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Created January 19, 2021 11:10
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export function useToast(defaultPosition = 'bottomStart') {
const s = useSnackbar();
const pos = (vertical, horizontal) => ({vertical, horizontal});
const allPlaces = {
topStart : pos('top', 'left'),
topCenter : pos('top', 'center'),
topEnd : pos('top', 'right'),
bottomStart : pos('bottom', 'left'),
bottomCenter: pos('bottom', 'center'),
bottomEnd : pos('bottom', 'right'),
const makePosition = (place) => {
return allPlaces?.[place] ?? allPlaces.bottomEnd;
const _toast = (message, variant, position, options, progress) => {
if (progress) {
message = <span><CircularProgress size={11} color='inherit'/><ONbsp/><ONbsp/>{message}</span>;
options = {
persist: true,
} else {
options = {
onClick: () => {
const key = s.enqueueSnackbar(message, {
variant : variant,
anchorOrigin : makePosition(position),
disableWindowBlurListener: true,
TransitionComponent : Grow,
return () => s.closeSnackbar(key);
const riseErrorToast = (message, position = defaultPosition || null, ...options) => _toast(message, 'error', position, options);
const riseWarningToast = (message, position = defaultPosition || null, ...options) => _toast(message, 'warning', position, options);
const riseInfoToast = (message, position = defaultPosition || null, ...options) => _toast(message, 'info', position, options);
const riseSuccessToast = (message, position = defaultPosition || null, ...options) => _toast(message, 'success', position, options);
const riseToast = (message, position = defaultPosition || null, ...options) => _toast(message, 'default', position, options);
const riseIndeterminate = (message, position = defaultPosition || null, ...options) => _toast(message, 'default', position, options, true);
return {riseToast, riseErrorToast, riseWarningToast, riseInfoToast, riseSuccessToast, riseIndeterminate};
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