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Created April 3, 2018 23:00
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In this simple demo we bounce a sprite over a moving background to show the basic functions of the Python Arcade module
import subprocess
import arcade
# Open the window. Set the window title and dimensions (width and height)
arcade.open_window(800, 600, "Drawing Test")
# render function that draws our stuff
def render(sprite_x=0, sprite_y=0, line_start=0, rot=0):
# Start the render process
# Draw vertical lines every 50 pixels
for x in range(0, 800, 50):
arcade.draw_line(x+line_start, 0, x+line_start, 600, arcade.color.BLUE_GRAY, 2)
# Draw horizontal lines every 50 pixels
for y in range(0, 600, 50):
arcade.draw_line(0, y+line_start, 800, y+line_start, arcade.color.BLUEBERRY, 2)
# Text
arcade.draw_text("Loc: {}, {}".format(sprite_x, sprite_y), 50, 500, arcade.color.RED_ORANGE, 36)
# Berry Textures
texture = arcade.load_texture("raspberry.png")
scale = 2 # 2x size
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 600, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+0)
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 500, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+23)
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 400, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+45)
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 300, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+68)
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 200, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+90)
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 100, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+112)
arcade.draw_texture_rectangle(500, 0, scale * texture.width,
scale * texture.height, texture, rot+135)
# Sprites
sprite = arcade.Sprite("raspberry.png", scale=1, center_x=sprite_x, center_y=sprite_y)
# Finish the render to show our work.
# set up sprite coords
sprite_x = 100
sprite_y = 100
x_dir = 10
y_dir = 10
line_start = -1
rot = 0
# load sound effect - bug in the module on Ubuntu :(
#fart_sound = arcade.sound.load_sound("raspberry.wav")
# loop forever
while 1:
# bounce the berry
if sprite_x == 750:
x_dir = -10
if sprite_x == 50:
x_dir = 10
if sprite_y == 550:
y_dir = -10
if sprite_y == 50:
subprocess.Popen(["aplay", "raspberry.wav"])
y_dir = 10
sprite_x += x_dir
sprite_y += y_dir
# move the background
if line_start < 49:
line_start += 1
line_start = 0
# rotation
if rot < 359:
rot += 1
rot = 0
# draw
render(sprite_x, sprite_y, line_start, rot)
# wait a little bit
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