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Forked from alessaba/
Last active November 15, 2023 23:35
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# coding: utf-8
from objc_util import *
import threading
NSBundle = ObjCClass('NSBundle')
LocalAuthentication = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_('/System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework')
LAContext = ObjCClass('LAContext')
# authenticate() will raise one of these exceptions when authentication
# fails. They all derive from AuthFailedException, so you can catch that
# if you don't care about the failure reason, but you could also handle
# cancellation differently, for example.
class AuthFailedException (Exception): pass
class AuthCancelledException (AuthFailedException): pass
class AuthTimeoutException (AuthFailedException): pass
class AuthNotAvailableException (AuthFailedException): pass
class AuthFallbackMechanismSelectedException (AuthFailedException): pass
def is_available():
'''Return True if TouchID authentication is available, False otherwise'''
context =
return bool(context.canEvaluatePolicy_error_(1, None))
def authenticate(reason='', allow_passcode=True, timeout=None):
'''Authenticate the user via TouchID or passcode. Returns True on success, raises AuthFailedException (or a subclass) otherwise.'''
if not is_available():
raise AuthNotAvailableException('Touch ID is not available.')
policy = 2 if allow_passcode else 1
context =
event = threading.Event()
result = {}
def callback(_cmd, success, _error):
result['success'] = success
if _error:
error = ObjCInstance(_error)
result['error'] = error
handler = ObjCBlock(callback, restype=None, argtypes=[c_void_p, c_bool, c_void_p])
context.evaluatePolicy_localizedReason_reply_(policy, reason, handler)
if not event.wait(timeout):
#NOTE: invalidate() is a private method (there's apparently no public API to cancel the TouchID dialog)
raise AuthTimeoutException('Timeout')
success = result.get('success', False)
error = result.get('error')
if success:
return True
elif error:
error_code = error.code()
if error_code == -2:
raise AuthCancelledException('Cancelled by user')
elif error_code == -3:
raise AuthFallbackMechanismSelectedException('Fallback authentication mechanism selected')
desc = error.localizedDescription() or 'Unknown error'
raise AuthFailedException(desc)
raise AuthFailedException('Unknown error')
# Demo:
def main():
reason = 'We need you fingerprint to ste...ehm... to log you in. You have 10 seconds.'
authenticate(reason, allow_passcode=True, timeout=10)
print 'Success!'
except AuthFailedException, e:
print e
if __name__ == '__main__':
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HyShai commented Aug 25, 2015

This crashes Pythonista on iOS 8.4.1 iPhone 6

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zed commented Jun 6, 2017

It works for me:


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Worked for me, just had to use this to catch the AuthFailedException
except AuthFailedException as e:

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eddo888 commented Jun 21, 2020

Hi, this is awesome ! now I can secure my pythonista install.
any chance you could make it work with face id ?

Cheers Dave

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crashes in Pythonista 3.4

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