a Klingon battle squadron.
USS Challenger NCC-71099 Galaxy Witnesses the return of USS Voyager to Earth. Commanded by Captain Geordi La Forge in an alternate future.
USS Prometheus NCC-71201 Nebula Used by Dr. Gideon Seyetik in his project to reignite a dead star.
USS Leyte Gulf NCC-71427 Akira Commanded by Captain Aaron Juraj; first Starfleet vessel to be infected by nanites in Star Trek: Away Team.
USS Ahwahnee NCC-71620 Cheyenne Heavily damaged at the Battle of Wolf 359. Presumed repaired to participate in the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Endeavour NCC-71805 Nebula Part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War. Participates at the Battle of Sector 001.
USS Yamato NCC-71807 Galaxy Crew discovered Iconian artifacts but is infected by a computer virus that causes antimatter containment loss. The virus causes the ship to explode with all hands lost. Commanded by Captain Donald Varley.
USS Musashi NCC-71809 Galaxy Mentioned in the conversation of log transcription for Graviton Stabilizer by Ensign Nog.
USS Odyssey NCC-71832 Galaxy Sent to rescue Benjamin Sisko from the Jem'Hadar. Destroyed in the rescue attempt.
USS Robinson NCC-71842 Galaxy Taken command of by Benjamin Sisko after the Borg Invasion of 2381 in the novel Star Trek: Typhon Pact – Rough Beasts of Empire.
USS Venture NCC-71854 Galaxy Part of a Starfleet task force at Deep Space Nine during the Klingon invasion of the Cardassian Union. Participates in the Battle for Deep Space 9 and the First Battle of Chin'toka.
USS Trinculo NCC-71867 Galaxy Part of the Starfleet Armada tasked with retaking Deep Space 9 from Dominion control during "Operation Return" (DS:9 episode "Sacrifice of Angels")
USS Dauntless NCC-71879 Galaxy First ship under players' command in Star Trek: Bridge Commander. Destroyed while escorting a transport by Cardassian ships.
USS Sutherland NCC-72015 Nebula Briefly commanded by Lieutenant Commander Data while part of the tachyon blockade during the Klingon Civil War.
USS Sarek NCC-72075 Galaxy Replaced USS Cortez in formation during operation to retake DS9.
USS Equinox NCC-72381 Nova Stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Heavily damaged by USS Voyager and destroyed by self-destruct initiated by Captain Rudolph Ransom.
USS Everett NCC-72392 Nova Commanded by Captain Claudia Alisov. Attached to the Department of Temporal Investigations. Appears in the Department of Temporal Investigations novels.
USS Rio Grande NCC-72452 Danube Vessel aboard which Jadzia Dax and Benjamin Sisko discover the Bajoran wormhole. Later located the missing Sword of Kahless. Helps rescue Sisko from the Jem'Hadar. Longest surviving DS9 runabout.[original research?]
USS Yangtzee Kiang NCC-72453 Danube Hijacked by Bajoran terrorist Tahna Los. Became the first DS9 runabout to be destroyed when it crashed on a moon in the Gamma Quadrant.
USS Ganges NCC-72454 Danube Captured Tahna Los. Rescued Vash from the Gamma Quadrant. Destroyed by a T'Lani Munitions Cruiser.
USS Mekong NCC-72617 Danube Helps rescue Benjamin Sisko from the Jem'Hadar. Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar during the Obsidian Order/Tal Shiar attack on the Founders' homeworld in the Omarian Nebula.
USS Rhode Island NCC-72701 Nova Commanded by Captain Harry Kim in an alternate future.
USS Orinoco NCC-72905 Danube Helps rescue Benjamin Sisko from the Jem'Hadar. Destroyed by the Cardassian terrorist group "The True Way".
USS Rubicon NCC-72936 Danube Shrunk to 6.5 centimeters.
USS Shenandoah NCC-73024 Danube Taken by Dax and Worf to rescue a Cardassian informant from the Dominion. Severely damaged by the Jem'Hadar en route to deliver diplomatic message to Grand Nagus Zek.
USS Volga NCC-73196 Danube Participates in botanical survey of Torad IV.
USS Gander NCC-73624 Danube Taken by Ezri Dax to search for Worf. Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar.
USS Lionheart NCC-73808 Nova Medical vessel temporarily commanded by Christine Vale in the novel Star Trek: The Fall - The Poisoned Chalice.
USS Valiant NCC-74210 Defiant Starfleet Academy Red Squad training ship. The vessel gets caught behind enemy lines after the outbreak of the Dominion War, suffered heavy losses among the standard crew and was subsequently commanded by the cadets of Red Squad. Destroyed by the Jem'Hadar after a failed attempt to destroy a new Dominion vessel. Only three people survived the destruction of the ship, (Jake Sisko, Nog, and Collins, a member of Red Squad).
USS Saladin NCC-74350 Defiant Commanded by Captain Shinoda during the Dominion War in the short story "Safe Harbors".
USS Twilight NCC-74413 Nova Starfleet Intelligence attached science vessel temporarily commanded by Jaryd Harker, MD in the novel Star Trek: Adamant.
USS Pathfinder NCC-74562 Intrepid Captain Christine McDonald's new command in the book Star Trek: Preserver. Destroyed in battle with USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) and Ferengi Marauder-class starship Leveraged Buyout around planet Halkan.
USS Intrepid NCC-74600 Intrepid Pathfinder vessel. Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar.
USS Yukon NCC-74602 Danube Stolen by Founder in failed attempt to destroy the Bajoran sun. Destroyed by a Protomatter Device also killing a Founder.
USS Voyager NCC-74656 Intrepid Primary setting of Star Trek: Voyager where it is commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway. Commanded by Captain Chakotay in the "Enemy of My Enemy" book series, then commanded by Captain Afsarah Eden in the novel Unworthy, then by Captain Chakotay as final commander in the novels Full Circle and Children of the Storm.
USS Bellerophon NCC-74705 Intrepid Transports Federation personnel to a summit on Romulus. Flagship of Vice Admiral Ross during parts of the Dominion War.
USS Sally Ride NCC-74710 Intrepid Designed for deep space exploration and scientific discovery. It is the third ship in the Intrepid-class, having been commissioned at the same time as the USS Voyager. It has a cruising speed of warp 6 and a maximum sustainable speed of warp 9.975. Its armaments include ablative armor and quantum torpedoes. Commanded by Capt. Rafael Martinez. It appears in the Geek & Sundry web show Shield of Tomorrow.
USS Destiny NCC-74791 Undetermined Ezri Tigan's prior assignment before transferring to Deep Space Nine.
USS Monitor NCC-75001 Defiant Mentioned in both the books The Return and Preserver, lost under command of Captain John Scott Lewinski attempting to set a new warp speed record with recovered Borg transwarp drive.
USS Yolja NCC-75353 Danube First runabout to be named after a non-Earth river. Assigned to Deep Space 9. Appeared in Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Three – The Dominion: Olympus Descending.
USS Valiant NCC-75418 Sovereign The Defiant class starship, USS Valiant NCC-74210 was destroyed in the year 2374 by the Jem'Hadar after a failed attempt to destroy a new Dominion Battleship class vessel. The new Valiant was put into active service just one year later as a Sovereign class starship.
USS Gibraltar NCC-75689 Sovereign Sacrificed itself against the Borg in 2381 in Star Trek: Destiny.
USS Achilles NCC-77024 Mulciber Commanded by Captain Tillum Drafar. Part of "Project Full Circle" in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Full Circle.
USS Cortez NCC-78012 Galaxy Referred to by Chief O'Brien and Captain Sisko during the mission to retake DS9. Lost patrolling Cardassian border
USS Lynx NCC-78056 Miranda The Lynx was a troop transport during the Third Klingon And Federation War. She was later destroyed in a skirmish with a couple of Klingon Birds Of Prey, with all hands lost.
USS Saber NCC-79221 Saber Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Titan NCC-80102 Luna The USS Titan is the first command of Captain William Thomas Riker, former first officer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E.A Luna-class starship, designed primarily for scientific discovery. Described as 450 meters long, the Titan was built with state-of-the-art science facilities as opposed to being a more tactically pronounced starship. With a complement of about 350 persons, the USS Titan comprises the most racially diverse crew in Starfleet, with less than 15% of the population being human, as well as a number of non-humanoid beings.A full set of schematics of the USS Titan is available in the novel Sword of Damocles of the Star Trek: Titan novel series.
USS Callisto NCC-80109 Luna Captained by Admiral Trenton Cole, a long time friend of Picard's.
USS Rhea NCC-80110 Luna Captained by Captain Bazel, a Saurian.
USS Charon NCC-80111 Luna Captained by Bellatora Fortis and destroyed during the novel Sword of Damocles of the Star Trek: Titan novel series.
USS Krakatoa NCC-80115 Luna Captained by Bartholomew Stavisky, a long time friend of Benjamin Sisko. Last command was USS Illinois NCC-12512, States class.
USS da Vinci NCC-81623 Saber Lead ship in Starfleet Corps of Engineers novel series. Named for Leonardo da Vinci.
USS Curie NCC-81890 Merian Commanded by Captain Xin Chan. Part of "Project Full Circle" in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Full Circle.
USS Planck NCC-81894 Merian Commanded by Captain Hosc T'Mar. Part of "Project Full Circle" in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Full Circle.
USS Hawking NCC-81897 Merian Commanded by Captain Bal Itak. Part of "Project Full Circle" in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Full Circle.
USS Vesta NCC-82601 Vesta Commanded by Captain Regina Farkas. Lead ship of the Vesta class. Mothballed soon after launch due to technical issues. Relaunched and becomes part of "Project Full Circle" in 2381 in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Protectors.
USS Aventine NCC-82602 Vesta First command of Captain Ezri Dax in Star Trek: Destiny. Has prototype slipstream warp drive.
USS Quirinal NCC-82610 Vesta Commanded by Captain Regina Farkas. Part of "Project Full Circle" in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Full Circle. Destroyed by the Omega Continuum in 2381 in The Eternal Tide.
USS Esquiline NCC-82614 Vesta Commanded by Captain Parimon Dasht. Part of "Project Full Circle" in the Star Trek: Voyager novel Full Circle. Destroyed by the Omega Continuum in 2381 in The Eternal Tide.
USS Capitoline NCC-82617 Vesta Attached to the Department of Temporal Investigations. Mentioned in the Department of Temporal Investigations novels.
USS Atlas NCC-82745 Sovereign Commanded by Morgan Bateson in the 2380s.
USS James T Kirk NCC-91277 Akira Commanded by Captain Elias Vaughn. Named in honor of the famous Starfleet captain. Destroyed in the defense of Federation worlds against the mass Borg Invasion of 2381, resulting in the death of 31 crew members and Captain Vaughn being left brain dead.
USS Yorktown NCC-97005 Odyssey The Yorktown fought at the Battle of Sol in the Iconian war, and was nearly destroyed. It was later found by Starfleet and refitted into the Yorktown subclass of the Odyssey class starships.
USS Hamilton NCC-97014 Odyssey The Hamilton fought in many skirmishes along the Klingon border during the Third Klingon And Federation War. She later fought in the second battle of DS9 alongside ships like the USS Enterprise. The Hamilton was a major component during the Iconian War. She was later destroyed in a Hur’q attack at DS9.
USS Kent NCC-97165 Odyssey The Kent was a ship of exploration in the early 25th Century. She later went missing during the Iconian War. Two years after she went missing, a fragment of her hull was found adrift in the Ba'aja Sector. The rest of the ship was later found in the Boreth Sector in 2429.
USS Victory NCC-9754 Constellation Ship on which Geordi La Forge once served. Participated in the Dominion War. Named after the Napoleonic Wars British Royal Navy flagship, HMS Victory flagship of Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson.
USS Victory NCC-98003 Odyssey The Victory was the Last Odyssey class starship to be built. She was launched in late 2419 and would be used as an exploration vessel. She was named after the battleship HMS Victory.
USS Pastak NCV-474438-G Wells Timeship that saves the character from a Tholian attack in Star Trek Online.
USS Relativity NCV-474439-G Wells Timeship Relativity, from the 29th century, ship designed to transport people through time, set on a mission to prevent the destruction of the USS Voyager.
USS Wells NGV-474438-A Wells Presumable namesake ship for the class.
Enterprise NX-01 NX Lead ship. Captained by Jonathan Archer. Primary setting for Star Trek: Enterprise. Launched in 2151. Decommissioned in 2161.
Columbia NX-02 NX Commanded by Captain Erika Hernandez. Launched in 2154 and participated in the Klingon–Augment crisis. After an uncertain term of service, it was eventually lost but was later discovered intact on a desert planet in the Gamma Quadrant. Fate of crew unknown.
Challenger NX-03 NX Mentioned in the Star Trek: Enterprise novel The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing.
Discovery NX-04 NX Mentioned in the Star Trek: Enterprise novel The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing.
Atlantis NX-05 NX Mentioned in the Star Trek: Enterprise novel The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing.
Endeavour NX-06 NX Mentioned in the Star Trek: Enterprise novels The Romulan War: Beneath the Raptor's Wing and The Romulan War: To Brave the Storm. Later entered Federation Starfleet service and rebuilt into Columbia class.
Intrepid NX-07 NX Commanded by Jason Lambert. Mentioned in the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Indistinguishable from Magic.
ISS Avenger NX-09 NX In the Mirror Universe, an Imperial Starfleet warship.
USS Ranger NX-31472-B Nebula Lost during the Borg Invasion of 2381, the vessel was defending the planet Khitomer.
USS Huang Zhong NX-45298 Archer Mentioned in the tie-in novel Star Trek: Seekers #4: All That's Left. Crashed on a planet in a spatial rift. Crew rescued by the Enterprise resulting in first contact with the Dolysians.
USS Prometheus NX-59650 Prometheus First class starship; still under development; captured by Romulans and recovered by Starfleet personnel after the EMH from USS Voyager and the EMH Mark II incapacitated the Romulan crew.
USS Nebula NX-60147 Nebula Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Norway NX-62341 Norway Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Danube NX-72003 Danube First ship of the class. Mentioned in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual.
USS Nova NX-73515 Nova Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Sovereign NX-73811 Sovereign First ship of the class which acts as a pathfinder ship. Appears in Star Trek Bridge Commander. Also features in the Shatnerverse novel Spectre.
USS Liberty NX-74010 Intrepid Part of Battle Group Omega sent to intercept Reman warship Scimitar. Commanded by Captain Carl S. Bouchillon.
USS Defiant NX-74205 Defiant Pathfinder. Assigned to space station Deep Space Nine. Participates in the Battle of Sector 001. Destroyed at the Second Battle of Chin'toka.
USS Yellowstone NX-74751 Yellowstone Prototype for an advanced runabout designed in large part by Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Laska in an alternate timeline. Destroyed by antimatter containment loss.
USS Steamrunner NX-76220 Steamrunner Presumable namesake ship for the class.
USS Luna NX-80101 Luna The prototype for the Luna-class. The ship was destroyed by a catastrophic engine failure before the events described in the novel Taking Wing of the Star Trek: Titan novel series took place.
USS Galen NX-86350 Galen Prototype, commanded by Commander Clarissa Glenn. Part of the Project Full Circle in the Star Trek: Voyager relaunch novels.
USS Odyssey NX-97000 Odyssey First ship of the Odyssey-class. Commissioned at Utopia Planetia. Currently in service.
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