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Last active May 30, 2020 20:15
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Tiny ARGV Parser in Node
const arguments = argv()
.value({key: 'foo', defaultValue: 'bar', alias: 'f'})
.flag({key: 'flag'})
console.log(, arguments.flag)
> node script.js --flag -f TinyArgv
TinyArgv true
> node script.js -f "Tiny Argv"
Tiny Argv false
> node script.js --foo="Tiny Argv"
Tiny Argv false
Other arguments are collected on _:
const arguments = argv()
.flag({key: 'flag'})
console.log(arguments.flag, arguments._)
> node script.js --flag file1 file2
true [ 'file1', 'file2' ]
class TinyArgv {
constructor(argv) {
this.__argv = argv
this.__cleared = []
this._ = []
* Rebuild remainder based on indices that have been read.
__rebuildUnderscore() {
if (this.__cleared.length === 0) return
this._ = this.__argv.filter((_arg, i) => this.__cleared.indexOf(i) < 0)
* Mark an index as processed.
__clear(index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.__argv.length) {
* Figure out the location of an argument in ARGV based on a key and an alias.
* Returns -1 if neither is found.
__argIndex(key, alias) {
const keyTest = new RegExp(`^--${key}`)
const aliasTest = alias ? new RegExp(`^-${alias}`) : undefined
return this.__argv.reduce((acc, cur, index) => {
if (acc >= 0) return acc
if (keyTest.test(cur)) return index
if (alias && aliasTest.test(cur)) return index
}, -1)
* Extracts the value of a switch, which may be more than one word.
__extractValue(index) {
if (this.__argv[index].indexOf('=') >= 0) {
const [, value] = this.__argv[index].split('=')
return value;
this.__clear(index + 1)
return this.__argv[index + 1]
* Extract a flag (boolean) argument.
* Can have a single-character alias and a default value (so can be true instead
* of false).
flag({key, defaultValue = false, alias = false}) {
const indexOf = this.__argIndex(key, alias)
this[key] = indexOf >= 0 ? !defaultValue : defaultValue
return this;
* Extract a string-based argument.
* Can have a single-character alias or a default value.
value({key, defaultValue = null, alias = false}) {
const indexOf = this.__argIndex(key, alias)
this[key] = indexOf >= 0 ? this.__extractValue(indexOf) : defaultValue
return this;
* Convenient chain-initiating function. Call this to start the processing.
* Optional argument: can process a different array than process.argv
const argv = function (argv) {
return new TinyArgv(argv ? argv : process.argv.slice(2))
module.exports = argv
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