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Last active November 13, 2020 02:06
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Ember Models Table with Semantic UI
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
collapseAllRows() {
Ember.get(this, 'collapseAllRows')();
expandAllRows() {
Ember.get(this, 'expandAllRows')();
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
collapseRow(index, record) {
Ember.get(this, 'collapseRow')(index, record);
expandRow(index, record) {
Ember.get(this, 'expandRow')(index, record);
import Ember from 'ember';
import Select from 'ember-models-table/components/models-table/select';
export default Select.extend({
classNames: ['ui fluid dropdown']
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle'
import Ember from 'ember';
import Semantic from 'app/themes/semantic';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
useNumericPagination: false,
expandedRowComponent: 'expanded-row',
columns: [
component: 'expand-toggle',
componentForFilterCell: 'expand-all-toggle',
mayBeHidden: false
{propertyName: 'id'},
{propertyName: 'firstName'},
{propertyName: 'lastName', filterWithSelect: true}
columnSets: [
"label": "Only Name",
"showColumns": [
themeInstance: Semantic
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model() {
return Promise.resolve([
{id: '1', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Raynor'},
{id: '2', firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Kerrigan'},
{id: '3', firstName: 'Rory', lastName: 'Swann'},
{id: '4', firstName: 'Tychus', lastName: 'Findlay'},
{id: '5', firstName: 'Nova', lastName: 'Tera'},
{id: '6', firstName: 'Gabriel', lastName: 'Tosh'},
{id: '7', firstName: 'Egon', lastName: 'Stetmann'},
{id: '8', firstName: 'Horace', lastName: 'Warfield'},
{id: '9', firstName: 'Carolina', lastName: 'Davis'},
{id: '10', firstName: 'Alexei', lastName: 'Stukov'},
{id: '11', firstName: 'Valerian', lastName: 'Mengsk'},
{id: '12', firstName: 'Ariel', lastName: 'Hanson'},
{id: '13', firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Horner'},
{id: '1', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Raynor'},
{id: '2', firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Kerrigan'},
{id: '3', firstName: 'Rory', lastName: 'Swann'},
{id: '4', firstName: 'Tychus', lastName: 'Findlay'},
{id: '5', firstName: 'Nova', lastName: 'Tera'},
{id: '6', firstName: 'Gabriel', lastName: 'Tosh'},
{id: '7', firstName: 'Egon', lastName: 'Stetmann'},
{id: '8', firstName: 'Horace', lastName: 'Warfield'},
{id: '9', firstName: 'Carolina', lastName: 'Davis'},
{id: '10', firstName: 'Alexei', lastName: 'Stukov'},
{id: '11', firstName: 'Valerian', lastName: 'Mengsk'},
{id: '12', firstName: 'Ariel', lastName: 'Hanson'},
{id: '13', firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Horner'},
{id: '1', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Raynor'},
{id: '2', firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Kerrigan'},
{id: '3', firstName: 'Rory', lastName: 'Swann'},
{id: '4', firstName: 'Tychus', lastName: 'Findlay'},
{id: '5', firstName: 'Nova', lastName: 'Tera'},
{id: '6', firstName: 'Gabriel', lastName: 'Tosh'},
{id: '7', firstName: 'Egon', lastName: 'Stetmann'},
{id: '8', firstName: 'Horace', lastName: 'Warfield'},
{id: '9', firstName: 'Carolina', lastName: 'Davis'},
{id: '10', firstName: 'Alexei', lastName: 'Stukov'},
{id: '11', firstName: 'Valerian', lastName: 'Mengsk'},
{id: '12', firstName: 'Ariel', lastName: 'Hanson'},
{id: '13', firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Horner'},
{id: '1', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Raynor'},
{id: '2', firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Kerrigan'},
{id: '3', firstName: 'Rory', lastName: 'Swann'},
{id: '4', firstName: 'Tychus', lastName: 'Findlay'},
{id: '5', firstName: 'Nova', lastName: 'Tera'},
{id: '6', firstName: 'Gabriel', lastName: 'Tosh'},
{id: '7', firstName: 'Egon', lastName: 'Stetmann'},
{id: '8', firstName: 'Horace', lastName: 'Warfield'},
{id: '9', firstName: 'Carolina', lastName: 'Davis'},
{id: '10', firstName: 'Alexei', lastName: 'Stukov'},
{id: '11', firstName: 'Valerian', lastName: 'Mengsk'},
{id: '12', firstName: 'Ariel', lastName: 'Hanson'},
{id: '13', firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Horner'},
{id: '1', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Raynor'},
{id: '2', firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Kerrigan'},
{id: '3', firstName: 'Rory', lastName: 'Swann'},
{id: '4', firstName: 'Tychus', lastName: 'Findlay'},
{id: '5', firstName: 'Nova', lastName: 'Tera'},
{id: '6', firstName: 'Gabriel', lastName: 'Tosh'},
{id: '7', firstName: 'Egon', lastName: 'Stetmann'},
{id: '8', firstName: 'Horace', lastName: 'Warfield'},
{id: '9', firstName: 'Carolina', lastName: 'Davis'},
{id: '10', firstName: 'Alexei', lastName: 'Stukov'},
{id: '11', firstName: 'Valerian', lastName: 'Mengsk'},
{id: '12', firstName: 'Ariel', lastName: 'Hanson'},
{id: '13', firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Horner'},
{id: '1', firstName: 'Jim', lastName: 'Raynor'},
{id: '2', firstName: 'Sarah', lastName: 'Kerrigan'},
{id: '3', firstName: 'Rory', lastName: 'Swann'},
{id: '4', firstName: 'Tychus', lastName: 'Findlay'},
{id: '5', firstName: 'Nova', lastName: 'Tera'},
{id: '6', firstName: 'Gabriel', lastName: 'Tosh'},
{id: '7', firstName: 'Egon', lastName: 'Stetmann'},
{id: '8', firstName: 'Horace', lastName: 'Warfield'},
{id: '9', firstName: 'Carolina', lastName: 'Davis'},
{id: '10', firstName: 'Alexei', lastName: 'Stukov'},
{id: '11', firstName: 'Valerian', lastName: 'Mengsk'},
{id: '12', firstName: 'Ariel', lastName: 'Hanson'},
{id: '13', firstName: 'Matt', lastName: 'Horner'},
<div class="ui container">
<h1>Ember Models Table with Semantic UI</h1>
<a href="#" {{action "expandAllRows" bubbles=false}}><i class="plus icon"></i></a><br />
<a href="#" {{action "collapseAllRows" bubbles=false}} ><i class="icon minus"></i></a>
{{#if isExpanded}}
<a href="#" {{action "collapseRow" index record bubbles=false}}><i class="minus icon"></i></a>
<a href="#" {{action "expandRow" index record bubbles=false}}><i class="plus icon"></i></a>
<p>Detailed info about {{record.firstName}} {{record.lastName}} #{{}}.</p>
<div class="{{themeInstance.columnsDropdownWrapper}}">
<div class="ui compact menu right floated">
<div class="ui simple dropdown item">
{{messages.columns-title}} <i class="dropdown icon"></i>
<div class="menu">
{{#if columnDropdownOptions.showAll}}
<div class="item" {{action "showAllColumns" bubbles=false}}>{{messages.columns-showAll}}</div>
{{#if columnDropdownOptions.hideAll}}
<div class="item" {{action "hideAllColumns" bubbles=false}}>{{messages.columns-hideAll}}</div>
{{#if columnDropdownOptions.restoreDefaults}}
<div class="item" {{action "restoreDefaultVisibility" bubbles=false}}>{{messages.columns-restoreDefaults}}</div>
<div class="divider"></div>
{{#each columnDropdownOptions.columnSets as |columnSet|}}
<div class="item" {{action "toggleColumnSet" columnSet bubbles=false}}>{{columnSet.label}}</div>
<div class="divider"></div>
{{#each processedColumns as |column|}}
{{#if column.mayBeHidden}}
<div class="item" {{action "toggleHidden" column bubbles=false}}>
<i class="{{if column.isVisible themeInstance.column-visible themeInstance.column-hidden}}"></i> {{column.title}}
<div class="ui labeled icon input">
<div class="ui label">
{{input type="text"
{{#if globalFilterUsed}}
<i class="remove circle link icon" onclick={{action (mut value) ""}}></i>
<div class="ui icon buttons right floated">
{{#each visiblePageNumbers as |page|}}
{{#if page.isLink}}
<button class="ui button {{if page.isActive "active"}}" {{action "gotoCustomPage" page.label}}>{{page.label}}</button>
<button disabled="disabled" class="ui button" {{action "gotoCustomPage" page.label}}>{{page.label}}</button>
<div class="ui icon buttons right floated">
<button {{action "gotoFirst"}} class="ui button {{if gotoBackEnabled "enabled" "disabled"}}"><i class="angle double left icon"></i></button>
<button {{action "gotoPrev"}} class="ui button {{if gotoBackEnabled "enabled" "disabled"}}"><i class="angle left icon"></i></button>
<button {{action "gotoNext"}} class="ui button {{if gotoForwardEnabled "enabled" "disabled"}}"><i class="angle right icon"></i></button>
<button {{action "gotoLast"}} class="ui button {{if gotoForwardEnabled "enabled" "disabled"}}"><i class="angle double right icon"></i></button>
{{#each processedColumns as |column|}}
{{#if column.isVisible}}
<th class="{{themeInstance.theadCell}} {{unless column.useFilter
themeInstance.theadCellNoFiltering}} {{column.className}}">
{{#if column.componentForFilterCell}}
{{#if column.useFilter}}
{{#if column.filterWithSelect}}
<div class="select ui icon">
class=(concat themeInstance.input " changeFilterForColumn")
{{#if column.filterUsed}}
<i class="clearFilterIcon remove circle link icon" onclick={{action (mut column.filterString) ""}}></i>
<div class="ui icon input">
{{input type="text" value=column.filterString class=themeInstance.input enter=""
{{#if column.filterUsed}}
<i class="clearFilterIcon remove circle link icon" onclick={{action (mut column.filterString) ""}}></i>
<p>{{input type="checkbox" name="useNumericPagination" checked=useNumericPagination}} Use numeric pagination
{{models-table data=model columns=columns
themeInstance=themeInstance columnSets=columnSets useNumericPagination=useNumericPagination
import Default from './default';
import Ember from 'ember';
const {computed: {alias}} = Ember;
export default Default.extend({
table: 'ui selectable striped celled sortable table',
'column-visible': 'toggle on icon',
'column-hidden': 'toggle off icon',
'sort-asc': 'sort ascending icon',
'sort-desc': 'sort descending icon',
clearAllFiltersIcon: 'remove circle icon',
footerSummaryNumericPagination: 'nine wide column',
footerSummaryDefaultPagination: alias('footerSummaryNumericPagination'),
pageSizeWrapper: 'two wide column',
paginationWrapperNumeric: 'five wide column',
paginationWrapperDefault: alias('paginationWrapperNumeric'),
tfooterInternalWrapper: 'ui grid',
"version": "0.12.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "2.12.0",
"ember-template-compiler": "2.12.0",
"ember-testing": "2.12.0"
"addons": {
"ember-data": "2.12.1",
"ember-models-table": "2.0.0-beta.3",
"semantic-ui-ember": "2.0.1"
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