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Created November 7, 2019 17:49
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Talently HR 1st problems
def almostSorted(arr):
s = sorted(arr)
diffcount = 0
diff1 = None
diff2 = None
for i in range(len(arr)):
if s[i] != arr[i]: # if both positions arent the same then we record a difference
diffcount += 1
if diff1 == None: # if no difference has been set yet we assign it to the first appearance
diff1 = i
elif diffcount > 1: # if there is already a difference we record the second apprerance
diff2 = i
if diffcount == 2: #if the difference is exactely 2 items, we swap them
arr[diff1], arr[diff2] = arr[diff2], arr[diff1]
if arr == s: # if this creates an ordered list great!
print("swap {} {}".format(diff1+1, diff2+1))
elif diffcount > 2: # if the difference is bigger then we need to check if reverse works
arr = arr[:diff1] + arr[diff1:diff2+1][::-1] + arr[diff2+1:]
if arr == s:
print("reverse {} {}".format(diff1+1, diff2+1))
elif arr == s:
assert(almostSorted([4,2])== "yes\n swap 1 2")
assert(almostSorted([3,2,1]) =="no")
assert(almostSorted([1,5,4,3,2,6]) =="yes \n reverse 2 5")
from functools import reduce
def convert_grid_to_num(grid):
rows = grid.split("\n")[1:-1]
ngrid = []
for r in rows:
newrow = []
for c in r:
if c == ".":
elif c == "O":
return ngrid
def convert_grid_to_rep(grid):
ngrid = []
for r in grid:
newrow = []
for c in r:
if c == 0:
else :
text_rep = ""
for r in ngrid:
text_rep += "".join(r)
text_rep += "\n"
return text_rep
# need enumerate
def pass_time(grid):
ngrid = []
blowup = []
for i, r in enumerate(grid):
newrow = []
for j,c in enumerate(r):
if c > 1:
elif c == 0:
# blows up
for exp in blowup:
#try: #exp(5,0)
# arriba
if exp[0] > 0:
ngrid[exp[0]-1][exp[1]] = 0 #(4,0)
# izq
if exp[1] > 0:
ngrid[exp[0]][exp[1]-1] = 0 # no entra
# abajo
if exp[0] < len(ngrid):
ngrid[exp[0]][exp[1]] = 0 # (5,0)
# derecha
if exp[1] < len(ngrid[0]):
ngrid[exp[0]][exp[1]+1] = 0 # (5, 2)
return ngrid
def bomberMan(n, grid):
turn = 0
# initial setup
grid = convert_grid_to_num(grid)
while turn < n:
grid = pass_time(grid)
turn +=1
#grid = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y ,grid)
grid_1 = """
assert(bomberMan(3, grid_1) == """
# suboptimal?
def compareTriplets(a, b):
r = [0,0]
for i in range(len(a)):
if a[i]>b[i]:
r[0] += 1
elif b[i] > a[i]:
r[1] +=1
return r
assert(compareTriplets([5,6,7], [3,6,10])== [1, 1])
# suboptimal but passed all the tests
def findDigits(n):
d = f"{n}"
count = 0
for i in d:
if int(i):
if n % int(i) == 0:
count +=1
return count
# suboptimal but still passed
def migratoryBirds(arr):
s = set(arr)
d = {}
for bird in s:
d[bird] = arr.count(bird)
return max(d.keys(), key=(lambda k: d[k]))
# n = Number of prisioners
# m = number of candy
# s = starting seat
# SubOptimal bruteforce
def saveThePrisoner(n, m, s):
while m > 1:
if s == n:
s = 0
s += 1
m -= 1
return s
# best
def saveThePrisoner(n,m,s):
# modulo number of candy and prisioners
remain = m % n
if(remain + s -1)% n == 0:
return n
return (remain + s -1) % n
# if bigger than 0 add that s
# if less than 0
def timeInWords(h, m):
rep = {
1: "one",
2: "two",
3: "three",
4: "four",
5: "five",
6: "six",
7: "seven",
8: "eight",
9: "nine",
10: "ten",
11: "eleven",
12: "twelve",
13: "thirteen",
14: "fourteen",
15: "quarter",
16: "sixteen",
17: "seventeen",
18: "eighteen",
19: "nineteen",
20: "twenty",
30: "thirty"
if m == 0:
return f"{rep[h]} o' clock"
elif m == 30:
return f"half past {rep[h]}"
elif m == 15:
return f"quarter past {rep[h]}"
elif m == 45:
return f"quarter to {rep[h +1]}"
elif m > 30:
if m < 40:
return f"twenty {rep[m % 30]} minutes to {rep[h +1]}"
return f"{rep[60 - m]} minutes to {rep[h +1]}"
elif m < 30:
if m == 1:
return f"{rep[m]} minute past {rep[h]}"
if m > 20:
return f"twenty {rep[m % 20]} minutes past {rep[h]}"
return f"{rep[m]} minutes past {rep[h]}"
assert(timeInWords(5,47) == "thirteen minutes to six")
assert(timeInWords(3,00) == "three o' clock")
assert(timeInWords(7,15) == "quarter past seven")
assert(timeInWords(6, 28) == "twenty eight minutes past six")
assert(timeInWords(6,35) == "twenty five minutes to seven")
assert(timeInWords(5,45) == "quarter to six")
assert(timeInWords(1,1) == "one minute past one")
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