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Last active June 2, 2022 19:08
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Structured goto
Original c code; this is a routine from stbsprintf distilled down to the main flow control
Lots of lines were omitted; where it looks like there is redundant flow, imagine lines of code exist
between the redundant statements.
original :: () {
for (;;) {
if (0 == (bf = buf = callback(buf, user, len)))
goto done;
for (;;) {
while (((stbsp__uintptr)f) & 3) {
if (f[0] == '%')
goto scandd;
if (f[0] == 0)
goto endfmt;
for (;;) {
if (((v ^ 0x25252525) - 0x01010101) & c)
goto schk1;
if ((v - 0x01010101) & c)
goto schk2;
if (callback)
if ((STB_SPRINTF_MIN - (int)(bf - buf)) < 4)
goto schk1;
for (;;) {
switch (f[0]) {
case '-':
case '0':
goto flags_done;
goto flags_done;
switch (f[0]) {
case 's':
goto scopy;
case 'G': // float
goto dofloatfromg;
case 'E': // float
case 'e': // float
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
goto scopy;
goto flt_lead;
case 'f': // float
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
goto scopy;
goto scopy;
case 'B': // upper binary
goto radixnum;
case 'p': // pointer
if (n64 == 0) {
goto scopy;
goto scopy;
case 'u': // unsigned
case 'i':
case 'd': // integer
goto doafloat;
default: // unknown, just copy code
goto scopy;
First a rewrite with a hypothetical `skip` statement, which is a goto that only goes forwards, to a #label.
We also pretend that we can label while loops (you can fake this with for currently).
This required a small amount of reordering in the switch, but was a pretty direct conversion.
with_skip :: () {
while main: true {
if (0 == (bf = buf = callback(buf, user, len)))
skip done;
while scandd: true {
while schk1: (((stbsp__uintptr)f) & 3) {
if (f[0] == '%')
break scandd;
while schk2: true {
if (f[0] == 0)
break main;
while true {
if (((v ^ 0x25252525) - 0x01010101) & c)
continue schk1;
if ((v - 0x01010101) & c)
continue schk2;
if (callback)
if ((STB_SPRINTF_MIN - (int)(bf - buf)) < 4)
continue schk1;
while flags: true {
switch (f[0]) {
case '-':
case '0':
break flags;
break flags;
switch (f[0]) {
case 's':
skip scopy;
case 'G': // float
skip dofloatfromg;
case 'u': // unsigned
case 'i':
case 'd': // integer
skip doafloat;
skip scopy
// The code for scopy now sits in the default section, so there is a change in performance characteristics:
// in the original this block is favoured, while default needs a jump, here it is the other way around
// Is there a way to write the code this way, while being 100% true to the original? The reason we moved this
// block is to reorder for doafloat - we could duplicate doafloat instead, which would restore performance, but
// incur some duplication. Perhaps its the case that for 100% accuracy to c performance, we need a full goto...
case 'E': // float
case 'e': // float
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
skip scopy;
skip flt_lead;
case 'f': // float
#label doafloat;
#label dofloatfromg;
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
skip scopy;
#label flt_lead;
skip scopy;
case 'B': // upper binary
skip radixnum;
case 'p': // pointer
#label radixnum;
if (n64 == 0) {
skip scopy;
skip scopy;
default: // unknown, just copy code
#label scopy;
#label done;
Next a rewrite where instead of a `skip` statement, we can label any block,
and use `break` to break out of it.
This required much more restructuring of the code, and resulted in a much deeper nesting (flat is better than nested!).
The nesting is also deceptive; #label doafloat and #label radixnum are really conceptually the same "depth".
with_labelled_blocks :: () {
while main: true {
if (0 == (bf = buf = callback(buf, user, len)))
break done;
while scandd: true {
while schk1: (((stbsp__uintptr)f) & 3) {
if (f[0] == '%')
break scandd;
while schk2: true {
if (f[0] == 0)
break main;
while true {
if (((v ^ 0x25252525) - 0x01010101) & c)
continue schk1;
if ((v - 0x01010101) & c)
continue schk2;
if (callback)
if ((STB_SPRINTF_MIN - (int)(bf - buf)) < 4)
continue schk1;
while flags: true {
switch (f[0]) {
case '-':
case '0':
break flags;
break flags;
switch (f[0]) {
case 's':
break scopy;
case 'G': // float
break dofloatfromg;
case 'u': // unsigned
case 'i':
case 'd': // integer
break doafloat;
break scopy
// same performance difference as with skip version, except here we incur it in default too...
case 'E': // float
case 'e': // float
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
break scopy;
break flt_lead;
case 'f': // float
break doafloat;
case 'B': // upper binary
break radixnum;
case 'p': // pointer
break radixnum;
default: // unknown, just copy code
break scopy;
} #label doafloat;
} #label dofloatfromg;
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
break scopy;
} #label flt_lead;
break scopy;
} #label radixnum;
if (n64 == 0) {
break scopy;
break scopy;
} #label scopy;
} label done;
The above version is pretty bad, but it does seem to get some things a little bit right:
for instance, it puts scopy at the bottom, where the other labels flow into it.
Maybe we could have something a bit more structured? The key property of this code which
goto is being used for is to have sections of code which have a single exit point but multiple
entry points. Can we create a structure which embodies this pattern?
This is probably a bit abstract for this language:
We use a theoretical `flow` statement (name and syntax off the top of my head, are not great),
which lets us define blocks of code which are conceptually parallel and/or sequential to each other.
See note at relevant point.
with_flow :: () {
while main: true {
if (0 == (bf = buf = callback(buf, user, len)))
goto done;
while scandd: true {
while schk1: (((stbsp__uintptr)f) & 3) {
if (f[0] == '%')
break scandd;
while schk2: true {
if (f[0] == 0)
break main;
while true {
if (((v ^ 0x25252525) - 0x01010101) & c)
continue schk1;
if ((v - 0x01010101) & c)
continue schk2;
if (callback)
if ((STB_SPRINTF_MIN - (int)(bf - buf)) < 4)
continue schk1;
while flags: true {
switch (f[0]) {
case '-':
case '0':
break flags;
break flags;
switch (f[0]) {
case 's':
goto scopy;
case 'G': // float
goto dofloatfromg;
case 'u': // unsigned
case 'i':
case 'd': // integer
goto doafloat;
goto inline scopy;
case 'E': // float
case 'e': // float
goto doexpfromg
case 'f': // float
goto inline doafloat
case 'B': // upper binary
goto radixnum;
case 'p': // pointer
goto inline radixnum;
default: // unknown, just copy code
goto scopy;
// Each `flow` construct is a list of blocks; each block being either
// another flow construct or a labelled code block.
// When we enter a flow block we start executing the first named code block
// defined, unless the flow statement declares a label, in which case we
// jump to it. When a block finishes executing, control continues in the parent
// block.
// For example, if in the above code we `goto dofloatFromg` then first we execute
// the block `dofloatfromg`. `doexpfromg` is its sibling; it is *not* executed next.
// Instead flow continues through for the rest of `doafloat`, into `flt_lead`. After that
// `radixnum` is ignored (its on the same level as `doafloat`), and we end by executing
// `scopy`.
// We put the flow construct at the point in our program where we want the final section
// to exit. The position of the flow construct is not binding on the compiler; the compiler
// chooses where to put each code block inside the construct, generating the necessary jumps
// to each entry point and from each exit point.
// However, as can be seen above, the user can use a `goto inline` statement to tell the
// compiler they want the code for that block to be placed at that location.
flow scopy {
flow [
doafloat {
flow [
dofloatfromg {
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
break doafloat;
doexpfromg {
if (dp == STBSP__SPECIAL) {
break doafloat;
flow flt_lead {
radixnum {
if (n64 == 0) {
break radixnum;
flow scopy {
flow done {
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