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Created September 12, 2011 08:18
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Git configuration
export PS1="\u:\W $ "
#GIT bash by HABR (modified by Dundee)
export PSORIG="$PS1"
function GITBRANCH() {
BRANCH="$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*' | cut -d" " -f2-)"
if [ -n "$BRANCH" ] ; then
export PS1="\u:\W "
export PS1=$PS1$(echo -en "\[\033[00;37m\]$BRANCH \[\033[00m\]")
export PS1=$PS1'$ '
export PS1="$PSORIG"
name = Ondrej Mirtes
email =
autocrlf = input
safecrlf = true
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
ui = auto
interactive = auto
[color "branch"]
current = yellow reverse
local = yellow
remote = green
[color "diff"]
meta = yellow
frag = magenta
old = red
new = green
[color "status"]
added = green
changed = yellow
untracked = cyan
fetch = fetch -p
f = fetch -p
m = merge
mom = merge origin/master
p = push
pf = push --force
st = status -s
sts = status
cm = commit
cma = commit --amend
unstage = reset HEAD
br = branch
co = checkout
rh = reset --hard
stash = stash --keep-index
su = submodule update --recursive
df = diff
dfc = diff --cached
l = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
ll = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all
ld = log -p
ls = log --stat
test = push -f origin HEAD:test
selenium = push -f origin HEAD:selenium
stats = shortlog -n -s --no-merges
rmb = !sh -c 'git push origin :$1' -
rb = rebase
rbi = rebase -i
rbc = rebase --continue
rba = rebase --abort
rbom = rebase origin/master
rbiom = rebase -i origin/master
cp = cherry-pick
optimize = !git prune && git gc --aggressive && git repack -a && git prune-packed
[remote "origin"]
push = HEAD
# OS generated files #
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