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@@@@@@ CNFA starts consuming!
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
Configurations: 1
for i in DIRECTORY/* ; do cat $i | sed 's/.$//' > tmp_file ; mv tmp_file $i ; done
for i in `seq 1 ${ITERATIONS}` ; do
cat file1
done >> file2
Unhandled Exception:
System.Exception: While processing \\A ( $pattern ) \\z ---> Microsoft.Automata.AutomataException: SetIsEmpty
at Microsoft.Automata.BDD.GetMin () [0x0001c] in <ed37cda930154c81bcbcc9b765463995>:0
at Microsoft.Automata.SymbolicRegexNode`1+<>c__DisplayClass109_0[S].<GetFixedPrefix>b__3 (Microsoft.Automata.BDD x) [0x00000] in <ed37cda930154c81bcbcc9b765463995>:0
at Microsoft.Automata.SymbolicRegexNode`1+<>c__DisplayClass109_1[S].<GetFixedPrefix>b__4 (Microsoft.Automata.BDD x) [0x00000] in <ed37cda930154c81bcbcc9b765463995>:0
at System.Array.ConvertAll[TInput,TOutput] (TInput[] array, System.Converter`2[TInput,TOutput] converter) [0x00032] in <d0e12f672b88444ab4b6d9b2ecf20142>:0
at Microsoft.Automata.SymbolicRegexNode`1[S].GetFixedPrefix (Microsoft.Automata.CharSetSolver css) [0x000b2] in <ed37cda930154c81bcbcc9b765463995>:0
at Microsoft.Automata.SymbolicRegex`1[S]..ctor (Microsoft.Automata.SymbolicRegexNode`1[S] sr, Microsoft.Automata.CharSetSolver css, Microsoft.Automata.BDD[] m
ondrik / Dockerfile
Last active August 26, 2022 08:09 — forked from rmoehn/Dockerfile
Dockerfile for running Anki inside a Docker Container on Debian Stable
# Credits:
# -
# -
# Prepare (example):
# $ mkdir AnkiDocker
# $ cd AnkiDocker
# $ # Save this file to Dockerfile and adapt it to your needs.