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Created February 26, 2020 06:44
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  • Save oneillci/71cd95b75b1446c1a8cc6e2da3006b86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save oneillci/71cd95b75b1446c1a8cc6e2da3006b86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Windows Terminal Profile
// To view the default settings, hold "alt" while clicking on the "Settings" button.
// For documentation on these settings, see:
"$schema": "",
"defaultProfile": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"globals": {
"alwaysShowTabs": true,
"defaultProfile": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"initialCols": 120,
"initialRows": 30,
"requestedTheme": "dark",
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{ "command": "splitHorizontal", "keys": [ "ctrl+shift+-" ] }
"showTabsInTitlebar": true,
"showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,
"wordDelimiters": " ./\\()\"\u0027-:,.;\u003c\u003e~!@#$%^\u0026*|+=[]{}~?�"
// Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles
"fontFace": "Cascadia Code",
"fontSize": 12,
"cursorShape" : "vintage",
"colorScheme": "UbuntuLegit",
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85000002384185791,
"closeOnExit": true,
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"startingDirectory": "c:/Source/GTreasury/",
"snapOnInput": true,
"historySize": 9001,
"cursorColor": "#00FF00"
// Make changes here to the powershell.exe profile
"guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}",
"name": "Windows PowerShell",
// Sorin is also a good theme
"commandline": "powershell.exe -NoExit -Command \"\u0026 { Import-Module posh-git; Import-Module oh-my-posh; Set-Theme Paradox; }",
//"backgroundImage" : "C:/users/ciarano/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/RoamingState/starwars.gif",
"backgroundImageOpacity" : 0.1,
"backgroundImageStretchMode" : "uniformToFill",
"hidden": false,
"colorScheme": "Cobalt2",
"fontFace": "Cascadia Code PL"
// Make changes here to the cmd.exe profile
"guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}",
"name": "cmd",
//"commandline": "cmd.exe",
"hidden": false,
"colorScheme": "One Half Dark",
//"commandline": "c://Program Files//Yori//yori.exe",
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85000002384185791
"guid": "{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Azure Cloud Shell",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure"
"acrylicOpacity": 0.85000002384185791,
"background": "#012456",
"colorScheme": "Campbell",
"commandline": "C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoExit -Command \"\u0026 { Import-Module \u0027C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2019\\Professional\\Common7\\Tools\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll\u0027; Enter-VsDevShell -InstanceId 7d0637dd}",
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"icon": "C:/Users/ciarano/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/RoamingState/vs2019-48.png",
"name": "VS2019 Powershell",
"tabTitle": "VS2019"
"guid": "{C8131BF4-05F8-447A-A49C-6B98481FE750}",
"colorScheme" : "VSCode",
"commandline" : "\"%PROGRAMFILES%\\git\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe\" -i -l",
"icon" : "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\mingw64\\share\\git\\git-for-windows.ico",
"name" : "Bash"
// Add custom color schemes to this array
"schemes": [
"background": "#193549",
"black": "#000000",
"blue": "#1478DB",
"brightBlack": "#808080",
"brightBlue": "#1478DB",
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"name": "Cobalt2",
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"red": "#ff2600",
"white": "#c7c7c7",
"yellow": "#ffc600"
"background" : "#232323",
"black" : "#000000",
"blue" : "#579BD5",
"brightBlack" : "#797979",
"brightBlue" : "#9BDBFE",
"brightCyan" : "#2BC4E2",
"brightGreen" : "#1AD69C",
"brightPurple" : "#DF89DD",
"brightRed" : "#F6645D",
"brightWhite" : "#EAEAEA",
"brightYellow" : "#F6F353",
"cyan" : "#00B6D6",
"foreground" : "#D3D3D3",
"green" : "#3FC48A",
"name" : "VSCode",
"purple" : "#CA5BC8",
"red" : "#D8473F",
"white" : "#EAEAEA",
"yellow" : "#D7BA7D"
"background": "#2C001E",
"black": "#EEEEEC",
"blue": "#268BD2",
"brightBlack": "#002B36",
"brightBlue": "#839496",
"brightCyan": "#93A1A1",
"brightGreen": "#586E75",
"brightPurple": "#6C71C4",
"brightRed": "#CB4B16",
"brightWhite": "#FDF6E3",
"brightYellow": "#657B83",
"cyan": "#2AA198",
"foreground": "#EEEEEC",
"green": "#729FCF",
"name": "Ubuntu",
"purple": "#D33682",
"red": "#16C60C",
"white": "#EEE8D5",
"yellow": "#B58900"
"background": "#2C001E",
"black": "#4E9A06",
"blue": "#3465A4",
"brightBlack": "#555753",
"brightBlue": "#729FCF",
"brightCyan": "#34E2E2",
"brightGreen": "#8AE234",
"brightPurple": "#AD7FA8",
"brightRed": "#EF2929",
"brightWhite": "#EEEEEE",
"brightYellow": "#FCE94F",
"cyan": "#06989A",
"foreground": "#EEEEEE",
"green": "#300A24",
"name": "UbuntuLegit",
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"red": "#CC0000",
"white": "#D3D7CF",
"yellow": "#C4A000"
"background": "#1D1F28",
"black": "#282A36",
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"brightGreen": "#18E3C8",
"brightPurple": "#B043D1",
"brightRed": "#FF4971",
"brightWhite": "#BEBEC1",
"brightYellow": "#FF8037",
"cyan": "#79E6F3",
"foreground": "#FDFDFD",
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"name": "Lovelace",
"purple": "#C574DD",
"red": "#F37F97",
"white": "#FDFDFD",
"yellow": "#F2A272"
"background": "#011627",
"black": "#011627",
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"cyan": "#21C7A8",
"foreground": "#D6DEEB",
"green": "#22DA6E",
"name": "Night Owl",
"purple": "#C792EA",
"red": "#EF5350",
"white": "#FFFFFF",
"yellow": "#ADDB67"
// Add any keybinding overrides to this array.
// To unbind a default keybinding, set the command to "unbound"
"keybindings": []
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