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Created November 18, 2022 09:02
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<!-- Flame graph stack visualization. See for latest version, and for examples. -->
<!-- NOTES: -->
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// show
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// ctrl-I to toggle case-sensitive search
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// name before it's searched, do it here before returning.
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// and avoids calling getSubStringLength too often
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// XXX: Workaround for JavaScript float issues (fix me)
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// Direct ancestor
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// not in current path
// Children maybe
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// no common path
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// search
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ignorecase = !ignorecase;
if (ignorecase) {
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function reset_search() {
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orig_load(el[i], "fill")
var params = get_params();
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history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
function search_prompt() {
if (!searching) {
var term = prompt("Enter a search term (regexp " +
"allowed, eg: ^ext4_)"
+ (ignorecase ? ", ignoring case" : "")
+ "\nPress Ctrl-i to toggle case sensitivity", "");
if (term != null) search(term);
} else {
searching = 0;
currentSearchTerm = null;
searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Search"
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = ""
function search(term) {
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var matches = new Object();
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// Save max width. Only works as we have a root frame
var w = parseFloat(rect.attributes.width.value);
if (w > maxwidth)
maxwidth = w;
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// highlight
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matches[x] = w;
} else {
if (w > matches[x]) {
// overwrite with parent
matches[x] = w;
searching = 1;
if (!searching)
var params = get_params();
params.s = currentSearchTerm;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Reset Search";
// calculate percent matched, excluding vertical overlap
var count = 0;
var lastx = -1;
var lastw = 0;
var keys = Array();
for (k in matches) {
if (matches.hasOwnProperty(k))
// sort the matched frames by their x location
// ascending, then width descending
keys.sort(function(a, b){
return a - b;
// Step through frames saving only the biggest bottom-up frames
// thanks to the sort order. This relies on the tree property
// where children are always smaller than their parents.
var fudge = 0.0001; // JavaScript floating point
for (var k in keys) {
var x = parseFloat(keys[k]);
var w = matches[keys[k]];
if (x >= lastx + lastw - fudge) {
count += w;
lastx = x;
lastw = w;
// display matched percent
var pct = 100 * count / maxwidth;
if (pct != 100) pct = pct.toFixed(1)
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = "Matched: " + pct + "%";
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<text id="matched" x="1090.00" y="981" > </text>
<g id="frames">
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,115,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.91" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sockfd_lookup_light (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="39.8" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,93,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.79" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RegisterSnapshotOnOwner (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="411.8" y="741" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,1,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.81" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,44,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.73" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="356.1" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,224,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.09" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="544.4" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,62,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="547.40" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>slab_free_freelist_hook.constprop.0 (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="811.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,161,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="814.33" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyExtensibleNode (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="437.4" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,144,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.38" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyRangeTblEntry (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="445.8" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,206,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.77" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="703.8" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,159,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="706.83" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="797.3" y="181" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,125,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.35" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ActiveShardPlacementOnGroup (2,040,404,020 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="670.6" y="549" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,49,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="672.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,106,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="568.8" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,194,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.80" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="11.5" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,18,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.51" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,15,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="325.8" y="549" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,167,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.82" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="562.9" y="517" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,50,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="565.91" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.2" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,81,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.22" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,123,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,22,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.84" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_skb_features (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="208.7" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,54,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.69" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtStart_GUC (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="602.5" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,80,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="605.55" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="632.7" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,68,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="635.72" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__get_xps_queue_idx (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.4" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,89,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.40" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,190,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.74" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="500.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,129,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.36" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (2,595,959,570 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="1093.2" y="693" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,170,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.16" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="465.7" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,134,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.69" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="888.8" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,97,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="891.82" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,81,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.96" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>threadRun (5,262,626,210 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="21.4" y="885" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,204,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.45" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_ptable_queue_proc (1,919,191,900 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="750.8" y="389" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,154,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="753.79" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smgrDoPendingSyncs (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1141.6" y="773" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,193,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.63" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="828.6" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,30,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.64" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,66,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.39" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.5" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,157,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.55" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,193,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.96" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="887.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,174,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="890.19" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.2" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,102,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.15" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,161,616,150 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="507.0" y="517" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,7,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="509.99" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,225,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.03" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="486.0" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,130,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.99" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentTimestamp (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="290.3" y="805" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,193,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="293.31" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_poll (1,060,606,050 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="898.6" y="405" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,222,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.60" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="505.1" y="581" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,194,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="508.11" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="807.3" y="389" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,64,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="810.29" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.5" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,35,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.47" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_free_deep (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.5" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,67,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.55" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="991.9" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,140,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.87" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,30,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_conntrack_in (4,363,636,320 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="217.5" y="629" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,99,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.52" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnclaimConnection (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="935.6" y="613" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,133,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="938.60" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.9" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,119,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.94" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.8" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,65,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.76" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="269.1" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,209,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="272.08" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_call_main (703,060,599,030 samples, 73.24%)</title><rect x="286.1" y="917" width="864.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,90,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.12" y="927.5" >__libc_start_call_main</text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="392.5" y="757" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,222,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="395.46" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,183,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.54" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="678.4" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,212,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.38" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__send (49,727,272,230 samples, 5.18%)</title><rect x="185.4" y="869" width="61.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,136,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.36" y="879.5" >__send</text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,95,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.15" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1142.7" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,115,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.75" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SafeQsort (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="501.0" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,19,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.98" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetUserIdAndSecContext (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="603.4" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,151,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="606.40" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="765.5" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,46,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="768.52" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="51.7" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,118,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.69" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,90,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.23" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupCitusTableCacheEntry (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="533.4" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,194,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.38" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_loop (45,383,837,930 samples, 4.73%)</title><rect x="975.8" y="533" width="55.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,157,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="978.83" y="543.5" >exit_..</text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="699.7" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,105,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.67" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>NextEventTimeout (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="845.3" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,87,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="848.34" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="325.8" y="501" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,7,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.82" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kfree (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="174.3" y="709" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,193,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.27" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evaluateExpr (1,131,313,120 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="61.0" y="805" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,74,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.03" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,23,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,19,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.17" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="796.3" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,200,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.29" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="560.6" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,67,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="563.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1110.6" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,27,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.63" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="930.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,226,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.51" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerCreate (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="607.7" y="725" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,87,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.66" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="518.7" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,15,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.73" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetDistributedPlan@plt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.7" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,137,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.74" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeParamList (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,7,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/29 (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="933" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,151,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.08" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="493.9" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,132,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.92" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_wfree (1,757,575,740 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="342.0" y="565" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,80,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="345.04" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,45,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.92" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall1Coll (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="541.0" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,212,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="544.04" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/22 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,72,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.71" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="930.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,35,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.51" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncmp_evex (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="393.5" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,90,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="396.48" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,213,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.08" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="799.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,119,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="452.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,193,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.50" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="131.1" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,216,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.14" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="92.9" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,214,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.88" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="967.5" y="197" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,89,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.53" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusEndScan (1,040,404,030 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1109.7" y="629" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,74,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.73" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_EncryptUpdate (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="159.6" y="901" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,224,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.65" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="672.1" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,156,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.10" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fput_many (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="123.7" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,11,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.74" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_skb (1,909,090,890 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="239.9" y="725" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,141,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="242.92" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindOrCreateWorkerPool (3,838,383,800 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="655.8" y="597" width="4.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,186,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="658.80" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshotFromOwner (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1116.2" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,130,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.18" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopUnassignedPlacementExecution (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="695.6" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,225,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="698.56" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initStringInfo (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1142.6" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,178,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.61" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="455.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,9,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="458.11" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="760.5" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,119,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.54" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,187,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.20" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecStoreMinimalTuple (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1040.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,40,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1043.58" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RequestedForExplainAnalyze (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1039.7" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,163,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1042.72" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcpy_evex (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.5" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,116,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.53" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="798.6" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,65,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.55" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (1,262,626,250 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1121.1" y="741" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,190,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1124.12" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TargetShardIntervalForFastPathQuery (24,040,403,800 samples, 2.50%)</title><rect x="514.7" y="629" width="29.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,116,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="517.68" y="639.5" >Ta..</text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="552.7" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,211,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.72" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,43,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.36" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="403.2" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,181,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="406.25" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>errstart (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="733.5" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,41,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="736.48" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.4" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,133,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.38" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecoveryInProgress@plt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="585.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,224,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="588.27" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>d_alloc_pseudo (4,707,070,660 samples, 0.49%)</title><rect x="819.2" y="437" width="5.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,26,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="822.15" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,3,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.36" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__virt_addr_valid (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="348.7" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,181,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.70" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="157.7" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,19,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.75" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="544.1" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,87,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="547.12" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQgetvalue (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="870.5" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,209,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="873.45" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsocket (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="755.8" y="549" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,84,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.79" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="19.9" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,169,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.95" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="428.7" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,193,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.71" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rseq_handle_notify_resume (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="976.0" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,207,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="979.00" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="820.3" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,104,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="823.33" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preparedStatementName (1,131,313,120 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="101.7" y="853" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,3,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.67" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,117,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.79" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fd_install (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="831.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,197,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="834.08" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="837" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,76,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.86" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1086.1" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,97,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.12" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerRelease (9,131,313,040 samples, 0.95%)</title><rect x="1125.2" y="757" width="11.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,182,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.21" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc_node (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="24.3" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,179,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.33" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_sendmsg (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="69.1" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,203,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.15" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="162.0" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,170,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="164.96" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayFree (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1124.4" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,163,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.37" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="738.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,101,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="741.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_set_owner_w (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.8" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,52,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.76" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (10,434,343,330 samples, 1.09%)</title><rect x="921.3" y="549" width="12.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,61,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.30" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>i2d_SSL_SESSION (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="278.3" y="901" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,186,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.31" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="157.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,16,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.75" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckExprStillValid (898,989,890 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="469.0" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,117,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="471.95" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_free (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="471.6" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,76,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.56" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,64,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.84" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,137,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1080.8" y="661" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,226,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1083.84" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1092.8" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,189,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.82" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CommitTransactionCommand (63,262,625,630 samples, 6.59%)</title><rect x="1064.4" y="789" width="77.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,13,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1067.41" y="799.5" >CommitTr..</text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (757,575,750 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="326.0" y="453" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,206,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.97" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="677.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,15,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.14" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCheckRTEPerms (2,282,828,260 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="417.7" y="693" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,76,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.70" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (40,979,797,570 samples, 4.27%)</title><rect x="762.2" y="501" width="50.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,175,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="765.19" y="511.5" >sysca..</text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,168,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_send_events (4,323,232,280 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="943.5" y="501" width="5.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,171,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="946.53" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (1,494,949,480 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="593.5" y="773" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,133,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.51" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_send_check (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="234.7" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,128,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.68" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartPlacementExecutionOnSession (29,747,474,450 samples, 3.10%)</title><rect x="695.8" y="549" width="36.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,146,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="698.79" y="559.5" >Sta..</text>
<g >
<title>tcp_sendmsg_locked (44,808,080,360 samples, 4.67%)</title><rect x="189.7" y="757" width="55.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,132,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.74" y="767.5" >tcp_s..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="971.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,32,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="974.39" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.6" y="917" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,45,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.61" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_sendto (1,414,141,400 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="24.1" y="677" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,84,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.08" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_poll.constprop.0 (13,020,201,890 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="106.4" y="805" width="16.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,86,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="109.40" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="383.7" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,112,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.73" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_read_generic (8,585,858,500 samples, 0.89%)</title><rect x="40.5" y="725" width="10.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,155,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="43.47" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>slab_free_freelist_hook.constprop.0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="174.7" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,54,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.72" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="901.9" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,171,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="904.90" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,104,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.59" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="678.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,205,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.39" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,27,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.42" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__recv (11,868,686,750 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="170.3" y="869" width="14.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,68,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="173.31" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (888,888,880 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="797.3" y="213" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,166,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.25" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HasDependentJobs (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1039.4" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,53,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1042.45" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__skb_datagram_iter (2,393,939,370 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="176.5" y="725" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,117,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.53" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,20,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.06" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CleanupTempFiles (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1072.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,21,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.93" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_enhanced_fast_string (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="176.8" y="693" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,215,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.83" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="285.7" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,168,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.72" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="518.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,110,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.73" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_sendmsg (1,363,636,350 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="24.1" y="661" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,75,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.10" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_generic_unrolled (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="72.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,159,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.02" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_uncharge_pages (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="822.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,198,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="825.58" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="270.6" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,76,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="273.56" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="978.4" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,27,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="981.37" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="104.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,52,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.94" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="879.9" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,38,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="882.94" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="836.7" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,23,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="839.66" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="337.7" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,67,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.74" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1154.5" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,150,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.53" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="799.9" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,153,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.91" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AppendShardIdToName (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="548.8" y="565" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,186,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="551.82" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>poll_select_finish (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="27.6" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,142,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.62" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (11,141,414,030 samples, 1.16%)</title><rect x="255.5" y="901" width="13.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,172,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.51" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (1,070,707,060 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="203.8" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,59,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.80" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcessClientReadInterrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="298.6" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,112,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="301.61" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1139.5" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,18,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.53" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="326.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,57,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.90" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.5" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,209,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.52" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,46,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sockfd_lookup_light (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="335.0" y="645" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,221,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="338.01" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,34,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.04" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (1,262,626,250 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="509.2" y="533" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,65,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.18" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GenerateSingleShardRouterTaskList (6,626,262,560 samples, 0.69%)</title><rect x="503.5" y="629" width="8.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,202,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="506.50" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="951.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,59,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="953.97" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup_startup (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1058.0" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,118,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1060.99" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.1" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,21,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.07" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShardPlacementOnGroupIncludingOrphanedPlacements (3,373,737,340 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="701.4" y="469" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,32,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_sendto (47,636,363,160 samples, 4.96%)</title><rect x="186.7" y="805" width="58.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,200,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.73" y="815.5" >__sys_..</text>
<g >
<title>CreatePortal (3,070,707,040 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="387.1" y="789" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,94,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.07" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="869" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,141,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.86" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlenbyval (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="730.6" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,205,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="733.55" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1010.8" y="373" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,74,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.81" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1059.1" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,5,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1062.09" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_free (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,41,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.89" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1095.9" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,7,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1098.94" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="564.3" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,215,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.29" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,55,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.19" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="502.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,206,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="505.18" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1115.0" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,121,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.00" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="358.7" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,124,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="361.72" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="115.9" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,225,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.88" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pairingheap_add (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="412.5" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,43,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.52" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (1,131,313,120 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="432.4" y="469" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,216,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.40" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeRelationRefs (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="630.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,153,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="633.11" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.1" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,72,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.06" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,124,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.75" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ip_local_out (12,161,616,040 samples, 1.27%)</title><rect x="215.8" y="661" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,49,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.77" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_add (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="975.0" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,191,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="978.01" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="911.3" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,5,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.33" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="423.9" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,53,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.92" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (1,090,909,080 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="203.8" y="533" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,59,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.77" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (2,131,313,110 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1182.0" y="805" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,100,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.99" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="418.4" y="629" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,26,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.43" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetTaskQueryString (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="510.8" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,225,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="513.79" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecuteCoordinatorEvaluableExpressions (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="569.9" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,128,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="572.88" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="824.5" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,95,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.53" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (888,888,880 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="797.3" y="229" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,149,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.25" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="765.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,24,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="768.65" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="161.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,145,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="164.93" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddSessionToWaitEventSet (5,969,696,910 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="895.6" y="581" width="7.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,12,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.56" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="656.8" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,32,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.75" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_obj_stock (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="76.3" y="565" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,209,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.26" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeWaitEventSet (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="689.2" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,35,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="692.22" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,42,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.47" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_read (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="127.3" y="917" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,164,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.34" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="803.3" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,31,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="806.27" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.8" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,142,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.76" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__cgroup_bpf_run_filter_skb (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="214.9" y="661" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,217,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.87" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MillisecondsBetweenTimestamps (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="845.1" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,150,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="848.11" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evalStandardFunc (1,686,868,670 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="60.6" y="821" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,193,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.59" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqReadData (14,131,312,990 samples, 1.47%)</title><rect x="35.0" y="853" width="17.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,68,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.98" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_poll (21,545,454,330 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="942.6" y="517" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,66,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="945.59" y="527.5" >e..</text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="917" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,226,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.36" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsAbortedTransactionBlockState (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="291.5" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,173,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="294.48" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="700.6" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,149,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="703.64" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="229.7" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,37,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="232.66" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1047.5" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,196,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.50" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="911.1" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,120,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.14" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_enhanced_fast_string (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="106.2" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,78,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="109.19" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc_node (3,101,010,070 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="73.5" y="597" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,147,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.47" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="293.3" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,195,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="296.27" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="252.5" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,61,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.54" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kfree (2,656,565,630 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="338.7" y="581" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,188,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.66" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="313.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.24" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_set_nonblocking (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="380.3" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,101,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="383.33" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="732.6" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,77,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.58" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="104.9" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,227,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.94" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netvsc_xmit (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="197.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,123,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.17" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.0" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,136,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.04" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (16,838,383,670 samples, 1.75%)</title><rect x="105.1" y="869" width="20.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,119,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="108.11" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReferenceTableShardId (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="511.7" y="613" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,115,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="514.74" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="980.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,111,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.17" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="932.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,206,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_ctl (12,919,191,790 samples, 1.35%)</title><rect x="903.5" y="549" width="15.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,84,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="906.53" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExprStillValid (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="463.3" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,227,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="466.31" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes_uint32 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1091.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,155,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.62" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1030.0" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,85,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1033.03" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,159,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.58" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getAnotherTuple (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="54.3" y="821" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,199,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.32" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="701.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,159,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.69" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,132,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WorkerNodeHashCode (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="486.5" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,219,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="489.46" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_write_xmit (37,949,494,570 samples, 3.95%)</title><rect x="191.3" y="725" width="46.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,96,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.32" y="735.5" >tcp_..</text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (838,383,830 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="402.4" y="693" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,85,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="405.39" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="59.0" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,0,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.02" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.1" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,196,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.09" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.7" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,229,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.70" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetStringInfo (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="614.1" y="773" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,181,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="617.08" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>poll_freewait (1,404,040,390 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="122.4" y="805" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,201,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.40" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,101,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1115.1" y="661" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,25,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.13" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,166,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.17" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GenerateSingleShardRouterTaskList (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="482.6" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,61,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.61" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="359.6" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,38,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="362.57" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsLoggableLevel (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="867.7" y="565" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,152,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="870.67" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_create (14,202,020,060 samples, 1.48%)</title><rect x="814.4" y="485" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,193,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="817.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,10,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.78" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQfformat (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="869.0" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,105,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="872.00" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindOrCreatePlacementEntry (909,090,900 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="696.7" y="517" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,152,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="699.72" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_disable_asynccancel (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="35.8" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,218,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.76" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="360.1" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,188,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.09" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="590.4" y="789" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,79,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="593.35" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_update_skb_after_send (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="234.4" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,106,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.35" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="397.3" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,44,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.29" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="201.5" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,22,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.51" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.0" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,101,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.96" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.8" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,16,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.80" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sys_poll (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="26.5" y="805" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,5,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.46" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PlacementAccessListForTask (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="845.6" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,74,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="848.56" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OutputFunctionCall (1,070,707,060 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="707.3" y="469" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,151,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__virt_addr_valid (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="71.7" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,188,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.68" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="17.9" y="901" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,218,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.92" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1131.9" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,84,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.93" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="512.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,4,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="515.63" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_create1 (9,595,959,500 samples, 1.00%)</title><rect x="921.3" y="533" width="11.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,4,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.33" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,41,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.01" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LogRemoteCommand (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="711.0" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,89,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="714.05" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ConnectionStateMachine (34,595,959,250 samples, 3.60%)</title><rect x="691.3" y="581" width="42.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,208,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="694.32" y="591.5" >Conn..</text>
<g >
<title>new_list (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="481.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,212,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.37" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsTransactionBlock (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="649.7" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,54,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="652.69" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="685.4" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,165,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="688.42" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,203,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.77" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckExprStillValid (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="464.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,161,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.51" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQnfields@plt (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="871.1" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,135,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="874.14" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="967.4" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,14,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.42" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="931.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,223,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="934.59" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindPlacementListConnection (3,747,474,710 samples, 0.39%)</title><rect x="663.1" y="581" width="4.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,189,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="666.06" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="109.4" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,87,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.35" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="200.3" y="565" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,55,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="203.31" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgBytes (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="724.1" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,1,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="727.10" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1135.7" y="725" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,72,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.73" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1038.7" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,226,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.70" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AlterTableConstraintCheck (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="623.2" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,92,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="626.24" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,35,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.40" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,143,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.34" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_close (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="760.7" y="501" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,204,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.71" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,97,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.12" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,105,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_free (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="146.9" y="901" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,43,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="149.95" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReportChangedGUCOptions (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1147.7" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,161,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1150.72" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="917.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,87,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="920.11" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCheckRTEPerms (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="417.2" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,218,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.18" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshot (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1116.1" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,1,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.06" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dequeue_skb (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="196.7" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,44,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.66" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="412.2" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,68,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.19" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_poll_rx_cq (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="213.2" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,209,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.16" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldRecordRelationAccess (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="700.0" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,26,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.98" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1182.4" y="741" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,207,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.44" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>record_type_typmod_compare (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="681.9" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,226,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="684.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,43,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.82" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_write_space (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.4" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,79,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.44" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetStringInfo (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="353.2" y="773" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,199,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.19" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentTimestamp (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1062.9" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,197,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1065.92" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,147,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.33" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (47,222,221,750 samples, 4.92%)</title><rect x="974.0" y="581" width="58.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,109,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="976.96" y="591.5" >do_sys..</text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (1,252,525,240 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="47.2" y="709" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,111,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.21" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="853" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,139,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.86" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,42,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.79" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>internal_putbytes (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="600.6" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,219,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="603.58" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.8" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,216,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.76" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,72,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="440.1" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,6,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.15" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="51.0" y="773" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,106,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.03" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="498.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,78,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="501.22" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1061.2" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,60,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1064.16" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartTransactionCommand (7,121,212,050 samples, 0.74%)</title><rect x="602.1" y="773" width="8.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,64,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="605.06" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQstatus (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1079.1" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,95,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1082.11" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression@plt (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="483.8" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,164,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.79" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyQuery (11,030,302,920 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="439.9" y="501" width="13.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,50,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode (2,515,151,490 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="1043.1" y="693" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,219,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.10" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="919.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,213,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="922.91" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_file_alloc_security (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="925.1" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,92,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="928.11" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="810.7" y="421" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,14,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="813.71" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="349.6" y="661" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,86,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.61" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>type_is_rowtype@plt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="679.3" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,71,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="682.29" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dostr (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="102.8" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,56,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.83" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>signalfd_poll (1,535,353,520 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="914.4" y="437" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,89,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="917.37" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCachedPlan (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1118.5" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,202,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.46" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="586.6" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,66,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="589.60" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="566.7" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,199,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="569.65" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,104,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.33" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netdev_core_pick_tx (1,969,696,950 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="210.4" y="645" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,45,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.38" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQtransactionStatus (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.5" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,72,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.50" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.1" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,104,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.13" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCheckOutBufferSpace (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="725.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,177,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="728.95" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,81,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.83" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PruneOne (2,353,535,330 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="538.7" y="597" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,103,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.70" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SendRemoteCommandParams (14,666,666,520 samples, 1.53%)</title><rect x="711.7" y="517" width="18.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,183,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="714.67" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="754.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,77,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (3,030,303,000 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="1185.1" y="837" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,148,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.12" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain_ipv4 (2,151,515,130 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="227.8" y="629" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,21,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.77" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,118,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionIdPrecedes (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="587.7" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,227,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="590.68" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="732.6" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,123,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.58" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="109.4" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,127,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.35" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (1,585,858,570 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="882.6" y="533" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,63,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="885.63" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="601.1" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,219,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.08" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_encrypt_ctr32 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="148.6" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,46,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.59" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DistributedPlanModifiesDatabase (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="626.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,79,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.53" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="803.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,188,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="806.27" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="71.4" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,36,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.36" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigsetjmp (909,090,900 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="295.6" y="773" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,136,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="298.63" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,77,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="831.9" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,172,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="834.92" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="453.0" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,179,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.96" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_lookup (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="334.5" y="581" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,111,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.54" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyRangeTblRef (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="445.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,3,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.99" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.4" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,125,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.42" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,201,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy_deep (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="444.3" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,65,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.33" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,167,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.07" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_poll (4,919,191,870 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="116.4" y="789" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,101,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.35" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecutorRun (354,737,370,190 samples, 36.95%)</title><rect x="623.2" y="757" width="436.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,220,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="626.23" y="767.5" >ExecutorRun</text>
<g >
<title>BIO_clear_flags (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="168.7" y="885" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,211,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="171.74" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetCatCacheRef (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="564.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,167,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.18" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (2,828,282,800 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="441.8" y="453" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,91,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.83" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>slab_free_freelist_hook.constprop.0 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1027.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1030.70" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.2" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,139,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.22" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1085.0" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,124,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1088.05" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="347.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,212,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_virtual_init (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="576.3" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,6,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="579.26" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,818,181,800 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="391.5" y="773" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,48,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="394.54" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,88,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.69" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,182,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.47" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,66,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.96" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerCreate (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="609.1" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,72,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="612.10" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsInParallelMode (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1138.8" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,61,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.77" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_evex_unaligned_erms (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="683.4" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,23,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="686.41" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (707,070,700 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="721.1" y="405" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,137,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="724.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="972.8" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,139,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="975.76" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preparedStatementName (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.0" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,16,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.05" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.1" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,30,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.13" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,166,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.77" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>InitPlan (136,909,089,540 samples, 14.26%)</title><rect x="416.4" y="725" width="168.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,50,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.39" y="735.5" >InitPlan</text>
<g >
<title>pfree (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="879.7" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,28,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="882.72" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pollwait (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="120.5" y="757" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,40,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="123.53" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,117,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.72" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshot (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1117.2" y="693" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,222,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1120.22" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="834.6" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,134,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="837.60" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="442.4" y="421" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,131,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.36" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="496.8" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,203,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.80" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReferenceTableShardId (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="513.7" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,81,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="516.70" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="493.9" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,27,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.92" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExtractParametersFromParamList (2,252,525,230 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="707.1" y="501" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,13,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.15" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextReset (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1047.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,153,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.45" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupTaskPlacementHostAndPort (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="668.3" y="597" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,125,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="671.35" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="552.8" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,30,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.76" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>validate_xmit_skb (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="208.5" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,0,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.50" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AbortStrongLockAcquire (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1127.6" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,138,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.62" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqFlush (7,141,414,070 samples, 0.74%)</title><rect x="714.9" y="453" width="8.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,181,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="717.93" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,18,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.06" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getBaseType (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="677.0" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,14,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.04" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,57,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.68" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="285.5" y="901" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,175,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.51" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,57,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.52" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartitionColumn (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="521.7" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,114,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="524.74" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,80,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.24" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.9" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,107,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.86" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtStart_Memory (828,282,820 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="606.0" y="741" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,97,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="609.01" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.7" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,129,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.74" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (1,282,828,270 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="449.4" y="357" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,83,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.37" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.5" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,136,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.52" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dentry_unlink_inode (707,070,700 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="764.5" y="405" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,63,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="767.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,217,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.57" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="274.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,217,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.88" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_obj_stock (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,112,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.09" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="796.8" y="341" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,190,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.75" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,124,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="693.6" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,100,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.58" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="820.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,18,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="823.33" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (757,575,750 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="326.0" y="485" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,134,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.97" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes_uint32 (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="665.3" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,208,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="668.29" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="913.5" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,161,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="916.51" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsSharedRelation (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="703.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,91,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="706.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>close_fd (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="760.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,221,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.87" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>internal_flush (20,101,009,900 samples, 2.09%)</title><rect x="355.5" y="773" width="24.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,175,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.46" y="783.5" >i..</text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (1,191,919,180 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="26.5" y="837" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,147,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.45" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusBeginReadOnlyScan (116,797,978,630 samples, 12.17%)</title><rect x="425.0" y="661" width="143.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,19,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.97" y="671.5" >CitusBeginReadOnly..</text>
<g >
<title>sch_direct_xmit (4,777,777,730 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="203.4" y="549" width="5.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,15,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.38" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1139.5" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,49,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.53" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SnapshotResetXmin (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1117.3" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,132,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1120.29" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>all (959,999,990,400 samples, 100%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="949" width="1180.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,93,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.00" y="959.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__virt_addr_valid (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="361.8" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,6,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.83" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,115,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.77" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,128,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.12" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="752.4" y="373" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,220,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.43" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="885.6" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,111,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="888.59" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="504.7" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,16,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="507.71" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQclear (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.9" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,137,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.92" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_clean_rtx_queue.constprop.0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1183.7" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,46,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.72" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1032.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,7,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1035.21" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>___slab_alloc (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="743.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,115,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.42" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_iter (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="71.8" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,22,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.83" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="917.8" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,141,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="920.76" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,201,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (5,989,898,930 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="523.4" y="581" width="7.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,177,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="526.36" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="573.4" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,216,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.39" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="24.5" y="613" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,152,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.53" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>type_is_rowtype (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="677.9" y="549" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,118,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.86" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqFlush (1,535,353,520 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="24.0" y="789" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,215,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.98" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_unlock (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="313.4" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,16,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.41" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,153,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.45" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_sq_xmit_wqe (1,404,040,390 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="206.7" y="501" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,81,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.70" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="705.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,103,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="708.56" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="842.1" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,63,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="845.08" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindShardIntervalIndex (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="539.4" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,8,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="542.36" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1119.0" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,171,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.97" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rseq_handle_notify_resume (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="327.7" y="613" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,204,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.71" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_ps_display (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1150.0" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,121,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1153.01" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,102,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.11" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="285.6" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,112,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.59" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,104,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.76" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1147.1" y="805" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,199,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1150.09" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_sendmsg (1,353,535,340 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="24.1" y="645" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,46,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.12" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqSendSome (22,616,161,390 samples, 2.36%)</title><rect x="67.5" y="789" width="27.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,118,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.51" y="799.5" >p..</text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="555.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,194,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.94" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1131.7" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,210,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.74" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="709.4" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,77,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="712.45" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,189,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.38" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,63,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.34" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetExtensibleNodeMethods (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="454.2" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,201,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="457.16" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.8" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,82,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.77" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (1,191,919,180 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="26.5" y="853" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,226,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.45" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strchrnul_evex (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="101.8" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,88,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.80" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetStringInfo (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="648.9" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,116,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="651.89" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateWaitEventSet (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="934.2" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,122,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="937.25" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (1,252,525,240 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="800.6" y="357" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,7,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="803.57" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_add (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="761.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,219,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="764.46" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_evex_unaligned_erms (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="443.3" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,171,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeWaitEventSet (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="755.4" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,224,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.41" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (3,303,030,270 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="399.5" y="725" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,107,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="402.47" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DistNodeRelationId (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="496.3" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,50,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.33" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__list_del_entry_valid (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="308.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,76,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="311.12" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="444.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,44,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.02" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask (1,666,666,650 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="417.9" y="677" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,183,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.95" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (1,272,727,260 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="593.6" y="741" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,60,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.63" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equal (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="529.9" y="549" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,72,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="532.94" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusTableCacheFlushInvalidatedEntries (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1058.5" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,208,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1061.50" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,113,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.81" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/4 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,72,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.02" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_spin_on_owner (5,070,707,020 samples, 0.53%)</title><rect x="770.9" y="373" width="6.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,151,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="773.94" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_ctl (7,262,626,190 samples, 0.76%)</title><rect x="736.4" y="501" width="8.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,90,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="739.39" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_item_poll.isra.0 (1,797,979,780 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="310.5" y="597" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,174,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="313.46" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_to_iter (999,999,990 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="346.8" y="565" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,207,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.84" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="499.8" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,89,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="502.80" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rate_skb_sent (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="234.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,150,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.22" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildWaitEventSet (31,828,282,510 samples, 3.32%)</title><rect x="895.1" y="597" width="39.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,15,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.10" y="607.5" >Bui..</text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,160,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.40" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (2,626,262,600 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="400.2" y="709" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,186,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="403.23" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="350.2" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,47,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.24" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,94,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="498.8" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,41,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="501.76" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyParamList (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="732.0" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,216,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.01" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>putVariableValue (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="63.0" y="853" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,40,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.03" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTupleStoreTupleDest (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="649.0" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,191,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="652.04" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,31,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.21" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="579.8" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,111,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="582.84" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShardPlacementOnGroupIncludingOrphanedPlacements (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.3" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,85,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.29" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (2,050,505,030 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="1025.3" y="453" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,109,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1028.33" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ScanStateGetTupleDescriptor (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1041.9" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,125,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1044.93" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AbortStrongLockAcquire (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1128.4" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,207,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1131.42" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_minimal_clear (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1041.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,28,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1044.20" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OSSL_PARAM_locate (1,434,343,420 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="160.3" y="901" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,87,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="163.33" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getbyte (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="354.0" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,166,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.96" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetCanReportClosed (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="833.8" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,23,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.81" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="966.9" y="421" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,81,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="969.91" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,215,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.15" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="302.8" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,134,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.78" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.9" y="101" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,137,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.88" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_insert (5,252,525,200 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="747.4" y="437" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,79,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="750.44" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="18.7" y="917" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,42,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.70" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetUserNameFromId (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="668.0" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,176,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="670.96" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,212,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.17" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="578.1" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,223,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="581.11" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="201.0" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="203.96" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,193,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="245.9" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,90,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="248.88" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,80,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.88" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="548.4" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,32,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="551.38" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="969.6" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,70,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="530.4" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,145,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="533.43" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,186,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.02" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsetSingleRowMode (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="700.8" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="703.80" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,7,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.33" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1182.9" y="629" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,210,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.91" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_walk_subplans (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1044.9" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,179,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1047.88" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_finish (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="129.5" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,54,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.49" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="572.7" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,193,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="575.70" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreatePruningNode (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="515.1" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,224,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="518.05" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,66,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.46" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (1,090,909,080 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="856.1" y="501" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,157,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="859.10" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,393,939,380 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="492.3" y="549" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,221,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="495.33" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>consume_skb (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="200.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,82,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="203.11" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="497.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,90,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.68" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="269.7" y="901" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,132,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="272.71" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VarConstOpExprClause (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="537.6" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,162,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="540.56" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (5,656,565,600 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="446.3" y="453" width="6.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,176,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.28" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (13,939,393,800 samples, 1.45%)</title><rect x="461.7" y="533" width="17.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,162,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.70" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="798.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,141,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.55" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,104,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.54" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="501.6" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,206,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.55" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="377.2" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,137,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.17" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1060.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,138,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1063.54" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusBeginScan (118,838,382,650 samples, 12.38%)</title><rect x="424.4" y="677" width="146.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,170,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.37" y="687.5" >CitusBeginScan</text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="267.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,14,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.16" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ktime_get_ts64 (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="969.1" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,191,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.07" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="921.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,42,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.12" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartitionColumn (1,505,050,490 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="533.8" y="597" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,115,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.85" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="991.9" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,11,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.86" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckConnectionReady (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="693.1" y="549" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,160,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.06" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initStringInfo (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1149.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,87,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1152.55" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1023.6" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,151,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.63" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidInputFunctionCall (1,878,787,860 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="407.2" y="789" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,171,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.22" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1035.8" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,76,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1038.85" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.9" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.88" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="945.3" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,131,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="948.31" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="663.4" y="533" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,25,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="666.41" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="744.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,216,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="747.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="377.2" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,124,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.16" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindWorkerNode (2,404,040,380 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="656.0" y="581" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,165,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.02" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_hash_entry (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="667.3" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,0,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="670.29" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,31,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.82" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="898.9" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,71,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.91" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>validate_xmit_xfrm (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="210.1" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,210,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.11" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_has_input (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.9" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,34,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.85" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultSlot (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="573.4" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,197,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.37" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initStringInfo@plt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.7" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,157,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.69" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="474.4" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,224,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.40" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SafeQsort (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="686.8" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,51,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="689.76" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="571.5" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,205,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="574.53" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1054.6" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,205,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1057.57" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildPlacementAccessList (3,767,676,730 samples, 0.39%)</title><rect x="701.3" y="501" width="4.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,120,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.26" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.4" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,23,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.39" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="910.2" y="453" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,218,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="913.16" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartNodeUserDatabaseConnection (4,151,515,110 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="835.9" y="581" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,224,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="838.93" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQstatus (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="835.3" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,111,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="838.34" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall1Coll (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="539.6" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,172,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="542.62" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="966.9" y="389" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,229,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="969.91" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="302.8" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,207,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.78" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__build_skb_around (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="363.3" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,217,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.26" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_send_events (4,828,282,780 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="307.6" y="613" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,136,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="310.62" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="693" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,122,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.67" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ErrorIfWorkerErrorIndicationReceived (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1111.2" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,28,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.25" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rel_namespace (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="566.1" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,127,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="569.13" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeCatCacheRefs (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="594.8" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,181,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="597.81" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_sendmsg (19,848,484,650 samples, 2.07%)</title><rect x="69.5" y="661" width="24.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,42,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.55" y="671.5" >u..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="892.0" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,211,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="895.03" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1130.7" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,34,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.65" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_unlock (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1028.5" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,180,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1031.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="347.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,121,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.91" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_last_attnums_walker (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="466.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,216,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="469.63" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="387.2" y="773" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,3,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.21" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,56,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="307.98" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_ctl (6,262,626,200 samples, 0.65%)</title><rect x="746.3" y="469" width="7.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,63,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="749.30" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1066.4" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,114,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.44" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (1,666,666,650 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="618.0" y="741" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,24,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="621.03" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ppoll (17,929,292,750 samples, 1.87%)</title><rect x="103.8" y="885" width="22.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,80,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.76" y="895.5" >p..</text>
<g >
<title>string_hash (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="393.9" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,52,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="396.95" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqAddTuple (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="863.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,84,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="866.23" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="741.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,57,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="744.63" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>filp_close (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="761.1" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,193,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="764.10" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.3" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,198,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.26" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="175.9" y="725" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,150,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.89" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,107,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.94" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="257.7" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,225,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="260.70" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExecutorStart (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="411.3" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,97,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.27" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="658.7" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,19,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="661.73" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,132,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RefreshTableCacheEntryIfInvalid (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="512.0" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,14,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="515.00" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,124,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.56" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="396.9" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,120,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.89" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQresultStatus (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.2" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,101,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.17" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPuts (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="96.9" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,109,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.90" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExecutorRun (353,474,743,940 samples, 36.82%)</title><rect x="623.9" y="741" width="434.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,13,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="626.94" y="751.5" >CitusExecutorRun</text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (356,535,349,970 samples, 37.14%)</title><rect x="622.6" y="773" width="438.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,161,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="625.57" y="783.5" >PortalRunSelect</text>
<g >
<title>ShardPlacementListIncludingOrphanedPlacements (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="502.6" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,21,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="505.60" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/20 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="933" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,163,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.30" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveConnectionManagementFlag (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="690.0" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,17,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="693.04" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="213.7" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,9,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.67" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__siphash_aligned (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="222.1" y="581" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,82,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.15" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="511.3" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,69,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="514.29" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="886.4" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,57,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="889.45" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="498.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,189,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="501.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OPENSSL_init_crypto (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="717.0" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,29,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="719.99" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayInit (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="607.1" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,166,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.13" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="138.4" y="853" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,8,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.35" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="740.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,106,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="743.67" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="92.8" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,38,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.83" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CanUseBinaryCopyFormatForType (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="680.0" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,188,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="682.98" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,181,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.87" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextCreate (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="606.7" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,122,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="609.69" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_lookup_eval (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="225.9" y="597" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,165,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.95" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1069.4" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,213,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1072.38" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="833.1" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,161,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.06" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (989,898,980 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="509.5" y="501" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,204,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.45" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExtraDataContainerFuncId (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="557.8" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,130,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="560.81" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResetRemoteTransaction (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1079.5" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,24,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1082.55" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,94,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.82" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SendNextQuery (20,101,009,900 samples, 2.09%)</title><rect x="706.7" y="533" width="24.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,46,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="709.69" y="543.5" >S..</text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.6" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.60" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_sendmsg (16,525,252,360 samples, 1.72%)</title><rect x="357.7" y="661" width="20.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,179,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.66" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_server_to_client (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1048.9" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,162,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1051.88" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,15,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.97" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="591.2" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,202,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.18" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,19,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.55" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="749.6" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,155,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="752.60" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1183.9" y="613" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,215,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.90" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_write (1,515,151,500 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="24.0" y="757" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,39,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.01" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,1,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.77" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,99,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.02" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,80,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="349.5" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,99,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.51" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.4" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,44,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.45" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,21,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.00" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="527.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,161,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.40" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/17 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.4" y="933" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,148,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.43" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_ADDR_new (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="141.5" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,26,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.51" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,77,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_ct_get_eval (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="225.3" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,208,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.25" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (6,898,989,830 samples, 0.72%)</title><rect x="746.3" y="501" width="8.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,99,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="749.27" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="562.1" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,57,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="565.06" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncpy_evex (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="578.7" y="629" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,224,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="581.69" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="213.6" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,125,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.64" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_ctl (6,222,222,160 samples, 0.65%)</title><rect x="737.0" y="453" width="7.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,66,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="740.01" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_file (2,282,828,260 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="816.3" y="437" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,34,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.33" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="776.6" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,107,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.55" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="900.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,38,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="903.89" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,217,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.83" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Files (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1072.9" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,101,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.91" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CurrentUserName (1,898,989,880 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="660.7" y="581" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,183,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="663.71" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,232,323,220 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="800.6" y="341" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,92,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="803.58" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_recvmsg (1,353,535,340 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="741" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,58,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.12" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,7,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.65" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentSubTransactionId@plt (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1103.2" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,215,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.20" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,178,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.40" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="403.2" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,164,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="406.25" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dentry_kill (1,757,575,740 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="978.0" y="485" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,106,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="980.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="705.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,33,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="707.95" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="285.6" y="837" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,104,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.59" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="225.1" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,90,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.07" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeBinaryInputInfo (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="686.0" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,163,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="689.03" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__skb_clone (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="198.8" y="581" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,128,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="201.82" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="267.2" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,103,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.16" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,34,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.17" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTopTransactionIdIfAny (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1106.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,147,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.30" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1047.9" y="629" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,4,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.90" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="730.8" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,71,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="733.75" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="880.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,156,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="883.19" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcArrayEndTransaction (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1123.1" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,22,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.14" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,2,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.39" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="569.5" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,175,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="572.47" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sch_direct_xmit (10,272,727,170 samples, 1.07%)</title><rect x="197.8" y="629" width="12.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,207,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.75" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerRememberCatCacheRef (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1054.2" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,220,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1057.17" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_nat_inet_fn (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="223.3" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,7,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="226.27" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="805.7" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,217,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="808.73" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_copy (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="447.9" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,11,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.92" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="923.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,94,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="926.31" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="893.1" y="549" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,138,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="896.08" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (1,141,414,130 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="581" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,189,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.05" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DeallocateReservedConnections (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1086.7" y="725" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,209,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.70" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpuidle_idle_call (23,545,454,310 samples, 2.45%)</title><rect x="1155.8" y="869" width="28.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,23,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1158.77" y="879.5" >cp..</text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,25,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.60" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="52.0" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,179,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.98" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.4" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,213,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.37" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>NodeIsReadable (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="495.8" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,181,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="498.82" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="172.2" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,76,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.21" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1011.4" y="309" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,13,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.36" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,205,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1118.9" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,135,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.86" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1063.9" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,148,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1066.88" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="796.3" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,42,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.29" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,223,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (1,898,989,880 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="395.2" y="757" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,128,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="398.15" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,33,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.71" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="71.4" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,36,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.36" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,128,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.66" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,203,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.94" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (4,999,999,950 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="896.4" y="517" width="6.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,92,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="899.43" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1115.6" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,67,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.55" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="51.6" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,9,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.59" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1062.9" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,88,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1065.94" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="47.9" y="693" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,67,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.91" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,166,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.00" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="933.2" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,7,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="936.15" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExecutorState (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="462.5" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,2,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.48" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getRowDescriptions (2,323,232,300 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="863.4" y="501" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,69,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="866.44" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_wait (22,717,171,490 samples, 2.37%)</title><rect x="941.7" y="549" width="27.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,40,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.68" y="559.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,110,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.51" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCheckOutBufferSpace (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.8" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,173,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vdso_clock_gettime (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="58.7" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,87,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.67" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmalloc_reserve (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="72.7" y="597" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,69,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.66" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="917" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,227,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.38" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_item_poll.isra.0 (1,828,282,810 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="946.0" y="485" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,169,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="948.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_recvmsg (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="333.2" y="645" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,26,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.18" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_queue_xmit_nit (2,606,060,580 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="198.5" y="597" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,9,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="201.55" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="389.4" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,77,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.38" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,168,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.37" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>readCommandResponse (1,181,818,170 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="64.7" y="869" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,12,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.72" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_uncharge_pages (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="339.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,6,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.91" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,76,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain_inet (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.3" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,156,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.29" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_ctl (4,424,242,380 samples, 0.46%)</title><rect x="896.5" y="485" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,40,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="899.45" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_wait (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="758.1" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,155,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.08" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (15,464,646,310 samples, 1.61%)</title><rect x="814.3" y="533" width="19.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,12,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="817.28" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,214,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.99" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,128,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1058.0" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,110,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1061.03" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.9" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,32,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.95" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,228,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.42" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy@plt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="870.9" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,156,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="873.89" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_minimal_getsomeattrs (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1056.2" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,15,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1059.21" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="377.2" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,166,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.22" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain_inet (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.9" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,176,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.89" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_ppoll (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="26.5" y="821" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,225,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.45" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hv_vcpu_is_preempted (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="796.4" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,27,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.44" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecordRelationAccessIfNonDistTable (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="706.2" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,178,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="709.22" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,22,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTypeTL (1,262,626,250 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="573.9" y="661" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,145,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.86" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="309.5" y="597" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,187,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="312.48" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.6" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,185,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.60" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.9" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,151,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.89" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="553.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,208,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="556.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_file_free (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1031.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,51,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1034.04" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="918.8" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,13,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="921.83" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (1,272,727,260 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="593.6" y="757" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,26,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.63" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,95,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.05" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,219,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.84" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupShardIdCacheEntry (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="699.3" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,147,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.29" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (1,101,010,090 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="92.2" y="549" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,210,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.23" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (3,242,424,210 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="1184.9" y="853" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,30,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.86" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmsgint (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="597.6" y="789" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,17,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="600.59" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (1,676,767,660 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="981.2" y="469" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,96,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="984.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="252.6" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,10,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.64" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_uid (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1024.8" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,188,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1027.84" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCommandQueueAdvance (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="881.8" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,144,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="884.83" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindAvailableConnection (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="837.4" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,6,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="840.42" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,227,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.89" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AssignTasksToConnectionsOrWorkerPool (28,070,706,790 samples, 2.92%)</title><rect x="654.0" y="613" width="34.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,97,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="657.02" y="623.5" >As..</text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,25,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.46" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_type_io_data (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="675.3" y="533" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,191,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.34" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="870.6" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,136,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="873.62" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsSharedRelation (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="399.3" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,179,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="402.30" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>minimal_tuple_from_heap_tuple (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="885.6" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,58,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="888.55" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="756.7" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,60,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="759.74" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,184,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.15" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,177,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.94" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="501.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,139,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.06" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCheckOutBufferSpace (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="724.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,89,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="727.36" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="592.8" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,162,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="595.79" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetSnapshot (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1116.1" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,90,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.06" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fsnotify (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1029.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,182,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1032.84" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_ctl (6,080,808,020 samples, 0.63%)</title><rect x="746.5" y="453" width="7.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,19,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="749.52" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_log_duration (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1061.7" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,91,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1064.69" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="621.1" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,43,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="624.06" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="512.1" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,141,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="515.11" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1183.1" y="533" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,39,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.13" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (3,212,121,180 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="431.6" y="549" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,81,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.55" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_lookup (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="181.8" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,128,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="184.82" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,44,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.72" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="26.6" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,226,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.65" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,191,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.27" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/15 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,44,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="933" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,4,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.04" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (2,262,626,240 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="339.0" y="565" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,228,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.04" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.2" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,217,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.23" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="854.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,89,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="857.51" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SnapshotResetXmin (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1060.0" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,43,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1063.02" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPortalByName (767,676,760 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="611.5" y="789" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,64,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="614.55" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,121,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.72" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (8,191,919,110 samples, 0.85%)</title><rect x="394.4" y="789" width="10.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,8,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.44" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,188,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.60" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,106,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.08" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>message_level_is_interesting (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="610.0" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,226,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="612.97" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.4" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,174,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.35" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_get_default_timeout (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="853.5" y="501" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,70,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="856.53" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="562.9" y="501" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,89,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="565.93" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="972.6" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,140,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="975.56" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rel_namespace (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="565.0" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,65,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.96" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (1,575,757,560 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="497.3" y="501" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,32,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.27" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="578.1" y="629" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,118,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="581.09" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="326.2" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,19,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.17" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>internal_putbytes (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1049.8" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,135,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1052.79" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,35,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.69" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="307.4" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,121,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="310.40" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExecutorStart (139,444,443,050 samples, 14.53%)</title><rect x="413.5" y="757" width="171.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,181,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.46" y="767.5" >CitusExecutorStart</text>
<g >
<title>new_list (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.3" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,168,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.29" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionBlockStatusCode (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="354.5" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,197,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.46" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="611.6" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,109,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="614.65" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildPruningTree (5,595,959,540 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="523.7" y="565" width="6.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,69,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="526.68" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,19,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LogLogicalInvalidations (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1106.6" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,16,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.57" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sk_page_frag_refill (727,272,720 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="238.2" y="741" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,30,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.18" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_evex_unaligned_erms (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="891.0" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,65,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="894.04" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusAddWaitEventSetToSet (5,666,666,610 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="895.7" y="565" width="7.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,148,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.72" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="131.1" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,75,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.14" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (112,969,695,840 samples, 11.77%)</title><rect x="141.5" y="917" width="138.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,93,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.51" y="927.5" >[unknown]</text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (4,595,959,550 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="110.7" y="757" width="5.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,4,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="113.67" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_nth_cell (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1114.7" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,207,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.70" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.3" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,117,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.26" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_recvmsg (1,232,323,220 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="333.5" y="613" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,209,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.49" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wait_for_unix_gc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="93.7" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,13,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.74" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyVar (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="535.1" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,7,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="538.14" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,67,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.88" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="900.9" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,24,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="903.89" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mutex_lock.constprop.0 (23,585,858,350 samples, 2.46%)</title><rect x="984.6" y="453" width="28.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,39,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="987.56" y="463.5" >__..</text>
<g >
<title>DistPartitionKey (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="532.6" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,41,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="535.58" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,363,636,350 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="45.5" y="613" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,161,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.47" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1038.7" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,121,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.70" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGetInt (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="57.1" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,51,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="60.12" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__anon_inode_getfile (11,808,080,690 samples, 1.23%)</title><rect x="815.6" y="469" width="14.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,54,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="818.60" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1148.0" y="821" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,185,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1150.97" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,5,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.45" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_enhanced_fast_string (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="362.5" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,109,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.47" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ipv4_confirm (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="231.2" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,140,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="234.23" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorFinish (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1116.9" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,175,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.92" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (29,999,999,700 samples, 3.12%)</title><rect x="936.0" y="613" width="36.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,111,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="939.01" y="623.5" >Wai..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.7" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,224,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.66" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_verify_mbstr (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="599.5" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,46,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="602.53" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmd_work_handler (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="18.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,185,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.96" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="921.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,190,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.12" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="607.8" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,133,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.80" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (21,393,939,180 samples, 2.23%)</title><rect x="68.7" y="725" width="26.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,27,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.71" y="735.5" >d..</text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (700,515,144,510 samples, 72.97%)</title><rect x="286.6" y="821" width="861.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,143,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.56" y="831.5" >PostgresMain</text>
<g >
<title>palloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="501.3" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,162,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.28" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_finish_output2 (16,262,626,100 samples, 1.69%)</title><rect x="194.9" y="677" width="20.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,146,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.88" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (1,101,010,090 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="92.2" y="581" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,174,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.23" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (898,989,890 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1091.9" y="677" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,207,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.88" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.4" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,8,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.44" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="397.1" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,167,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.10" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ScanQueryForLocks (4,141,414,100 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="398.5" y="741" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,108,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="401.52" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,8,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.53" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="118.9" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,206,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.89" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_conntrack_in (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1183.9" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,145,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.93" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,208,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpuidle_idle_call (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1189.2" y="853" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,212,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.22" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="214.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,177,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="604.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,71,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="607.88" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_getpeersec_dgram (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="360.9" y="613" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,173,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.91" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="270.6" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,74,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="273.56" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,149,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.92" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual@plt (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="572.9" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,17,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="575.91" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>string_hash (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1120.5" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,77,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1123.48" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.5" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,217,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.54" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (25,474,747,220 samples, 2.65%)</title><rect x="941.6" y="565" width="31.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,35,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.57" y="575.5" >do..</text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_prepare (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="821" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,33,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.62" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>merge (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="412.6" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,20,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.61" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_init (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.9" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.92" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.9" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,154,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.94" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.8" y="197" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,147,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.76" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,141,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.14" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CoordinatedTransactionCallback (20,050,504,850 samples, 2.09%)</title><rect x="1077.1" y="741" width="24.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,141,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1080.09" y="751.5" >C..</text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,116,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.82" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="864.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,185,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="867.92" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgbench (87,565,655,690 samples, 9.12%)</title><rect x="18.7" y="933" width="107.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,212,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.70" y="943.5" >pgbench</text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="676.5" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,139,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.49" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmsgstring (1,191,919,180 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="598.5" y="789" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,113,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="601.51" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyVar (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="452.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,203,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.30" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="24.5" y="629" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,42,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.51" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SendRemoteCommandParams (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="731.4" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,212,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="734.40" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,202,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.40" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_get_transactional_drops (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1138.1" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,75,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.09" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,229,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.18" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="26.7" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,19,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.70" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="685.0" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,53,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.96" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveExecutorPreExecutorRun (7,585,858,510 samples, 0.79%)</title><rect x="626.1" y="709" width="9.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,195,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.14" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1066.4" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,182,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.44" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="533.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,8,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.40" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,9,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.94" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,9,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.40" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_equalVar (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="528.5" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,154,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="531.52" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_conntrack_raw (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="222.0" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,97,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.01" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="664.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,206,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="667.54" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="669.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,14,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="672.73" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQconsumeInput (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="868.7" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,68,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="871.65" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResetRelationAccessHash (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1104.5" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,25,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.54" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,84,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.45" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evaluateExpr (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="61.5" y="757" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,163,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.53" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="347.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,82,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.91" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_write (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="146.5" y="901" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,208,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="149.47" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="500.5" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,14,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.52" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,52,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.78" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__key.4 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="186.1" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,144,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.07" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="609.7" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,170,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="612.68" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="675.5" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,135,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.53" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.8" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,102,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.77" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="659.3" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,210,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.27" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="185.2" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,192,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.20" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="868.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,77,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="871.21" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,21,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.87" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="213.7" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,90,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.67" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="547.4" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,65,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="550.42" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,141,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.53" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="548.2" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,209,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="551.16" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (1,505,050,490 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="629" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,62,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.97" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="743.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,31,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.69" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge_pages (1,141,414,130 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="821.2" y="373" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,113,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="824.18" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (1,868,686,850 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="98.9" y="821" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,147,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.91" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fput_many (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,14,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.90" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="115.9" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,15,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.89" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,18,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="225.1" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,61,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.07" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,52,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.05" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_sendmsg (1,212,121,200 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="357.8" y="629" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,169,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.79" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="601.2" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,144,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.18" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getAnotherTuple (1,676,767,660 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="861.4" y="501" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,164,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="864.38" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_get_error (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="717.4" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="720.40" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="376.8" y="533" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,70,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="379.80" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="464.8" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,124,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.82" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,49,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.15" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (703,060,599,030 samples, 73.24%)</title><rect x="286.1" y="901" width="864.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,9,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.12" y="911.5" >main</text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_end@plt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1111.9" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,19,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.88" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>citus_evaluate_expr (8,828,282,740 samples, 0.92%)</title><rect x="464.3" y="485" width="10.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,11,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.27" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_set_nonblocking (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.9" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,139,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.85" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>d_instantiate (3,434,343,400 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="824.9" y="437" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,73,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.94" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="450.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,147,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="453.29" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateDestReceiver (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="616.1" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,115,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.10" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQgetResult (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="65.0" y="853" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,198,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.04" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets_internal (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="883.8" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,165,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="886.81" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="980.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,99,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.17" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,25,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.40" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldEvaluateFunctions (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="479.7" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,155,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.69" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyVar (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="443.8" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,129,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.82" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_disable_asynccancel (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="67.9" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,11,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.87" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_copy_datagram_iter (2,464,646,440 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="176.5" y="741" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,168,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.46" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockReleaseAll (4,404,040,360 samples, 0.46%)</title><rect x="1128.6" y="709" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,213,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1131.62" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hashint8 (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="540.1" y="565" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,213,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="543.13" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldExecuteTasksLocally (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1034.4" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,97,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1037.36" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_xmit_skb (11,484,848,370 samples, 1.20%)</title><rect x="196.3" y="645" width="14.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,90,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.26" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="475.9" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,48,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.85" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,53,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.08" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeOutputInfo (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="709.3" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,31,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="712.30" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="670.9" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,125,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>secure_read (42,202,019,780 samples, 4.40%)</title><rect x="299.0" y="741" width="51.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,189,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="301.98" y="751.5" >secur..</text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="979.1" y="469" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,32,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="982.14" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_file (1,888,888,870 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="816.6" y="405" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,48,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.61" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>InitializeCaches (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="492.1" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,44,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="495.07" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="702.0" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,221,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.96" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="613" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,63,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.96" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,19,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="432.5" y="437" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,200,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.54" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="980.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,121,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.17" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCommandQueueAdvance (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="889.0" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,53,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="892.02" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SocketBackend (48,959,595,470 samples, 5.10%)</title><rect x="293.7" y="789" width="60.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,76,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="296.74" y="799.5" >Socket..</text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_tag (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="149.7" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,55,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="152.69" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initStringInfo (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1036.3" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,167,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.27" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecuteCoordinatorEvaluableExpressions (19,808,080,610 samples, 2.06%)</title><rect x="458.3" y="645" width="24.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,14,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="461.26" y="655.5" >E..</text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_SMgr (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1075.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,157,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1078.50" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fput_many (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="109.8" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,34,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1016.1" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,225,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.13" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>close_fd (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="974.1" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,157,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="977.10" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="389.6" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,101,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.63" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,61,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="257.7" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,5,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="260.70" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="874.9" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,78,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="877.89" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="175.4" y="741" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,120,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.38" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_data (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.3" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,31,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.29" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,185,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.09" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,168,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.82" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,53,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="307.98" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,181,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.12" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveExecutorCreateScan (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="422.2" y="693" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,172,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="425.21" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="941.3" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,147,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.32" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="538.1" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,150,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.08" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="229.7" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,201,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="232.66" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,127,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.23" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="326.3" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,32,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.28" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="474.4" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,206,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.44" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (4,242,424,200 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="52.8" y="853" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,31,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.80" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,0,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.66" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="705.7" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,153,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="708.72" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="629.0" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,216,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="632.04" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>secondary_startup_64_no_verify (27,919,191,640 samples, 2.91%)</title><rect x="1155.7" y="917" width="34.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,18,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1158.68" y="927.5" >se..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="798.6" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,115,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.55" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="486.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,187,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="489.31" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FinishDistributedExecution (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="650.2" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,218,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.21" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopySnapshot (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="588.9" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,123,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="591.93" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DeepCopyShardIntervalList (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="531.2" y="597" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,169,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="534.22" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_head_state (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="174.9" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,215,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.91" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,163,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.51" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="687.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,58,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="690.48" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SIGetDataEntries (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="605.2" y="693" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,35,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="608.23" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="693.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,87,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.40" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="412.2" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,74,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.22" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitScanTupleSlot (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="569.4" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,114,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="572.41" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="246.0" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,224,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="248.96" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compareVariableNames (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="62.0" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,22,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.03" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1051.9" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,81,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1054.91" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_log_duration (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="591.5" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,185,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.54" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="479.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,11,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.33" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1010.8" y="405" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,183,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.81" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayGetAny (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1125.7" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,109,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.69" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.4" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,139,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.44" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,383,838,370 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="952.0" y="469" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,83,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="954.99" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="761.9" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,109,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="764.87" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_q (1,242,424,230 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1014.8" y="437" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,61,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1017.81" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (1,656,565,640 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="577.6" y="645" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,115,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="580.64" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_queue_xmit (14,020,201,880 samples, 1.46%)</title><rect x="195.7" y="661" width="17.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,68,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.65" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (737,373,730 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="561.4" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,65,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.44" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,98,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="506.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,36,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="509.21" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lookupVariable (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="98.5" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,170,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.54" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="246.9" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,228,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="249.89" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_ip_postroute (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="232.2" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,121,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="235.18" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_member_int (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="429.3" y="613" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,89,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.28" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="951.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,101,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="953.97" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>read_tsc (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="968.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,86,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.77" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQflush (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="869.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,136,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="872.19" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_spin_on_owner (4,959,595,910 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="986.0" y="437" width="6.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,192,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="989.05" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.2" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,18,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.16" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="805.1" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,41,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="808.11" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="574.7" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.73" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindWorkerNode (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="485.0" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,68,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.95" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryGuts (11,212,121,100 samples, 1.17%)</title><rect x="712.4" y="485" width="13.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,153,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="715.36" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayGetAny (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1135.4" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,140,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.38" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExpr (2,525,252,500 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="465.6" y="469" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,190,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.60" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int8out (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="708.4" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,213,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="711.41" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (1,222,222,210 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1014.8" y="421" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,146,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1017.84" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="991.7" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,12,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.66" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,53,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.18" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="843.9" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,218,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="846.87" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_chk_evex_unaligned_erms (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="271.3" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,93,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="274.27" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (12,444,444,320 samples, 1.30%)</title><rect x="904.1" y="517" width="15.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,20,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.11" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprTypmod (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="476.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,9,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.02" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="583.3" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,66,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.30" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>processXactStats (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="64.2" y="869" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,162,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.16" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="917.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,125,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="920.91" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsTransactionOrTransactionBlock (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="286.2" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,185,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.21" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_LargeObject (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1068.0" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,100,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1070.95" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindShardIntervalIndex (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="540.8" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,70,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="543.83" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/8 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,111,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.96" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (777,777,770 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="21.9" y="773" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,147,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.93" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_rfree (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="175.0" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,105,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.99" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (1,171,717,160 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="613" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,88,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.01" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="310.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,196,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="313.23" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="968.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,37,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.20" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="310.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,170,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="313.23" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="534.3" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,74,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.33" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_malloc (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="559.1" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,57,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="562.05" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="676.5" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,12,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.47" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ktime_get (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="234.9" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,4,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.86" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="514.5" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,13,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="517.47" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Namespace (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1069.5" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,50,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1072.52" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,195,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.94" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dentry_unlink_inode (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="978.2" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,145,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="981.20" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_ptable_queue_proc (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="898.8" y="389" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,95,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.84" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CurrentUserName (737,373,730 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="836.5" y="565" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,86,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="839.51" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dput (2,212,121,190 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="766.0" y="421" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,170,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="769.01" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>simple_copy_to_iter (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="50.3" y="661" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,100,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.29" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rbtree_insert (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="236.8" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,14,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="239.75" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1048.2" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,195,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1051.16" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int8in (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="409.2" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,143,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.23" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_copy_datagram_from_iter (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="71.5" y="645" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,44,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.47" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="697.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,132,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="699.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1010.8" y="421" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,191,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.81" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,81,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.07" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1095.9" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,33,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1098.94" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="532.4" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,195,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="535.42" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_q (1,303,030,290 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="800.5" y="373" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,92,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="803.50" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (5,464,646,410 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="21.2" y="901" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,154,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.20" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.3" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,172,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.27" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memset_erms (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="753.7" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,123,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="756.66" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="401.5" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,190,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="404.52" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopyShardInterval (707,070,700 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="531.3" y="581" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,195,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="534.25" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusPreExecScan (8,030,302,950 samples, 0.84%)</title><rect x="626.1" y="725" width="9.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,203,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.12" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="92.7" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,130,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.68" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,189,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>type_is_rowtype (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="679.0" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,47,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.95" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQgetlength (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="870.2" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,186,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="873.17" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_clear_snapshot (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1073.8" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,76,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1076.84" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (1,616,161,600 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="882.6" y="549" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,32,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="885.63" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeConst (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="474.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,2,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.91" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="542.8" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,139,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="545.78" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyOpExpr (1,686,868,670 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="442.2" y="437" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,88,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.17" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_copy_datagram_iter (1,797,979,780 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="346.8" y="597" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,162,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.77" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="246.3" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,229,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="249.31" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,49,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.53" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_ctl (4,111,111,070 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="896.8" y="469" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,47,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="899.84" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.8" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,80,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.81" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,6,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.45" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_close (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="627.7" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,121,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="630.72" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigsetjmp (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="590.1" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,58,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="593.13" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,14,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.36" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQconsumeInput (6,303,030,240 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="851.4" y="549" width="7.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,22,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="854.41" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_empty_file (2,040,404,020 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="922.8" y="453" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,65,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.84" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,209,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1012.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,69,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.57" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_have_pending_wal (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,163,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.44" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="471.3" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,42,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.27" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_sendmsg (45,666,666,210 samples, 4.76%)</title><rect x="188.7" y="773" width="56.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,198,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.69" y="783.5" >tcp_s..</text>
<g >
<title>kfree (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1029.4" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,53,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1032.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ipv4_mtu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="194.1" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,32,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.06" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_in_init (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="717.8" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,103,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="720.84" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="971.8" y="533" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,89,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="974.75" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,22,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.34" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGetc (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="53.1" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,48,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.06" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,96,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.88" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="169.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,139,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.93" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow_list (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1012.1" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,164,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.09" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="451.0" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,159,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="453.97" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="606.1" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,66,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="609.13" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ModifyRangeTblExtraData (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="549.6" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,39,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="552.60" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="252.4" y="853" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,211,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.44" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="147.7" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,74,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.65" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionStateMachine (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="841.0" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,140,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="844.03" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_free (37,343,433,970 samples, 3.89%)</title><rect x="983.5" y="469" width="45.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,41,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.45" y="479.5" >ep_f..</text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1130.8" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,36,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.78" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_flush (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1146.7" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,50,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.74" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="468.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,115,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="471.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="552.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,66,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.72" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_skb (2,949,494,920 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="363.1" y="597" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,83,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.11" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_putemptymessage (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1145.9" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,192,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.87" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup (7,727,272,650 samples, 0.80%)</title><rect x="1047.0" y="693" width="9.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,71,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.03" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,12,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.59" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="569.5" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,25,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="572.47" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ihold (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="931.0" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,159,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="723.8" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,185,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.84" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,160,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.93" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCacheList (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="524.3" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,97,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="527.34" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="813.1" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,203,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="816.08" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="533.5" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,204,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.54" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (2,262,626,240 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="275.5" y="901" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,148,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="278.52" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="588.1" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,10,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="591.14" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="702.2" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,29,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="705.24" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,62,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.67" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="379.6" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,76,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="382.63" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,3,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.76" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="428.7" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,172,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.71" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_read (13,989,898,850 samples, 1.46%)</title><rect x="35.2" y="837" width="17.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,114,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.15" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.8" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,87,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.76" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_PgStat_Database (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1074.2" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,5,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1077.16" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (777,777,770 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="21.9" y="789" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,190,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.93" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="991.9" y="101" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,211,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.87" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="699.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,147,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (13,202,020,070 samples, 1.38%)</title><rect x="903.2" y="565" width="16.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,218,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="906.19" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AlterTableInProgress (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="625.2" y="725" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,69,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="628.23" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupCitusTableCacheEntry (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="534.0" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,27,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.01" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,222,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.55" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckRemoteTransactionsHealth (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1083.7" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,139,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.72" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopyShardInterval (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="530.7" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,167,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="533.72" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1154.6" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,226,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.57" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fput (43,797,979,360 samples, 4.56%)</title><rect x="977.4" y="501" width="53.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,106,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="980.40" y="511.5" >__fput</text>
<g >
<title>ep_poll (16,909,090,740 samples, 1.76%)</title><rect x="306.4" y="629" width="20.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,72,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.40" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,204,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.39" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,8,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.45" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitRangeTable (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="416.1" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,74,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.12" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextSetParent (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1072.4" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,25,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.45" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_minimal_store_tuple (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1041.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,204,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1044.15" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1013.9" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,99,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_ctl (11,424,242,310 samples, 1.19%)</title><rect x="904.2" y="501" width="14.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,106,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.16" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>appendBinaryPQExpBuffer (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="56.2" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,178,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.22" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryPrepared (1,717,171,700 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="23.9" y="837" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,104,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.89" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="595.0" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.01" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_malloc (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1038.8" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,99,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.84" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="267.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,163,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.16" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="377.0" y="517" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,202,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="379.97" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_recvmsg (1,333,333,320 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="725" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,190,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.15" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EndCommand (3,353,535,320 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="616.3" y="789" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,217,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.30" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="138.4" y="901" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,181,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.35" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,112,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.82" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmd_work_handler (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,151,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.39" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExecutorState (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="471.0" y="469" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,56,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.00" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="138.5" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,13,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.45" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.0" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,176,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.96" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="448.8" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,186,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.76" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy_deep (1,585,858,570 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="449.2" y="373" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,8,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.16" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmalloc_reserve (1,515,151,500 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="363.5" y="581" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,144,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.52" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/u64:3-m (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="17.9" y="933" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,111,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.92" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="349.7" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,17,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.75" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_to_iter (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="49.3" y="661" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,29,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.31" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtStart_ResourceOwner (1,535,353,520 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="607.0" y="741" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,190,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.03" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,58,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.43" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="564.4" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,199,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.37" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="377.2" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,96,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.22" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeInputInfo (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1142.2" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,31,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.21" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_set_owner_w (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="77.3" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,170,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.29" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTable (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="555.6" y="549" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,168,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.64" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_evex_unaligned_erms (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="877.6" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,6,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="880.63" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_idle_exit (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1189.0" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,34,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.98" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="704.9" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,137,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="707.94" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>___slab_alloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="900.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,41,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="903.62" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,179,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.59" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup_destroy (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1063.2" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,104,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1066.17" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="94.5" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,95,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.48" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="933.9" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,10,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="936.95" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,134,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.22" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="617.6" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,51,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="620.64" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="406.4" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,27,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="409.38" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="379.5" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,157,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="382.49" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCacheList (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="537.0" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,200,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="539.95" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (838,383,830 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="92.4" y="501" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,72,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.42" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1057.9" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,50,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1060.88" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="140.7" y="917" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,10,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.74" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmalloc_slab (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="364.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,137,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="367.88" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="971.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,57,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="974.39" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="377.0" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,56,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.00" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="552.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,120,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.72" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="699.5" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,183,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.53" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,252,525,240 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="546.3" y="549" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,99,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="549.28" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_read (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="21.8" y="821" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,101,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.78" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="397.0" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,179,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.99" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,74,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.04" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1063.4" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,134,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1066.37" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="403.6" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,103,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="406.63" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_once (1,434,343,420 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1150.8" y="917" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,88,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1153.82" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,162,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_recvmsg (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="22.1" y="725" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,48,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.08" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,102,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.40" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="854.5" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,94,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="857.51" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="565.6" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,148,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="568.60" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (2,252,525,230 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="545.3" y="597" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="548.31" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="527.0" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,174,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.01" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="838.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,44,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="841.28" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutInt (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="723.7" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,41,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.72" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,63,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.06" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,117,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="510.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,76,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="513.20" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/5 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,7,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.23" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="285.5" y="869" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,193,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.51" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,28,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.98" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="675.6" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,188,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.56" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>datumCopy (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="532.1" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,41,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="535.12" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="685.8" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,156,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="688.83" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_make1_impl (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="543.6" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,96,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="546.64" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextReset (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="291.9" y="805" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,45,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="294.88" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_copy_datagram_iter (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.7" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,120,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.70" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_write (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="723.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,24,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.50" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_queue_xmit (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="197.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,111,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.17" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.9" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,99,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.93" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQcopyResult (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="861.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,225,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="864.65" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="423.3" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,40,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.31" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (838,383,830 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="92.4" y="517" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,9,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.42" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>___slab_alloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="753.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,129,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="756.37" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,96,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.53" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ipv4_dst_check (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="194.4" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,106,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.45" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="59.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,4,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.02" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.3" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,64,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.35" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>jhash (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="227.0" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,191,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.04" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="706.1" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,178,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="709.09" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgtls_write (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="722.5" y="405" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,14,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="725.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SnapshotResetXmin (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="589.5" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,86,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="592.55" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1049.4" y="661" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,91,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1052.43" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="913.5" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,44,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="916.51" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="667.2" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,225,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="670.18" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="18.9" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,124,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.85" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidOutputFunctionCall (1,404,040,390 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="707.3" y="485" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,117,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.32" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1183.1" y="517" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,202,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.15" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sch_direct_xmit (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="197.2" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,198,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.21" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,48,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.91" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="578.1" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,0,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="581.11" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_stack_depth (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1045.5" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,104,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1048.52" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,61,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.81" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="92.9" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,220,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.88" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="478.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,147,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="481.46" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="589.2" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,90,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="592.20" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartitionedTable (5,666,666,610 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="626.9" y="661" width="7.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,174,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.92" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ip_finish_output (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="193.6" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,162,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.64" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="26.5" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,7,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.51" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (777,777,770 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="74.0" y="581" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,88,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.04" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc_node (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="241.5" y="709" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,218,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="244.52" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShardPlacementOnGroupIncludingOrphanedPlacements (2,030,303,010 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="670.6" y="533" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,191,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.63" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (4,212,121,170 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="431.0" y="581" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,219,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="433.96" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExprContext (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1114.2" y="661" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,185,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.21" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EnsureTaskExecutionAllowed (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1034.8" y="613" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,177,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1037.80" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_init (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1120.8" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,47,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1123.83" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ConnectionHashHash (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="838.2" y="549" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,77,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="841.21" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,171,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.59" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="157.7" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,4,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.75" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int4recv (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="876.5" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,209,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="879.50" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_stat (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1144.8" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,21,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.83" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (1,171,717,160 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1182.8" y="661" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,191,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.82" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_form_tuple (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="887.5" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,131,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="890.53" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FlushWriteStateForAllRels@plt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.5" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,19,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.54" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="337.7" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,203,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.72" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCommandTagName (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="290.0" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,155,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="292.99" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="138.5" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,175,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.45" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="753.1" y="421" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,125,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="756.15" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="457.7" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,95,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="460.73" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeOutputInfo (1,858,585,840 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1052.4" y="661" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,34,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1055.45" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="931.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,69,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="934.59" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_data (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="173.9" y="725" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,190,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="176.93" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="409.5" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,100,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.53" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCacheList (1,272,727,260 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="525.8" y="501" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,191,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="528.84" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_rstate_string (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="165.1" y="901" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,103,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="168.06" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__slab_free (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1029.6" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,80,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1032.60" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>packet_rcv (1,777,777,760 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="199.3" y="581" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,93,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="202.29" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="953.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,187,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="956.49" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.9" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,174,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.86" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (767,676,760 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1182.9" y="597" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,48,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.95" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgEnd (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="727.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,89,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="729.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lock_sock_nested (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="189.2" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,209,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.23" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReturnTupleFromTuplestore (989,898,980 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1040.3" y="645" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,91,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1043.27" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_evex (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="98.6" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,80,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.64" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,220,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.93" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="568.1" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,83,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.09" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="708.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,119,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="711.66" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="657.3" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,124,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="660.31" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,97,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.37" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,184,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.46" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="450.1" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,196,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="453.13" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,116,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.12" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="709" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,115,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.67" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (5,686,868,630 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="859.7" y="517" width="7.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,9,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="862.71" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (2,131,313,110 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1182.0" y="821" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,151,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.99" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_loop (1,414,141,400 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="970.0" y="517" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,26,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.97" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopyNodeDistributedPlan (13,838,383,700 samples, 1.44%)</title><rect x="438.5" y="597" width="17.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,118,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.47" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stack_is_too_deep (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1043.6" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,156,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.62" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_copy_datagram_iter (1,454,545,440 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="49.2" y="693" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,175,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.23" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExternalFD (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="895.4" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,26,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.41" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQclear (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="880.8" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,63,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="883.80" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (2,707,070,680 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="926.8" y="453" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,123,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="929.82" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,2,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,138,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.75" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="730.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,146,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="733.37" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetPQExpBuffer (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="865.3" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,21,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="868.31" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ima_file_free (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="810.4" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,10,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="813.42" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (16,838,383,670 samples, 1.75%)</title><rect x="105.1" y="853" width="20.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,86,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="108.11" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="820.3" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,137,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="823.33" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExprEvalPushStep (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="467.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,85,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="470.95" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="396.8" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,21,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.84" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddSessionToWaitEventSet (7,848,484,770 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="735.9" y="549" width="9.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,42,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="738.88" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_stock (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="75.8" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,16,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.75" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="924.8" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,135,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="927.81" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_poll (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="758.5" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,177,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="918.9" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,18,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="921.90" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_wait_queue (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.0" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,205,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.04" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_bh (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="172.2" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,118,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.21" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_MD_CTX_get0_md (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="131.8" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,86,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.82" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="685.0" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,177,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.99" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="280.7" y="917" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,173,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="283.66" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetPlacementNodeMetadata (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="499.6" y="549" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,136,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="502.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CanUseBinaryCopyFormatForType (2,797,979,770 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="675.1" y="565" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,108,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.12" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="229.7" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,14,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="232.66" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc_trace (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="932.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,92,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.87" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="600.1" y="773" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,21,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="603.12" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/1 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,200,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_run (44,585,858,140 samples, 4.64%)</title><rect x="976.8" y="517" width="54.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,161,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="979.81" y="527.5" >task_..</text>
<g >
<title>ResetRelationAccessHash (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1097.6" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,71,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.59" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_sendto (47,777,777,300 samples, 4.98%)</title><rect x="186.6" y="821" width="58.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,43,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.57" y="831.5" >__x64_..</text>
<g >
<title>ExtractParametersForRemoteExecution (2,848,484,820 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="707.1" y="517" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,151,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.15" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,137,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.97" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeQueryDesc (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1117.1" y="709" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,56,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1120.08" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="420.5" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,170,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.54" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1146.1" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,198,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.10" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,166,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.00" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="509.5" y="485" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,145,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.54" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_conntrack_tcp_packet (1,646,464,630 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="218.3" y="613" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,7,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.35" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,163,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>errstart (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="592.4" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,139,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="595.35" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,76,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.97" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskAccessesLocalNode (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="644.5" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,227,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="647.52" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/25 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,228,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.33" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_EncryptFinal_ex (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="259.5" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,21,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="262.50" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="558.2" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,180,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="561.23" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (1,444,444,430 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="908.4" y="453" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,14,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="911.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (3,040,404,010 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="550.7" y="517" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,85,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="553.68" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindOrCreatePlacementEntry (3,656,565,620 samples, 0.38%)</title><rect x="663.1" y="565" width="4.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,11,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="666.11" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,208,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_wait (27,424,242,150 samples, 2.86%)</title><rect x="939.2" y="597" width="33.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,55,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="942.18" y="607.5" >ep..</text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_setiv (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="148.9" y="901" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,218,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.92" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.9" y="85" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,229,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.88" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>consume_skb (3,909,090,870 samples, 0.41%)</title><rect x="42.4" y="709" width="4.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,215,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.39" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="408.7" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,153,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.73" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1183.1" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,55,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.15" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="252.4" y="869" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,94,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.44" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getBaseTypeAndTypmod (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="613.1" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,56,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.07" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RefreshTableCacheEntryIfInvalid (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="670.8" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,17,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.78" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="776.6" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,153,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.55" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.4" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,83,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.45" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_poll (1,171,717,160 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="898.5" y="421" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,127,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.46" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultSlot (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="568.7" y="661" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,172,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.71" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,10,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.18" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="600.2" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,156,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="603.21" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1033.9" y="613" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,183,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1036.87" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="797.4" y="165" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,50,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.40" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="564.7" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,13,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.69" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="115.9" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,133,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.86" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (1,080,808,070 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="561.1" y="533" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,179,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.14" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vdso_clock_gettime (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="891.3" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,167,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="894.28" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.5" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,162,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.48" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1154.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,169,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.53" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1088.8" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,137,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1091.80" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (3,070,707,040 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="224.0" y="613" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,61,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="227.00" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__get_user_8 (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="763.0" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,64,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="766.01" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,87,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_ipv4_output (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="230.4" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,27,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="233.42" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateQueryDesc (1,242,424,230 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="411.7" y="773" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,137,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.65" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="92.4" y="533" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,201,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.40" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.4" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,90,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.43" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_finish_output (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="194.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,61,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.60" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="532.0" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,24,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="535.01" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="92.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,154,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.88" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,102,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.95" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,203,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.65" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitCustomScan (130,070,705,770 samples, 13.55%)</title><rect x="423.4" y="693" width="159.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,52,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.42" y="703.5" >ExecInitCustomScan</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="507.9" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,5,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="510.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="77.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,201,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.14" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SortList (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="935.4" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,1,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="938.38" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_finish (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="148.7" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,75,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.72" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_unlock (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="809.2" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,190,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="812.16" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.9" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,22,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.93" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,180,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.94" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>simple_copy_to_iter (727,272,720 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="348.1" y="565" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,165,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.07" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_insert (3,646,464,610 samples, 0.38%)</title><rect x="897.3" y="453" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,213,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="900.26" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="507.4" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,176,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="510.42" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="184.0" y="821" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,62,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.02" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getRowDescriptions (1,818,181,800 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="54.9" y="821" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,26,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.88" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="252.6" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,116,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.64" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (1,030,303,020 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1059.3" y="757" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,152,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1062.27" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_skb_with_frags (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="24.2" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,16,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.22" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,217,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.91" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="588.7" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,23,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="591.74" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_op_btree_interpretation (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="536.7" y="549" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,205,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="539.70" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="93.2" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,140,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.22" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeConst (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="477.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,201,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="480.02" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,128,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.47" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1021.5" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,173,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1024.50" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckCachedPlan (2,343,434,320 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="394.7" y="773" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,56,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.68" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,135,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.08" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="428.7" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,152,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.71" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,192,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.40" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_poll (2,161,616,140 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="739.3" y="389" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,9,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="742.31" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryStart (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="726.1" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,146,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="729.14" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="344.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,140,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="383.7" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,207,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.73" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="380.2" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,7,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="383.20" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="535.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,180,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="538.30" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="930.5" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,216,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.51" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1072.1" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,31,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.06" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="798.6" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,182,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.55" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_enable_asynccancel (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="35.9" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,65,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.90" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="808.4" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,175,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="811.36" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResolveGroupShardPlacement (1,303,030,290 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="671.4" y="517" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,157,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="674.40" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveExecutorCreateScan (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="423.8" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,145,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.84" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentTimestamp (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="597.2" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,223,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="600.17" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_recvfrom (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="22.0" y="741" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,59,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.96" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecordParallelRelationAccessForTaskList (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="651.8" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,92,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="654.79" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="605.9" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,6,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="608.89" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmsgint (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="876.6" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,228,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="879.60" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,98,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.56" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1012.9" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,96,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.91" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="213.6" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,155,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.57" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="379.1" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,193,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="382.10" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="951.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,106,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="953.97" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="225.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,198,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.07" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CoordinatedTransactionCallback (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1106.0" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,8,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.98" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="477.9" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,168,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="480.94" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.2" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,1,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.22" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copytup_heap (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="884.9" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,77,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="887.93" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecReadyExpr (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="466.8" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,64,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="469.84" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.8" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,64,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.75" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="797.5" y="101" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,220,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.51" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="452.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,212,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignExprContext (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="570.8" y="677" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,2,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="573.79" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="633.3" y="597" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,82,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="636.27" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExecScan (326,636,360,370 samples, 34.02%)</title><rect x="641.3" y="661" width="401.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,65,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="644.26" y="671.5" >CitusExecScan</text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1115.5" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,200,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.53" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CalculateUniformHashRangeIndex (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="539.0" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,131,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="542.03" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="636.2" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,182,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.15" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="971.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,74,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="974.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,158,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.77" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="613.2" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,20,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.22" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="554.4" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,185,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.42" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfn_valid (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="71.7" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,44,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.69" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_delete_all (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1097.6" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,122,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.59" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="493.9" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,2,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.92" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetAnchorShardId (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="482.8" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,109,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.79" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="595.4" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,14,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.36" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrepareWorkerNodeCache (1,060,606,050 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="703.4" y="421" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,50,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="706.41" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SendRowDescriptionMessage (1,757,575,740 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="612.7" y="789" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,133,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="615.65" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcessClientWriteInterrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="355.6" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,225,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.58" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,176,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.40" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>namestrcpy (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="580.7" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,128,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="583.66" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="558.8" y="485" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,48,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="561.80" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="764.7" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,114,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="767.68" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OutputFunctionCall (888,888,880 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1047.7" y="677" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,108,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.70" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_in_window (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="219.3" y="597" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,162,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.29" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1014.0" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,145,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.98" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (1,292,929,280 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="661.1" y="533" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,82,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="664.10" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fill_val (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="878.6" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,69,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="881.64" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain_inet (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1012.1" y="197" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,32,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.14" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,155,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.72" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprTypmod (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="580.0" y="645" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,32,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="582.99" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="125.4" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,65,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="128.41" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets_internal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="57.5" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,126,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="60.48" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DistributedExecutionRequiresRollback (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="649.4" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,101,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="652.44" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_file (2,191,919,170 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="922.7" y="469" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,203,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.72" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_mutator (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="481.0" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,0,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.02" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kfree (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.0" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,208,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.98" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PruneShards (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="513.0" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,30,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="516.04" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,207,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.17" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (2,666,666,640 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="616.8" y="757" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,83,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.82" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes_uint32 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="539.7" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,111,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="542.68" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,38,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.04" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlist_matches_tupdesc (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="572.4" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,116,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="575.37" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="799.0" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,158,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.01" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sch_direct_xmit (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="197.0" y="613" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.04" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.4" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,38,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.45" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="129.4" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,81,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.35" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,136,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_member_int (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,201,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.57" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalCleanup (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1107.0" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,64,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.98" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="807.5" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,173,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="810.51" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryStart (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="729.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,185,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="732.43" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="138.4" y="885" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,73,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.35" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.9" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,44,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.93" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_lltoa (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="707.5" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,160,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.50" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="57.4" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,220,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="60.42" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="466.7" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,63,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="469.65" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="326.2" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,184,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.17" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fput_many (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="761.3" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,7,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="764.33" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="601.7" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,45,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.65" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_free (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.4" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,86,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.38" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,64,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="850.7" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,100,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="853.68" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_copy (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="452.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,170,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.79" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="388.5" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,50,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="391.47" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="917" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,14,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.60" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="399.6" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,154,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="402.62" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeOutputInfo (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="710.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,36,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="713.20" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_unused_fd_flags (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,159,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.73" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="489.7" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,95,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.69" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="678.1" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,48,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.06" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_bh (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="189.0" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,219,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.02" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_xmit_skb (5,010,100,960 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="203.1" y="565" width="6.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,42,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.09" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="575.8" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,35,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="578.75" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,125,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="292.8" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,144,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="295.80" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_write (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="719.9" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,41,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.86" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,9,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.94" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="167.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,188,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.68" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="213.6" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,24,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.59" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_to_iter (1,181,818,170 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="176.6" y="709" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,126,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.63" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_perturb (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="267.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,10,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.49" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusTableCacheEntryReleaseCallback (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1127.0" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,205,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.95" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow_list (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="326.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.75" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="291.0" y="805" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,48,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="294.01" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_init (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1100.3" y="725" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,64,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1103.28" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_lookup (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="39.5" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,130,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.52" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,898,989,880 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="545.7" y="581" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,209,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="548.74" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_ct_seq_offset (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="219.7" y="581" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,22,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.67" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionStateMachine (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="894.7" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,128,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="897.70" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResetExplainAnalyzeData (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="652.2" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,32,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="655.23" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.3" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,43,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.25" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="759.0" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,15,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="762.00" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="486.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,97,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="489.17" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_remove (2,797,979,770 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="803.4" y="389" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,102,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="806.45" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_init (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1093.0" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,136,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.03" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,137,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.77" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="181" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,204,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.82" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1066.4" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,196,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.44" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupShardIdCacheEntry (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="670.8" y="517" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,23,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.77" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_counter_try_charge (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="75.4" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,66,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.41" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="442.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,83,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.19" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="816.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,23,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.17" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="167.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,46,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.72" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="546.8" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,135,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="549.82" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="628.8" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,62,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="631.79" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,101,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="968.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,0,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.04" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="980.2" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,224,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.17" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqReadData (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="21.8" y="837" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,119,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.78" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mutex_unlock_slowpath.constprop.0 (2,171,717,150 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="799.4" y="389" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,131,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.44" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="129.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,149,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.35" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BlessTupleDesc (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="674.4" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,99,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="677.45" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="753.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,140,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="756.53" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="138.5" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,18,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.54" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1114.3" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,100,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.33" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="796.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,154,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.24" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="591.2" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,157,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.18" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReturnTupleFromTuplestore (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1042.7" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,109,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1045.75" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,211,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.06" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCommandQueueAdvance (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.7" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,44,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.67" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,93,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.36" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="472.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,63,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="475.23" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,193,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.76" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcmp_evex_movbe (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1091.3" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,125,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.32" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.3" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,151,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.25" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="574.4" y="613" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,200,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.42" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExecutorState (1,515,151,500 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1114.2" y="677" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,156,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.16" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_getpeersec_dgram (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="70.7" y="645" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,192,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.74" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="616.5" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,69,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.50" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (6,898,989,830 samples, 0.72%)</title><rect x="746.3" y="485" width="8.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,160,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="749.27" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="834.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,212,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="837.14" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,28,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.41" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_data (2,939,393,910 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="338.3" y="597" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,49,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.32" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_call_main (5,464,646,410 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="21.2" y="917" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,26,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.20" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ksize (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="240.5" y="709" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,41,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="243.49" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTaskPlacementListForShardIntervals (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="458.0" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,155,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="460.98" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,167,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.66" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_item_poll.isra.0 (2,191,919,170 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="739.3" y="405" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,77,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="742.27" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="94.6" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,139,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.55" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="913.5" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,195,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="916.51" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_append_unique_int (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="429.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,0,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.05" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,25,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.23" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQstatus (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="871.8" y="565" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,101,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="874.77" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="92.8" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.76" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="73.2" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,189,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.18" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (2,272,727,250 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="970.0" y="549" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,160,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.97" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="169.9" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,140,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.93" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="728.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,51,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.38" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetDistributedPlan (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="581.8" y="677" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,73,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="584.77" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryGuts (1,686,868,670 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="23.9" y="821" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,174,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.93" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1092.8" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,123,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.82" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>choose_custom_plan (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="591.7" y="789" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,57,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.69" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="709.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,142,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="712.46" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_walk_subplans (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1045.0" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,135,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1048.03" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprCollation (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="475.6" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,55,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.59" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1011.4" y="293" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,53,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.37" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ERR_clear_error (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="716.1" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,132,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="719.05" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,216,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.54" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventAdjustEpoll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="903.4" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,30,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="906.38" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>InputFunctionCall (1,222,222,210 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="407.2" y="773" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,38,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.22" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_wait (1,434,343,420 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="757.6" y="533" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,211,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="760.63" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,43,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.94" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="975.3" y="565" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,193,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="978.32" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,36,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.41" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (4,969,696,920 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="110.2" y="789" width="6.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,30,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="113.25" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_object_size.part.0 (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="50.3" y="645" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,86,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.34" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (666,666,660 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="92.6" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,71,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_hash_value (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="401.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,188,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="404.63" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.2" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,175,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.23" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getbytes (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="352.8" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,67,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.78" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="376.8" y="549" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,26,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="379.80" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldShutdownConnection (1,717,171,700 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="1079.8" y="693" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,188,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1082.83" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WorkerNodeHashCode (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="487.2" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,193,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.18" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_event_new_data_sent (1,494,949,480 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="235.2" y="709" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,106,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="238.19" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="595.0" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,75,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.01" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,165,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.12" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_begin_common (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1038.1" y="613" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,105,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.10" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_startup_entry (27,282,828,010 samples, 2.84%)</title><rect x="1155.7" y="901" width="33.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,60,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1158.68" y="911.5" >cp..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,158,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.81" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="558.0" y="517" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,130,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="560.98" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,41,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.51" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="285.7" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,162,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.72" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_ack (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.1" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,28,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.09" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x86_indirect_thunk_rax (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="109.7" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,167,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.66" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1063.2" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,98,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1066.18" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="658.1" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,199,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="661.11" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__send (1,494,949,480 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="24.0" y="741" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,13,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.02" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="597.2" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,65,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="600.18" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (4,595,959,550 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="52.5" y="869" width="5.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,46,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.52" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1011.6" y="133" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,151,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.56" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="568.2" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,214,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.22" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1091.5" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,55,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.49" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="921.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,172,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.12" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SnapshotResetXmin (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="587.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,48,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="590.51" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_make4_impl (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="558.7" y="517" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,114,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="561.74" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CipherInit_ex (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="158.0" y="901" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,181,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.05" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,161,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.19" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.3" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,18,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.25" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="797.3" y="197" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,224,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.35" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmtchar (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="553.3" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,142,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="556.30" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqFlush (22,707,070,480 samples, 2.37%)</title><rect x="67.4" y="805" width="27.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,82,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.42" y="815.5" >p..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="887.2" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,7,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="890.19" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="677.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,124,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.14" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,225,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.71" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_write (22,404,040,180 samples, 2.33%)</title><rect x="67.8" y="773" width="27.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,23,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.77" y="783.5" >p..</text>
<g >
<title>ip_skb_dst_mtu (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="193.8" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,195,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.80" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_destruct_scm (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.4" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,182,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.40" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_up_ref (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="157.1" y="901" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,66,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.07" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncmp_evex (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="840.2" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,23,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="843.16" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="799.0" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,52,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.99" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (929,292,920 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="883.1" y="517" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,29,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="886.06" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_hard_start_xmit (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="197.0" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,29,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.04" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,101,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.40" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dentry_kill (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="766.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,95,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="769.17" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_poll (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="312.1" y="565" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,133,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="315.09" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VirtualXactLockTableInsert (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="610.3" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,75,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="613.33" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_stock (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="822.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,148,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="825.59" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets_internal (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="56.0" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,195,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.03" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_activity (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="596.7" y="789" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,175,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="599.67" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>inet_recvmsg (7,040,403,970 samples, 0.73%)</title><rect x="172.0" y="789" width="8.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,123,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.96" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>errstart (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="688.7" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,122,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="691.69" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.4" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,170,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.43" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,169,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.39" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.8" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,175,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.84" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_uid (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="806.9" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,33,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="809.88" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="668.9" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,192,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="671.93" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (1,222,222,210 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="254.0" y="901" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,193,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="257.01" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="991.9" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,211,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.86" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="659.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,225,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.32" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.4" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,114,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.43" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_get_iv_length (898,989,890 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="258.2" y="885" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,189,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="261.19" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_mutator@plt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="482.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,211,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.46" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1072.3" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,29,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.27" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="798.3" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,160,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.34" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,127,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.77" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="991.7" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,102,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.66" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="487.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,45,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.35" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_create (9,494,949,400 samples, 0.99%)</title><rect x="921.5" y="517" width="11.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,177,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.46" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="700.2" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,5,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="703.16" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtStart_Cache (666,666,660 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="605.2" y="741" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,116,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="608.19" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_endmessage_reuse (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="613.7" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,121,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.72" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="657.7" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,150,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="660.68" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1072.3" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,196,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.30" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getQueryParams (2,717,171,690 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="98.3" y="853" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,130,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.26" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorShardLocksForExecution (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1034.6" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,176,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1037.63" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockReleaseAll (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1127.4" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,201,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.39" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="561.9" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,132,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.86" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="574.3" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,84,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.30" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="888.6" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,37,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="891.61" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="380.0" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,61,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="382.95" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExternalFD (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="754.9" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,101,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.95" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveResults (13,292,929,160 samples, 1.38%)</title><rect x="873.3" y="565" width="16.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,75,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="876.26" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="131.1" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,142,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.14" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="671.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,170,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.99" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (2,010,100,990 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="630.4" y="613" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,135,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="633.41" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_getpeersec_dgram (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="70.8" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,207,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.81" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1055.9" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,4,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1058.87" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="684.0" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,58,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.03" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>conditional_active (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="59.8" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,218,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.81" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_begin_common (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1037.7" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,181,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1040.74" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="448.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,111,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.92" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int4out (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1047.8" y="645" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,17,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.81" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="833.3" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,54,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.33" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_type_io_data (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="677.3" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,94,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.34" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>osq_unlock (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1012.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,190,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.70" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/14 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,19,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.88" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="712.9" y="469" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,46,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="715.93" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsLoggableLevel (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="521.2" y="613" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,199,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="524.20" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PreCommit_Notify (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,198,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.65" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save_hv_vcpu_is_preempted (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="775.6" y="357" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,5,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="778.63" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.2" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,129,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.22" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,170,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.17" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="203.4" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,32,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.44" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.0" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,54,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.97" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hashTupleDesc (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="682.8" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,168,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="685.78" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (18,858,585,670 samples, 1.96%)</title><rect x="356.9" y="725" width="23.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,175,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.92" y="735.5" >e..</text>
<g >
<title>__build_skb_around (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="72.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,84,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.46" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcArrayEndTransaction (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1140.4" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,208,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.42" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecoveryInProgress (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="603.6" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,157,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="606.56" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1012.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,130,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.37" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_difference_int (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="437.0" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,202,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.98" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="145.3" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,39,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="148.31" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="671.1" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,180,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="674.12" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetSnapshot (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1116.2" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,139,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.25" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="636.1" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,183,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.08" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (1,141,414,130 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="213.0" y="597" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,186,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.05" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,201,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQcopyResult (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="862.2" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,213,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="865.16" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="921.1" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,196,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.12" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>InitializeCaches (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="644.4" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,179,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="647.37" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_obj_stock (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1027.3" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,93,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1030.34" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BinaryOutputFunctionDefined (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="674.8" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,219,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="677.81" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshotFromOwner (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1117.4" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,150,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1120.40" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="625.9" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,14,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="628.90" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.6" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,124,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.57" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__d_alloc (888,888,880 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="925.5" y="453" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,100,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="928.46" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="382.1" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,14,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="385.07" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_HashTables (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1067.7" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,200,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1070.74" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="752.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,111,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.81" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="620.8" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,13,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="623.82" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/7 (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="933" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,220,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.60" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTL (4,151,515,110 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="576.5" y="677" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,30,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="579.53" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,2,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.11" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetLocalExecutionStatus (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1098.2" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,170,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.21" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.5" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,214,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.55" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="598.0" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,50,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="600.95" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ModifyWaitEvent (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="298.1" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,42,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="301.08" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_xmit (2,676,767,650 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="205.2" y="517" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,165,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="208.16" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,57,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.97" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strchrnul_evex (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="617.2" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,81,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="620.21" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_skb_with_frags (4,070,707,030 samples, 0.42%)</title><rect x="72.3" y="629" width="5.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,221,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.28" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="593.2" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,159,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.18" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="857.3" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,126,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="860.32" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>___slab_alloc (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="817.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,215,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="820.56" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQpipelineStatus (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="31.8" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,148,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="34.83" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.6" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,207,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.58" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ScanStateGetExecutorState (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1041.6" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,109,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1044.57" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,160,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.68" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleasePredicateLocks (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.2" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,34,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.21" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,157,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,3,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.12" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetPlacementNodeMetadata (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="704.9" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,117,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="707.86" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="648.1" y="613" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,145,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="651.14" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="864.2" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,7,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="867.23" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="830.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,65,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="833.47" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="69.7" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,41,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.74" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_puttuple (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="889.2" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,75,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="892.24" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="699.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,93,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.36" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,147,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.41" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="902.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,77,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="905.20" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (48,797,979,310 samples, 5.08%)</title><rect x="186.5" y="853" width="59.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,77,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.47" y="863.5" >entry_..</text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,36,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.72" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,148,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.84" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rcu_read_unlock (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="341.3" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,167,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.27" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AfterXactHostConnectionHandling (3,111,111,080 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="1078.2" y="709" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,72,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1081.18" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_client_to_server (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="598.6" y="773" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,66,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="601.61" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeSnapshot (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1117.5" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,115,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1120.47" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,141,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.22" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.9" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,145,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.94" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,217,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.65" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeCatCacheListRefs (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="527.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,47,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="529.99" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_get_data (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="169.3" y="885" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,30,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.27" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,112,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.66" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="383.7" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,144,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.73" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="675.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,1,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.59" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="501.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,123,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.23" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_unlock (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="918.1" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,179,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="921.07" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hv_vcpu_is_preempted (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1010.6" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,140,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.55" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (15,121,211,970 samples, 1.58%)</title><rect x="461.0" y="549" width="18.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,11,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.97" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1069.4" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,84,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1072.38" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1049.6" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,57,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1052.56" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netvsc_xmit (6,343,434,280 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="201.8" y="597" width="7.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,59,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.77" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,185,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.74" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/19 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,15,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_clear_backend_activity_snapshot (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1074.0" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,174,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1077.05" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="754.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,136,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.56" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCheckOutBufferSpace (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="725.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,105,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="728.34" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,197,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.33" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeParamList (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="731.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="734.12" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,83,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="328.9" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,16,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.91" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__tcp_transmit_skb (34,828,282,480 samples, 3.63%)</title><rect x="192.0" y="709" width="42.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,11,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.99" y="719.5" >__tc..</text>
<g >
<title>__local_bh_enable_ip (1,575,757,560 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="212.9" y="661" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,106,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.89" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (357,595,956,020 samples, 37.25%)</title><rect x="621.5" y="789" width="439.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,211,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="624.45" y="799.5" >PortalRun</text>
<g >
<title>default_idle (23,181,817,950 samples, 2.41%)</title><rect x="1156.2" y="837" width="28.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,90,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1159.22" y="847.5" >de..</text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgEnd (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="724.7" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,74,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="727.73" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="104.9" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,23,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.94" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,404,040,390 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="517.2" y="565" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,196,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="520.19" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_charge_memcg (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="75.3" y="549" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,131,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.26" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalStart (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="293.5" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,84,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="296.50" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback (1,202,020,190 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="718.4" y="405" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,42,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="721.38" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,187,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.08" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (1,333,333,320 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="681.1" y="517" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,8,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="684.12" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.8" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,120,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.81" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ServerLoop (703,060,599,030 samples, 73.24%)</title><rect x="286.1" y="869" width="864.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,74,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.12" y="879.5" >ServerLoop</text>
<g >
<title>getTypeBinaryInputInfo (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="684.8" y="565" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,76,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.79" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="302.7" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,78,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.69" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="479.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,131,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.91" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="188.2" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,44,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.24" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,29,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.65" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (989,898,980 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="455.8" y="565" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,88,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="458.82" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Files (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1067.3" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,188,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1070.33" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="796.8" y="325" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,53,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.75" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="572.6" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,108,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="575.57" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="92.8" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,199,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="109.4" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,218,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.35" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,116,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.12" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_schedule_loss_probe.part.0 (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="237.2" y="709" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,187,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.23" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="454.3" y="517" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,90,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="457.25" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (707,070,700 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="587.3" y="773" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,120,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="590.27" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.4" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,182,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.36" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildTupleFromBytes (3,373,737,340 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="875.7" y="549" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,47,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="878.68" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="534.9" y="565" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,174,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.92" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="854.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,15,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="857.51" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="754.4" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,131,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.37" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,129,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.12" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,81,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.92" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_destruct_scm (2,232,323,210 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.5" y="677" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,8,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.45" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrunableExpressionsWalker (1,969,696,950 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="535.8" y="581" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,136,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="538.82" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="972.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,172,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="975.56" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="728.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,131,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.38" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="514.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,185,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="517.50" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain_inet (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.3" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,10,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.34" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1038.4" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,77,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.43" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,107,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.92" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,70,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.36" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,99,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.76" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,39,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.06" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_THREAD_run_once (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,102,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.76" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,113,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_q_add (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="800.1" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,140,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="803.11" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FlushWriteStateForAllRels (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1101.9" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,68,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.91" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="546.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,101,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="549.93" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="213.6" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,135,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.57" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_xmit (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="197.3" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,145,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.27" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmtint (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="773" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,146,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.97" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnSetDistributedTransactionId (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1104.9" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,72,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.85" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="560.3" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,10,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="563.27" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPipelineFlush (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="726.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,121,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="729.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VirtualXactLockTableCleanup (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1131.7" y="693" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,68,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.67" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_heap_object (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="50.8" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,192,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.79" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,98,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.57" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="167.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,32,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.68" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>my_sock_read (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="279.7" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,8,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="282.67" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_startmsgread (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="354.1" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,72,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.10" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExecutorState (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="413.7" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,27,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.74" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_sendto (17,858,585,680 samples, 1.86%)</title><rect x="357.1" y="677" width="21.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,108,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.08" y="687.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>__local_bh_enable_ip (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.7" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,161,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.75" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MarkConnectionConnected (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="692.1" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,127,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="695.08" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,170,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.62" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,132,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.59" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayAdd (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1054.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,77,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1057.17" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__skb_clone (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="232.6" y="693" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,174,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="235.64" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_malloc (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="20.1" y="917" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,2,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.12" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>my_sock_read (12,222,222,100 samples, 1.27%)</title><rect x="170.1" y="885" width="15.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,46,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="173.06" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (777,777,770 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="213.5" y="517" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,210,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.50" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="878.8" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,71,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="881.82" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge (3,010,100,980 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="821.2" y="389" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,42,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="824.16" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakePerTupleExprContext (777,777,770 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="472.8" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,3,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="475.78" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="930.1" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,43,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.15" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="685.0" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,116,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.97" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapper (27,919,191,640 samples, 2.91%)</title><rect x="1155.7" y="933" width="34.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,137,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1158.68" y="943.5" >sw..</text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (12,999,999,870 samples, 1.35%)</title><rect x="77.8" y="629" width="15.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,134,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.77" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Enum (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1067.0" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,162,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.98" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitCustomScan (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="420.7" y="709" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,99,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.69" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="726.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,92,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="729.34" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (1,252,525,240 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="418.2" y="645" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,125,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.23" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_sendmsg (1,070,707,060 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="187.4" y="757" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,8,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.37" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,37,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.14" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="377.3" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,158,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.26" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,182,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.21" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,146,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.82" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_evex (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="61.6" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,85,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.62" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1061.0" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,120,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1064.00" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__close (43,212,120,780 samples, 4.50%)</title><rect x="759.5" y="549" width="53.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,90,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="762.52" y="559.5" >__close</text>
<g >
<title>AcquirePlannerLocks (4,555,555,510 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="398.0" y="757" width="5.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,41,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="401.03" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,131,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.08" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CommitTransactionCommand (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="288.8" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,60,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="291.83" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecReadyInterpretedExpr (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="467.6" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,129,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="470.56" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,197,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.78" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (969,696,960 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="837" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,106,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.60" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="26.7" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,26,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.70" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_create1 (14,262,626,120 samples, 1.49%)</title><rect x="814.3" y="501" width="17.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,217,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="817.33" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_PgStat (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1073.8" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,169,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1076.79" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.2" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,77,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.16" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (11,919,191,800 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="953.7" y="485" width="14.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,119,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="956.69" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refcount_dec_not_one (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1024.9" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,199,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1027.88" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>___slab_alloc (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="923.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,131,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="926.89" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow_list (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1183.9" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,79,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.89" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RefreshTableCacheEntryIfInvalid (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="699.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,227,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.33" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_compute_data_size (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="878.2" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,188,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="881.19" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="184.2" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,165,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.21" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.7" y="293" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,203,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.66" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (13,080,807,950 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="77.7" y="645" width="16.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,59,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.67" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MarkRemoteTransactionCritical@plt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="848.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,169,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="851.19" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>report_fork_failure_to_client (703,060,599,030 samples, 73.24%)</title><rect x="286.1" y="837" width="864.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,66,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.12" y="847.5" >report_fork_failure_to_client</text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_clear_snapshot (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1137.9" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,35,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.87" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>my_sock_write (50,383,837,880 samples, 5.25%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="885" width="61.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,122,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.09" y="895.5" >my_soc..</text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="403.2" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,226,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="406.25" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="26.1" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,171,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.09" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (1,101,010,090 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="492.7" y="533" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,131,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="495.69" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_ands_implicit (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="566.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,204,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="569.46" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (2,060,606,040 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="742.0" y="405" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,109,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="744.96" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.4" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,32,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.43" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,50,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.19" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fput (39,141,413,750 samples, 4.08%)</title><rect x="763.9" y="437" width="48.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,210,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="766.90" y="447.5" >__fput</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1095.9" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,195,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1098.94" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,71,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.17" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1012.6" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,164,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.57" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>superuser_arg (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.8" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,125,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.82" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,43,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="881.7" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,19,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="884.65" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,90,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.08" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="868.2" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,35,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="871.21" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (2,959,595,930 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="616.5" y="773" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,72,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.46" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__copy_skb_header (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="233.1" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,127,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.05" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="489.7" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,32,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.69" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="980.2" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,206,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.17" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.4" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,40,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.44" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="608.3" y="693" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,23,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="611.26" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (2,666,666,640 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="825.4" y="421" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,96,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="828.36" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskGroupIdAccesses (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="436.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,48,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.51" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="480.6" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,200,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="483.57" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/13 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,211,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.72" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="892.0" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,208,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="895.03" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,200,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.65" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="332.5" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,140,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.54" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>errstart (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="692.0" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,187,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="694.96" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResolveGroupShardPlacement (4,979,797,930 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="494.1" y="565" width="6.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,196,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="497.13" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="812.3" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,70,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="815.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="645.2" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,27,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="648.17" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_page_frag_refill (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="238.3" y="725" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,36,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.29" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrepareWorkerNodeCache (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="485.8" y="517" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,79,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.79" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="402.6" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,32,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="405.63" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="377.1" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,186,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.14" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge (1,797,979,780 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="75.1" y="581" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,69,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.06" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExprContext (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="471.1" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,6,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.07" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,74,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyRangeTblRef (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="444.4" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,78,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqFlush (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="867.2" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,60,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="870.21" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_recvfrom (11,010,100,900 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="37.5" y="773" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,28,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.49" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>osq_unlock (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="798.7" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,36,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.72" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,87,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.59" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalStart (145,151,513,700 samples, 15.12%)</title><rect x="410.3" y="789" width="178.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,27,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="413.32" y="799.5" >PortalStart</text>
<g >
<title>HasIncompleteConnectionEstablishment (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="650.7" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,57,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.68" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="326.2" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,133,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.16" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,44,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.68" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="41.5" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,27,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.49" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="518.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,83,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="121.2" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,155,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.22" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskQueryStringAtIndex (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="731.7" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,140,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="734.71" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdForShard (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="699.3" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,158,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="702.29" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,58,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.76" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1023.6" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,75,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.58" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_end (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1110.1" y="613" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,32,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.09" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="796.8" y="309" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,165,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.75" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evalFunc (1,040,404,030 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="61.1" y="789" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,20,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.13" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="479.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,15,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.13" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.6" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,154,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.58" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateConnectionWaitFlags (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="733.1" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,144,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="736.07" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ihold (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="829.4" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,51,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="832.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakePerTupleExprContext (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="464.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,70,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.05" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dma_map_page_attrs (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="207.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,178,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.61" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,999,999,980 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="1016.4" y="453" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,188,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_recvmsg (6,999,999,930 samples, 0.73%)</title><rect x="172.0" y="773" width="8.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,52,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.01" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="817.0" y="389" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,80,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.97" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,115,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.02" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="916.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,108,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="919.00" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="657.4" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,23,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="660.45" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="834.8" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,34,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="837.81" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/23 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="933" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,213,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.94" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="704.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,218,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="707.72" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,73,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.88" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="402.0" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,125,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="404.98" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_ctl (7,090,909,020 samples, 0.74%)</title><rect x="746.0" y="517" width="8.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,112,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="749.03" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="568.1" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,149,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.09" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="834.5" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,30,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="837.49" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="945.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,160,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="948.07" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1011.4" y="261" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,51,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.45" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (2,454,545,430 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="838.0" y="565" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,179,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="840.97" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="225.1" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,181,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.07" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FastPathGrantRelationLock (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="496.9" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,36,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.92" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AppendShardIdToName (4,333,333,290 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="550.1" y="549" width="5.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,166,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="553.10" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback (1,979,797,960 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="165.5" y="901" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,115,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="168.50" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1088.8" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,120,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1091.80" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_features_check (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="208.8" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,97,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.78" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,154,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.34" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,143,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.91" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="919.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,51,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="922.22" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RemoveIntermediateResultsDirectories@plt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1104.3" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,150,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.28" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="285.5" y="853" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,215,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.51" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0@plt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="583.2" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,70,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.15" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.9" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,226,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.94" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="902.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,172,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="905.16" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="436.1" y="613" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,178,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.14" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="945.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,2,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="948.07" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (11,484,848,370 samples, 1.20%)</title><rect x="439.7" y="517" width="14.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,107,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.67" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="744.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,89,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="747.93" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="586.4" y="773" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,22,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="589.43" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_minimal_clear (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="639.4" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,49,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.37" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEvalParamExtern (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="470.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,145,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="473.34" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_poll_rx_cq (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="797.1" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,120,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.08" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,186,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.97" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typtype (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="677.7" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,221,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.72" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__kmalloc_node_track_caller (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="363.6" y="565" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,140,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.55" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MillisecondsToTimeout (1,080,808,070 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1080.4" y="677" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,10,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1083.36" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="305.1" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,37,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.07" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentTimestamp (707,070,700 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="381.2" y="789" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,41,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="384.20" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,65,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,31,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.34" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResetGlobalVariables (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1090.3" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,227,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.25" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWaitBlock (1,595,959,580 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="301.0" y="709" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,154,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="303.99" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>stack_is_too_deep (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="445.4" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,19,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.42" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,135,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.11" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CleanUpSessions (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="688.5" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,131,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="691.52" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="704.1" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,166,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="707.06" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.6" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,136,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.58" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_encrypt (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="148.2" y="901" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,141,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.19" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow_list (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="798.1" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,145,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.14" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="978.4" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,213,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="981.38" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DTLSv1_listen (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="852.6" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,215,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="855.58" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="805.7" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,180,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="808.73" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreatePlacementAccess (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.7" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,161,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.66" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="605.1" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,132,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="608.08" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1011.5" y="213" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,132,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.50" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="929.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,118,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_nth_cell (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="471.5" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,138,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,142,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.05" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCitusTableCacheEntry (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="533.3" y="597" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,45,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.34" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="686.3" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,172,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="689.27" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (2,323,232,300 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="664.7" y="549" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,201,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="667.70" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_stock (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="822.1" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,207,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="825.08" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow_list (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="214.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,88,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.24" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="836.7" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,223,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="839.68" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcpy_evex (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="863.8" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,210,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="866.80" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="918.8" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,65,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="921.81" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1115.5" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,205,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.48" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="332.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,111,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.54" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.7" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,54,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.72" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,216,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.97" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memset_erms (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="744.2" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,203,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="747.21" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_EncryptFinal_ex (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="159.5" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,21,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.46" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveFunctionCall (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="876.4" y="533" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,205,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="879.38" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="169.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,123,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.93" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.3" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,141,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.26" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="92.7" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,36,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.73" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1108.1" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,97,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.13" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,126,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ip_queue_xmit (32,161,615,840 samples, 3.35%)</title><rect x="193.1" y="693" width="39.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,119,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.11" y="703.5" >__i..</text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (8,626,262,540 samples, 0.90%)</title><rect x="367.2" y="597" width="10.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,177,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.18" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/21 (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.4" y="933" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.45" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="483.5" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,193,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.45" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExpr (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="462.8" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,23,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.83" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>i2d_SSL_SESSION (727,272,720 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1154.7" y="917" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,200,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.70" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>record_type_typmod_hash (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="682.8" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,217,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="685.76" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="672.0" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,26,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.05" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="94.8" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,98,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.84" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,88,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.11" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.1" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,194,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.13" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (1,141,414,130 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="767.2" y="389" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,177,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="770.22" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ctype_b_loc (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="407.3" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,19,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.26" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusCustomState (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="636.4" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,188,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.40" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="77.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,175,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.14" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType@plt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="478.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,225,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="481.23" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>afterTriggerMarkEvents (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1071.7" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,84,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1074.74" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="552.8" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,24,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.77" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_handle_rx_cqe_mpwrq (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="213.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,156,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.20" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="855.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,151,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.62" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,20,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_query_id (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="588.6" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,65,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="591.59" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_ack (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1011.9" y="133" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,227,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.93" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__kfree_skb (1,161,616,150 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="173.9" y="741" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,92,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="176.86" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,44,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.72" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_ppoll (15,666,666,510 samples, 1.63%)</title><rect x="105.2" y="837" width="19.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,96,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="108.17" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,135,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncmp_evex (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1119.7" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,11,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.74" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,70,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.94" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (1,393,939,380 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="45.4" y="629" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,97,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.43" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refcount_dec_and_lock_irqsave (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="806.9" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,56,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="809.92" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="170.1" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,145,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="173.11" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1031.6" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,177,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1034.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_generic_unrolled (838,383,830 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="347.0" y="549" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,10,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.04" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="451.3" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,23,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="454.27" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,224,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.91" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (4,161,616,120 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="505.7" y="581" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,162,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="508.66" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (888,888,880 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="923.5" y="421" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,170,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="926.51" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.7" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,188,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.66" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BackendStartup (703,060,599,030 samples, 73.24%)</title><rect x="286.1" y="853" width="864.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,150,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.12" y="863.5" >BackendStartup</text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="103.4" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,79,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.40" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,212,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.78" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_malloc (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="270.7" y="901" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,3,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="273.68" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayRemove (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1116.2" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,164,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.25" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1011.5" y="197" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,173,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.50" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rcu_read_unlock (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="824.2" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,59,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.16" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_kernel (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1189.2" y="901" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,164,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.22" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="968.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,112,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.20" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,223,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.17" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BinaryOpExpression (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="527.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,192,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.90" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OpenNewConnections (123,888,887,650 samples, 12.91%)</title><rect x="690.7" y="597" width="152.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,122,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="693.72" y="607.5" >OpenNewConnections</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="868.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,26,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="871.21" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,178,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.2" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,124,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.16" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="479.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,64,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.12" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,198,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.23" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,121,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.94" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,40,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.40" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ActiveShardPlacementList (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="484.3" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,115,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.33" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.8" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,34,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.77" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="402.8" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,1,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="405.79" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="115.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,122,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.92" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,85,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.45" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (12,444,444,320 samples, 1.30%)</title><rect x="904.1" y="533" width="15.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,114,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.11" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_utf8_verifystr (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="599.0" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,36,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="602.03" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="951.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,160,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="953.98" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="732.8" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,66,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.81" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_counter_try_charge (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="365.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,172,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.15" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="562.7" y="533" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,135,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="565.70" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="574.5" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,124,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.52" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="457.2" y="597" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,183,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="460.22" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock_irqsave (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.1" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,214,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.05" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xactGetCommittedInvalidationMessages (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1124.1" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,111,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.10" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="245.3" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,130,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="248.32" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigsetjmp (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.0" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,30,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1038.97" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1189.2" y="821" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,116,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.22" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="434.0" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,116,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.00" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,0,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.77" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__send (19,292,929,100 samples, 2.01%)</title><rect x="356.4" y="741" width="23.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,27,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.39" y="751.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1011.5" y="181" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,52,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.50" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="881.5" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,15,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="884.54" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1052.6" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,159,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1055.57" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="167.7" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,126,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.68" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="601.2" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,28,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.20" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,105,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.52" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPortalByName (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="387.9" y="773" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,139,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.93" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="931.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,11,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="934.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,145,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.43" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,143,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.02" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,26,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.61" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock_irqsave (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="124.0" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,204,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.98" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HasAnyConnectionFailure (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="689.6" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,216,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="692.62" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="115.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,219,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.92" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,201,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.47" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="901" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,4,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.60" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_stack_depth (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="445.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,94,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.42" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,112,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_hard_start_xmit (2,717,171,690 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="205.1" y="533" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,167,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="208.11" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_op_btree_interpretation (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="529.1" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,224,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="532.07" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="450.9" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,46,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="453.95" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>X509_VAL_it (64,484,847,840 samples, 6.72%)</title><rect x="167.9" y="901" width="79.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,142,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.93" y="911.5" >X509_VAL_it</text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.2" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,195,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.21" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,215,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_object_size.part.0 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="71.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,218,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.62" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="668.9" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,98,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="671.93" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1012.2" y="181" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,87,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.17" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SHMQueueNext (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="709" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.10" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,219,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.36" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CoordinatedRemoteTransactionsCommit (2,272,727,250 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="1083.9" y="725" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,191,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.91" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetStringInfo (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="893.7" y="565" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,88,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="896.71" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save_hv_vcpu_is_preempted (1,888,888,870 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="794.4" y="357" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,166,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="797.43" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TargetShardIntervalForFastPathQuery (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="567.3" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,44,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="570.28" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="910.2" y="437" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,138,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="913.17" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,145,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.40" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.1" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,188,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.06" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_execute_message (365,070,703,420 samples, 38.03%)</title><rect x="615.5" y="805" width="448.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,203,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="618.54" y="815.5" >exec_execute_message</text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,229,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownCustomScan (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1043.1" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,146,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.10" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="537.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,169,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="540.35" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="611.6" y="773" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,62,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="614.58" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_getpeersec_dgram (666,666,660 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="360.8" y="629" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,186,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.80" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>import_single_range (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.8" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,135,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_poll.constprop.0 (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="26.5" y="789" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,225,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.49" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_ps_display (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1146.4" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,126,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.37" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (1,323,232,310 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="916.3" y="453" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,159,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="919.26" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqRowProcessor (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="862.1" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,122,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="865.07" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncmp_evex (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="456.8" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,224,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="459.82" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTL (1,212,121,200 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="573.9" y="645" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,44,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.91" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netdev_pick_tx (727,272,720 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="211.9" y="597" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,107,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.91" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="796.2" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,183,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.24" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="69.4" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,182,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.40" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetCatCacheRef (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="675.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,148,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.40" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PreCommit_on_commit_actions (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1122.8" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,178,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.79" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldExecuteTasksLocally (666,666,660 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="643.7" y="613" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,125,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="646.70" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kfree (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="809.6" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,178,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="812.58" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="967.6" y="181" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,26,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.57" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentSubTransactionId (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1102.8" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,196,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.75" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (12,151,515,030 samples, 1.27%)</title><rect x="462.3" y="501" width="15.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,218,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.35" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,35,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,69,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.01" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="574.7" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,45,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.66" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_get_rseq_cs.isra.0 (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="763.0" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,192,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="765.96" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DistributedExecutionModifiesDatabase (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="650.2" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,121,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.21" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__call_rcu (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="763.6" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,155,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="766.62" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextReset (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="286.4" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,34,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.35" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsTransactionBlock (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="698.3" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,220,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="701.32" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_free_private (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="471.6" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,227,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.57" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,69,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.42" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_ptable_queue_proc (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="740.6" y="357" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,163,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="743.63" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>migrate_disable (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="215.4" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.38" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="312.7" y="597" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,4,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="315.67" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1036.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,101,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.13" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (18,898,989,710 samples, 1.97%)</title><rect x="458.3" y="629" width="23.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,121,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="461.34" y="639.5" >P..</text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="797.6" y="69" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,80,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.56" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (777,777,770 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="330.1" y="725" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,160,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.10" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_user (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="746.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,123,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="749.37" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExtraDataContainerFuncId (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="556.6" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,22,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="559.62" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AfterTriggerBeginXact (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="602.4" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,30,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="605.36" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,393,939,380 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="911.9" y="405" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,21,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="574.5" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,115,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.52" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,62,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.08" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusAddWaitEventSetToSet (7,484,848,410 samples, 0.78%)</title><rect x="745.6" y="549" width="9.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,223,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="748.59" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="325.8" y="533" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,144,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.82" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_user (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="896.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,179,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="899.63" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_close (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="627.7" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,145,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="630.70" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCachedPlan (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1118.6" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,214,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.65" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wait_on_socket_set (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="125.9" y="885" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,81,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="128.86" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="71.4" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,149,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.36" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,69,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.77" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VarConstOpExprClause (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="527.8" y="533" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,4,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.75" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="837.2" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,115,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="840.20" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_recvfrom (9,646,464,550 samples, 1.00%)</title><rect x="171.5" y="805" width="11.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,53,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.54" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="732.6" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,141,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.58" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unlink_chunk.constprop.0 (1,151,515,140 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="267.8" y="885" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,171,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.79" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,46,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.79" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTaskPlacementListForShardIntervals (15,393,939,240 samples, 1.60%)</title><rect x="484.2" y="629" width="18.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,134,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.22" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (6,757,575,690 samples, 0.70%)</title><rect x="737.0" y="485" width="8.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,216,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="740.01" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,174,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.36" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="926.0" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,115,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="928.95" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartPlacementExecutionOnSession (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="692.3" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,13,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="695.30" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>executeMetaCommand (2,868,686,840 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="60.2" y="869" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,143,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.21" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.9" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,133,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.86" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_txwqe_build_dsegs (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="206.9" y="485" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,115,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.87" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="834.4" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,190,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="837.40" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="147.7" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,169,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.65" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_get_transactional_drops (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1123.8" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,189,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.79" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,95,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.43" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ERR_clear_error (2,060,606,040 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="152.6" y="901" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,77,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.57" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResetExplainAnalyzeData (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1039.8" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,205,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1042.84" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ErrorIfPostCommitFailedShardPlacements (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.8" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,131,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.77" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>register_seq_scan (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1120.9" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,2,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1123.91" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1095.9" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,16,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1098.94" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,92,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.59" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="389.2" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,168,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.22" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="221.8" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,59,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.81" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="743.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,150,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.69" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_GUC (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1067.4" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,173,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1070.44" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_uncharge_pages (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="43.9" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,129,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.91" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="499.7" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,199,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="502.67" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_timeout_active (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="610.9" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,203,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="613.93" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__list_del_entry_valid (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="234.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,125,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.52" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (666,666,660 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="628.6" y="613" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,56,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="631.62" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getRowDescriptions (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="859.2" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,138,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="862.22" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1063.6" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,139,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1066.59" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="803.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,116,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="806.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="381.2" y="773" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,208,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="384.23" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,117,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.44" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="575.7" y="661" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,109,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="578.71" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="758.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,196,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.35" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1046.3" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,87,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1049.30" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (11,020,201,910 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="171.3" y="837" width="13.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,6,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.34" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="564.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,80,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.17" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="667.2" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,89,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="670.18" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ktime_get_ts64 (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="968.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,174,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.75" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShardPlacementListIncludingOrphanedPlacements (7,252,525,180 samples, 0.76%)</title><rect x="491.8" y="581" width="8.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,164,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="494.83" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindRelationShard (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="549.4" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,142,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="552.44" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="723.4" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,144,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.38" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rseq_handle_notify_resume (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="124.7" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,62,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.68" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netvsc_select_queue (1,646,464,630 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="210.8" y="629" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,67,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="213.78" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_malloc (4,050,505,010 samples, 0.42%)</title><rect x="281.1" y="917" width="5.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,42,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="284.14" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="806.5" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,48,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="809.51" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.4" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,13,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.43" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitForAllConnections (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1099.4" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,147,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.39" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,94,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.38" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,51,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.14" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="702.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,188,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="705.06" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,218,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.17" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="613.8" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,8,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.77" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,113,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.46" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_ip_fixup (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="970.3" y="485" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,79,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="973.28" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="167.7" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,104,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.73" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_skb_entail (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="244.4" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,194,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="247.39" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_rhash_lookup (979,797,970 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="226.2" y="581" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,14,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="229.25" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__qdisc_run (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="196.6" y="629" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,153,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.63" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="931.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,146,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="934.59" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcessClientReadInterrupt (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="299.7" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,110,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="302.67" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupCitusTableCacheEntry (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="519.2" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,81,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="522.16" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="796.8" y="357" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,15,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.75" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (1,474,747,460 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="899.9" y="437" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,56,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.90" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="595.8" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,180,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.78" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="637.7" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,209,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="640.74" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="991.7" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,113,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.66" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,139,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.36" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1119.4" y="709" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,181,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.39" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc_trace (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="831.6" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,82,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="834.58" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>record_type_typmod_hash (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="683.0" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,110,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="686.01" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="596.0" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,7,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="599.00" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.6" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,26,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.56" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (1,171,717,160 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1082.3" y="709" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,43,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1085.26" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>repalloc (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="554.9" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,96,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.93" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (2,222,222,200 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="496.6" y="517" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,163,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.60" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupShardIdCacheEntry (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="511.9" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,23,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="514.95" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__skb_datagram_iter (1,777,777,760 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="346.8" y="581" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,162,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.78" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (15,464,646,310 samples, 1.61%)</title><rect x="814.3" y="517" width="19.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,15,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="817.28" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="542.3" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,210,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="545.29" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,565,656,550 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1091.1" y="693" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,102,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.10" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="509.9" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,170,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.94" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_recvmsg (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="333.3" y="629" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,81,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.26" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,113,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.91" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="452.2" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,158,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.18" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_walker (14,606,060,460 samples, 1.52%)</title><rect x="548.3" y="597" width="18.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,169,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="551.30" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (4,545,454,500 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="261.9" y="885" width="5.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,77,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="264.90" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RunDistributedExecution (310,787,875,680 samples, 32.37%)</title><rect x="652.3" y="629" width="382.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,136,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="655.35" y="639.5" >RunDistributedExecution</text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_GUC (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1073.1" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,163,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1076.07" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="833.0" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,19,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.01" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetExtensibleNodeEntry (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="454.2" y="533" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,73,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="457.18" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memset_erms (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="917.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,13,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="920.44" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="796.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,205,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.24" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode_walker (1,777,777,760 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1043.3" y="677" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,140,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.33" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,30,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.67" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_ctrl (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="126.4" y="917" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,29,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.42" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="517.5" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,177,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="520.53" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyParam (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="443.1" y="373" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,159,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.14" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_stack_depth (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.5" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,38,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="587.53" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evaluateExpr (2,060,606,040 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="60.5" y="853" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,214,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.47" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BinaryOpExpression (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="523.9" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,208,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="526.87" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,74,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.15" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="100.7" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,225,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.69" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,223,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.45" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindCitusCustomScanStates (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="636.0" y="725" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,203,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="638.99" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1032.2" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,37,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1035.21" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mod_objcg_state (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="744.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,217,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="747.33" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="636.2" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,44,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.17" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_fill_tuple (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="878.5" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,81,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="881.46" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="157.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,155,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.75" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_walker (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="435.5" y="565" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,145,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.54" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1084.8" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,58,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1087.80" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,144,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.55" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgBytes (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="95.7" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,20,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.66" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.8" y="181" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,180,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.76" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,35,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.77" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContext (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="570.8" y="661" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,8,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="573.81" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitScanTupleSlot (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="575.5" y="677" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,1,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="578.53" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1069.4" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,188,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1072.38" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,152,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.76" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="500.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,131,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.11" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigjmp_save (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1085.2" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,173,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1088.19" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes_uint32 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="839.0" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,123,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="842.02" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="917" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,211,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.34" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (48,797,979,310 samples, 5.08%)</title><rect x="186.5" y="837" width="59.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,212,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.47" y="847.5" >do_sys..</text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.0" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,101,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.00" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,99,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.92" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="454.9" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,61,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="457.95" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.8" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,154,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.76" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,67,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>read_tsc (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="969.2" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,123,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.23" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,86,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.07" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_make1_impl (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="543.9" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="546.89" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,92,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.40" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="705.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,99,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="708.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="390.3" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,78,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="393.27" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_key_length (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="257.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,1,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="260.86" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqFlush (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="694.0" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,179,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="697.01" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getrand (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="62.4" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,110,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.42" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="968.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,114,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.20" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_recvbuf (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="353.0" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,224,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.05" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="121.2" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,171,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.22" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,114,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.14" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetPQExpBuffer (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="98.0" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,77,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.04" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/28 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,0,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_ptable_queue_proc (2,111,111,090 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="911.8" y="421" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,55,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.77" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,24,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.31" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__slab_free (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="42.8" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,28,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.84" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (16,414,141,250 samples, 1.71%)</title><rect x="460.2" y="581" width="20.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,161,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.21" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (4,727,272,680 samples, 0.49%)</title><rect x="110.5" y="773" width="5.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,117,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="113.54" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (2,292,929,270 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="505.8" y="565" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,24,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="508.84" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="472.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,19,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="475.24" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecutorStart (140,878,786,470 samples, 14.67%)</title><rect x="413.2" y="773" width="173.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,4,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.18" y="783.5" >ExecutorStart</text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,209,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.22" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="404.7" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,105,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="407.72" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="269.1" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,225,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="272.08" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location@plt (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="857.4" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,117,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="860.44" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="280.4" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,161,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="283.37" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1012.9" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,149,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FixFunctionArgumentsWalker (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="470.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,132,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="473.64" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>func_volatile (1,292,929,280 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="432.2" y="485" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,125,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.21" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextSetParent (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="880.6" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,41,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="883.63" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="401.8" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,111,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="404.76" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,42,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.77" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="252.6" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,143,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.64" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_walker (1,565,656,550 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="508.9" y="565" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,139,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="511.86" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.4" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,95,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.35" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (42,252,524,830 samples, 4.40%)</title><rect x="760.7" y="517" width="51.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,184,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.70" y="527.5" >do_sy..</text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1016.1" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,207,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.13" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wait_for_unix_gc (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.8" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,207,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.82" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="274.9" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,104,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.88" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_get_error (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="854.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,43,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="857.69" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,183,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.99" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWaitBlock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="972.9" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,126,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="975.88" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="26.1" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,150,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.08" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_namespace_name (1,232,323,220 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="562.6" y="549" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,136,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="565.60" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_sendcountedtext (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1050.0" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,168,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.00" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEvalStepOp (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="469.1" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,111,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="472.10" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgBytes (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="725.8" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,209,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="728.77" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="593.3" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,194,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.33" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_iter (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="362.3" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,106,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.30" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (2,050,505,030 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="826.1" y="405" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,137,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="829.08" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQflush (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="694.3" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,128,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="697.35" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.6" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,148,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.60" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="557.1" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,24,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="560.07" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitInterpreter (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="466.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,209,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="469.89" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,33,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.65" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="558.8" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,43,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="561.82" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="591.3" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,129,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.33" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>secure_write (19,787,878,590 samples, 2.06%)</title><rect x="355.8" y="757" width="24.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,168,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.84" y="767.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>kthread (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,186,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets_internal (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="864.8" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,164,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="867.76" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="625.9" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,78,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="628.90" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,130,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.54" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__slab_free (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="338.7" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,204,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.73" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="550.8" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,83,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="553.80" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_sendmsg (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="69.3" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,160,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.26" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmtint (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="619.4" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,126,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.43" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equal (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="538.3" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,92,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.29" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="887.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,65,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="890.19" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="574.7" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,57,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.66" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_ctrl (1,818,181,800 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="141.8" y="901" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,226,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.82" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>locks_remove_posix (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="761.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,95,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="764.75" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_cell (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="471.5" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,70,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.48" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="613.2" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,105,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.24" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compute_padlen (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="552.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,1,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.94" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="501.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,164,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.24" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,218,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="183.5" y="821" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,131,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.47" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_entry_walker (14,363,636,220 samples, 1.50%)</title><rect x="548.6" y="581" width="17.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,8,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="551.60" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockErrorCleanup (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1127.1" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,159,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.13" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rel_name (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="565.8" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,187,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="568.84" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.9" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,24,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.89" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.4" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,21,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.43" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_decrypt (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="147.9" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,85,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.85" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,94,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.02" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryPrepared (25,707,070,450 samples, 2.68%)</title><rect x="66.6" y="853" width="31.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,19,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.59" y="863.5" >PQ..</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (2,131,313,110 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1182.0" y="773" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,23,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.99" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_recvmsg (1,262,626,250 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="180.7" y="773" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,218,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.66" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__anon_inode_getfile (7,696,969,620 samples, 0.80%)</title><rect x="922.3" y="501" width="9.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,210,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.31" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="253.4" y="901" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,186,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="256.40" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_ack (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.7" y="149" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,100,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.74" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,215,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.03" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="542.0" y="597" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,11,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="545.02" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,156,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.26" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_xact_command (7,585,858,510 samples, 0.79%)</title><rect x="602.0" y="789" width="9.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,175,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.96" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__lock_text_start (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="766.4" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,211,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="769.43" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,172,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.57" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DTLSv1_listen (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="152.3" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,219,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.35" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="589.4" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,191,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="592.43" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPipelineFlush (7,212,121,140 samples, 0.75%)</title><rect x="714.9" y="469" width="8.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,160,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="717.86" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="595.0" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,182,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.01" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>___slab_alloc (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="916.6" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,109,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="919.59" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="181.7" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,87,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="184.70" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,60,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.91" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="817.9" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,143,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="820.95" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart@plt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="586.1" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,1,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="589.08" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_raw_write (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="247.1" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,130,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="250.08" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,157,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.97" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="672.2" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,78,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.20" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/18 (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,185,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.6" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,108,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.58" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_try_to_cancel.part.0 (1,434,343,420 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="951.9" y="485" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,3,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="954.93" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DistNodeRelationId (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="656.6" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,75,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.55" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,151,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.85" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfn_valid (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="242.4" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,21,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="245.36" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="745.1" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,136,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="748.13" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,179,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.43" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskAccessesLocalNode (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="644.3" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,119,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="647.26" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="329.3" y="629" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,84,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="332.29" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="508.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,114,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="511.14" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyQuery (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="439.5" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,130,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.45" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend_int (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="428.3" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,217,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.26" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="884.2" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,28,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="887.20" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,181,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqAppendCmdQueueEntry (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="97.5" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,16,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.48" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartTransaction (4,727,272,680 samples, 0.49%)</title><rect x="604.5" y="757" width="5.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,185,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="607.52" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="595.0" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,224,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.01" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCitusTableCacheEntry (737,373,730 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="533.9" y="565" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,205,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.89" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_insert (4,959,595,910 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="738.4" y="421" width="6.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,187,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="741.40" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1054.0" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,6,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1057.03" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,129,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.15" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="633.2" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,92,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="636.25" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="455.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,18,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="458.16" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyJobInfo (11,696,969,580 samples, 1.22%)</title><rect x="439.4" y="533" width="14.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,77,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.41" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeWaitEventSet (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="734.9" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,118,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="737.95" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="343.1" y="533" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,208,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.05" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,215,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.14" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.2" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,103,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.22" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="675.4" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,7,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.36" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldRunTasksSequentially (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1042.2" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,124,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1045.20" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,109,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.51" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetPlacementNodeMetadata (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="672.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,34,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.69" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtCommit_Memory (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1072.0" y="757" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,67,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.00" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="930.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,216,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getBaseType (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="678.7" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,152,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.72" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_ands_implicit (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="543.9" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,121,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="546.88" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="951.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,145,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="953.98" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,195,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.56" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pairingheap_remove (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1117.7" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,39,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1120.69" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,48,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.36" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryGuts (24,828,282,580 samples, 2.59%)</title><rect x="66.7" y="837" width="30.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,63,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.74" y="847.5" >PQ..</text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.4" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,202,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.42" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="94.0" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,222,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.96" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>appendBinaryPQExpBuffer (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="865.1" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,121,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="868.08" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evalFunc (1,818,181,800 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="60.5" y="837" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,149,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.52" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_put (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="362.9" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,46,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.86" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_remove (4,757,575,710 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="1019.0" y="453" width="5.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,199,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1022.00" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopyNodeDistributedPlan (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="437.9" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,67,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.86" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecuteSubPlans (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="635.5" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,19,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="638.46" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend_int (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.1" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,38,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.09" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_getspecific (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="722.0" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,133,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="725.01" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="895.6" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,40,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.61" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__recv (13,020,201,890 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="36.1" y="821" width="16.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,130,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.15" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="351.7" y="757" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,189,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.68" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mod_objcg_state (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="917.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,167,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="920.65" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,15,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeInputInfo (1,858,585,840 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="593.1" y="789" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,89,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.07" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (828,282,820 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="182.4" y="773" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,194,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.36" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="184.1" y="805" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,217,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.09" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="755.6" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,204,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.61" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>consume_skb (4,878,787,830 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="338.2" y="613" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,94,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.20" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="338.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,55,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.01" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="967.6" y="165" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,81,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.57" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,16,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.45" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OSSL_PARAM_set_uint64 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="162.2" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,67,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="165.23" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1051.6" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,55,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1054.56" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_wait (21,808,080,590 samples, 2.27%)</title><rect x="942.3" y="533" width="26.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,44,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="945.27" y="543.5" >d..</text>
<g >
<title>FindShardInterval (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="532.9" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,4,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="535.92" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (24,434,343,190 samples, 2.55%)</title><rect x="300.0" y="725" width="30.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,177,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="303.05" y="735.5" >Wa..</text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,86,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.41" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldEvaluateExpression (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="481.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,195,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.57" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>forbidden_in_wal_sender (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1148.9" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,106,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.92" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="918.2" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,74,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="921.24" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskGroupIdAccesses (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="427.9" y="613" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,118,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="430.93" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="26.7" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,17,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.74" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="951.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,35,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="953.97" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,83,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.53" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="379.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,136,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="382.59" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="252.7" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,16,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.74" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusHasBeenLoaded (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="515.4" y="581" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,214,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="518.41" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1022.6" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,206,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1025.57" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartDistributedExecution (929,292,920 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1034.5" y="629" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,137,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1037.50" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsTransactionStmtList (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="291.6" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,72,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="294.60" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1054.7" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,70,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1057.73" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (10,434,343,330 samples, 1.09%)</title><rect x="921.3" y="565" width="12.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,172,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="924.30" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsActiveShardPlacement (4,818,181,770 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="485.1" y="565" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,210,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.14" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__local_bh_enable_ip (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,14,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.81" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (1,969,696,950 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="327.5" y="661" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,143,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.52" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="591.3" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,214,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.33" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,202,020,190 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1014.8" y="405" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,42,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1017.85" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,39,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.41" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>filp_close (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="974.5" y="549" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,137,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="977.49" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AfterTriggerFireDeferred (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1071.5" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,63,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1074.54" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_meta_get_eval (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="229.8" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,125,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="232.82" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="125.3" y="821" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,4,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="128.32" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,33,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.07" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CachedRelationLookup (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="496.3" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,21,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.34" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="17.9" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,225,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.92" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="377.2" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,215,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.22" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,176,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.08" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="435.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,138,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.98" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="923.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,161,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="926.31" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,76,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.38" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1023.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,37,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.58" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="836.7" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,180,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="839.70" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_file_pseudo (10,848,484,740 samples, 1.13%)</title><rect x="816.0" y="453" width="13.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,39,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.05" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheList (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="537.0" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,121,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="539.98" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetPQExpBuffer (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="727.3" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,92,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="730.26" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__d_instantiate (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="926.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,65,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="929.55" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1031.6" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,1,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1034.65" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="257.7" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,189,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="260.70" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildPlacementSelectList (3,898,989,860 samples, 0.41%)</title><rect x="701.3" y="517" width="4.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,73,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.25" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sockfd_lookup_light (969,696,960 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="182.2" y="789" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,91,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.21" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="252.4" y="837" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,6,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.44" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsprintf (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="101.7" y="821" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,81,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.74" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (47,222,221,750 samples, 4.92%)</title><rect x="974.0" y="597" width="58.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,154,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="976.96" y="607.5" >entry_..</text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_head_state (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.4" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,20,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.40" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExprStillValid (1,282,828,270 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="469.0" y="469" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,38,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="471.95" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="94.4" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,115,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.39" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__call_rcu (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1020.4" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,116,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1023.44" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetWorkerNodeHash (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="656.4" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,166,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.41" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="450.2" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,126,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="453.17" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryParams (14,141,414,000 samples, 1.47%)</title><rect x="712.1" y="501" width="17.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,110,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="715.05" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>simple_copy_to_iter (1,131,313,120 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="178.1" y="709" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,162,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.09" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mntput_no_expire (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="811.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,49,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="814.54" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,54,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.58" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>X509_keyid_set1 (1,080,808,070 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="260.5" y="885" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,23,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="263.45" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="832.5" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,177,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="835.54" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_RelationCache (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1074.7" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,98,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1077.74" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgtls_read (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="858.2" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,184,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="861.25" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreatePlacementAccess (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="705.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,23,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="708.53" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="923.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,125,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="926.31" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="676.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,148,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.25" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqCheckOutBufferSpace (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="96.7" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,148,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.66" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseExternalFD (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="934.6" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,0,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="937.63" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,50,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.66" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1023.6" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,147,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.58" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="743.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,162,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.69" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>NodeIsReadable (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="668.8" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,108,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="671.77" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,10,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.12" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="22.9" y="853" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,31,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.92" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,79,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.83" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (138,767,675,380 samples, 14.45%)</title><rect x="414.3" y="741" width="170.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,50,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.30" y="751.5" >standard_ExecutorStart</text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="737.6" y="421" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,152,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="740.63" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="555.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,94,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.94" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lock_sock_nested (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="172.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,78,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.46" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,149,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.01" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup_create_DR (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="616.1" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,161,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.14" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_raw_read (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="184.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,193,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.90" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="167.7" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,122,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="170.68" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExecutorRun (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="623.1" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,165,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="626.09" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="841.7" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,154,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="844.74" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.1" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,119,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.08" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshotWithLevel (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="588.2" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,111,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="591.16" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_recvfrom (9,757,575,660 samples, 1.02%)</title><rect x="171.4" y="821" width="12.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,147,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.41" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,191,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.02" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_RelationMap (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1075.2" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,172,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1078.15" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_get_rseq_cs.isra.0 (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="124.8" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,36,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.76" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,133,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.09" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_nat_ipv4_out (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="231.8" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,211,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="234.81" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="854.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,143,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="857.51" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_queue_xmit_nit (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="197.0" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,142,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.04" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ModifyRangeTblExtraData (2,787,878,760 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="556.4" y="549" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,226,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="559.45" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="686.9" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,229,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="689.89" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="905.7" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,44,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="908.71" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="656.9" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,2,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.94" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_start_range_ns (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="951.5" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,64,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="954.53" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="832.5" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,187,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="835.51" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_options_write (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="234.1" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,32,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.08" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__d_instantiate (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="825.0" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,210,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.97" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="432.5" y="453" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,56,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.50" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="155.1" y="901" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,9,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.10" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (20,212,121,010 samples, 2.11%)</title><rect x="305.2" y="693" width="24.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,138,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.24" y="703.5" >e..</text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="693.2" y="533" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,36,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.17" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,182,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.14" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="892.3" y="565" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,72,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="895.27" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="402.0" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,72,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="404.98" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AssociatePlacementWithShard (989,898,980 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="663.3" y="549" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,133,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="666.31" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="611.9" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,113,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="614.92" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.7" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,106,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.66" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="805" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,82,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.92" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (3,202,020,170 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="577.1" y="661" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,179,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="580.12" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_opfuncid (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="435.3" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,57,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.25" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_sprintf (1,080,808,070 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="101.7" y="837" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,228,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.70" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (1,080,808,070 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="797.0" y="293" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,40,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.01" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecordRelationAccessIfNonDistTable (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="697.9" y="517" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,162,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="700.92" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.6" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,106,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.58" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_lltoa (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="708.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,62,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="711.13" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="92.8" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,77,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.83" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (1,070,707,060 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="797.0" y="277" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,156,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.03" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>appendBinaryStringInfo (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="891.7" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,75,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="894.71" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_generic_unrolled (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="177.3" y="693" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,71,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="180.29" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PlacementExecutionDone (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="872.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,196,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="875.90" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="709.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,4,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="712.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetUserNameFromId (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="836.5" y="549" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,202,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="839.51" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_sendmsg (15,202,020,050 samples, 1.58%)</title><rect x="359.3" y="645" width="18.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,164,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="362.28" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="581.6" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,3,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="584.64" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeCacheEntry (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="520.2" y="597" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,118,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="523.19" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="235.9" y="661" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,220,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="238.92" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HasUnfinishedTaskForSession (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="894.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,229,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="897.58" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>gettimeofday (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.6" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,95,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.56" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqSendSome (1,525,252,510 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="24.0" y="773" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,26,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.99" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_poll (1,242,424,230 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="311.1" y="581" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,79,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="314.15" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="447.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,177,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.26" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="723.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,90,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.38" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="582.9" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,131,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.92" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ErrorIfPostCommitFailedShardPlacements (1,242,424,230 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1087.4" y="725" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,112,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1090.41" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="564.4" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,106,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.39" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldWaitForSlowStart (1,060,606,050 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="843.0" y="597" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,33,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="846.00" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_recvfrom (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="21.9" y="757" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,131,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.93" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1012.1" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,216,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.09" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_ip_fixup (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="327.8" y="597" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,64,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.81" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgBytes (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.9" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,19,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.93" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="675.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,205,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.36" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_do_copy_data_nocache (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="242.3" y="741" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,215,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="245.30" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="967.5" y="213" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,198,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.53" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="568.1" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,90,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.09" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DTLSv1_listen (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="715.6" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,189,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="718.59" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,229,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drain_obj_stock (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="44.2" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,43,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.16" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_fd (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="931.8" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,205,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="934.84" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fd_install (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.6" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,220,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.61" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_gettupleslot (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="639.5" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,202,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.48" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ERR_clear_error (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="852.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,122,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="855.72" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="393.8" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,124,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="396.77" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PreCommit_on_commit_actions (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.2" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,3,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.19" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,97,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.58" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_raw_write (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="95.0" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,60,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.01" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_select_queue (959,595,950 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="211.6" y="613" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,1,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="214.62" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_poll (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="740.1" y="373" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,114,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="743.14" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (1,090,909,080 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="758.1" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,40,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.05" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (2,131,313,110 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1182.0" y="789" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,22,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.99" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,165,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="684.0" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,204,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.02" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetStringInfo (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1055.1" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,55,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1058.10" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="922.5" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,15,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.54" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,142,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.52" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,191,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.47" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>my_sock_write (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="279.9" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,142,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="282.91" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="744.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,131,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="747.66" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_SPI (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1070.5" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,173,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1073.52" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getRowDescriptions (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="23.1" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.06" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="292.3" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,94,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="295.27" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskQueryStringAtIndex (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="729.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,228,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="732.86" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>InCoordinatedTransaction (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="650.9" y="629" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,55,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.93" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (1,383,838,370 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="1052.9" y="629" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,211,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1055.87" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="857.3" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,173,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="860.32" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_xact_command (63,404,039,770 samples, 6.60%)</title><rect x="1064.3" y="805" width="77.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,71,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1067.28" y="815.5" >finish_xa..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="991.7" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,183,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.66" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,228,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.8" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,73,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.77" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="678.0" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,81,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.02" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Namespace (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1073.5" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,79,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1076.53" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="878.8" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,141,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="881.78" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_lookup (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="188.4" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,228,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.35" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1056.8" y="709" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,149,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1059.80" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,131,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.36" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="833.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,135,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.50" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_small_queue_check.isra.0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="237.8" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,189,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.78" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,128,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.39" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="885.6" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,56,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="888.59" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_CTX_copy (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="131.6" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,188,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.56" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,108,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.09" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_uncharge_pages (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="824.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,110,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.68" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,176,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgEnd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="96.1" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,110,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.05" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateDistributedExecution (4,797,979,750 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="643.1" y="629" width="5.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,108,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="646.14" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_entry_walker (1,414,141,400 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="509.0" y="549" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,116,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.04" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="732.6" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,208,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.58" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="571.4" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,217,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="574.39" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,81,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.59" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="456.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,2,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="459.21" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="941.3" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,84,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.32" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionStateMachine (33,070,706,740 samples, 3.44%)</title><rect x="692.4" y="565" width="40.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,215,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="695.42" y="575.5" >Tra..</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,3,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="24.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,84,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.37" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FilterShardPlacementList (5,111,111,060 samples, 0.53%)</title><rect x="484.9" y="581" width="6.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,137,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.88" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="184.6" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,190,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="187.62" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,124,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.56" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="633.4" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,60,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="636.36" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="418.4" y="613" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,205,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.44" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="920.1" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,220,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="923.09" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock_bh (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="172.5" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,77,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.50" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_isbuiltin (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="708.9" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,199,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="711.91" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1120.3" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,168,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1123.26" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="933.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,58,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="936.71" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationClose (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="627.8" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,94,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="630.76" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RemoveLocalLock (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1130.5" y="693" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,173,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.49" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_recvmsg (1,202,020,190 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="38.3" y="709" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,147,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.31" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__close (47,929,292,450 samples, 4.99%)</title><rect x="973.1" y="613" width="58.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,123,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="976.10" y="623.5" >__close</text>
<g >
<title>pfree (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1124.6" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,139,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.64" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeCatCacheRefs (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.3" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,39,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.35" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strip_implicit_coercions (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="528.1" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,217,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="531.12" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartNodeUserDatabaseConnection (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="844.3" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,120,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="847.31" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_putemptymessage (838,383,830 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="600.0" y="789" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="602.98" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (12,969,696,840 samples, 1.35%)</title><rect x="77.8" y="613" width="15.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,32,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.79" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_object_size.part.0 (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="361.7" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,152,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.70" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>readCommandResponse (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="23.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,91,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.74" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_RelationMap (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1070.3" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,134,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1073.34" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="313.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,107,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.24" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1088.8" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,189,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1091.80" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="471.9" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,220,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.93" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="65.4" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,45,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.39" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="17.9" y="917" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,92,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.92" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>enlargeStringInfo (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="352.4" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,37,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.42" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (4,999,999,950 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="896.4" y="501" width="6.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,130,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="899.43" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="285.7" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,3,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.73" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,33,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.56" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="979.4" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,0,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="982.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopWriteStateForAllRels (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1076.8" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,194,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1079.84" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1023.6" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,17,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.63" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PlacementAccessListForTask (3,262,626,230 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="670.2" y="597" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,75,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.17" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,83,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (1,101,010,090 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="92.2" y="597" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,14,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.23" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>internal_putbytes (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="613.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,49,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.87" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CurrentUserName (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="655.5" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,94,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="658.46" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mutex_lock.constprop.0 (24,383,838,140 samples, 2.54%)</title><rect x="769.5" y="389" width="29.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,72,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="772.46" y="399.5" >__..</text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_end (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1111.6" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,75,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.64" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_d_instantiate (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="930.7" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,99,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.68" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigsetjmp (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="902.7" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,218,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="905.75" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_type_io_data (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="676.1" y="533" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,90,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.11" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1131.0" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,24,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.02" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="913.7" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,58,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="916.70" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="285.5" y="885" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,0,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.51" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CalculateNewConnectionCount (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="690.2" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,189,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="693.20" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>validate_xmit_skb_list (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="209.6" y="613" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,168,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.57" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="22.9" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,4,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.94" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,141,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.77" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,210,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.33" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,155,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.77" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="67.1" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,91,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.13" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,106,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.13" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="253.1" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,23,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="256.08" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.8" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,71,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.76" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drain_obj_stock (949,494,940 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="340.7" y="533" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,226,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="343.66" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTemplateTupleDesc (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="576.5" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,37,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="579.55" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HandleMultiConnectionSuccess (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="691.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,70,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="694.93" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="732.7" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,145,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.69" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_minimal_clear (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1112.1" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,9,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.12" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="507.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,52,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="510.58" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1012.6" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,224,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.57" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,180,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.77" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="672.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,13,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.25" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="696.8" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,165,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="699.78" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupNodeForGroup (3,818,181,780 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="494.8" y="549" width="4.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,42,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="497.76" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="816.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,148,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.17" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_file_alloc (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="924.6" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,192,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="927.60" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="855.8" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,125,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="858.75" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resolve_normal_ct (2,040,404,020 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="220.4" y="613" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,58,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="223.37" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,207,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.33" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCitusTableCacheEntry (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="519.4" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,162,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="522.36" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="776.6" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,78,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.55" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="377.1" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,172,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.14" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="24.1" y="709" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,216,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.05" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_poll (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="947.8" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,67,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="950.82" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutInt (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="95.4" y="821" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,200,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.36" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,90,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,64,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.75" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalGetPrimaryStmt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="612.5" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,10,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="615.49" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="615.0" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,167,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="617.96" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="697.3" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,18,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="700.25" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PlacementsForWorkersContainingAllShards (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="512.8" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,70,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="515.77" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pick_file (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="760.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,5,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.95" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>InitializeCaches (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="516.3" y="581" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,54,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="519.30" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="917" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,24,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.04" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (15,434,343,280 samples, 1.61%)</title><rect x="460.7" y="565" width="19.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,196,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.68" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsTaskExecutionAllowed (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1034.9" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,197,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1037.90" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (1,161,616,150 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1132.5" y="693" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,174,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.51" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>osq_lock (17,525,252,350 samples, 1.83%)</title><rect x="777.2" y="373" width="21.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,222,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="780.17" y="383.5" >o..</text>
<g >
<title>pg_any_to_server (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="596.5" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,7,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="599.52" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetFastPathCachedPlan (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="483.1" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,104,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.11" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iput (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="765.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,122,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="768.37" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.5" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,8,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.46" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,196,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.92" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>select_estimate_accuracy (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="968.3" y="501" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,104,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.34" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_prepare (1,414,141,400 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="970.0" y="533" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,164,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.97" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="797.6" y="37" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,32,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.56" y="47.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,92,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.82" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__recv (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="21.8" y="805" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,191,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.84" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>message_level_is_interesting (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1137.5" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,111,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.53" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,69,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.72" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__tcp_push_pending_frames (38,101,009,720 samples, 3.97%)</title><rect x="191.1" y="741" width="46.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,176,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="194.13" y="751.5" >__tc..</text>
<g >
<title>CreateQueryDesc (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="390.8" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,181,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="393.84" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,102,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.71" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.6" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,221,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.57" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,192,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.98" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,79,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.30" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="922.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,109,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.51" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="116.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,147,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.96" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_hard_start_xmit (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="197.3" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,136,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.27" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="730.7" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,178,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="733.74" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_file_pseudo (6,939,393,870 samples, 0.72%)</title><rect x="922.4" y="485" width="8.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,154,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.44" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="898.2" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,108,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.19" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle_call (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1189.2" y="837" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,85,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.22" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (13,666,666,530 samples, 1.42%)</title><rect x="462.0" y="517" width="16.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,69,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.97" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="302.8" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,29,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.78" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_endmessage (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="354.8" y="789" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,31,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup_prepare_info (3,585,858,550 samples, 0.37%)</title><rect x="1050.7" y="677" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,213,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.69" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="489.7" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,175,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.69" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_flush (20,191,918,990 samples, 2.10%)</title><rect x="355.4" y="789" width="24.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,36,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.38" y="799.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_prepare (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="327.5" y="645" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,178,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.55" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_object_size.part.0 (1,090,909,080 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="178.1" y="693" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,222,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.12" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (21,393,939,180 samples, 2.23%)</title><rect x="68.7" y="741" width="26.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,95,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.71" y="751.5" >e..</text>
<g >
<title>palloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="479.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,221,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.17" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (1,161,616,150 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="839.2" y="549" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,33,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="842.17" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,171,717,160 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="509.3" y="517" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,109,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.29" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="527.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,168,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.40" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtCommit_Notify (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1065.6" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,53,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1068.62" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveFunctionCall (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="884.6" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,32,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="887.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCheckRTPerms (2,585,858,560 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="417.5" y="709" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,30,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.51" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,156,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.53" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="405.6" y="757" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,215,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="408.62" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_write_space (1,737,373,720 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="45.1" y="645" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,7,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.06" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTargetListLength (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="576.9" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,88,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="579.87" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="470.1" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,215,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="473.14" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,128,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.39" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (757,575,750 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="326.0" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,204,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.97" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (1,454,545,440 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="405.0" y="789" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,177,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="408.00" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="760.5" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,135,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.54" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_zalloc (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="152.1" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,62,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.07" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeCacheEntry (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="539.8" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,145,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="542.83" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="538.0" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,67,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.02" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (1,343,434,330 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="646.0" y="581" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,152,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="648.99" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.4" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,214,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.43" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_minimal_getsomeattrs (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1055.3" y="661" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,110,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1058.26" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="116.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,77,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.96" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecStoreMinimalTuple (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1040.9" y="613" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,216,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1043.89" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadCommand (49,343,433,850 samples, 5.14%)</title><rect x="293.7" y="805" width="60.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,53,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="296.69" y="815.5" >ReadCo..</text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1130.3" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,222,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.34" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetRangeTblExtraData (1,787,878,770 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="557.5" y="533" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,23,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="560.53" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="396.8" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,220,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.77" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (1,434,343,420 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="506.7" y="533" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,5,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="509.66" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,69,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.94" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>errseq_sample (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="819.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,95,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="822.00" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kfree (1,373,737,360 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="42.7" y="677" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,31,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.74" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equal (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="528.7" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,7,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="531.70" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindOrCreateWorkerSession (82,141,413,320 samples, 8.56%)</title><rect x="734.2" y="581" width="100.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,191,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="737.17" y="591.5" >FindOrCreate..</text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="805.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,129,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="808.57" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>internal_putbytes (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="355.2" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,104,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.20" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="326.8" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,217,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.75" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,204,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.44" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_verify_mbstr (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="599.8" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,102,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="602.83" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="41.8" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,89,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.85" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="972.0" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,94,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="974.98" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sys_poll (15,242,424,090 samples, 1.59%)</title><rect x="105.4" y="821" width="18.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,28,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="108.39" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="971.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,59,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="974.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="458.6" y="613" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,158,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="461.62" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopyDistributedPlanWithoutCache (16,959,595,790 samples, 1.77%)</title><rect x="437.1" y="645" width="20.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,139,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.13" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_head_state (1,838,383,820 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="341.9" y="597" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,4,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.94" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (1,939,393,920 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="645.4" y="597" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,173,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="648.39" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_xact_timestamp (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1141.1" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,42,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.06" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="834.4" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,169,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="837.36" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetFree (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1125.0" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,122,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.97" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1014.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,9,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1017.19" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecutorEnd (6,777,777,710 samples, 0.71%)</title><rect x="1108.4" y="709" width="8.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,184,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.40" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (909,090,900 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="909.0" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,119,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="911.99" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="812.3" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,1,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="815.29" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_head_state (2,242,424,220 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.4" y="693" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,229,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.44" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeInternal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="539.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,18,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="542.93" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_append_unique_int (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="428.2" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,179,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.21" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,49,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.40" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="355.0" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,227,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.04" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_handle_rx_cqe_mpwrq (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1011.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,1,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.21" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (15,848,484,690 samples, 1.65%)</title><rect x="948.9" y="501" width="19.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,12,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="951.86" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (2,949,494,920 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="448.2" y="421" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,224,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.18" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,48,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.21" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (828,282,820 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="102.0" y="805" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,197,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.99" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="51.6" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,151,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.57" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="892.0" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,108,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="895.03" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RegisterSnapshot (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.7" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,187,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="587.68" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqResultAlloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="866.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,180,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="869.03" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.4" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,125,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.45" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_counter_try_charge (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="821.6" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,102,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="824.65" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQconsumeInput (14,303,030,160 samples, 1.49%)</title><rect x="34.9" y="869" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,203,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.86" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="121.2" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,47,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.22" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ipv4_mtu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="244.2" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,139,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="247.19" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_isbuiltin (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="408.9" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,31,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.95" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetFree (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1124.8" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,25,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.79" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_cell (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1114.7" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,154,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.67" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.2" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,211,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.22" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqAppendCmdQueueEntry (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="726.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,153,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="729.50" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetEventSetSize (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="650.6" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,225,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.56" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_loop (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="805" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,32,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.62" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_PgStat (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1069.8" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,117,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1072.83" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AssignPlacementListToConnection (3,353,535,320 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="696.5" y="533" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,117,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="699.46" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>consume_skb (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="22.3" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,31,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.27" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateConnectionWaitFlags (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="890.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,214,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="893.17" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndCustomScan (1,979,797,960 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="1109.6" y="645" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,13,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.56" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.5" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,103,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.52" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BinaryOutputFunctionDefined (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="675.9" y="549" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,148,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.86" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_confirm (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="231.4" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,134,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="234.40" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="818.4" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,75,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="821.38" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="760.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,220,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.54" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="911.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,158,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.33" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unlink_chunk.constprop.0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="280.3" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,177,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="283.26" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memset_erms (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="924.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,24,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="927.38" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="595.2" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,223,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.20" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1023.3" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,36,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.33" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="441.6" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,221,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.56" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateConnectionWaitFlags (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="833.6" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,127,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.64" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="569.5" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,49,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="572.54" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (1,090,909,080 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="758.1" y="501" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,106,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.05" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,79,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.11" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (2,858,585,830 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="431.9" y="533" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,118,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.90" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_close (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="974.0" y="565" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,17,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="977.00" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="676.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,219,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.90" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,217,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.92" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="776.7" y="277" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,57,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.66" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mod_objcg_state (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="339.8" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,86,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.78" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="967.5" y="245" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,102,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.48" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,38,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,115,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_DecryptUpdate (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="159.3" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,217,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="162.33" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,178,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReturnTupleFromTuplestore (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="639.3" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,22,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.33" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_recvmsg (8,737,373,650 samples, 0.91%)</title><rect x="40.3" y="741" width="10.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,224,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="43.28" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sockfd_lookup_light (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="93.9" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,19,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.94" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fq_codel_dequeue (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="196.7" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,75,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.70" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strdup (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="729.0" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,121,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (10,535,353,430 samples, 1.10%)</title><rect x="314.2" y="581" width="13.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,43,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="317.22" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="252.4" y="885" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,195,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.44" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_charge_memcg (959,595,950 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="821.4" y="357" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,202,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="824.40" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="899.3" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.26" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SendRowDescriptionMessage (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="380.9" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,48,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="383.87" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="213.5" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,37,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.53" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_startup_entry (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1189.2" y="885" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,83,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.22" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgStart (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="97.9" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,219,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.85" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,103,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="307.98" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Snapshot (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1075.7" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,139,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1078.65" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.8" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,156,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.78" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQgetResult@plt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="869.9" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,191,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="872.90" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (25,474,747,220 samples, 2.65%)</title><rect x="941.6" y="581" width="31.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,185,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.57" y="591.5" >en..</text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="274.9" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,23,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.89" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="799.9" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,12,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.91" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshotWithLevel (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="588.9" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,219,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="591.88" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="118.9" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,6,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.89" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="344.0" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,226,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.99" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_item_poll.isra.0 (2,242,424,220 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="750.4" y="421" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,138,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="753.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,767,676,750 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="486.9" y="533" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,75,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="489.85" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,5,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.29" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_hash_entry (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="390.5" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,56,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="393.52" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="289.7" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,229,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="292.68" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1011.6" y="117" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,217,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.56" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,50,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,213,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.74" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.0" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,194,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.04" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPuts (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="725.6" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,133,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="728.62" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc_node (1,090,909,080 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="365.4" y="581" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,153,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.38" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="516.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,81,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="519.89" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="285.7" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,92,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.72" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_read (707,070,700 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="854.9" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,132,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="857.88" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_op_btree_interpretation (2,464,646,440 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="524.7" y="517" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,186,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="527.70" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1088.8" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,132,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1091.80" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scm_recv.constprop.0 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="346.5" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,139,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.49" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sendCommand (30,010,100,710 samples, 3.13%)</title><rect x="66.2" y="869" width="36.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,124,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.17" y="879.5" >sen..</text>
<g >
<title>errstart (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="384.6" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,172,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="387.56" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrepareWorkerNodeCache (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="671.9" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,88,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="674.88" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="473.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,87,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.42" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_read (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="858.9" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,132,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="861.94" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_opfuncids (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="476.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,178,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.38" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,150,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.94" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="57.7" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,122,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="60.73" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memset_erms (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="901.3" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,195,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="904.32" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.4" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,17,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.45" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_read_generic (10,323,232,220 samples, 1.08%)</title><rect x="336.3" y="629" width="12.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,187,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="339.29" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCloseResultRelations (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1109.1" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,156,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.07" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="743.9" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,175,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.94" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusInternalBackend (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1034.9" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,98,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1037.90" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (969,696,960 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="388.0" y="757" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,90,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.95" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save_hv_vcpu_is_preempted (1,828,282,810 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1008.6" y="421" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,140,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1011.57" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_obj_stock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="808.2" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,214,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="811.16" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>internal_putbytes (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="620.3" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,222,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="623.28" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="454.4" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,154,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="457.37" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_object_size.part.0 (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="348.1" y="549" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,111,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.08" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="714.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,191,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="717.05" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_create1 (16,020,201,860 samples, 1.67%)</title><rect x="813.6" y="549" width="19.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,107,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="816.60" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsInParallelMode (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="414.1" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,123,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.12" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,74,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.77" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain_inet (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1184.0" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,44,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.04" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,232,323,220 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="485" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,34,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerCreate (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="389.5" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.54" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="678.4" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,218,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.39" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>d_alloc_pseudo (898,989,890 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="925.4" y="469" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,97,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="928.44" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>advanceConnectionState (57,232,322,660 samples, 5.96%)</title><rect x="32.7" y="885" width="70.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,151,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="35.71" y="895.5" >advance..</text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="708.7" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,36,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="711.66" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.8" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,161,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.77" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionStateMachine (37,333,332,960 samples, 3.89%)</title><rect x="848.6" y="581" width="45.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,185,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="851.55" y="591.5" >Tran..</text>
<g >
<title>__sigsetjmp (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1085.3" y="709" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,170,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1088.35" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>postgres (837,363,627,990 samples, 87.23%)</title><rect x="126.3" y="933" width="1029.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,59,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.34" y="943.5" >postgres</text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.4" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,142,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.44" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_ct_deliver_cached_events (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="231.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,4,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="234.56" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (1,080,808,070 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1153.4" y="917" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,95,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1156.37" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PartitionedTable (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="634.6" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,43,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="637.55" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp (1,454,545,440 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="381.1" y="805" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,15,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="384.15" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PlacementAccessListForTask (4,171,717,130 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="701.1" y="533" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,32,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.09" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecoveryInProgress (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="584.9" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,218,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="587.87" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_tree_walker (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1046.0" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,136,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1049.03" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_ulltoa_n (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="707.5" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,51,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_begin_heap (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1038.0" y="629" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,56,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1040.98" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.1" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,175,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.07" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,104,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.82" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="161.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,98,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="164.93" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyFromExpr (3,131,313,100 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="441.5" y="469" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,42,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.51" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTask (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="504.4" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,206,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="507.37" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_destruct_scm (1,818,181,800 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="342.0" y="581" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,9,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.96" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int4recv (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="879.1" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,67,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="882.06" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1022.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,127,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1025.30" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,182,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.92" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="967.5" y="229" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,153,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.52" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,28,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.45" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,49,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.36" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryParams (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="711.4" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,168,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="714.38" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy_deep (1,343,434,330 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="442.5" y="405" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,31,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_thread (79,858,585,060 samples, 8.32%)</title><rect x="28.2" y="917" width="98.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,215,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.18" y="927.5" >start_thread</text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContextInternal (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="570.9" y="645" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,72,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="573.87" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="275.2" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,162,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="278.19" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.91" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="538.0" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,200,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="540.98" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="365.9" y="565" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,101,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.87" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>merge (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="412.4" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,166,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.38" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1011.5" y="229" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,60,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.47" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_select_queue (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="209.3" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,81,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.27" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="687.7" y="597" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,7,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="690.67" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_socket_sendmsg (1,121,212,110 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="187.3" y="773" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,50,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.31" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/3 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.8" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,84,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.82" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>validate_xmit_skb_list (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="208.5" y="533" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,126,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.45" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,303,030,290 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="561.0" y="549" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,106,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.00" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1152.6" y="917" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,213,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.58" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sk_dst_check (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="194.3" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,187,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.33" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_active (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="951.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,11,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="954.16" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1027.8" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,136,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1030.85" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="820.3" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,215,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="823.33" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryStart (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="97.3" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,117,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.26" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_get_rseq_cs.isra.0 (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="976.4" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,207,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="979.36" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="743.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,213,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.69" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1131.4" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,87,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.40" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExecutorState (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="464.7" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,40,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.68" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="129.4" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,108,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.35" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CanUseBinaryCopyFormat (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="654.9" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,69,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="657.90" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.9" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,222,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.94" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,3,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_recvfrom (10,898,989,790 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="37.6" y="757" width="13.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,18,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.63" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusExecScan (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="639.3" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,44,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.31" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (757,575,750 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="213.5" y="501" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,136,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.52" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DecideTransactionPropertiesForTaskList (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="649.4" y="629" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,160,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="652.38" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.3" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,108,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.25" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (747,474,740 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1011.4" y="245" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,226,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.45" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rel_name@plt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="566.0" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,209,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="568.98" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_skb (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="24.2" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,49,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.22" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,37,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="824.5" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,119,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.53" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strdup (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="101.3" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,111,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.28" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,67,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.60" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__skb_datagram_iter (1,444,444,430 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="49.2" y="677" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,61,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.25" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_recvmsg_locked (6,212,121,150 samples, 0.65%)</title><rect x="173.0" y="757" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,60,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.98" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="383.2" y="805" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,164,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.24" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsocket@plt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.5" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,156,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.51" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="749.6" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,4,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="752.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_xmit_skb (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="197.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,187,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.18" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_rhash_key (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="227.3" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,134,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.31" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MillisecondsPassedSince (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="690.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,170,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="693.57" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="475.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,176,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.96" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="797.5" y="85" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,220,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.51" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,209,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.99" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lookupVariable (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="61.6" y="741" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,52,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.60" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.9" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,108,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.89" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hv_vcpu_is_preempted (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.4" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,12,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.38" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1183.0" y="549" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,161,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.05" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="415.8" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,195,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.84" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,145,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.24" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_unlock (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="49.0" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,138,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.01" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetWorkerNodeHash (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="489.8" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,7,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.85" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="743.8" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,36,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.76" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="866.7" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,97,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="869.70" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.8" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,218,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.81" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,189,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="756.7" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,206,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="759.74" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__slab_free (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.7" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,72,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.68" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="659.3" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,220,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.31" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (4,747,474,700 samples, 0.49%)</title><rect x="504.9" y="597" width="5.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,176,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="507.94" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_init (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1098.0" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,25,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.96" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (1,252,525,240 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1182.7" y="693" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,155,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.72" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIncrementReferenceCount (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="630.1" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,222,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="633.07" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="508.1" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,82,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="511.09" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>chooseScript (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.3" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,114,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.26" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="270.6" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,18,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="273.56" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveExecutor (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="640.8" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,180,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="643.79" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_nat_ipv4_local_fn (595,959,590 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="222.9" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,203,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.88" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqParseInput3 (3,636,363,600 samples, 0.38%)</title><rect x="53.3" y="837" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,45,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.26" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldWaitForConnection (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="835.7" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,46,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="838.71" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="334.4" y="597" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,53,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.40" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,73,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.02" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_RelationCache (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1070.0" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,209,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1072.96" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_peek_ex (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="164.8" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,85,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.75" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SelectForUpdateOnReferenceTable (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1035.3" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,25,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1038.35" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="245.0" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,119,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="247.98" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQmakeEmptyPGresult (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="860.9" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,10,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="863.89" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (1,383,838,370 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="546.1" y="565" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,54,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="549.12" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="332.5" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,160,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.54" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="541.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,78,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="544.41" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqReadData (5,898,989,840 samples, 0.61%)</title><rect x="851.7" y="533" width="7.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,79,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="854.69" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExecutorState (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="414.8" y="725" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,38,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.84" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="693.3" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,202,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.26" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="968.2" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,175,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="971.20" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,73,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.37" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="364.7" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,1,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="367.68" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,117,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.41" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mntget (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="930.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,191,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.82" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ManageWorkerPool (126,353,534,090 samples, 13.16%)</title><rect x="689.8" y="613" width="155.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,58,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="692.80" y="623.5" >ManageWorkerPool</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="547.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,149,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="550.92" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_isbuiltin (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="684.6" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,211,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="687.59" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="474.4" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,50,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.40" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (11,878,787,760 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="216.1" y="645" width="14.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,227,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.12" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_functions_in_node (1,545,454,530 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="432.0" y="517" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,213,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.99" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback (4,494,949,450 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="133.4" y="917" width="5.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,139,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="136.41" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__lock_text_start (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="980.7" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,186,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.68" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="824.5" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,207,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="827.53" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_encrypt_ctr32 (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="128.8" y="917" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,64,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="131.79" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="579.4" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,29,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="582.40" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="695.0" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,56,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="697.98" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_describe_portal_message (3,393,939,360 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="611.4" y="805" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,63,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="614.37" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_skb_with_frags (2,989,898,960 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="363.1" y="613" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,227,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.07" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyOpExpr (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="441.7" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,58,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.67" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (878,787,870 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="487.7" y="517" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,74,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.69" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WorkerNodeHashCode (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="657.3" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,161,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="660.32" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockPartitionsInRelationList (6,363,636,300 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="626.7" y="677" width="7.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,109,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.73" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_form_tuple (1,373,737,360 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="877.4" y="533" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,218,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="880.37" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SafeSnprintf (3,313,131,280 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="550.3" y="533" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,75,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="553.35" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_obj_stock (1,717,171,700 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="822.8" y="373" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,113,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="825.75" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,120,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.31" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_puttuple (979,797,970 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="885.2" y="533" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,115,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="888.19" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeParamList (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="595.6" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,118,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="598.63" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,120,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.17" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1184.3" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,86,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.26" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.7" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,72,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.66" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigjmp_save (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="295.4" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,33,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="298.37" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (1,525,252,510 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="344.2" y="613" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,88,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="347.21" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1063.4" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,201,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1066.43" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="509.7" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,117,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.69" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="534.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,152,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.11" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="669.6" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,94,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="672.57" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (1,101,010,090 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1087.6" y="709" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,129,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1090.57" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="498.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,169,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="501.62" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="470.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,92,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="473.69" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="897.0" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,150,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="900.00" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildPruningTree (6,070,707,010 samples, 0.63%)</title><rect x="523.3" y="597" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,91,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="526.26" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_empty_file (1,969,696,950 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="816.6" y="421" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,6,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="819.56" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndNode (2,373,737,350 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="1109.3" y="661" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,171,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.35" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="11.4" y="901" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,79,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.43" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyAlias (2,212,121,190 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="448.9" y="405" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.90" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netdev_core_pick_tx (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="209.2" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,74,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.25" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Buffers (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1066.5" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,125,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.55" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1092.8" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,55,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.82" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_tx_check_stop (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="208.3" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,212,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="211.29" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.1" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,140,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.06" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,28,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.44" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="31.6" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,126,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="34.64" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="18.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,221,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.53" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlenbyval (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="476.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,89,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.59" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>X509_keyid_set1 (1,363,636,350 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="138.9" y="917" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,25,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.94" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>slab_free_freelist_hook.constprop.0 (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1030.4" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,191,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1033.38" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="214.6" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,68,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.61" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_enhanced_fast_string (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="904.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,107,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.50" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="564.8" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,39,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.80" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlenbyval@plt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="476.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,219,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.82" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGetc (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="693.3" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,210,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.26" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_output (1,525,252,510 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="230.7" y="677" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,106,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="233.73" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1066.4" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,62,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.44" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="972.6" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,144,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="975.56" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationShardListForShardIntervalList (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="513.9" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,143,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="516.87" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="24.1" y="725" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,121,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.05" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FetchPreparedStatement (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="289.3" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,161,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="292.28" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="564.7" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,182,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="567.66" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupNodeForGroup (1,373,737,360 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="703.0" y="437" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,178,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="706.03" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="267.0" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,141,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.04" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="77.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,159,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.14" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sendCommand (2,050,505,030 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="23.9" y="853" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,218,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.86" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="585.6" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,179,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="588.61" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateWaitEventSet (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="919.5" y="581" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="922.55" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="579.4" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,28,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="582.40" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_read (5,353,535,300 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="852.4" y="517" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,33,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="855.36" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (5,474,747,420 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="895.9" y="549" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,191,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.91" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (2,030,303,010 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="227.9" y="613" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,101,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.92" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1062.4" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,171,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1065.38" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="686.9" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,123,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="689.87" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="449.9" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,71,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.93" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (16,565,656,400 samples, 1.73%)</title><rect x="437.6" y="629" width="20.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,134,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.61" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadyForQuery (21,464,646,250 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="354.3" y="805" width="26.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,70,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.34" y="815.5" >R..</text>
<g >
<title>typeidType (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="679.5" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,75,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="682.49" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,148,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.14" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="428.7" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,36,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.71" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_poll (2,626,262,600 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="119.2" y="773" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,93,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.17" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="569.0" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,136,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="572.02" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (8,696,969,610 samples, 0.91%)</title><rect x="367.1" y="613" width="10.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,15,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.09" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeSavedExplainPlan (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1088.9" y="725" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,187,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1091.94" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsetResultAttrs (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="863.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,16,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="865.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drain_obj_stock (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="823.1" y="357" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,130,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="826.06" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="390.1" y="773" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,35,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="393.07" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="481.4" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,17,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.37" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_ipv4_postroute (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="232.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,43,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="235.48" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,153,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets (1,040,404,030 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="864.7" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,6,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="867.74" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="561.6" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,196,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.65" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="306.0" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,64,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.03" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_release_data (1,545,454,530 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="42.5" y="693" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,21,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.54" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CacheFastPathPlanForShardQuery (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="424.8" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,29,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.79" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irq (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="914.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,200,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="917.43" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/2 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="933" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,143,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.36" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="579.4" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,60,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="582.40" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="246.9" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,80,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="249.89" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="161.9" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,63,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="164.93" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsValidConditionNode (4,818,181,770 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="523.8" y="549" width="5.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,77,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="526.75" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_stat (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1149.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,26,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1152.70" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HasUnfinishedTaskForSession (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="835.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,50,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="838.16" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1183.0" y="565" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,27,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.03" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="564.0" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,147,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="566.99" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGetInt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="859.3" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,193,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="862.33" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="399.6" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,65,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="402.62" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="70.2" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,128,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.24" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="723.4" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,204,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.38" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="966.9" y="437" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,92,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="969.91" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SortList (959,595,950 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="500.7" y="581" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,101,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.75" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,213,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.54" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_free (33,161,615,830 samples, 3.45%)</title><rect x="768.8" y="405" width="40.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,138,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="771.82" y="415.5" >ep_..</text>
<g >
<title>FixFunctionArguments (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="470.6" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,91,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="473.55" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dentry_kill (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="980.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,154,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.47" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="496.2" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,111,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.18" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="480.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,78,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="483.11" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="245.7" y="821" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,79,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="248.71" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="377.1" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,195,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.14" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmtint (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="553.4" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,170,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="556.43" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ERR_reason_error_string (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="852.9" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,54,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="855.94" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetUserNameFromId (1,808,080,790 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="660.7" y="565" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,30,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="663.71" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save_hv_vcpu_is_preempted (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="990.9" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,122,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="993.91" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_read_actor (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.7" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,46,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.70" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>minimal_tuple_from_heap_tuple (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="886.0" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,154,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="888.96" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_gcm128_aad (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="128.1" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,53,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="131.11" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrunableExpressions (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="522.3" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,61,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="525.34" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="103.1" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,194,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.06" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,19,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.91" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask_ext (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="420.0" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,24,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.00" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle_call (23,272,727,040 samples, 2.42%)</title><rect x="1156.1" y="853" width="28.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,15,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1159.10" y="863.5" >de..</text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="657.1" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,59,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="660.06" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="710.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,194,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="713.36" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fsnotify (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="810.1" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,71,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="813.09" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="518.7" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,74,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.73" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remove_wait_queue (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="123.9" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,145,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.94" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableType (727,272,720 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="520.2" y="613" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,170,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="523.15" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="266.9" y="821" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,159,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="269.86" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostmasterMain (703,060,599,030 samples, 73.24%)</title><rect x="286.1" y="885" width="864.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,121,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="289.12" y="895.5" >PostmasterMain</text>
<g >
<title>pfree (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1124.9" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,66,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.94" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfn_valid (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="179.1" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,189,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.07" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (1,757,575,740 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="99.0" y="805" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,184,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.05" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_send_mss (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="243.6" y="741" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,112,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="246.58" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="841.5" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,85,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="844.51" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="776.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,45,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.27" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_cleanup_rbuf (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="179.5" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,156,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.49" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="556.2" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,117,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="559.18" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.8" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,145,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.81" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="756.7" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,16,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="759.74" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,124,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="213.6" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,164,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.56" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="601.0" y="789" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,166,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.01" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.9" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,70,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.86" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="302.7" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,132,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.69" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_wfree (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="22.4" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,224,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.40" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sk_stream_alloc_skb (2,626,262,600 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="239.1" y="741" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,201,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="242.07" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="269.2" y="901" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,228,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="272.21" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQresultAlloc (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="862.3" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,42,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="865.28" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,26,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.64" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,96,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.38" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockTagHashCode (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="498.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,98,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.95" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerDelete (767,676,760 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1124.3" y="757" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,74,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.27" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (1,141,414,130 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="405.2" y="773" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,190,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="408.23" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="527.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,181,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.40" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlist_matches_tupdesc (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="572.2" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,136,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="575.16" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_server_to_client (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1050.2" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,23,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.22" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mutex_unlock_slowpath.constprop.0 (2,272,727,250 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="1013.5" y="453" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,111,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1016.55" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PreCommit_CheckForSerializationFailure (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1139.0" y="773" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,217,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.96" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (17,282,828,110 samples, 1.80%)</title><rect x="545.0" y="613" width="21.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,192,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="548.01" y="623.5" >q..</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.6" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,7,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.57" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (989,898,980 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="43.1" y="661" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,220,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.14" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mod_timer (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="235.6" y="677" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,71,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="238.61" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,34,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.74" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,25,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.05" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="344.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,179,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.99" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_clone (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="201.5" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,127,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.48" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="932.4" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,126,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.41" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (1,505,050,490 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="665.7" y="533" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,166,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="668.67" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1014.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,162,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1017.19" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="255.5" y="885" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.52" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalSetResultFormat (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="410.0" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,96,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="413.04" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_evex (2,525,252,500 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="272.1" y="901" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,217,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="275.09" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsFastPathPlanCachingSupported (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="483.3" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,76,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.30" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (14,545,454,400 samples, 1.52%)</title><rect x="332.7" y="709" width="17.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,138,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.69" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/6 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,135,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="534.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,16,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.12" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1086.8" y="709" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,41,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.79" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="974.2" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,196,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="977.23" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.6" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,106,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.57" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdForShard (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="706.6" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,53,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="709.58" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_atomic_dec_and_lock (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="765.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,121,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="768.38" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPortalByName (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="620.8" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,163,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="623.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,188,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.21" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTupleStoreTupleDest (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1039.1" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,78,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1042.14" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcpy@plt (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="888.2" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,87,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="891.22" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,171,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.45" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_strtoint64 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="408.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,156,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.55" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="659.8" y="581" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,0,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.76" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lookupVariable (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="63.1" y="821" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,143,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.05" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeCacheEntry (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="511.7" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,56,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="514.75" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getVariable (2,525,252,500 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="98.4" y="837" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,175,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.35" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>threadRun (78,363,635,580 samples, 8.16%)</title><rect x="30.0" y="901" width="96.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,60,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.99" y="911.5" >threadRun</text>
<g >
<title>__d_alloc (4,696,969,650 samples, 0.49%)</title><rect x="819.2" y="421" width="5.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,1,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="822.15" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evalStandardFunc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="62.8" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,22,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.75" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.4" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,62,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.42" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.2" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,106,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.15" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rearm_rto (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="236.9" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,181,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="239.86" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="659.6" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,54,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.57" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (12,727,272,600 samples, 1.33%)</title><rect x="549.9" y="565" width="15.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,177,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="552.85" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (342,888,885,460 samples, 35.72%)</title><rect x="636.9" y="725" width="421.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,128,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.95" y="735.5" >standard_ExecutorRun</text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="22.9" y="837" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,154,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.94" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqResultAlloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="54.8" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,201,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.77" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockPartitionsInRelationList (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="635.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,172,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="638.16" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="477.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,157,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="480.47" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="415.4" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,221,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.41" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateWaitEventSet (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="734.6" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,26,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="737.58" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CommandCounterIncrement (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="288.5" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,59,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="291.50" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1154.6" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,18,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.57" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,178,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.36" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="473.7" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,79,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.73" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1182.4" y="725" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,141,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.44" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="412.0" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,34,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.04" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_bind_message (184,222,220,380 samples, 19.19%)</title><rect x="384.9" y="805" width="226.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,173,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="387.93" y="815.5" >exec_bind_message</text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1011.6" y="101" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,78,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.56" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.8" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,113,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.76" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getQueryParams (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="26.0" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,19,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.02" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,101,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="923.3" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,16,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="926.31" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_delete_all (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1099.9" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,190,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.92" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="630.1" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,184,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="633.12" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="900.9" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,170,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="903.89" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,121,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.32" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1051.9" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,202,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1054.90" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>d_instantiate (3,474,747,440 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="926.5" y="469" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,60,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="929.55" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ipv4_conntrack_local (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="217.1" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,214,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.12" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refcount_dec_and_lock_irqsave (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1024.9" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,85,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1027.88" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="720.6" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,214,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="723.57" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>printtup_shutdown (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1057.6" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,56,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1060.65" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="678.0" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,130,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.02" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,127,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="434.5" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,40,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.55" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,50,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.19" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,144,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.13" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="534.5" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,39,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.47" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrunableExpressionsWalker (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="538.5" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,60,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.48" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cubictcp_cwnd_event (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="233.6" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,8,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.56" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsocket (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.2" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,151,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.20" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (13,464,646,330 samples, 1.40%)</title><rect x="438.8" y="581" width="16.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,187,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.83" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExtractFirstCitusTableId (3,303,030,270 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="515.3" y="613" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,140,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="518.30" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="625.9" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,228,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="628.90" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timespec64_add_safe (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="969.4" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,204,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="972.45" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_skb_features (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="209.8" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,56,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.83" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,197,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.19" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>conditional_stack_empty (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="59.8" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,169,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.82" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (989,898,980 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="748.4" y="421" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,11,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="751.37" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,200,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildPlacementAccessList (2,636,363,610 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="670.4" y="565" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,69,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.42" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="667.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,215,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="670.18" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="704.3" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,108,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="707.31" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="837.1" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,85,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="840.09" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="252.5" y="821" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,21,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="255.54" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExtractRangeTblExtraData (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="555.4" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,106,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.43" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ActiveShardPlacementList (14,333,333,190 samples, 1.49%)</title><rect x="484.8" y="597" width="17.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,135,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.79" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalCleanup (8,191,919,110 samples, 0.85%)</title><rect x="1108.4" y="725" width="10.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,149,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.39" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,177,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__slab_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="175.7" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,200,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.74" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (11,818,181,700 samples, 1.23%)</title><rect x="953.8" y="469" width="14.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,166,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="956.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>afterTriggerMarkEvents (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1136.5" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,25,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.54" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="899.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,61,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.62" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,212,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.85" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,191,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.33" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="583.7" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,126,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.71" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExtractParametersFromParamList (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="710.6" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,187,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="713.65" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDeleteChildren (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1115.4" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,189,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.39" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="611.8" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,122,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="614.76" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_l4proto (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="218.0" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,205,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="220.99" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="267.0" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,156,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.04" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_recvbuf (43,232,322,800 samples, 4.50%)</title><rect x="297.7" y="757" width="53.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,185,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="300.71" y="767.5" >pq_re..</text>
<g >
<title>ShowTransactionState (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1140.9" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,70,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.86" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.9" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,210,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.89" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="656.9" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,42,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.85" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__slab_free (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="174.4" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,217,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.40" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="383.7" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,20,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.73" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="582.6" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,21,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="585.59" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="18.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,215,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.85" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,81,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.41" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (11,606,060,490 samples, 1.21%)</title><rect x="954.1" y="453" width="14.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,29,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="957.07" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_MultiXact (898,989,890 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1068.4" y="773" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,193,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1071.41" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.1" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,22,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.07" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="305.1" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,77,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.07" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_poll_rx_cq (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1011.2" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,146,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.19" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="697.4" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,60,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="700.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,81,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.96" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,79,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.94" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,209,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.55" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetConnectionIfPlacementAccessedInXact (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="689.4" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,90,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="692.42" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,146,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.07" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RemoveIntermediateResultsDirectories (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1103.7" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,82,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.71" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (727,272,720 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="558.8" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,224,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="561.77" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (1,161,616,150 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1182.8" y="645" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,178,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.84" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,125,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlenbyval (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="474.2" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.17" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="94.2" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,130,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.22" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (1,626,262,610 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="99.1" y="789" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,22,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.13" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="662.7" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,137,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.75" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,0,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.74" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="967.2" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,211,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.19" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1016.2" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,150,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.19" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="214.5" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,98,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="217.45" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeInternal (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="511.8" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,169,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="514.76" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="587.0" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,226,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="589.99" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgtls_read (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="852.1" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,218,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="855.13" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="345.2" y="597" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,70,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="348.18" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,69,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.08" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ConnectionHashHash (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="836.2" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,32,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="839.24" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="499.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,206,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="502.46" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="983.1" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,188,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.14" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,176,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.88" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,151,515,140 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1118.8" y="725" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,174,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.82" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgStart (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="724.9" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,223,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="727.93" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_CTX_use_cert_and_key (1,939,393,920 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="162.4" y="901" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,106,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="165.37" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1086.4" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,96,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.39" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (1,333,333,320 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="231.0" y="661" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,102,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="233.96" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="776.8" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,30,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.81" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTaskQueryType (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="710.8" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,17,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="713.82" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,34,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.40" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="799.0" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,187,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.03" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="65.2" y="837" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,10,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.24" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="902.2" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,204,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="905.24" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="444.7" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,80,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.74" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_unused_fd_flags (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="831.3" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,91,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="834.26" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddPartitionKeyRestrictionToInstance (1,151,515,140 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="536.1" y="565" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,40,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="539.13" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_deliver_finish (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="797.4" y="149" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,13,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.42" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__wake_up_common_lock (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="797.6" y="53" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,97,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.56" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="552.8" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,128,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.77" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTemplateTupleDesc (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="574.2" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,170,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="577.25" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="798.1" y="149" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,113,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.14" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1016.1" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,49,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.13" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,49,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,201,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockErrorCleanup (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1128.4" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,193,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1131.42" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="867.0" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,96,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="870.04" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupShardIdCacheEntry (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="701.5" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,48,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.55" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_eventpoll_release (37,777,777,400 samples, 3.94%)</title><rect x="983.4" y="485" width="46.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,149,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="986.40" y="495.5" >ep_e..</text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (828,282,820 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="213.4" y="565" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.43" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetCatCacheRef (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="593.2" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,91,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.22" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="803.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,17,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="806.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentLocalExecutionStatus (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1090.4" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,106,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.43" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="408.8" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,98,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.76" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,227,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.40" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dput (2,494,949,470 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="980.3" y="485" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,36,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.33" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,218,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="796.2" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,61,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.24" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="591.2" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,77,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.18" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,122,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyConst (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="541.7" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,140,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="544.73" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_skb (4,030,302,990 samples, 0.42%)</title><rect x="72.3" y="613" width="5.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,192,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.33" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="143.8" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,47,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.83" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,174,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.96" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockPartitionsForDistributedPlan (7,040,403,970 samples, 0.73%)</title><rect x="626.5" y="693" width="8.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,223,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.51" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,105,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.39" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_immediate_eval (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="225.5" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,169,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.51" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1115.2" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,74,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.21" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="953.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,134,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="956.49" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGetc (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="859.5" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,141,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="862.47" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="669.5" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,95,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="672.45" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWaitBlock (1,494,949,480 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="937.2" y="597" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,113,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="940.23" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>appendBinaryStringInfo (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="887.1" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,194,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="890.08" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="741.0" y="341" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,71,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="744.04" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="966.9" y="405" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,81,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="969.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,211,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.52" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>recomputeNamespacePath (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="403.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,184,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="406.88" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__recv (15,848,484,690 samples, 1.65%)</title><rect x="331.1" y="725" width="19.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,204,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.10" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RefreshTableCacheEntryIfInvalid (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="701.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,67,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.67" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="92.7" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,123,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.68" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_evex (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="63.1" y="805" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,130,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.09" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OSSL_PARAM_construct_octet_string (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="260.3" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,12,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="263.25" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__put_user_nocheck_4 (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="944.0" y="485" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,1,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="946.96" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CachedRelationNamespaceLookup (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="496.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,14,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.34" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcessWaitEvents (39,727,272,330 samples, 4.14%)</title><rect x="846.1" y="613" width="48.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,145,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="849.06" y="623.5" >Proc..</text>
<g >
<title>tasklet_action_common.constprop.0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="286.0" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,188,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.97" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCustomScan (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="639.0" y="693" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,106,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.02" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,141,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.99" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="552.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,86,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.72" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="885" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,126,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.34" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.1" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,134,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.06" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_iv_length (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="156.1" y="901" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,40,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.10" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (737,373,730 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="335.2" y="629" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,105,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="338.16" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="510.1" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,31,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="513.08" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,122,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.81" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_preempt_disabled (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1012.9" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,147,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.91" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPipelineFlush (22,757,575,530 samples, 2.37%)</title><rect x="67.4" y="821" width="28.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,159,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.39" y="831.5" >p..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitRangeTable (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="584.2" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,75,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="587.17" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQgetisnull (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="870.0" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,14,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="873.01" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="347.9" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,182,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.91" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PreCommit_Portals (13,090,908,960 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="1106.7" y="757" width="16.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,116,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.70" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_ack (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1183.7" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,48,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.71" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusCustomScanStateWalker (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="636.0" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,100,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.01" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,224,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.71" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreatePlacementAccess (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="673.1" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,156,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.13" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (1,888,888,870 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="680.7" y="533" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,129,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="683.67" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (6,111,111,050 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="859.2" y="533" width="7.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,57,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="862.19" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1023.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,56,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.63" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="677.2" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,121,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.15" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyConst (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="542.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,212,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="545.15" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1031.9" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,29,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1034.87" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PruneShards (16,969,696,800 samples, 1.77%)</title><rect x="522.6" y="613" width="20.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,4,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="525.55" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (1,242,424,230 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1182.7" y="677" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,0,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.74" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="344.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,175,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.99" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="365.1" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,0,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.06" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_stack_depth (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1043.6" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,126,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.58" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="754.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,225,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FetchPreparedStatement (2,515,151,490 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="391.3" y="789" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,49,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="394.31" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="676.2" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,49,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.25" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_clone (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="233.8" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,187,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.82" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_ip_fixup (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="762.7" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,78,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="765.72" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_in_init (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="133.2" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,53,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="136.15" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.0" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,0,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.96" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_read_generic (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="22.1" y="709" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,215,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.09" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.4" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,44,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.37" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindShardInterval (1,676,767,660 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="538.8" y="581" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,216,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.77" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_free (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="881.9" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,34,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="884.91" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndPlan (4,333,333,290 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1108.8" y="677" width="5.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,117,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.78" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyTargetEntry (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="452.0" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,223,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="454.99" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,169,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.92" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask_ext (1,494,949,480 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="418.0" y="661" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,199,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.98" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1024.1" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,154,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1027.10" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DisableWorkerMessagePropagation (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1111.0" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,149,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.01" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskListCannotBeExecutedInTransaction (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1035.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,79,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1038.65" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventAdjustEpoll (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="736.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,139,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="739.19" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,14,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.61" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_socket_recvmsg (1,171,717,160 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="180.8" y="757" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,198,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.77" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="489.0" y="533" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,210,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.04" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,112,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="587.23" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,159,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.43" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecutorEnd (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1107.6" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,148,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1110.57" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="329.1" y="645" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,217,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="332.14" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_strtoint64 (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="408.0" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,132,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.95" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,11,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.40" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="728.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,142,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.42" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_raw_write (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="246.5" y="869" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,114,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="249.52" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,178,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.59" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="616.9" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,55,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="619.87" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="756.7" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,98,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="759.74" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,101,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.36" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_iter (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="242.8" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,86,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="245.80" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgStart (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="96.2" y="821" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,106,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.24" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQtransactionStatus (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1081.7" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,23,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1084.68" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheInternal (1,282,828,270 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="661.1" y="517" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,41,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="664.10" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="760.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,188,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.54" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="917" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,229,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.30" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rseq_handle_notify_resume (616,161,610 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="762.5" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,16,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="765.54" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetConnectionIfPlacementAccessedInXact (6,212,121,150 samples, 0.65%)</title><rect x="660.6" y="597" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,127,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="663.61" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupCitusTableCacheEntry (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="555.8" y="533" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,48,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.81" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ShouldRecordRelationAccess (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="698.2" y="501" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,93,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="701.23" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_ComboCid (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1066.8" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,92,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1069.80" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_item_poll.isra.0 (3,848,484,810 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="911.5" y="453" width="4.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,140,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_concat (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="732.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,118,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="735.20" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.6" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,75,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.56" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_virtual_clear (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1113.5" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,133,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.53" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_activity (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1143.8" y="805" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,107,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.78" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mod_objcg_state (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="808.0" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,120,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="810.97" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__virt_addr_valid (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="179.0" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,187,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.02" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SIGetDataEntries (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="701.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,153,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.75" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (1,595,959,580 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="1052.8" y="645" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,165,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1055.76" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,21,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.07" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dispatch_compare_ptr (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="469.3" y="437" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,4,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="472.34" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="932.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,217,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.41" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="573.5" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,205,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.52" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="857.3" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,58,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="860.32" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="857.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,7,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="860.32" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="967.2" y="357" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,85,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.20" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="59.0" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,223,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.02" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (14,545,454,400 samples, 1.52%)</title><rect x="332.7" y="693" width="17.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,193,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.69" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,83,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.64" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="605.2" y="725" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,74,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="608.19" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="138.6" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,66,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.59" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1011.4" y="277" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,140,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.37" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (1,252,525,240 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1182.7" y="709" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,136,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.72" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_inside_nonatomic_context (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="604.0" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,99,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="607.02" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="337.4" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,15,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.37" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="605.2" y="709" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,77,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="608.19" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqAllocCmdQueueEntry (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="714.3" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,155,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="717.29" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.2" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,204,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.17" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>executeMetaCommand (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="23.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,43,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.53" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1061.4" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,96,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1064.38" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (979,797,970 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="517.7" y="549" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,173,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="520.67" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_set_do_lookup (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="227.5" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,228,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="230.45" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="171.2" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,166,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.17" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="837.1" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,227,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="840.06" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="302.7" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,82,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.69" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,135,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1047.5" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,16,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1050.52" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_new_mem_buf (1,121,212,110 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="144.1" y="901" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,56,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="147.05" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="659.2" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,62,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.22" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_idle (27,282,828,010 samples, 2.84%)</title><rect x="1155.7" y="885" width="33.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,172,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1158.68" y="895.5" >do..</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="547.4" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,26,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="550.44" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,125,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.39" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>socket_putmessage (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="355.0" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,37,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.99" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="310.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,152,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="313.23" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,100,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.50" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationShardListForShardIntervalList (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="566.9" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,193,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="569.91" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,104,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.38" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupNodeForGroup (676,767,670 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="671.7" y="501" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,33,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="674.66" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,152,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.54" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netdev_pick_tx (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="209.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,45,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.34" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="838.5" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,166,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="841.47" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="647.8" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,103,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.78" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,49,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgBytes (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="97.0" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,1,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.02" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="636.6" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,32,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.56" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,9,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.02" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.23" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExtractFirstCitusTableId (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="503.1" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,153,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="506.14" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="501.9" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,142,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.94" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmtint (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="102.5" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,15,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.46" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_record_type_typmod (2,303,030,280 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="680.5" y="549" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,200,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="683.47" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsendQueryPrepared (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.3" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,45,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.32" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="591.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,221,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.33" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_user (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="106.1" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,62,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="109.11" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.1" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,2,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.11" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AfterXactConnectionHandling (4,808,080,760 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="1077.8" y="725" width="5.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,40,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1080.81" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_idle (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1189.2" y="869" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,203,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.22" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="730.7" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,55,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="733.66" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_concat (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="673.9" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,216,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="676.91" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,96,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.33" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="26.1" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,107,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.07" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equalTupleDescs (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="682.1" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,164,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="685.09" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationDecrementReferenceCount (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="627.9" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,51,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="630.95" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (1,515,151,500 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="631.0" y="597" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,153,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="633.98" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="313.2" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,129,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.24" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_activity (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1062.8" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,186,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1065.75" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="145.3" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,187,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="148.31" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typtype (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="677.9" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,170,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.88" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="705.1" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,185,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="708.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.9" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,154,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.94" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refcount_dec_not_one (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="806.9" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,128,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="809.95" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsValidPartitionKeyRestriction (2,838,383,810 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="524.3" y="533" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,204,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="527.26" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drain_obj_stock (737,373,730 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="76.4" y="549" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,16,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.36" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EVP_DecryptUpdate (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="259.3" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,111,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="262.35" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="11.8" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,227,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.79" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeSnapshots (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="412.0" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,185,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.02" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="802.2" y="389" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,57,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="805.15" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="967.5" y="261" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,160,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.46" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_mstamp_refresh (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="180.1" y="725" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,144,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.10" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FlushWriteStateForAllRels (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1076.8" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,25,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1079.84" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,33,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.64" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1142.8" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,138,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.83" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (1,555,555,540 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="660.8" y="549" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,18,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="663.84" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_record_type_typmod (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="683.6" y="565" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,44,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="686.61" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="145.3" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,126,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="148.31" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="475.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,86,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.99" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="377.3" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,146,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.26" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="759.3" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,18,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="762.27" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_item_poll.isra.0 (1,191,919,180 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="898.4" y="437" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,194,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.44" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/9 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,18,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.17" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (808,080,800 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="213.5" y="533" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,6,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.46" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="518.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,10,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.94" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqSendSome (6,888,888,820 samples, 0.72%)</title><rect x="715.0" y="437" width="8.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,213,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="718.03" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecutorFinish (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1116.7" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,14,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.73" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SingleShardTaskList (5,919,191,860 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="504.2" y="613" width="7.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,214,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="507.17" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGetInt (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="866.3" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,190,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="869.29" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FindWorkerNode (3,717,171,680 samples, 0.39%)</title><rect x="485.3" y="549" width="4.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,103,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.28" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="197.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,17,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.49" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__put_user_nocheck_8 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="762.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,36,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="765.85" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqResultStrdup (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="57.0" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,171,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.98" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.2" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,193,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.15" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="472.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,42,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="475.07" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExternalFD (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="919.7" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,87,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="922.70" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_user (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="737.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,71,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="740.15" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_recvfrom (13,050,504,920 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="332.9" y="661" width="16.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,65,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.94" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="945.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,87,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="948.07" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,163,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.96" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1115.4" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,139,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.44" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusHasBeenLoaded (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="555.7" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,188,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.69" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="213.6" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,93,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_mtu_probe (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="237.0" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,81,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.02" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sockfd_lookup_light (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="244.8" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,139,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="247.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>string_hash (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="840.6" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,72,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="843.59" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_mutator (18,141,413,960 samples, 1.89%)</title><rect x="459.3" y="613" width="22.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,63,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="462.25" y="623.5" >q..</text>
<g >
<title>__get_user_8 (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="124.8" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.82" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="709.4" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,118,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="712.43" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="332.5" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,99,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.54" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>X509_keyid_set1 (4,787,878,740 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="247.2" y="901" width="5.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,154,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="250.19" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmalloc_reserve (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="241.0" y="709" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,57,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="244.03" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,131,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidOutputFunctionCall (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="709.9" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,210,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="712.92" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>maybe_add_creds (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="360.5" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,23,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.47" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,114,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.96" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="924.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,98,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="927.19" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_send_check (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="215.9" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,29,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.94" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="636.1" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,13,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="639.08" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_enhanced_fast_string (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="242.9" y="709" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,171,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="245.87" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.3" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,6,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.26" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DTLSv1_listen (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="131.3" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,116,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.30" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="101.5" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,178,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.45" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_recvmsg (1,292,929,280 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="180.6" y="789" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,202,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.62" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_poll (1,282,828,270 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="946.6" y="469" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,62,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="949.62" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,202,020,190 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="750.9" y="373" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,171,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="753.91" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="543.1" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,82,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="546.15" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="327.2" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,177,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.21" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SafeQsort (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="491.5" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,159,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="494.50" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (4,767,676,720 samples, 0.50%)</title><rect x="430.3" y="597" width="5.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,186,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="433.28" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1150.3" y="917" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,51,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1153.29" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_search (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1097.6" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,164,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.61" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,98,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.53" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="445.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,178,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.17" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,62,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.06" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RebuildWaitEventSet (32,333,333,010 samples, 3.37%)</title><rect x="894.9" y="613" width="39.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,165,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="897.89" y="623.5" >Reb..</text>
<g >
<title>__fdget (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="182.2" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,183,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.24" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="48.7" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,25,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.75" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (828,282,820 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="343.1" y="517" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,168,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.09" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_ptable_queue_proc (1,343,434,330 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="914.6" y="421" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,112,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="917.60" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventAdjustEpoll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="896.0" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,67,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="898.97" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="743.8" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,187,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.76" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drain_obj_stock (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1027.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,76,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1030.46" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_file_alloc (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="818.2" y="389" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,220,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="821.21" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,12,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.02" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="326.2" y="389" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,94,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.22" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_sysvec_hyperv_stimer0 (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.7" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,75,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.66" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1122.4" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,88,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.43" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="752.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,179,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="755.23" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BlessTupleDesc (2,323,232,300 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="680.4" y="565" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,105,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="683.44" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="542.9" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,212,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="545.91" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_poll (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="27.2" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,49,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.20" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="801.9" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,69,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="804.92" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="434.8" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,117,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.78" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal (8,202,020,120 samples, 0.85%)</title><rect x="1126.3" y="741" width="10.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,89,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.34" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="27.9" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,125,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.92" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,137,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.22" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,145,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.39" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="93.6" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,219,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.58" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.4" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,208,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.43" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SortList (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="502.9" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,86,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="505.92" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RemoteSocketClosedForNewSession (80,030,302,230 samples, 8.34%)</title><rect x="735.3" y="565" width="98.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,222,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="738.27" y="575.5" >RemoteSocke..</text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="573.4" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,226,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.39" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1032.6" y="597" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,204,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1035.63" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MaybeExecutingUDF (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="698.9" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,49,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="701.87" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="901.0" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,139,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="904.05" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,102,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.54" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CanUseBinaryCopyFormat (4,313,131,270 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="674.7" y="581" width="5.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,198,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="677.68" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (666,666,660 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="92.6" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,35,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.63" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>evalStandardFunc (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="61.3" y="773" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,81,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.25" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="570.9" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,194,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="573.93" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="601.4" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,111,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="604.44" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.9" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,1,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.94" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dev_hard_start_xmit (9,030,302,940 samples, 0.94%)</title><rect x="198.5" y="613" width="11.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,46,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="201.47" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.5" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,110,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.54" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>typeidType (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="678.4" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,109,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.38" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,144,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.56" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusAddWaitEventSetToSet (7,656,565,580 samples, 0.80%)</title><rect x="736.0" y="533" width="9.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,177,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="739.02" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="941.3" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,36,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.32" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OPENSSL_fork_child (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="160.1" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,98,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="163.06" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="229.7" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,226,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="232.66" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveExecutor (323,333,330,100 samples, 33.68%)</title><rect x="641.7" y="645" width="397.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,46,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="644.68" y="655.5" >AdaptiveExecutor</text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1037.0" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,215,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1039.95" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vdso_clock_gettime (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="843.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,109,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="846.23" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_wait (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="758.3" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,226,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.33" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/11 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="933" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,79,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.38" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.5" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,31,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.54" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupNodeForGroup (1,373,737,360 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="668.4" y="581" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,176,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="671.40" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartDistributedExecution (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1042.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,153,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1045.49" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="59.0" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,210,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.02" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (737,373,730 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="925.6" y="437" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,175,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="928.62" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="450.5" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,21,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="453.48" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (1,232,323,220 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="767.1" y="405" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,56,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="770.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="625.9" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,107,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="628.90" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int8in (1,050,505,040 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="407.3" y="757" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,175,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.26" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>conditional_active (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.6" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,201,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.63" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="985.9" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,56,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="988.92" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sk_reset_timer (949,494,940 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="235.6" y="693" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,141,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="238.58" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecReadyInterpretedExpr (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="467.1" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,171,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="470.10" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyRangeTblEntry (4,191,919,150 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="446.8" y="437" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,117,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.84" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="930.1" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,174,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="933.15" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="567.8" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,174,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="570.82" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1011.1" y="325" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,206,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.11" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_memcmp (1,606,060,590 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="150.1" y="901" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,61,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.10" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="397.3" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,24,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.29" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="302.7" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,225,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="305.69" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_CTX_use_cert_and_key (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="132.4" y="917" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,66,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="135.44" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="754.0" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,7,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.01" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (979,797,970 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="442.8" y="389" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,54,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.82" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="933.7" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,25,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="936.65" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,192,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.43" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/26 (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,119,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="453.5" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,3,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="456.54" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_relation_open (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="634.3" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,215,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="637.30" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rseq_ip_fixup (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="124.7" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,213,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.71" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_ctl (5,929,292,870 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="737.4" y="437" width="7.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,78,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="740.37" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="449.8" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,77,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.79" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (18,858,585,670 samples, 1.96%)</title><rect x="356.9" y="709" width="23.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,228,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.92" y="719.5" >d..</text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="41.8" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,37,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.82" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="476.2" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,146,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.18" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_timeout_active (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1149.3" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,204,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1152.34" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_sendmsg (20,252,525,050 samples, 2.11%)</title><rect x="69.0" y="677" width="24.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,8,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.05" y="687.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>errstart (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1033.6" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,63,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1036.56" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,186,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.02" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTargetListLength (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="573.9" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,211,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.91" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,192,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.42" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="274.9" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,212,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.89" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (3,333,333,300 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="431.4" y="565" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,156,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.41" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sockfd_lookup_light (868,686,860 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="378.0" y="661" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,216,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.97" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="285.6" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,93,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.59" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="758.7" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,87,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="761.71" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mntget (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="829.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,156,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="832.16" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (11,080,807,970 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="313.6" y="613" width="13.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,29,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.57" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (1,777,777,760 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="506.5" y="549" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,153,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="509.47" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcReleaseLocks (6,202,020,140 samples, 0.65%)</title><rect x="1127.6" y="725" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,23,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.59" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="145.3" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,45,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="148.31" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyString (1,030,303,020 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="449.5" y="341" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,95,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.55" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateRelationToShardNames (17,999,999,820 samples, 1.88%)</title><rect x="544.2" y="629" width="22.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,44,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="547.23" y="639.5" >U..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecutorStart (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="391.0" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,135,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="393.97" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="11.0" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,100,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.96" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_insert (9,161,616,070 samples, 0.95%)</title><rect x="906.6" y="469" width="11.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,59,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="909.65" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="147.7" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,64,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.65" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeSnapshot (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="409.8" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,154,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.78" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ColumnarXactCallback (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1105.3" y="757" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,76,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.35" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MillisecondsPassedSince (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1080.4" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1083.44" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,227,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.23" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.8" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,138,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.77" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="285.7" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,112,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.72" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeInternal (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="520.5" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,225,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="523.46" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="649.1" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,210,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="652.08" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (434,343,430 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="138.4" y="869" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,169,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.35" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1114.3" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,36,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.30" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="479.4" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,118,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="482.42" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,21,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.47" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="516.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,143,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="519.89" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcessSessionsWithFailedWaitEventSetOperations (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="845.9" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,165,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="848.95" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="701.7" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,35,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.69" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_sendto (20,686,868,480 samples, 2.15%)</title><rect x="68.8" y="709" width="25.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,12,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.78" y="719.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>RegisterSnapshot (1,040,404,030 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="411.8" y="757" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,165,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.78" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="496.8" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,32,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.80" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="415.0" y="709" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,138,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.00" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1011.1" y="341" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,33,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.11" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>string_hash (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.8" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,66,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.77" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_file_alloc_security (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="818.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,50,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="821.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTable (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="519.6" y="613" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,155,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="522.60" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="115.9" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,228,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.88" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_ctl (10,858,585,750 samples, 1.13%)</title><rect x="904.9" y="485" width="13.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,208,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.86" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="147.7" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,27,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.65" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_xact_command (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1146.9" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,186,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.94" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="584.0" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,193,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="586.96" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (45,585,858,130 samples, 4.75%)</title><rect x="975.8" y="565" width="56.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,117,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="978.81" y="575.5" >sysca..</text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.1" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,202,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.05" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_puttuple_common (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="886.1" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,20,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="889.12" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,1,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.47" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="887.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,92,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="890.19" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.3" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,127,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.25" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="325.8" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,23,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.82" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetPQExpBuffer (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="56.4" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,82,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.45" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="51.9" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,68,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.94" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netlbl_enabled (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="230.5" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,52,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="233.52" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,165,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.6" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,83,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.58" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_work (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="759.0" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,13,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="762.02" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,51,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.50" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (767,676,760 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="628.5" y="629" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,5,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="631.51" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="27.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,173,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.74" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,58,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.81" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1031.8" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,27,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1034.85" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="797.4" y="117" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,224,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.42" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.1" y="901" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,5,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.12" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_file (1,959,595,940 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="922.9" y="437" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,188,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="925.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LookupCitusTableCacheEntry (1,808,080,790 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="516.9" y="581" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,194,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="519.86" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,121,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.43" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecConditionalAssignProjectionInfo (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="572.1" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,1,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="575.08" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="509.7" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,148,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="512.74" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,156,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.82" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprSlots (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="466.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,54,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="469.48" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1139.5" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,180,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.53" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,147,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.54" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="728.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,92,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.42" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="972.6" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,162,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="975.56" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="490.5" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,83,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="493.52" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_isbuiltin (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1052.0" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,139,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1055.04" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>refill_obj_stock (1,464,646,450 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="340.0" y="549" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,216,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="343.03" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescGetAttBinaryInMetadata (4,515,151,470 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="680.3" y="581" width="5.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,44,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="683.27" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dentry_kill (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="764.2" y="421" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,134,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="767.21" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy_deep (6,292,929,230 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="445.6" y="469" width="7.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,66,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.61" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SSL_peek_ex (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="718.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,67,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="721.07" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_epoll_wait (17,464,646,290 samples, 1.82%)</title><rect x="305.7" y="645" width="21.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,142,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.72" y="655.5" >d..</text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="743.8" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,135,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="746.76" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprCollation (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="477.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,134,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="480.73" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getReadyForQuery (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="882.6" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,79,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="885.63" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecordTransactionCommit (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1123.4" y="757" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,43,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.36" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RowLocksOnRelations (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="506.8" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,32,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="509.81" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1016.1" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,27,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1019.13" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (454,545,450 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="948.2" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,132,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="951.20" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RegenerateTaskForFasthPathQuery (67,454,544,780 samples, 7.03%)</title><rect x="484.0" y="645" width="82.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,12,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.00" y="655.5" >Regenerat..</text>
<g >
<title>schedule_preempt_disabled (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="799.0" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,27,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="801.99" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="397.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,203,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.29" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (42,252,524,830 samples, 4.40%)</title><rect x="760.7" y="533" width="51.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,82,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="763.70" y="543.5" >entry..</text>
<g >
<title>fill_val (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="877.9" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,7,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="880.92" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="613.2" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,84,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="616.20" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1010.8" y="389" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,68,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.81" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/u64:4-m (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="933" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,202,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.34" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (11,959,595,840 samples, 1.25%)</title><rect x="37.5" y="789" width="14.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,17,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.45" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_sq_xmit_prepare (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="206.1" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,93,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.13" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,218,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.07" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (11,020,201,910 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="171.3" y="853" width="13.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,4,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.34" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="586.5" y="757" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,51,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="589.47" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SimplifyPruningTree (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="541.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,3,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="544.60" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>NodeIsPrimary (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="495.9" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,223,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="498.87" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sys_sendto (20,636,363,430 samples, 2.15%)</title><rect x="68.8" y="693" width="25.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,170,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.83" y="703.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="589.8" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,184,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="592.83" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_malloc (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="150.0" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,160,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="152.96" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="991.8" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,222,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="994.76" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.7" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,64,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.66" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall1Coll (858,585,850 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="707.4" y="453" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,32,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="271.5" y="901" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,139,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="274.49" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcmp_evex_movbe (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="492.5" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,85,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="495.45" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerDelete (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1124.5" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,29,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.49" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="967.4" y="309" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,87,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.42" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (1,646,464,630 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="757.4" y="549" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,47,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="760.37" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,59,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.50" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (20,212,121,010 samples, 2.11%)</title><rect x="305.2" y="677" width="24.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,124,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.24" y="687.5" >d..</text>
<g >
<title>PartiallyEvaluateExpression (17,030,302,860 samples, 1.77%)</title><rect x="459.6" y="597" width="20.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,198,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="462.56" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_xact_command (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="615.4" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,58,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="618.41" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="465.3" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,27,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.33" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,73,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_ptr (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="471.5" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,82,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="474.48" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrunableExpressions (2,262,626,240 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="535.7" y="597" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,205,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="538.70" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="118.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,43,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.89" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addToSimpleStats (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.6" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,163,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.59" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmessage (1,666,666,650 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="351.0" y="773" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,150,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.00" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="591.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,224,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.33" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="622.3" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,130,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="625.32" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ContainsFalseClause (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="514.9" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,11,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="517.86" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="118.9" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,26,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.89" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_tree_walker (909,090,900 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1043.9" y="661" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,100,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.92" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecutePlan (340,595,956,190 samples, 35.48%)</title><rect x="638.0" y="709" width="418.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,69,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="640.97" y="719.5" >ExecutePlan</text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,144,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.23" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCache1 (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="565.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,197,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="568.14" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="576.0" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,3,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="579.05" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="932.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,153,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.41" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1083.5" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,50,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1086.51" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (1,666,666,650 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="449.1" y="389" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,147,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.07" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.9" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,106,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.86" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="647.5" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,201,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.49" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1054.8" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,130,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1057.80" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="842.3" y="581" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,19,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="845.33" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.20" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1144.1" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,100,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.11" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>jit_compile_expr (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="468.4" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,64,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="471.39" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_difference_int (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="429.2" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,62,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.16" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv_finish (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="267.1" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,13,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.08" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprTypmod (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="575.1" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,50,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="578.14" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_hash_value (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="498.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,218,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="941.3" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,207,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.32" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="504.5" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,5,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="507.50" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetRangeTblExtraData (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="560.5" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,219,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="563.46" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopyNodeJob (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="439.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,100,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.12" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="933.6" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,72,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="936.61" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="953.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,101,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="956.49" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_idle (3,282,828,250 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="1184.8" y="869" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,172,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.82" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.4" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,50,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.38" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCacheExists (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="633.1" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,38,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="636.08" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleStoreTupleDestPutTuple (1,393,939,380 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="884.7" y="549" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,205,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="887.73" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_relation_open (4,616,161,570 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="628.2" y="645" width="5.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,168,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="631.21" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="392.1" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,206,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="395.12" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_user_sigmask (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,90,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.31" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQisBusy (6,333,333,270 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="859.2" y="549" width="7.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,15,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="862.18" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCustomScan (327,727,269,450 samples, 34.14%)</title><rect x="640.2" y="677" width="402.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,57,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="643.20" y="687.5" >ExecCustomScan</text>
<g >
<title>syscall_enter_from_user_mode (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="349.0" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,49,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.00" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_close (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="633.9" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,3,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="636.92" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_idle_enter (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.9" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,22,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.86" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="213.4" y="549" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,44,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="216.45" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pairingheap_add (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="412.8" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,40,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.83" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,95,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.56" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="435.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,173,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.02" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.4" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,99,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.45" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge_pages (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="365.1" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,22,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.09" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="138.5" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,55,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.45" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_evex (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="681.9" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,133,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="684.92" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyParamList (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="730.2" y="517" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,35,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="733.17" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_write_space (1,333,333,320 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="342.6" y="549" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,103,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="345.56" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqsecure_write (6,464,646,400 samples, 0.67%)</title><rect x="715.6" y="421" width="7.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,157,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="718.55" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SetAttributeInputMetadata (10,080,807,980 samples, 1.05%)</title><rect x="674.2" y="597" width="12.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,49,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="677.23" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_prepare (45,383,837,930 samples, 4.73%)</title><rect x="975.8" y="549" width="55.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,160,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="978.83" y="559.5" >exit_..</text>
<g >
<title>kthread (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="901" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,47,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.34" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExtractRangeTblExtraData (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="556.9" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,78,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="559.86" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="169.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,21,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.93" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,66,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.07" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="270.6" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,190,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="273.56" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,104,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.63" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_delete_all (4,505,050,460 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="1091.0" y="709" width="5.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,44,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.97" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sk_reset_timer (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="237.7" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,175,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="240.67" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_entry_walker (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="435.8" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,219,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.81" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CallXactCallbacks (23,939,393,700 samples, 2.49%)</title><rect x="1075.9" y="757" width="29.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,204,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1078.89" y="767.5" >Ca..</text>
<g >
<title>avc_lookup (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="358.8" y="597" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,228,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="361.77" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="828.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,208,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.40" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>disable_statement_timeout (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="384.2" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,49,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="387.19" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_create1 (10,858,585,750 samples, 1.13%)</title><rect x="920.8" y="581" width="13.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,72,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="923.78" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="581.4" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,129,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="584.38" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="508.7" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,181,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="511.66" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_rcv (757,575,750 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1183.0" y="581" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,225,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.96" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_prng_uint64_range (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="62.5" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,30,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.53" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCommandTagName (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="620.4" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,198,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="623.42" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>read_tsc (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="234.9" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,138,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="237.93" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EnableWorkerMessagePropagation (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="570.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,64,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="573.45" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_client_to_server (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="596.2" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,137,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="599.20" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_epoll_wait (17,717,171,540 samples, 1.85%)</title><rect x="305.4" y="661" width="21.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,10,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.41" y="671.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>errstart (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="841.9" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,161,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="844.89" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="911.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,140,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="914.33" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LogLogicalInvalidations (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1123.6" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,190,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.56" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="411.9" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,120,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.91" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HistoricSnapshotActive (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="406.8" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,214,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="409.78" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,181,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="614.8" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,128,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="617.81" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="71.4" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,188,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.36" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>errstart (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="844.9" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,94,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="847.88" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (646,464,640 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="378.2" y="645" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,153,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="381.24" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResolveGroupShardPlacement (2,191,919,170 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="702.6" y="453" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,33,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="705.64" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="812.8" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,204,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="815.76" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_log_duration (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="384.0" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,155,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.95" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_prepare (40,737,373,330 samples, 4.24%)</title><rect x="762.2" y="485" width="50.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,84,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="765.21" y="495.5" >exit_..</text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="719.7" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,117,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="722.70" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_recvmsg (10,484,848,380 samples, 1.09%)</title><rect x="336.1" y="645" width="12.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,216,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="339.09" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReportChangedGUCOptions (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="380.7" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,226,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="383.72" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyVar (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="442.6" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,66,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.63" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pthread_getspecific (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="857.8" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,90,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="860.78" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MarkRemoteTransactionCritical (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="847.7" y="581" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,216,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="850.67" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="278.1" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,223,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="281.07" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseInput (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="693.9" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,88,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="696.88" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.9" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,140,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.95" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="967.4" y="277" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,150,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.45" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>osq_lock (16,727,272,560 samples, 1.74%)</title><rect x="992.1" y="437" width="20.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,1,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="995.14" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1154.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,153,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.53" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,178,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OPENSSL_init_crypto (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="132.1" y="917" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,151,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="135.15" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (606,060,600 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1022.6" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,62,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1025.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mutex_lock (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="346.1" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,103,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.08" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPutMsgBytes (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="724.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,193,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="727.57" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,167,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.85" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rseq_handle_notify_resume (1,181,818,170 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="970.1" y="501" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,196,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="973.08" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="109.5" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,196,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.54" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetExtensibleNodeMethods (1,333,333,320 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="455.5" y="597" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,228,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="458.48" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="313.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,166,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.24" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQsetResultAttrs (313,131,310 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="862.5" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,218,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="865.51" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignScanProjectionInfoWithVarno (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="571.9" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,124,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="574.94" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartTransactionCommand (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="589.7" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,14,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="592.66" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vdso_clock_gettime (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1032.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,97,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1035.01" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExecutorState (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="463.7" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,10,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="466.66" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EndCommand (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="289.1" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,27,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="292.10" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalReleaseCachedPlan (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1118.5" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,139,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.46" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetRealloc (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="555.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,223,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.07" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="609.8" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,53,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="612.80" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (848,484,840 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1032.3" y="613" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,110,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1035.34" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (838,383,830 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="914.7" y="405" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,130,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="917.65" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="688.1" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,104,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="691.10" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqRowProcessor (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="54.5" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,105,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.55" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetLocalGroupId (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="644.0" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,134,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="647.01" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="571.6" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,106,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="574.57" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="902.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,227,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="905.46" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetNextLocalTransactionId (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="603.0" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,56,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="605.98" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>read_tsc (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="180.3" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,28,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.27" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (10,101,010,000 samples, 1.05%)</title><rect x="314.8" y="565" width="12.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,107,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="317.76" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BinaryInputFunctionDefined (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="675.3" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,217,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="678.26" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_utf8_verifystr (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="599.6" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,192,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="602.64" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="571.7" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,210,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="574.73" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="257.7" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,55,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="260.70" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetFastPathCachedPlan (3,777,777,740 samples, 0.39%)</title><rect x="425.3" y="629" width="4.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,167,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.32" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleStoreTupleDestTupleDescForQuery (414,141,410 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="889.7" y="565" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,213,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="892.66" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finish_task_switch.isra.0 (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1012.9" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,224,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1015.91" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>slot_getsomeattrs_int (525,252,520 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1055.2" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,149,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1058.23" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dev_queue_xmit (5,767,676,710 samples, 0.60%)</title><rect x="202.5" y="581" width="7.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,165,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="205.47" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,190,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.77" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,66,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.53" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_seq_init (717,171,710 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1096.6" y="709" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,39,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.62" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="376.8" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,12,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="379.80" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="593.2" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,200,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="596.18" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="456.4" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="459.39" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="941.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,112,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="944.36" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_alloc_send_pskb (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="24.2" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,78,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.22" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_mutator (535,353,530 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="481.8" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,150,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.80" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getVariable (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="26.0" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,154,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.02" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,128,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.42" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__kmalloc_node_track_caller (626,262,620 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="72.7" y="581" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,199,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.70" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>skb_copy_datagram_from_iter (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="361.6" y="629" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,94,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.62" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.5" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,173,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.50" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,151,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.71" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContext (757,575,750 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="472.8" y="453" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,1,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="475.80" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_eventpoll_release (33,646,464,310 samples, 3.50%)</title><rect x="768.7" y="421" width="41.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,106,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="771.73" y="431.5" >ep_..</text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="390.1" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,195,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="393.11" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[[vdso]] (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1081.0" y="645" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,62,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1084.04" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="129.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,9,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.35" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__call_rcu (797,979,790 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="804.1" y="373" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,145,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="807.13" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (282,828,280 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1118.0" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,35,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.03" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmsgint (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="876.7" y="517" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,117,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="879.72" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshotWithLevel (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1060.6" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,9,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1063.58" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1058.2" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,99,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1061.24" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_ptr (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1114.7" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,105,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.67" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="377.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,180,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.26" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckAndResetAllowedShardKeyValueIfNeeded (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="623.5" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,126,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="626.45" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (696,969,690 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="608.0" y="709" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,112,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="611.05" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1072.1" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,103,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.10" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getbyte (43,949,494,510 samples, 4.58%)</title><rect x="296.9" y="773" width="54.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,82,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.94" y="783.5" >pq_ge..</text>
<g >
<title>uint32_hash (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="632.9" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,170,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="635.89" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_release_cb (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="189.6" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,222,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.63" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="98.9" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,130,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.93" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrepareWorkerNodeCache (2,727,272,700 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="496.0" y="533" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,111,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.03" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="377.2" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,38,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.16" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>release_sock (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="189.4" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,177,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.38" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcg_slab_free_hook (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1025.9" y="437" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,183,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1028.95" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1182.4" y="757" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,173,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1185.44" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_evex_unaligned_erms (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.0" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,104,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="621.96" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,97,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.59" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQgetResult (1,121,212,110 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="881.1" y="549" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,31,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="884.07" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL (1,717,171,700 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="573.3" y="677" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,229,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="576.34" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="876.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,173,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="879.13" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__copy_skb_header (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="199.0" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,74,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="201.98" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (484,848,480 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="776.6" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,8,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="779.55" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_ksoftirqd (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,103,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskQueryString (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="729.7" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,52,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="732.70" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="17.9" y="885" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,55,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.92" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_txwqe_complete (474,747,470 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="207.8" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,197,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.85" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (636,363,630 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="663.6" y="517" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,69,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="666.64" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="678.6" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,122,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="681.55" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitForAllConnections (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1084.0" y="709" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,160,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1087.03" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="285.7" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,53,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="288.72" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irq (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1031.3" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,51,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1034.29" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AdaptiveExecutorPreExecutorRun (343,434,340 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="624.7" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,216,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="627.71" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="669.3" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,160,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="672.34" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="591.2" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,148,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="594.18" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="901" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,222,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.60" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/30 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.5" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,188,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.52" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_sendto (1,424,242,410 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="24.1" y="693" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,62,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.07" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyExtensibleNode (12,838,383,710 samples, 1.34%)</title><rect x="439.3" y="565" width="15.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,220,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.28" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="932.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,202,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="935.46" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsActiveShardPlacement (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="491.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,151,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="494.16" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqPipelineFlush (1,545,454,530 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="24.0" y="805" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,44,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.97" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="489.7" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,41,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.69" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1023.8" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,123,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1026.79" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="451.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,134,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="454.80" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ActiveShardPlacementOnGroup (3,404,040,370 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="701.4" y="485" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,172,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="704.35" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/10 (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.1" y="933" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,173,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.15" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(226,21,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.43" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>VarConstOpExprClause (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="529.7" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,9,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="532.70" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="109.4" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,70,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.35" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rcu_read_unlock (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="77.0" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,130,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.97" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecProcNodeFirst (328,111,107,830 samples, 34.18%)</title><rect x="639.8" y="693" width="403.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,113,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.79" y="703.5" >ExecProcNodeFirst</text>
<g >
<title>CommitTransaction (55,141,413,590 samples, 5.74%)</title><rect x="1071.0" y="773" width="67.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,148,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1073.99" y="783.5" >CommitT..</text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="579.4" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,28,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="582.40" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__qdisc_run (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="203.2" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,133,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.18" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="728.4" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,107,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="379.9" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,195,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="382.90" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TaskListModifiesDatabase (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="650.2" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,222,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.23" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsMultiStatementTransaction (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="698.0" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,53,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="701.00" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (5,575,757,520 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="397.6" y="773" width="6.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,109,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.65" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,139,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.30" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_core (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,39,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.73" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="659.8" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,22,10)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.81" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__get_user_8 (909,090,900 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="970.4" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,65,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="973.41" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UseConnectionPerPlacement (424,242,420 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="890.4" y="565" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,34,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="893.42" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateWaitEventSet (505,050,500 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="754.8" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,100,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="757.79" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_user_mode_loop (1,111,111,100 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="327.5" y="629" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,187,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.55" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (333,333,330 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="806.4" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,126,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="809.40" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AssociatePlacementWithShard (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="696.8" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,144,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="699.76" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmsgint (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1145.4" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,212,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.35" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayFree (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1124.6" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,7,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.61" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.6" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,173,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.56" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="543.9" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,105,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="546.89" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="238.0" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,34,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="241.02" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1032.2" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,188,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1035.21" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__local_bh_enable_ip (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="172.1" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,56,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.05" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyExtensibleNode (15,989,898,830 samples, 1.67%)</title><rect x="438.2" y="613" width="19.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,191,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.23" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="920.4" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,161,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="923.40" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTask (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="503.8" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,175,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="506.79" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1154.6" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,93,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1157.57" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (464,646,460 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="377.0" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,13,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="380.00" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_endmessage_reuse (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1049.3" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,10,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1052.33" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1018.6" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,72,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.59" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcceptInvalidationMessages (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="399.2" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,225,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="402.17" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeWaitEventSet (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="650.4" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,102,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.40" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="799.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,222,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="802.73" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorEnd (6,676,767,610 samples, 0.70%)</title><rect x="1108.5" y="693" width="8.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,160,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.53" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyJobInfo (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="454.8" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,73,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="457.83" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_sublist_rcv (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,178,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.82" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_test_flags (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="146.0" y="901" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,108,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="149.04" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (1,999,999,980 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="927.5" y="437" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,217,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="930.45" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_write_unlock_irq (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="943.2" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,0,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="946.19" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pick_file (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="974.2" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,22,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="977.18" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.4" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,97,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.42" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="581.1" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,183,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="584.05" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="938.9" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,68,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="941.85" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_wait (21,979,797,760 samples, 2.29%)</title><rect x="303.1" y="709" width="27.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,9,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="306.06" y="719.5" >e..</text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="662.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,140,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="665.36" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1139.5" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,221,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.53" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCurrentTimestamp (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1144.1" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,120,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.11" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_bytes (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="498.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,75,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="501.07" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="647.8" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,177,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.81" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="376.8" y="581" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,203,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="379.80" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="609.5" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,221,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="612.49" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pq_getmsgstring (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1145.6" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,81,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.63" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1092.8" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,206,7)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.82" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (1,494,949,480 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="981.4" y="453" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,218,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="984.44" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrepareWorkerNodeCache (939,393,930 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="668.9" y="565" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,24,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="671.88" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smpboot_thread_fn (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="885" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,29,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.60" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="542.5" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,195,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="545.49" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_protocol_deliver_rcu (585,858,580 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="797.4" y="133" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,67,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.42" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1108.1" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,177,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.11" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,102,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.45" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="305.0" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(219,20,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="307.98" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="568.8" y="645" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,53,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="571.76" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreatePruningNode (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="531.1" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,90,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="534.08" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1018.8" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,105,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1021.84" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SafeSnprintf (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="559.9" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,7,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="562.93" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="434.5" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,102,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.46" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_object_size.part.0 (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="242.3" y="725" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,112,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="245.32" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,16,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.36" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ktime_get (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="180.1" y="709" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,53,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.13" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_recvfrom (13,222,222,090 samples, 1.38%)</title><rect x="332.7" y="677" width="16.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,192,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.75" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (132,606,059,280 samples, 13.81%)</title><rect x="421.2" y="709" width="163.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,103,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="424.17" y="719.5" >ExecInitNode</text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="512.3" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,187,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="515.29" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rate_check_app_limited (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="243.5" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,79,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="246.47" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copy_from_user (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="904.5" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,209,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.47" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FastPathUnGrantRelationLock (393,939,390 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1127.9" y="709" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,101,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.91" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTableTypeCacheEntry (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="521.0" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,216,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="524.05" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfn_valid (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="348.7" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,56,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.73" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ProcReleaseLocks (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1125.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,64,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.28" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.5" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,169,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.53" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rb_next (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1029.0" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,125,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1032.02" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetFree (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1110.4" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,209,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.41" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nft_do_chain (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1184.1" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,93,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.05" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tuplestore_gettupleslot (545,454,540 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1040.8" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,9,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1043.81" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (232,323,230 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="660.2" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,105,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="663.23" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayEnlarge (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="594.8" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,126,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="597.84" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,19,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.42" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (919,191,910 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="122.6" y="789" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,105,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.59" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.3" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,32,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.28" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initStringInfo (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1058.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,87,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1061.21" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unix_stream_read_actor (1,484,848,470 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="49.2" y="709" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,33,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.20" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="77.1" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,136,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.14" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__x64_sys_sendto (17,949,494,770 samples, 1.87%)</title><rect x="357.0" y="693" width="22.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,204,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.00" y="703.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>tcp_rcv_established (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,194,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.40" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_poll (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="27.0" y="773" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,89,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.03" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>validate_xmit_skb (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="209.7" y="597" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,148,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="212.67" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>napi_complete_done (888,888,880 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="797.3" y="245" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,186,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="800.25" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter.constprop.0 (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="246.2" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,27,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="249.22" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="868.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,187,15)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="871.21" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getBaseTypeAndTypmod (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="677.1" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,34,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="680.07" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (252,525,250 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="274.8" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,59,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="277.77" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (4,373,737,330 samples, 0.46%)</title><rect x="819.5" y="405" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,21,16)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="822.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int8out (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="707.4" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,125,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="710.42" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/24 (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="933" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,132,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.18" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (818,181,810 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="703.7" y="405" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(217,139,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="706.70" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge_pages (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="24.4" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,45,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.37" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalDrop (10,929,292,820 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1107.3" y="741" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,43,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1110.34" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="723.4" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,122,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="726.38" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CRYPTO_memcmp (1,191,919,180 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="129.8" y="917" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,110,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.83" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dma_direct_map_page (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="207.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,108,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="210.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__get_user_8 (656,565,650 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="328.0" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,3,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.97" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tcp_v4_do_rcv (444,444,440 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1011.5" y="165" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,135,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.53" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="403.2" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,202,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="406.25" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecProcNodeFirst (272,727,270 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="637.4" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,152,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="640.41" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (6,757,575,690 samples, 0.70%)</title><rect x="737.0" y="469" width="8.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,98,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="740.01" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (10,767,676,660 samples, 1.12%)</title><rect x="314.0" y="597" width="13.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,226,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="316.95" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>datumCopy (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="475.1" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(254,144,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.12" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_q_add (383,838,380 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1014.3" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,106,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1017.34" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="493.9" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,64,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="496.92" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_obj_cgroup_from_current (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="914.0" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,43,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="917.03" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__kmalloc_node_track_caller (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="241.1" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,60,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="244.06" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="131.1" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,198,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.14" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="728.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,135,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.42" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrepareWorkerNodeCache (565,656,560 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="656.5" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,213,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="659.49" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>advanceConnectionState (3,909,090,870 samples, 0.41%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="869" width="4.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,139,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.57" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExternalFD (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="735.5" y="549" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,201,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="738.52" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="255.4" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,214,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="258.39" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="660.0" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,99,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="662.98" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="755.2" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,71,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.21" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="246.9" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,63,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="249.89" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (555,555,550 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1110.3" y="597" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,213,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.33" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (363,636,360 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1188.4" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,114,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.39" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="141.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,114,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.36" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="796.3" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,59,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="799.29" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="828.5" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,93,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="831.45" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_def_readable (202,020,200 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,70,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.42" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (7,535,353,460 samples, 0.78%)</title><rect x="736.1" y="517" width="9.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,174,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="739.09" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (2,565,656,540 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="551.2" y="501" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,203,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="554.17" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>avc_has_perm (353,535,350 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="39.4" y="693" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,12,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.35" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="917" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,225,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.41" y="927.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_wfree (2,212,121,190 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.5" y="661" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,148,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.48" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildPlacementSelectList (2,919,191,890 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="670.3" y="581" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,42,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="673.32" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,31,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.97" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="480.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,83,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="483.08" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>recomputeNamespacePath (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="404.2" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,183,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="407.18" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="929.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,183,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="932.74" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dostr (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="619.3" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,175,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="622.27" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="443.2" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,92,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.23" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1011.1" y="357" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,199,23)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.11" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BIO_read_ex (494,949,490 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="145.4" y="901" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(209,97,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="148.43" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ksoftirqd/12 (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.5" y="933" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,71,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.53" y="943.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,101,12)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="632.7" y="549" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,225,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="635.72" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="550.5" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,176,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="553.52" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="676.9" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,27,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="679.92" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_generic_unrolled (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="904.7" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,113,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="907.66" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="880.4" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,131,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="883.37" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__check_heap_object (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="348.6" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,89,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.57" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="490.7" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(249,114,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="493.72" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="121.2" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,102,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.22" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetAnchorShardId (787,878,780 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="511.6" y="629" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,53,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="514.65" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="233.4" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,14,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="236.39" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pv_queued_spin_lock_slowpath (686,868,680 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="748.7" y="405" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,186,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="751.67" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="667.2" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(218,37,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="670.18" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DistributedPlanModifiesDatabase (171,717,170 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="626.2" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,37,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="629.16" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.6" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,9,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.57" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>gettimeofday (404,040,400 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="382.4" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,186,0)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="385.39" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCitusTable (3,131,313,100 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="515.3" y="597" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,118,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="518.31" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>obj_cgroup_charge_pages (909,090,900 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="75.1" y="565" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,41,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.13" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PQconsumeInput (949,494,940 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="21.8" y="853" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,44,14)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.76" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_malloc (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="19.1" y="901" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,117,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.05" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="500.5" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(221,42,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.54" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__key.4 (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="199.9" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,22,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="202.92" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="632.7" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,190,11)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="635.72" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(212,86,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.77" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>EnsureTaskExecutionAllowed (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="650.0" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,143,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="653.05" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AtEOXact_Buffers (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1072.8" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,42,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1075.77" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_evex (111,111,110 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="487.2" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,28,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.21" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfn_valid (262,626,260 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="361.9" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,117,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.89" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.1" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,117,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.15" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>asm_common_interrupt (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="296.6" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(216,204,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="299.57" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_file_free (191,919,190 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="811.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,70,18)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="814.78" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheList (1,020,202,010 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="526.1" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,20,9)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="529.13" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_exit_to_user_mode (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="744.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,178,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="747.86" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,169,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.55" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CitusAddWaitEventSetToSet (13,484,848,350 samples, 1.40%)</title><rect x="902.9" y="581" width="16.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,175,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="905.93" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (222,222,220 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1108.1" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,92,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.08" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>netif_receive_skb_list_internal (242,424,240 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="138.5" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,182,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.54" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (292,929,290 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="267.0" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,177,22)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="270.04" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="414.7" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(205,161,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.73" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_list_rcv (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="164.5" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,158,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="167.51" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_ct_get_tuple (212,121,210 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="222.6" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,82,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.62" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clock_gettime (515,151,510 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="59.2" y="869" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,115,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.18" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="292.4" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,184,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="295.36" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nf_hook_slow_list (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="967.9" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,24,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.86" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__softirqentry_text_start (151,515,150 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,24,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.87" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1108.1" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,50,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.13" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resetPQExpBuffer@plt (323,232,320 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="728.6" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,195,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="731.55" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__irq_exit_rcu (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="913.5" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(225,120,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="916.51" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ipv4_conntrack_defrag (373,737,370 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="216.7" y="629" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,223,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="219.66" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_softirq (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="218.8" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(206,198,8)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="221.76" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (999,999,990 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="561.2" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,100,13)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="564.24" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="759.1" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,222,5)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="762.06" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidInputFunctionCall (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="292.9" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,185,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="295.92" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__netif_receive_skb_list_core (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="383.8" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,50,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.78" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (7,313,131,240 samples, 0.76%)</title><rect x="745.8" y="533" width="9.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(213,186,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="748.76" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="269.1" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,15,4)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="272.08" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mlx5e_napi_poll (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1152.4" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,52,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.44" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_bind_message (141,414,140 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1148.6" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(211,12,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.59" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pqGets (303,030,300 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="883.8" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(215,200,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="886.81" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ip_local_out (12,232,323,110 samples, 1.27%)</title><rect x="215.7" y="677" width="15.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(214,31,1)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="218.69" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ChoosePortalStrategy (161,616,160 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="411.1" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,84,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.07" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__get_xps_queue_idx (575,757,570 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="212.0" y="581" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,57,6)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="215.02" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_do_batch (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,178,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.98" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (101,010,100 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="502.3" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,170,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="505.29" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>common_interrupt (121,212,120 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="161.9" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,74,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="164.93" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pgstat_report_xact_timestamp (131,313,130 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="610.7" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,209,3)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="613.65" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sock_alloc_send_pskb (4,424,242,380 samples, 0.46%)</title><rect x="72.2" y="645" width="5.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(207,31,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.23" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>net_rx_action (90,909,090 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(210,190,2)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.46" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (1,010,101,000 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="24.5" y="597" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,211,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.53" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__napi_poll (181,818,180 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="805" width="0.2" h
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