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Document for `jr`, `jb` or `jp`

jr, jp, jb (alias to opa eval): Cheatsheet

jr, jp and jb are commands for JSON modification.

Basic usages

$ data='{"name":"chris", "friends":["alice", "bob"]}'
# jr
$ echo $data | jr ''

# jr + jp
$ echo $data | jr 'i.friends' | jp i

# jb
$ echo $data | jb 'n =; f = i.friends'
  "f": [
  "n": "chris"

# jb + jr
$ echo $data | jb 'n =; f = i.friends' | jr 'sprintf("%s->%s", [i.n, i.f])'
chris->["alice", "bob"]


1. Install opa CLI


brew install opa


2. Configure jr alias

bash, zsh

Add the following lines to ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc

alias jo="opa eval --import 'input as i' -d ~/.oparc --import 'data.f'"
# The above line works after v0.27.1. Before v0.27.0, the next works
# alias jo=”opa eval -I --import ‘input as i’” --package p
alias jpo="jo --format=pretty"
alias jro="jo --format=raw"
alias jbo="jo --format=bindings"
alias jb="jbo -I"
alias jp="jpo -I"
alias jr="jro -I"
alias jbi="jb -i"
alias jpi="jp -i"
alias jri="jr -i"

Create ~/.oparc with this command.

echo 'package f' > ~/.oparc 

Command variation

Command Description
jr (r comes from raw) single value evaluation with standard input
jri with file input
jro without input
jb (b comes from bindings) multiple values evaluation with standard input
jbi with file input
jbo without input
jp (p comes from pretty) show JSON in prettified manner with standard input
jpi with file input
jpo without input


The query syntax is originated in OPA.

Syntax Description Example
i Get input i
.<field> Select a field
[] Field selection in object.
Element selection in array.
Element selection in set
i[0], i["name"]
{} Set construction {"alice", "bob"}
[] Array construction ["alice", "bob"]
$ data='{"field":"hello world"}'
$ echo $data | jr 'i'
{"field":"hello world"}

$ jro '{"field":"hello world"}'
{"field":"hello world"}

$ echo $data | jr 'i.field'
hello world

$ data='{"field":["hello world", "bye"]}'
$ echo $data | jr 'i.field'
["hello world","bye"]

Validate JSON

$ data='{"field":"hello world"}'
$ echo $data | jr 'i.field'
hello world

$ echo $data | jr 'i.field2'

$ data='[{"field":"hello world", "field2": "test"}, {"field3":"hello world", "field4": "test"}]'
$ echo $data | jr '{a|a=i[_]; a.field; a.field2}'
[{"field":"hello world","field2":"test"}]

$ data='[{"name": "array1", "array": [1,2]}, {"name": "array2", "array": [1,2,3,4]}]'
# Look for a record that has an element 3 in its array.
$ echo $data | jr '{|a=i[_]; a.array[_] == 3}'

# Look for a record that has an element 3 or 5 or 7 in its array.
$ echo $data | jr '{|a=i[_]; a.array[_] == {3,5,7}[_]}'

# Look for a record that doesn't have an element 3 in its array.
$ echo $data | jr '{|a=i[_]; count({t|a.array[t] == 3})==0}'

# Look for a record that doesn't have an element 3 in its array.
$ echo $data | jr '{|a=i[_]; count(a.array)>3}'

Create an object

Goal Example query
Create a new object a = {"test": "dummy"}
Create a new object from another object b = {"test2": a}
$ jro '{"field":"hello world"}'
{"field":"hello world"}

$ data='{"field":"hello world"}'
$ echo $data | jr 'i'
{"field":"hello world"}

$ echo $data | jr '{"newobj": i}'
{"newobj":{"field":"hello world"}}

Dealing with an object

Goal Example query
Get a field a.test or a["test"]
Get all keys {k|a[k]}
Get all values {v|v:=a[_]}
Create a new object from some values a = {k:v|k:="test"; v:="dummy"}
$ data='{"field":"hello world", "anotherfield": "anothervalue"}'
$ echo $data | jr '{k|i[k]}'
$ echo $data | jr '{v|v:=i[_]}'
["anothervalue","hello world"]
$ echo $data | jr '{k:v| v:=i[key]; k:=concat("", [key, "2"])}'
{"anotherfield2":"anothervalue","field2":"hello world"}

Dealing with an array

Goal Example query
Get an element from array a[0]
Get a slice of array array.slice(a, 1, 3)
Generate an array of numbers numbers.range(0, 2)
Get count of array count([1])
$ data='{"field":["new world", "bye"]}'
$ echo $data | jr 'i.field[0]'
"new world"

$ echo '5' | jri 'numbers.range(0, i)'

Dealing with a set or an array

Goal Example query
Get maximum from array max([1,2,3])
Get minimum from array min([1,2,3])

Searching for records, group by

Goal Example query
Search for a record with key
(like select * from a where == "mine")
{r|r = a[_]; == "mine"}
Search for a record with max {r|r = a[_]; r.weight == max({x|x = a[_].weight})}
Get sum of records sum({x|x = a[_].weight})}
$ data='[{"name": "alice", "weight":1},{"name": "bob", "weight":2}]'
$ echo $data | jr '{r|r = i[_]; == "bob"}'
$ echo $data | jr '{r|r = i[_]; r.weight > 0}'
$ echo $data | jr '{r|r = i[_]; r.weight == max({x|x = i[_].weight})}'
$ echo $data | jr 'sum({x|x = i[_].weight})'

Join multiple tables

Goal Example query
Join two tables {{"r": r, "r2": r2}|r = a[_]; r2 = b[_]; == }
Search for a record with max {r|r = a[_]; r.weight == max({x|x = a[_].weight})}
Get sum of records sum({x|x = a[_].weight})}

Raw data

$ data='[{"name": "alice", "weight":1, "friends": ["bob"]},{"name": "bob", "weight":2, "friends": ["alice", "chris"]},{"name": "chris", "weight":4, "friends": ["bob"]}]'
$ echo $data | jp i
    "friends": [
    "name": "alice",
    "weight": 1
    "friends": [
    "name": "bob",
    "weight": 2
    "friends": [
    "name": "chris",
    "weight": 4

Self join

$ echo $data | jr '{{"friends_weight_sum": {"one":, "two":, "weight_sum": s}} |
  a = i[_]
  b = i[_] == b.friends[_]
  s = a.weight+b.weight
}' | jp i
    "friends_weight_sum": {
      "one": "alice",
      "two": "bob",
      "weight_sum": 3
    "friends_weight_sum": {
      "one": "bob",
      "two": "alice",
      "weight_sum": 3
    "friends_weight_sum": {
      "one": "bob",
      "two": "chris",
      "weight_sum": 6
    "friends_weight_sum": {
      "one": "chris",
      "two": "bob",
      "weight_sum": 6

Self join (2): Find a pair of friends (smaller/larger weight and diff)

$ echo $data | jr '{{"friends_weight_compare": {"smaller":, "larger":, "diff": d}} |
  a = i[_]
  b = i[_] == b.friends[_]
  a.weight < b.weight
  d = b.weight - a.weight
}' | jp i
    "friends_weight_compare": {
      "diff": 1,
      "larger": "bob",
      "smaller": "alice"
    "friends_weight_compare": {
      "diff": 2,
      "larger": "chris",
      "smaller": "bob"

Pattern match

Goal Example query Reference
Check if a string begins with some substring startswith(x, "abc") ref
Check if a string ends with some substring endswith(x, "abc") ref
Check if a string contains some substring contains(x, "abc") ref
Check if a string begins with some substring regex.match(".*pattern.*", x) ref

Initialize data

$ data='[{"name": "alice", "weight":1, "friends": ["bob"]},{"name": "bob", "weight":2, "friends": ["alice", "chris", "dian"]},{"name": "chris", "weight":4, "friends": ["bob", "elic"]}]'

Search for those who has friends "bo*"

$ echo $data | jr '{ |
  a = i[_]
  startswith(a.friends[_], "bo")

Search for those who has friends matching with ".*ice".

$ echo $data | jr '{ |
  a = i[_]
  regex.match(".*ice", a.friends[_])

Search for those who has friends matching with ".i." but no friends matching with ".*x".

$ echo $data | jr '{|
  a = i[_]
  regex.match(".*i.*", a.friends[_])
  false == regex.match(".*x", a.friends[_])
["bob", "chris"]

Search for substring like "..ic" in friends' names

$ echo $data | jr '{ any_any_ic |
  a = i[_].friends[_]
  any_any_ic = regex.find_n("..ic", a, -1)[_] # find_n returns array. [_] flattens all results

Recursive search

Goal Example query Reference
Make graph object to search graph.reachable ref

Initialize data

$ data='[{"name": "alice", "children": ["elic"]},{"name": "bob", "children": ["alice"]},{"name": "chris", "children": ["elic"]}, {"name": "dian", "children": []}, {"name": "elic", "children": []}]'

Search for descendants

$ echo $data | jr '{ name: reachable |
  graph = { edges |
    node = i[_]
    edges = node.children # or object.get(node, "children", [])
  name = i[_].name
  reachable = graph.reachable(graph, {name})
}' | jp '{"descendants": i }'
  "descendants": {
    "alice": [
    "bob": [
    "chris": [
    "dian": [
    "elic": [

$ echo $data | jr 'graph = { edges |
    node = i[_]
    edges = node.children # or object.get(node, "children", [])
  name = i[_].name
  reachable = graph.reachable(graph, {name})
' | jp '{"descendants": i.reachable }'


Define rule

Make a file filter.rego that contains some rules (e.g. format1 and format2 are rules)

package f

import input as i

format1 = {r |
  a := i[x].name
  b := i[x].friends
  c := concat(", ", b)
  r := sprintf("(name=%s, friends=%s)", [a,c])

format2 = {r |
  a := i[x].name
  b := i[x].friends
  c := concat("+", b)
  r := sprintf("\<name: %s, friends: %s\>", [a,c])

Call jr with -d file option.

$ data='[{"name": "alice", "friends": ["bob"]},{"name": "bob", "friends": ["alice", "chris"]},{"name": "chris", "friends": ["bob"]}]'

$ echo $data | jr -d filter.rego 'data.f.format1'
["(name=alice, friends=bob)","(name=bob, friends=alice, chris)","(name=chris, friends=bob)"]

$ echo $data | jr -d filter.rego 'data.f.format2'
["alice knows bob","bob knows alice+chris","chris knows bob"]

--import option can make alias.

$ echo $data | jr -d filter.rego --import 'data.f' 'f.format1'
["(name=alice, friends=bob)","(name=bob, friends=alice, chris)","(name=chris, friends=bob)"]

Make function

package f

import input as i

format(input_data) = {r |
  a := input_data[x].name
  b := input_data[x].friends
  c := concat(", ", b)
  r := sprintf("(name=%s, friends=%s)", [a,c])
$ data='[{"name": "alice", "friends": ["bob"]},{"name": "bob", "friends": ["alice", "chris"]},{"name": "chris", "friends": ["bob"]}]'

$ echo $data | jr -d filter.rego --import 'data.f' 'f.format(i)'
["(name=alice, friends=bob)","(name=bob, friends=alice, chris)","(name=chris, friends=bob)"]


e1. Solve Traveling Salesman Problem

$ data='[]'

$ echo $data | jr '{{"length": l, "order": o} | 
  numbers.range(0, 4) == sort({t0, t1, t2, t3, t4})
  o = [t0, t1, t2, t3, t4]
  pArray = [p | p = i[o]]
  m = numbers.range(0, 3)[_]
  dx = (p[m].x - p[m+1].x)
  dy = (p[m].y - p[m+1].y)
  lxy = dx * dx + dy * dy
package f
import input as i
exist(array) = true {
not_exist(array) = true {
not exist(array)
contain(array, elem) = true {
array[_] == elem
not_contain(array, elem) = true {
not contain(array, elem)
is_array_or_set(array) = true {
is_array_or_set(array) = true {
contain_all(array, array2) = true {
set := make_set(array)
set2 := make_set(array2)
set2 == set & set2
contain_any(array, array2) = true {
set := make_set(array)
set2 := make_set(array2)
exist(set & set2)
# or set[_] == set2[_]
make_set(array) = {x| x:= array[_]}
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