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Last active October 21, 2023 19:04
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Transmission Garbage Collector
# This works if sonarr and radarr are set up to have a Category of sonarr and radarr respectively
# If you are using other Categories to save your automated downloads, update the script where you see:
# "radarr"|"sonarr")
# This script will not touch anything outside those Categories
# Set this file on a cron for every 5 minutes
# Using Docker? Make your cron something like this:
# /usr/bin/docker exec $(/usr/bin/docker ps | grep "linuxserver/transmission:latest" | awk '{print $1}') bash "/path/to/"
# Set =~ to be insensitive
shopt -s nocasematch
# Amount of time (in seconds) after a torrent completes to delete them
# Delete torrents only when ratio is above
# Clean up torrents where trackers have torrent not registered
# filter list by * (which signifies a tracker error)
TORRENT_DEAD_LIST=($("${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" -l | sed -e '1d;$d;s/^ *//' | cut --only-delimited --delimiter=' ' --fields=1 | egrep '[0-9]+\*' | sed 's/\*$//'))
for torrent_id in "${TORRENT_DEAD_LIST[@]}"
# Get the torrents metadata
torrent_info=$("${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" --torrent "${torrent_id}" -i -it)
torrent_name=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Name: *" | sed 's/Name\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
torrent_path=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Location: *" | sed 's/Location\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
torrent_size=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Downloaded: *" | sed 's/Downloaded\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
torrent_label=$(basename "${torrent_path}")
case "${torrent_label}" in
torrent_error=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Got an error" | cut -d \" -f2)
if [[ "${torrent_error}" =~ "unregistered" ]] || [[ "${torrent_error}" =~ "not registered" ]]; then
# Delete torrent
"${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" --torrent "${torrent_id}" --remove-and-delete > /dev/null
# Clean up torrent where ratio is > ${RATIO} or seeding time > ${RETENTION} seconds
# do not filter the list, get all the torrents
TORRENT_ALL_LIST=($("${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" -l | sed -e '1d;$d;s/^ *//' | cut --only-delimited --delimiter=' ' --fields=1))
for torrent_id in "${TORRENT_ALL_LIST[@]}"
# Get the torrents metadata
torrent_info=$("${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" --torrent "${torrent_id}" -i -it)
torrent_name=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Name: *" | sed 's/Name\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
torrent_path=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Location: *" | sed 's/Location\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
torrent_size=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Downloaded: *" | sed 's/Downloaded\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
torrent_label=$(basename "${torrent_path}")
torrent_seeding_seconds=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Seeding Time: *" | awk -F"[()]" '{print $2}' | sed 's/\sseconds//i')
torrent_ratio=$(echo "${torrent_info}" | grep "Ratio: *" | sed 's/Ratio\:\s//i' | awk '{$1=$1};1')
# Debug
# echo "${torrent_id} - ${torrent_ratio} - ${torrent_seeding_seconds} - ${torrent_label} - ${torrent_name}"
case "${torrent_label}" in
# Torrents without a ratio have "None" instead of "0.0" let's fix that
if [[ "${torrent_ratio}" =~ "None" ]]; then
# delete torrents greater than ${TTL_SECONDS}
if [[ "${torrent_seeding_seconds}" -gt "${RETENTION}" ]]; then
"${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" --torrent "${torrent_id}" --remove-and-delete > /dev/null
# delete torrents greater than ${RATIO}
if (( $(echo "${torrent_ratio} ${RATIO}" | awk '{print ($1 > $2)}') )); then
"${TRANS_REMOTE_BIN}" "${TRANS_HOST}" --torrent "${torrent_id}" --remove-and-delete > /dev/null
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The transmission-daemon resets the seeding time . So you will never get to the "RETENTION" seeding time.

This version of the script fixes that

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