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Last active June 16, 2017 01:29
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function [ ] = ipimat_to_imgs( filename, out_folder, prefix, w, h, thres )
%IPIMAT_TO_IMGS Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
input = load(filename);
for f=1:length(input.DepthFrame)
p = pcframe_to_imframe2(input.DepthFrame(f).DepthPoints, w,h, thres);
imwrite(p, [out_folder, '/',prefix,'-', num2str(f) ,'.png']);
function [ OUT ] = pcframe_to_imframe( IN , width, height, thres)
%PCFRAME_TO_IMFRAME Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
num_points = size(IN.x,1);
OUT = zeros(width, height, 3);
for f=1:num_points
x = min(ceil((IN.x(f) + 3 )/6.0 * width), width);
y = height - min(ceil((IN.y(f) + 1.5 )/5.0 * height), height);
z = min(ceil((IN.z(f) + 3 )/6.0 * 255), 255);
if (z > thres)
rgb = hsv2rgb(z/255, 1, 1);
OUT(max(y,1), max(x,1), 1) = rgb(1,1,1)*4;
OUT(max(y,1), max(x,1), 2) = rgb(1,1,2)*4;
OUT(max(y,1), max(x,1), 3) = rgb(1,1,3)*4;
OUT = imgaussfilt(OUT, 0.8);
function [ OUT ] = pcframe_to_imframe( IN , width, height, thres)
%PCFRAME_TO_IMFRAME Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
num_points = size(IN.x,1);
OUT = zeros(width, height, 3);
% 512x524
for f=1:num_points
x = min(ceil((IN.x(f) + 3 )/6.0 * width), width);
y = height - min(ceil((IN.y(f) + 3 )/6.0 * height), height);
z = min(((IN.z(f) + 3 )/6.0), 3);
% z = 1-z;
b = min(max(z * 3, 0), 1);
g = min(max((z - 1/3) * 3, 0), 1);
r = min(max((z - 2/3) * 3, 0), 1);
OUT(max(y,1), max(x,1), 1) = r;
OUT(max(y,1), max(x,1), 2) = g;
OUT(max(y,1), max(x,1), 3) = b;
OUT = OUT(50:end-150, 50:end-50, :);
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