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Last active December 12, 2015 02:28
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Save onedanshow/4698867 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Capistrano task: Pull database for Magento to local machine
# DD: pull the MySQL database down
# DD: base code:
# DD: base code:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'colored'
namespace :db do
desc 'Pull the DB from the server'
task :pull, :roles => :db, :only => { :primary => true } do
filename = "#{application}.dump.#{}.sql"
filename_bz2 = "#{filename}.bz2"
remote_file = "#{current_path}/#{filename_bz2}"
# DD: grab remote data
raw = capture "cat #{shared_path}/public/app/etc/local.xml"
xml = Nokogiri::XML(raw)
host = xml.xpath("//connection/host").children.first.text
database = xml.xpath("//connection/dbname").children.first.text
username = xml.xpath("//connection/username").children.first.text
password = xml.xpath("//connection/password").children.first.text
table_prefix1 = xml.xpath("//db/table_prefix").children.first.text
admin_prefix1 = xml.xpath("//adminhtml//frontName").children.first.text
run "mysqldump -h #{host} -u #{username} -p #{database} | bzip2 -c > #{remote_file}" do |ch, stream, out|
ch.send_data "#{password}\n" if out =~ /^Enter password:/
# DD: transfer the file locally
download remote_file, filename_bz2, :via => :scp
run_locally("bzip2 -d #{filename_bz2}")
# DD: dump to local data
xml = Nokogiri::XML("public/app/etc/local.xml"))
host = xml.xpath("//connection/host").children.first.text
database = xml.xpath("//connection/dbname").children.first.text
username = xml.xpath("//connection/username").children.first.text
password = xml.xpath("//connection/password").children.first.text
table_prefix2 = xml.xpath("//db/table_prefix").children.first.text
admin_prefix2 = xml.xpath("//adminhtml//frontName").children.first.text
if admin_prefix1 != admin_prefix2
puts "WARNING: Your local admin prefix of '#{admin_prefix2}' is different from the remote admin prefix of '#{admin_prefix1}'. Just be cognizant of this.".red
if table_prefix1 != table_prefix2
puts "!-----------------------------!".red
puts "ERROR: Your local table prefix of '#{table_prefix2}' does not match the remote table prefix of '#{table_prefix1}'. Please use the same table prefix!".red
puts "!-----------------------------!".red
pwd_command = password && password.length > 0 ? "-p #{password}" : ""
run_locally "mysql -h #{host} -u #{username} #{pwd_command} #{database} < #{filename}"
# DD: update the base url's
run_locally "mysql -h #{host} -u #{username} #{pwd_command} #{database} -e \"update {table_prefix2}core_config_data set value = 'http://magento.test/' where path = 'web/unsecure/base_url'\""
run_locally "mysql -h #{host} -u #{username} #{pwd_command} #{database} -e \"update {table_prefix2}core_config_data set value = 'http://magento.test/' where path = 'web/secure/base_url'\""
run_locally "rm #{filename}"
run "rm #{remote_file}"
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