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Last active June 27, 2019 15:16
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Pattern matching (matchWith) for Crocks ADTs
const compose = require('crocks/helpers/compose');
const curry = require('crocks/helpers/curry');
// head :: [a] -> a
const head = xs => xs[0];
// split :: String -> String -> [String]
const split = curry((s, xs) => xs.split(s));
// toString :: a -> String
const toString = m => m.toString();
// has :: a -> Object -> Boolean
const has = curry((key, obj) =>, key));
// getType :: Union a => a -> String
const getType = compose(head, split(' '), toString);
const ANY = 'ANY';
// matchWith :: Union a => {String: (b -> *)} -> a b -> *
const matchWith = curry((defs, value) => {
const type = getType(value);
if (has(type, defs)) {
return defs[type](value);
} else if (has(ANY, defs)) {
return defs[ANY](value);
} else {
throw new Error(`Could not find a match for ${value} in the provided defs (${Object.keys(defs).join(', ')}).
If you want a default to run, please import ANY from this file and add that to the object of definitions passed to matchWith.`);
// Handle exports:
matchWith.ANY = ANY;
module.exports = matchWith;
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