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Last active March 29, 2021 05:03
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  • Save oneEyedSunday/e6b53cbd7380fc16b6655314c4774825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save oneEyedSunday/e6b53cbd7380fc16b6655314c4774825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gists for Blog post about logging and latency
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const { promisify, format } = require('util')
const defaultOutputPath = path.join(__dirname, 'dump.csv')
const outPath = process.argv[3] ? path.resolve(process.argv[3]) : path.resolve(defaultOutputPath)
const entryCount = process.argv[2] ? Number(process.argv[2]) : 50000"Csv generator for contacts")
console.log("Specify number of entries, default is 50k entries")
console.log(`Specify location to write file to, default is ${defaultOutputPath}`)
console.log("Usage 200000 ~/files/dump.csv")
console.log(`Generating ${entryCount} entries and writing to ${outPath}`)
const seed = {
first: ['Ali', 'Simbi', 'Chuks', 'Musa', 'Hegazi', 'Raymond', 'Sule', 'Samson', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Stefan', 'Kalus', 'Kitoshi'],
second: ['Mikasa', 'Eren', 'Armin', 'Levi', '', '', '',, '', 'Luc', 'Oyebanjo', 'Dupont', 'Raymond', 'Clark', 'Stefan', '', '', 'Musatafa', 'Edmond', 'Tesfaye'],
third: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'a@b', '', '', 'a@b.c', 'a@w.x', 'defo not an email', 'sssjsjsjs', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'retro'],
fourth: ['(+01) 200020202', '(+234) 700 1111 0000', '(+234) 890 0923 3456', '019203304', '00129201092', '8192202011', '91982290101', '020928281910', '0192822939381', '727211919191', '8828229300303', '91910222', '222922=290290029', '2782882-9292828', '(01) 902 3455', '09 7283 9921', '02 345 8904', '05 783 0234', '01 234 0023', '01 234 4234', '05 3920 0293', '01 2939 039393', '01 0293 93300', '01 2334 9948', '01 299304 0', 'sssshj', 'definitely nota phone number', 'eueuueeeyeyey'],
fifth: Array(20).fill(0).map(() => Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '',).substr(0, 5))
* @type {fs.WriteStream}
let fHandle;
.then(() => { fHandle = fs.createWriteStream(outPath, { flags: 'a' }); })
.then(() => appendToFile(fHandle, "first_row, second_row, thrid_row, fourth_row, fifth_row\n"))
.then(() => Promise.all(Array(entryCount).fill(0).map(() => {
return appendToFile(fHandle, format("%s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", ...getRow())).catch(err => {
console.error('Failed to write: ', err.message)
.finally(() => fHandle.end())
* @returns {Array<string>}
function getRow() {
return Object.keys(seed).map(key => getRandomFromArray(seed[key]))
function getRandomFromArray(array = []) {
return array[~~(Math.random() * array.length)]
* @param {string} filePath
* @returns
function truncateFile(filePath) {
return promisify(fs.writeFile)(filePath, '', { flag: 'w' });
* @param {fs.WriteStream} fileHandle
* @param {Buffer | string} data
* @returns
function appendToFile(fileHandle, data) {
return promisify(fileHandle.write.bind(fileHandle))(data);
echo "Csv generator for anything"
echo "Specify number of entries, default is 50k entries"
echo "Specify location to write file to, default is $CWD/dump.csv"
echo "Usage 200000 ~/files/dump.csv"
echo "Generating $entry_count entries and writing to $write_loc"
echo "header_one, header_two, other headers " > $write_loc
one=('Ali' 'Simbi' 'Chuks' 'Musa' 'Hegazi' 'Raymond' 'Sule' 'Samson' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Stefan' 'Kalus' 'Kitoshi')
second_row=('Mikasa' 'Eren' 'Armin' 'Levi' '' '' '' '' 'Luc' 'Oyebanjo' 'Dupont' 'Raymond' 'Clark' 'Stefan' '' '' 'Musatafa' 'Edmond' 'Tesfaye')
RANDOM=$$$(date +%s)
for index in $(seq 1 $entry_count)
random_first=${one[$RANDOM % ${#one[@]}]}
random_last=${second_row[$RANDOM % ${#second_row[@]}]}
echo "$random_first, $random_last" >> $write_loc
const Winston = require('winston')
function createLogger(transport) {
return Winston.createLogger({
transports: [transport],
level: process.env.LOG_LEVEL || 'silly'
module.exports = {
proxiedConsole: new Proxy({}, {
get: (_, p) => {
if(['info', 'error'].includes(p)) return console[p];
return console.log;
bareConsole: ({
log: console.log,
debug: console.log,
error: console.error
winstonConsole: createLogger(new Winston.transports.Console({
format: Winston.format.combine(
Winston.format.printf(info =>
`${info.level}[${info.label || info.timestamp}]: ${info.message}`)
winstonFile: createLogger(new Winston.transports.File({
filename: 'demo.log',
dirname: __dirname
const http = require('http')
const loggers = require('./loggers');
const debug = (...args) => console.log(require('util').format(...args));
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
req.on('error', (err) => handleServerErrorResponse(res, JSON.stringify({ message: err.message })));
if (req.method === 'POST') {
streamBody(req, () => handleServerResponse(res, JSON.stringify({ message: 'Success' })), 'application/json');
} else {
return handleServerResponse(res, JSON.stringify({ message: 'noop' }));
server.listen(9000, () => {
const address = server.address();
const formattedAddress = `${} ${address.address}:${address.port}`;
console.log(`Server up and listening at ${formattedAddress}`);
* @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} res
function handleServerResponse(res, payload, type = 'text/plain', code = 200) {
res.writeHead(code, { 'Content-Type': type });
function handleServerErrorResponse(res, payload) {
return handleServerResponse(res, payload, 'application/json', 500);
* @param {import('http').IncomingMessage} req
* @param {Function} successCallBack
function streamBody(req, successCallBack) {
// use worker thread???
let processCount = 0;
req.on('data', (chunk) => {
const asString = chunk.toString();
// For our server, we;d just parse all lines
// do a little cleaning
if (asString.startsWith('--------------------------') || asString.startsWith('Content-')) return
// console.log(chunk.length, chunk);
// console.log('Raw log line');
// loggers.proxiedConsole.debug(`Chunk size processed: ${chunk.length}`)
// loggers.bareConsole.debug(`Chunk size processed: ${chunk.length}`)
// loggers.winstonConsole.debug(`Chunk size processed: ${chunk.length}`)
// loggers.winstonFile.debug(`Chunk size processed: ${chunk.length}`)
// debug("Chunk size processed: %d\n", chunk.lengh);
// console.log(`Chunk size processed: ${chunk.length}`)
req.on('end', () => {
console.log(`Done reading request body in ${processCount} iterations`);
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