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Andrew Brown omenking

Working from home
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omenking / Gemfile
Created June 13, 2019 02:59
002 - QA Mastery
source ''
git_source(:github) do |repo_name|
repo_name = "#{repo_name}/#{repo_name}" unless repo_name.include?("/")
gem 'minitest'
omenking / hello_spec.rb
Created June 13, 2019 03:02
003 - QA Mastery
# spec/hello_spec.rb
require_relative '../hello'
RSpec.describe Hello do
context "#world" do
it { expect( eql 'world' }
omenking / Gemfile
Created June 13, 2019 03:03
003 - QA Mastery
source ''
git_source(:github) do |repo_name|
repo_name = "#{repo_name}/#{repo_name}" unless repo_name.include?("/")
gem 'rspec'
require "test/unit"
# remove the first and last letter of a string
# if there is less than 2 characters return zero.
def quartered value
raise ArgumentError, 'Argument is not a string' unless value.is_a? String
return value unless value.size > 2
value[0] = ''
mkdir test_video
cd test_video
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=3600:size=256x144:rate=24 t1.mpg
cp t1 t1.mpg
cp t1 t2.mpg
cp t1 t3.mpg
cp t1 t4.mpg
cp t1 t5.mpg
cp t1 t6.mpg
cp t1 t7.mpg
omenking / gist:750029716ee9074eeb412bb379c4c324
Created February 27, 2021 15:04
AWS Support + CrossAccount CodeCommit Https Git Credentials in CodeBuild Project
I am attempting to install packages for NodeJS that reference a CodeCommit repository that resides in different AWS Account from a different AWS Organization.
I am receive the error "unable to access"
npm ERR! Error while executing:
npm ERR! /usr/bin/git ls-remote -h -t
npm ERR!
npm ERR! fatal: unable to access ' ': The requested URL returned error: 403
omenking / gitpod_to_rds.rb
Created January 26, 2022 16:46
Gitpod to RDS
require 'aws-sdk-ec2'
require 'pry'
class GitpodToRds
def sg_id:, ip_protocol:, from_port:, to_port:, description:, ip_address:
raise "ip address must not be blank" if ip_address.nil?
cidr_ip_range = "#{ip_address}/32"
client = GitpodToRds.ec2_client
sg = GitpodToRds.describe_security_group client: client, sg_id: sg_id
omenking / startrek.csv
Created May 5, 2022 16:06
This is a list of star trek ships
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 5.
USS Defiant,NCC-75633,Defiant,Formerly the USS São Paulo. Assigned to space station Deep Space Nine. Participates in the Battle of Cardassia.
SS Vico,NAR-18834,Oberth,"Research vessel that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century. This ship was on loan to a civilian agency, and was given a civilian registry. Vico operated out of Starbase 514. In 2368, the Vico explored an astronomical formation known as a black cluster. Found derelict by Enterprise-D."
USS Raven,NAR-32450,Undetermined,Science and exploration vessel used by the Hansens for exploration of the Delta Quadrant where Seven of Nine was assimilated by the Borg.
USS YorktownUSS Enterprise (from 2286),NCC 1717,Constitution refit,"Disabled by whale probe, then possibly salvaged and renamed Enterprise; although no onscreen evidence supports this. Command given to James T. Kirk following his demotion to Captain. Primary setting for Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country,
omenking / appspec.yml
Created June 2, 2022 15:25
appspec yml for ecs
version: 0.0
- TargetService:
Type: AWS::ECS::Service
TaskDefinition: "arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:982383527471:task-definition/rails-example:4"
ContainerName: "rails-example"
ContainerPort: 3000
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:36 Waiting for agent ping
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:37 Waiting for DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 Phase is DOWNLOAD_SOURCE
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR=/codebuild/output/src926578000/src
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 YAML location is /codebuild/output/src926578000/src/copilot/pipelines/fargate-pilot-main/buildspec.yml
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 Processing environment variables
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 Selecting 'docker' runtime version '19' based on manual selections...
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 Selecting 'ruby' runtime version '2.6' based on manual selections...
[Container] 2022/06/11 16:28:38 Running command echo "Specifying docker version in buildspec is deprecated. Using docker $DOCKER_VERSION"
Specifying docker version in buildspec is deprecated. Using docker 20.10.15