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Last active January 9, 2024 18:43
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I implemented this after wathing this talk (, It's about making an impossible states impossible. Don't forget to do `elm install elm/time`
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, input, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (value)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
import Time
type alias Question =
{ question : String, answer : Maybe String }
type History
= History
{ previous : List Question
, current : Question
, next : List Question
type StatusState
= Notification String
| TextDeleted String Question
type alias Status =
{ timer : Int
, state : StatusState
type alias Model =
{ status : List Status, questions : History }
type Msg
= ChangeQuestion String
| SaveQuestion
| DeleteQuestion
| NextQuestion
| PreviousQuestion
| Tick Time.Posix
| UndoDeleteAndRemove Question Int
| RemoveStatus Int
init : () -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init _ =
( Model [] <|
{ previous = [ Question "Why ?" Nothing ]
, current = Question "How are you feeling today ?" Nothing
, next = [ Question "What do you think about ?" Nothing ]
, Cmd.none
nextQuestion : History -> History
nextQuestion (History history) =
case of
[] ->
History history
newNext :: rest ->
{ previous = history.current :: history.previous
, current = newNext
, next = rest
prevQuestion : History -> History
prevQuestion (History history) =
case history.previous of
[] ->
History history
newPrev :: rest ->
{ previous = rest
, current = newPrev
, next = history.current ::
lenQuestions : History -> Int
lenQuestions (History { previous, next }) =
List.length previous
|> (+) (List.length next)
|> (+) 1
deleteCurrentQuestion : History -> ( Question, History )
deleteCurrentQuestion (History { previous, current, next }) =
case ( previous, next ) of
( [], [] ) ->
( current, History { previous = previous, current = current, next = next } )
( newCurr :: restPrev, restNext ) ->
( current, History { previous = restPrev, current = newCurr, next = restNext } )
( restPrev, newCurr :: restNext ) ->
( current, History { previous = restPrev, current = newCurr, next = restNext } )
addQuestion : Question -> History -> History
addQuestion question (History history) =
History { history | previous = history.current :: history.previous, current = question }
removeFromList : Int -> List a -> List a
removeFromList i xs =
List.take i xs ++ List.drop (i + 1) xs
statusDelay : number
statusDelay =
statusWithTimer : StatusState -> Status
statusWithTimer =
Status statusDelay
decrementByOne : List Status -> List Status
decrementByOne statuses =
minusOne status =
{ status | timer = status.timer - 1 }
|> minusOne
|> List.filter (\stat -> stat.timer > 0)
nothing : Html msg
nothing =
text ""
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div [] [ viewStatuses model.status, viewHistory model.questions ]
viewStatuses : List Status -> Html Msg
viewStatuses status =
viewStatus statusIndex stat =
case stat.state of
Notification message ->
div [ onClick <| RemoveStatus statusIndex ] [ text message, text <| String.fromInt stat.timer ]
TextDeleted message question ->
div [ onClick <| RemoveStatus statusIndex ]
[ text message
, button [ onClick <| UndoDeleteAndRemove question statusIndex ] [ text "Undo" ]
, text <| String.fromInt stat.timer
div []
|> List.indexedMap viewStatus
viewHistory : History -> Html Msg
viewHistory (History history) =
nextButton =
if List.length > 0 then
button [ onClick NextQuestion ] [ text "Next" ]
prevButton =
if List.length history.previous > 0 then
button [ onClick PreviousQuestion ] [ text "Prev" ]
div [] [ prevButton, viewQuestion history.current, nextButton ]
viewQuestion : Question -> Html Msg
viewQuestion question =
answerValue =
case question.answer of
Just answer ->
Nothing ->
div []
[ text question.question
, input [ onInput ChangeQuestion, value answerValue ] []
, button [ onClick SaveQuestion ] [ text "Save" ]
, button [ onClick DeleteQuestion ] [ text "Delete" ]
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
SaveQuestion ->
( { model | status = (statusWithTimer <| Notification "Question: Saved") :: model.status }, Cmd.none )
NextQuestion ->
( { model | questions = nextQuestion model.questions }, Cmd.none )
PreviousQuestion ->
( { model | questions = prevQuestion model.questions }, Cmd.none )
ChangeQuestion input ->
( { model | questions = updateCurrentQuestion model.questions input }, Cmd.none )
Tick _ ->
( { model
| status = decrementByOne model.status
, Cmd.none
RemoveStatus index ->
( { model | status = removeFromList index model.status }, Cmd.none )
DeleteQuestion ->
deleteQue =
deleteCurrentQuestion model.questions
status =
if lenQuestions model.questions == 1 then
Notification "Can't Delete the last questions"
TextDeleted "Question: Deleted" <| Tuple.first deleteQue
( { model | status = (statusWithTimer <| status) :: model.status, questions = Tuple.second deleteQue }
, Cmd.none
UndoDeleteAndRemove question index ->
( { model
| status = (statusWithTimer <| Notification "Question: Restored") :: removeFromList index model.status
, questions = addQuestion question model.questions
, Cmd.none
updateCurrentQuestion : History -> String -> History
updateCurrentQuestion (History history) input =
History { history | current = updateAnswer history.current input }
updateAnswer : Question -> String -> Question
updateAnswer question answer =
{ question | answer = Just answer }
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
if List.length model.status > 0 then
Time.every 1000 Tick
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
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