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Last active February 1, 2019 19:37
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Storyblok Fieldtype with tree selector
const Fieldtype = {
mixins: [window.Storyblok.plugin],
template: `<div>
<ul class="uk-list">
<li :key="" v-for="item in tree">
<tree :category="item" :sub-categories="allCats" :categories.sync="model.categories"></tree>
components: {
tree: {
data() {
return {
open: false
name: 'tree',
props: ['category', 'categories', 'subCategories'],
created() {
if (this.subCategories.includes(this.category.item.uuid)) { = true
methods: {
addItem() {
if (this.categories.includes(this.category.item.uuid)){
this.categories.splice(this.categories.indexOf(this.category.item.uuid), 1)
} else {
template: `<ul class="uk-list">
<input @input="addItem"
v-if="category.item.slug.split('/').length > 4" />
<a @click="open = !open"
v-else><i class="uk-icon-plus-square-o"></i></a>
<ul class="uk-list" v-if="open">
<li :key="" v-for="item in category.children">
<tree :category="item" :sub-categories="subCategories" :categories.sync="categories"></tree>
data() {
return {
idUuidMap: {},
links: {},
tree: {},
treeMap: {}
computed: {
allCats() {
return this.mainCategories.concat(this.subCategories)
mainCategories() {
let cats = []
this.subCategories.forEach((uuid) => {
return cats
subCategories() {
let cats = []
if (typeof this.model.categories != 'undefined') {
this.model.categories.forEach((uuid) => {
if (typeof this.links[uuid] != 'undefined') {
return cats
methods: {
initWith() {
return {
plugin: 'sb-cascanding-selector',
categories: [],
subCategories: [],
mainCategories: []
pluginCreated() {
.get('cdn/links', {starts_with: 'shared/category/', version: 'draft'})
.then((res) => {
this.links =
this.tree = this.prepareTree(
prepareTree(cats) {
var tree = {}
for (var uid in cats) {
this.idUuidMap[cats[uid].id] = uid
var parent = cats[uid].parent_id
if (!tree[parent]) {
tree[parent] = []
this.treeMap = tree
return this.generateTree(497308, tree)
generateTree(parent, items) {
var tree = {}
if (items[parent]) {
var result = items[parent]
result.forEach((cat) => {
if (!tree[]) {
tree[] = {item: {}, children: []}
tree[].item = cat
tree[].children = this.generateTree(, items)
return tree
watch: {
'model': {
handler: function (value) {
value.subCategories = this.subCategories
value.mainCategories = this.mainCategories
this.$emit('changed-model', value);
deep: true
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