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Created August 15, 2013 21:08
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Simple proof-of-concept ... how to consume API data with CFML ... yes, you read right ... C F M L ...
<form method="POST">
<input name="zipcode" type="number" placeholder="ZIP CODE" size="5" value="#(StructKeyExists(FORM,"zipcode") ? '#FORM.ZIPCODE#' : '')#"/>
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
<cfif StructKeyExists(FORM,"zipcode") AND FORM.zipcode NEQ "" AND Len(FORM.zipcode) EQ 5>
<cfset theURL = "">
<cfhttp url="#theURL#" method="get" result="response"></cfhttp>
<cfset temp = #DeserializeJSON(response.filecontent)#>
<cfif response.responseheader.status_code eq 200>
<p>Your ZIP: <b>#FORM.zipcode#</b></p>
<p>API ZIP: <b>#temp['post code']#</b></p>
<p>Found <b>#ArrayLen(temp.places)#</b> Places from API</p>
<cfif ArrayLen(temp.places) NEQ 1 >
<cfloop from="1" to="#ArrayLen(temp.places)#" index="ai">
<cfset tempst = #temp.places[ai]# >
<li>State: <b>#tempststate# - #tempst['state abbreviation']#</li>
<li>City: #tempst['place name']#</li>
<li>Latitude: #tempst.latitude#</li>
<li>Longitud: #tempst.longitude#</li>
<cfset tempst = #temp.places[1]# >
<li>State: <b>#tempst.state# - #tempst['state abbreviation']#</b></li>
<li>City: <b>#tempst['place name']#</b></li>
<li>Latitude: #tempst.latitude#</li>
<li>Longitud: #tempst.longitude#</li>
<h1>NOT FOUND</h1>
<p>Your ZIP: <b>#FORM.zipcode#</b></p>
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