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Created November 9, 2016 12:11
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my $BRIDGE="br-int";
#Ping fe:16:3e:86:fc:28/ -> fa:16:3e:cc:bd:da/
#my $INPUT_FLOW='in_port=10,dl_src=fa:16:3e:86:fc:28,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:bd:da,icmp,nw_src=,nw_dst=';
my $IN_PORT="10";
my $ETH_DST="fa:16:3e:86:fc:28";
my $IP_DST="";
#my $ETH_DST="fa:16:3e:a6:5a:a5";
#my $IP_DST="";
my $ETH_SRC="fa:16:3e:cc:bd:da";
my $IP_SRC="";
#my $ETH_SRC="fa:16:3e:45:11:9d";
#my $IP_SRC="";
my $INPUT_FLOW="in_port=$IN_PORT,dl_src=$ETH_SRC,dl_dst=$ETH_DST,icmp,nw_src=$IP_SRC,nw_dst=$IP_DST";
my $CT_STATE="new|trk";
sub RemoveItemsFromFlow {
# TODO Assuming no commas in flow field values
my ($FLOW, $FIELD_NAME) = @_;
$FLOW =~ s/$FIELD_NAME=[^,]*,?//;
$FLOW =~ s/,$//;
return $FLOW
sub AddItemsToFlow {
my ($FLOW, $FIELD) = @_;
if ($FIELD =~ /^([^=]+)(=.+)?$/) {
} else {
die "AddItmesToFlow: Bad field format: $FIELD"
$FLOW=RemoveItemsFromFlow($FLOW, $FIELD_NAME);
return "$FLOW,$FIELD"
# Action handlers
sub ofproto_trace_recirc {
my ($FLOW, $ACTION, $RECIRC_ID) = @_;
return AddItemsToFlow($FLOW, "recirc_id=$RECIRC_ID");
sub ofproto_trace_ct {
my ($FLOW, $ACTION, $CT_PARAMS) = @_;
if ($CT_PARAMS =~ /zone=([0-9a-fA-Fx]+)/) {
$FLOW = AddItemsToFlow($FLOW, "ct_zone=$1");
return AddItemsToFlow($FLOW, "ct_state=$CT_STATE");
my %action_hadlers = (
"recirc" => \&ofproto_trace_recirc,
"ct" => \&ofproto_trace_ct,
sub ofproto_trace {
my $BRIDGE = $_[0];
my $FLOW = $_[1];
my $recurse = 0;
$cmd = "sudo ovs-appctl ofproto/trace $BRIDGE '$FLOW' -generate";
print "Executing: $cmd\n";
open OUTPUT,'-|',$cmd || die "Bah!";
while (<OUTPUT>) {
# e.g. Final flow: icmp,reg6=0xd,metadata=0x1,in_port=10,vlan_tci=0x0000,dl_src=fe:16:3e:86:fc:28,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:cc:bd:da,nw_src=,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0,nw_ecn=0,nw_ttl=0,icmp_type=0,icmp_code=0
if ($_ =~ /^Final flow:\s+(.+)$/) {
$FLOW=$1 if ($1 ne "unchanged");
# e.g. Datapath actions: ct(zone=1),recirc(0x50)
#} elsif ($_ =~ /^Datapath actions:\s+ct\(([a-z0-9A-Z,=]*)\),recirc\(([0-9xa-fA-F]*)\)$/) {
} elsif ($_ =~ /^Datapath actions:\s+(.*)$/) {
# Actions appear to be: "drop", <int>, or func(...)
# If drop or <int>: we're done. Otherwise, parse func and send
# ... to external handler, which updates the FLOW
my $actions=$1;
#return if (($actions eq "drop") or ($actions =~ /^[0-9]+/));
return if ($actions eq "drop");
if ($actions =~ /^[0-9]+/) {
# TODO I was sure I saw this output, but now I can't find it
# So this block may be redundant
print "DEBUG: Datapath action is a number: $actions\n";
while ($actions =~ s/([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\((.*?)\)//) {
my $action_name=$1;
my $action_args=$2;
my $handler = $action_hadlers{$action_name};
die "Cannot find handler for action: $action_name"
if ($handler == undef);
$FLOW=$handler->($FLOW, $action_name, $action_args);
} continue {
return if ($recurse == 0);
return ofproto_trace($BRIDGE, $FLOW);
ofproto_trace($BRIDGE, $INPUT_FLOW);
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