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Last active October 27, 2022 18:58
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Monkey-patch Kaocha to print Cursive-recognisable stack traces & more readable `nubank/matcher-combinators` diffs
;; Discussion:
(ns demo.better-deftest
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))
(deftest default-stack-trace-test
(is (throw (Exception. "BAMM"))))
(clojure.test/run-test default-stack-trace-test)
;;; `clojure.test` improvements
(fn deftest
[&form &env name & body]
(when clojure.test/*load-tests*
`(defn ~(vary-meta name assoc :test `(fn ~name [] ~@body))
[] (clojure.test/test-var (var ~name)))))))
(deftest enhanced-stack-trace-test
(is (throw (Exception. "BAMM"))))
(clojure.test/run-test enhanced-stack-trace-test)
;; it will print
;; at demo.better_deftest$enhanced_stack_trace_test__600.invokeStatic (better_deftest.clj:19)
;; demo.better_deftest/enhanced_stack_trace_test (better_deftest.clj:19)
;; instead of the default anonymous fn:
;; at demo.better_deftest$fn__513.invokeStatic (better_deftest.clj:4)
;; demo.better_deftest/fn (better_deftest.clj:4)
;;; src/test/harness.clj
(ns test.harness)
(do (in-ns '
;; Print actual & expected values on their own lines,
;; so their indentation is consistent for the output of
;; `match?` assertion.
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(defmethod print-expr :default [m]
(letfn [(pp [x]
(binding [*print-namespace-maps* false
pp/*print-right-margin* 80
pp/*print-miser-width* 40]
(pp/pprint x))))]
(when (contains? m :expected)
(println "\nEXPECTED:")
(pp (:expected m)))
(when (contains? m :actual)
(println "\nACTUAL:")
(println (:actual m)))))
(defn testing-vars-str
"Returns a string representation of the current test. Renders names
in :testing-vars as a list, then the source file and line of current
[{:keys [file line testing-vars kaocha/testable] :as m}]
(let [file' (or file (some-> testable :kaocha.testable/meta :file))
line' (or line (some-> testable :kaocha.testable/meta :line))]
;; Uncomment to include namespace in failure report:
;(ns-name (:ns (meta (first clojure.test/*testing-vars*)))) "/ "
(or (some-> (:kaocha.testable/id testable) str (subs 1))
(and (seq testing-vars)
(reverse (map #(:name (meta %)) testing-vars))))
"/" "$"))
" (" file' ":" line' ")")))
(defmethod fail-summary :kaocha/fail-type [{:keys [testing-contexts testing-vars] :as m}]
(println (str "\n" (output/colored :red "FAIL") "\n at")
(testing-vars-str m))
(when (seq testing-contexts)
(println (str/join " " (reverse testing-contexts))))
(when-let [message (:message m)]
(println message))
(if-let [expr (::printed-expression m)]
(print expr)
(print-expr m))
(print-output m))
(defmethod fail-summary :error [{:keys [testing-contexts testing-vars] :as m}]
(println (str "\n" (output/colored :red "ERROR") "\n at")
(testing-vars-str m))
(when (seq testing-contexts)
(println (str/join " " (reverse testing-contexts))))
(when-let [message (:message m)]
(println message))
(if-let [expr (::printed-expression m)]
(print expr)
(when-let [actual (:actual m)]
(print "Exception: ")
(if (throwable? actual)
(stacktrace/print-cause-trace actual t/*stack-trace-depth*)
(prn actual))))
(print-output m))
(in-ns 'test.harness))
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