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Created May 10, 2019 06:32
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validationRules = () => {
const emailRegex = /^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/;
const numRegex = /(0){1}(7|8|9){1}(0|1){1}[2-9]{1}\d{7}$/;
return {
firstName: (val) => val.length < 4 ? `First name must be longer than 3 letters!` : '',
lastName: (field) => field.length < 4 ? `Last name must be longer than 3 letters!` : '',
secret: (val) => val.length < 6 ? `Password length must be longer than 5!` : '',
userEmail: (val) => !emailRegex.test(val) ? "Valid email address is required!" : '',
phoneNumber: (val) => !numRegex.test(val) ? "Valid phone number is required!" : '',
userLevel: (val) => !val.length ? "User level is required!" : '',
permissionLevel: (val) => !val.length ? "Permission level is required!" : '',
isValid = () => {
const { formData, formatError } = this.state;
let response = true;
const firstnameErr = this.validationRules('Firstname').firstName(formData.firstName);
if (firstnameErr) {
formatError.firstNameError = firstnameErr;
response = false;
const lastnameErr = this.validationRules('Lastname').lastName(formData.lastName);
if (lastnameErr) {
formatError.lastNameError = lastnameErr;
response = false;
const emailErr = this.validationRules('Email').userEmail(formData.userEmail)
if (emailErr) {
formatError.userEmailError = emailErr;
response = false;
if (this.state.formAction === 'Create') {
const passwordErr = this.validationRules('Password').secret(formData.secret)
if (passwordErr) {
formatError.secretError = passwordErr;
response = false;
const phoneErr = this.validationRules('Phone number').phoneNumber(formData.phoneNumber)
if (phoneErr) {
formatError.phoneNumberError =phoneErr;
response = false;
const userLevelErr = this.validationRules('User level').userLevel(formData.userLevel)
if (userLevelErr) {
formatError.userLevelError = userLevelErr;
response = false;
const permissionLevelErr = this.validationRules('Permission level').permissionLevel(formData.permissions)
if (permissionLevelErr){
formatError.permissionError = permissionLevelErr;
response = false;
this.setState({ formatError });
return response;
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